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Season 07
Jim buys a nanny-cam to spy on the new babysitter but ends up spying on Cheryl and learning something unusual about her. She retaliates by getting her own nanny-cam to spy on Jim.
All Episodes - S04
Jim gets a hole-in-one and celebrates himself tired. But he's supposed to give his sperm sample that day and the aforementioned activities are forbidden. He gets Andy to give the sample instead. Well, it seemed a good idea at the time.
Jim is supposed to spend a romantic evening with his wife, but he is torn because he wants to see a certain sports event that very same night. Desperate, he decides to con Cheryl - deluded that he can get away with it.
Jim sells his old grill to Andy for $200, but Cheryl says that Andy should have it for free. Jim agrees. Then things take a twist when Jim just cannot give the grill away for free. An escalating tug-of-war between Jim and Andy begins.
Jim and Cheryl argue over men and women having different inbred skills. When Chery and the kids get trapped in the garage because the females do not remember the code, Kyle opens the door with the code. Cheryl does not want Jim to find out. Written by Bernie
Jim is unnerved by Kyle's choice of Halloween costume: Cinderella.
Jim gets upset when Ruby stops giving him a goodbye kiss outside school. Cheryl explains that Ruby is going through a phase, and Jim tries to respect that. But when Ruby starts rebelling against him, he has to try really, really hard.
Jim makes burial plans by arranging to be buried next to a famous football player rather than being buried in the family plot.
Jim and Andy want to prove they have the manly hunt and kill instincts by going out to shoot their own turkey for Thanksgiving. Their plan backfires when Jim is chased and bitten by a 40-pound turkey.
Jim's doctor tells him the sperm count is still too low - to increase it, he should have orgasms only when trying to make a baby and avoid his loud outbursts. Difficult, when Dana and a difficult customer give him cause for outbursts.
Christmastime. A man bumps his car into Jim's car and upsets him. Cheryl talks Jim into settling the issue officially. When Jim sees the man as Santa at the shopping mall, he gets into a dust-up with him. And things snowball from there.
Jim finds something in common with the Devlins: fandom of The Bulls. He starts believing that the Devlins are a good luck charm. When Cheryl forces him to watch a game without the Devlins, he starts meeting them secretly on game nights.
Jim buys a nanny-cam to spy on the new babysitter but ends up spying on Cheryl and learning something unusual about her. She retaliates by getting her own nanny-cam to spy on Jim.
While having dinner with Cheryl, Dana and Ryan, Jim gets jealous over a male waitress. He reveals to Ryan that he's just pretending, to please Cheryl. Ryan sees it working and wants to learn. So Jim teaches, but forgets one lesson.
Cheryl rents a chick flick and claims that Jim should watch it because women like sensitive men. Jim denies this, but when Andy watches the movie, Jim is drawn in. Then Cheryl returns before the movie ends. Jim has to finish it secretly.
Cheryl finds out that Jim made Kyle lie about his age at the cinema, and lectures how there is only right and wrong. Then Dana enlists her to cook for Ryan who thinks Dana is doing the cooking. When Jim finds out, it's only the start.
Dana's driving Ryan nuts with the wedding preparations. Jim assures him there's always a way out. Ryan puts the advice to use. When Cheryl suggests Dana use her 1991 dress, Jim panics. As it happens, it burned in 1991. What way out now?
Following attractive delivery girl Alicia's suggestion, Jim grows a mustache. Cheryl hates it and tries to make him lose it by dying her hair dark - but Jim loves it! Then Cheryl meets Alicia and starts manipulating Jim through her.
Dana and Ryan's wedding is approaching and Dana needs someone to represent her late father in the traditional father and bride dance. Andy is a disaster and Jim is known to have no dancing skills. How can he make Dana feel better?
Jim's neighbor Bertram gives Cheryl 2 opera tickets, but Jim won't go with her. So she asks Bertram. When Cheryl wants to go to see a foreign film, Jim asks Bertram to accompany her. Then the guys remind him that Bertram is *still* a man. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland
Jim's pride in Gracie's newfound spelling-bee aptitude quickly turns to dismay when he has to drive her to tournaments all over the state.
April Fool's Day. Jim has retired from pranks. Cheryl brings his baseball cards to the garage where his band rehearses. Then Jim's most valuable card vanishes. After that, Andy tells that Beltzman, the guitarist, died. Is it a coincidence?
Jim and Cheryl find a way to get free time by moving the clock and sending the kids to bed early. Then comes the day they are to try making a baby, but now neither of them wants a baby and doesn't want to hurt the other by admitting it.
Jim and Andy take part in a hot dog eating contest. Jim tells Cheryl that since women lack competitiveness, a man will always win. But then an Asian woman, Yoki, is declared winner, and Cheryl revels in it. Worse, Andy starts dating Yoki.
Cheryl throws a bachelorette party for Dana, but it's a bit underwhelming. Jim secretly taped it and, frustrated, offers to throw Dana a real bachelorette party. Against her better judgment, Dana accepts.
Ryan wants to go stock car racing and Dana threatens to cancel the wedding if he endangers himself. Cheryl has to teach Dana the basics of a Man and His Thing. Meanwhile, Jim teaches Ryan about the Sovereignty of a Man.
Jim actually remembers his and Cheryl's anniversary - but Cheryl didn't! Improvising, she gives him the photo album that covers years worth of memories. They start reminiscing.
Cheryl has a nightmare about Dana's wedding. When the priest needs to picked from the airport, Cheryl forbids Jim from participating. Upset that Cheryl doesn't trust him, Jim tags along with Andy who's picking up the priest.