Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Jim is troubled because his replacement in the commercial, Ted, gets to be a bit too intimate with Cheryl in front of camera. So when a role opens, he grabs it. Mysteriously, Kitson turns gay when Andy is in the table.
All Episodes - S03
Jim is outraged to learn they pay for groceries to be delivered. Cheryl says they have deliveries for a lot of things. He says he will take over the job of grocery shopping and other errands himself to save money, but it does not work out.
Kyle has a new favorite toy - a Packers Team football. Since Jim's favorite team is the Chicago Bears, he does not like that Kyle has a different team's ball.
Jim wins a water-bed when playing bingo at a church fund-raiser. The pastor realizes Jim cheated, and talks to him about doing the right thing.
Jim gets Cheryl a pair of expensive pair of earrings that is similar to the pair of earrings she usually wears. Cheryl accuses Jim of not knowing her. To get back in her good graces, Jim tries to notice everything and buys more gifts.
The girls get permission to open a lemonade stand to earn money. When the neighbors start a better lemonade stand in competition, Jim, Cheryl and the others up the competition.
Jim tells Cheryl she is making a big deal of Ruby doing homework. Cheryl tells him that he should try it. Since Jim does not want to, he talks to Ruby's teacher to give less homework because Cheryl cannot read. His story gets back to Cheryl. Written by Bernie
Dana's new date is similar to Jim in many ways. Cheryl teaches Dana that she is basically dating Jim, and when Dana realizes it is right, she gets upset at Cheryl for pointing out the similarities. Cheryl hosts a Halloween party.
Jim takes the girls to see a scary movie even though Cheryl tells him not to. When the girls have nightmares at bedtime, Cheryl thinks she did something wrong.
Jim seems to always be busy helping a friend when he and Cheryl are to visit with some friends. Cheryl realizes this happens only when it is a specific couple.
Jim is tired of Cheryl always picking activities for them as a couple, especially the cooking class which was a disaster. He picks paint-ball for the next activity, thinking she will hate it.
Cheryl climbs the roof to get the tablecloth Jim tied there for a Halloween. When she is stuck on the roof and no one notices she is missing, she realizes she is taken for granted. Jim says he will make Thanksgiving dinner but then doesn't. Written by Bernie
Jim is puzzled when Cheryl apologizes to him in the morning, but he accepts the apology and decides to use it against her to get out of everything he does not want to do.
Dana does not have money to buy Jim a Christmas gift, so Cheryl tells her to just take one Cheryl already purchased and say it is from her. Dana ends up putting her name on the most expensive gift and claims it as hers to give.
The house across the street from Jim and Cheryl is on sale. The Devlins visit and announce they are placing a bid on the house. Jim and Cheryl are upset and thinking of moving to get away from them.
Dana is fed up because she attracts only shallow men. Jim is in trouble because his bowling team is missing one player. It just happens that Reverend Pierson is the solution to both problems. Unfortunately, there is a catch.
Danny and Laraine announce their intent to marry, and Danny asks Jim to be his best man. Cheryl tells Jim he better not get Danny drunk at a bachelor party. So instead, Jim takes him for a cold swim in Lake Michigan and gets him sick.
Cheryl decides to sing in Jim's band to prove to her cousin that she has talent. Trouble is, Cheryl cannot sing.
At Dana's new job, she gets to cast a family for a vacation commercial. She hires Cheryl and her family. The producer likes everyone except for Jim.
Jim is troubled because his replacement in the commercial, Ted, gets to be a bit too intimate with Cheryl in front of camera. So when a role opens, he grabs it. Mysteriously, Kitson turns gay when Andy is in the table.
Gracie has been acting up lately, and Jim says that Cheryl's gentle ways are not working for improvement. Jim comes up with a harsh punishment plan but takes it too far when he blames her for something she did not do.
Jim's sister Roxanne visits Cheryl and Jim. She tells them she is going to have a baby, and Andy is the father.
Jim is working hard to please his new client, Veronica, which actually means that he's making Andy work hard. Because the boss can't be seen working hard publicly. But then Andy and Veronica have a talk.
The girls made a large paper mâché bear for the school for team spirit. Jim has to take the bear to school in his truck, but he lost his truck in an arm wrestling match and does not want to tell Cheryl.
It's a battle of the sexes when it comes time to redecorate the bathroom. Jim says Cheryl never takes his opinion into consideration for changes to the house, so Cheryl decides to listen to his ideas. He wants a talking toilet.
Cheryl saves every piece of art work and homework from the kids, so she tells Jim to rent a storage unit to store everything. Jim decides to trash all of it because he does not think it will ever be needed again.
Dr. Ted from TV is holding a Making Good Marriages Great seminar in Chicago and Cheryl wants to go and get his autograph. Jim surprises her by suggesting that she *sign them up*. But he has an ulterior motive.
Cheryl's ex from high school, Doug, starts dating Dana, who invites him to dinner at Cheryl and Jim's. While Jim bonds with Doug, Cheryl starts showing signs of something that has troubled her for 15 years.
When the weather turns hot, Jim and the kids sneak over to a neighbor's swimming pool when they are not home. Cheryl thinks it is wrong, but she decides to sneak over one time and gets caught.
Cheryl talks Jim into undergoing a vasectomy. But will he chicken out? Regardless, what will change? How will people view Jim's acceptance of a vasectomy? How will they treat him?