Log 43: Hostage

Log 43: Hostage

Malloy and Reed are just about go on their meal break at one of their regular hang-outs, Duke's. While Reed goes to buy a newspaper first, Malloy goes into the restaurant to grab a table. What Malloy walks into is a hold-up, he who is immediately shot upon entering. Reed quickly calls in the fires shot, and the restaurant is soon surrounded by police. The hold-up men - Reed knows that there are at least two of them - state that Malloy is indeed shot but that he is still alive. They also state that one of the hostages, a retired rodeo performer named Stony, who Reed knows as one of Duke's regulars, has bad lungs, to which Reed can attest, which further means no tear gas as that would kill Stony. They surmise that the two hold-up men are Bernie Ryan and Vince Warren, who had just escaped from San Quentin, and are the type of men who wouldn't hesitate to shoot to kill. Indeed, Bernie states there is no way he is returning to prison. Everyone realizes that it is virtually impossible for ... Written by Huggo



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HD Log 15: Exactly 100 Yards

Log 15: Exactly 100 Yards


Log 15: Exactly 100 Yards - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Malloy and Reed are embarking on two tasks outside of their normal patrol. First, they are training for the upcoming police Olympics, where Mac hopes that ex-track star Reed will bring home at least one gold medal. And second, they are doing school outreach. With the latter, the latest school has them talking to a group of grade 5's. The students are an eager bunch, except for one boy - Tony Niccola - who they learn from Principal Wesley is generally a good boy despite his standoffishness. When Malloy and Reed find that the tires on their cruiser have been slashed just before they are about to leave, they naturally assume Tony the culprit if only because he was seen with a pocket knife, which is now conveniently missing. However, Tony vehemently denies having done the deed. The next day, Malloy and Reed are Olympics training at the local high school, where many of the grade 5's have come to watch. The surprise attendee is Tony. To show he trusts him, Reed asks Tony to get a stop watch... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 153: Find Me a Needle

Log 153: Find Me a Needle


Log 153: Find Me a Needle - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

A break in the Mulholland Mauler case when a victim survives provides details about the car, etc. Adam-12 is asked to patrol the area to look for suspects. They ticket a young girl for hitchhiking and warn a young couple parked in the hills to leave. A car pulled over over matches the description but there is no conclusive evidence. He is the most likely suspect of the several men picked up. They find an empty car owned by a young woman and locate her friend at a nearby service station. They persuade the suspect to show them where the missing girl was dumped and find her alive. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Log 52: Good Cop - Handle with Care

Log 52: Good Cop - Handle with Care


Log 52: Good Cop - Handle with Care - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

Two young men are stalking Malloy and Reed while on duty taking pictures and talking to bystanders. They insinuate that the officers are frequently mistreating citizens. They attempt to interfere when the officers are asked to notify a woman that her merchant marine husband has passed away. After picking up a man on drugs and alcohol who injuries himself in the squad car, the men accuse the officers of injuring the man. The officers stop a car with three men wanted in a robbery. The two men appear and interfere with the officers resulting in one of the suspects pulling a gun and shooting an innocent bystander. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Log 23: Pig Is a Three-Letter Word

Log 23: Pig Is a Three-Letter Word


Log 23: Pig Is a Three-Letter Word - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

A pair of black hoodlums shoot and kill a respected black couple during a grocery store robbery. Reed and Malloy sent in to capture the killers. They keep their cool, knowing that given the heightened racial tensions, the wrong thing said could spark deadly violence, and are assisted by a young resident who helps to keep the peace. Written by Brian Rathjen briguy_52732@yahoo.com

Country: USA
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HD Log 83: A Different Thing

Log 83: A Different Thing


Log 83: A Different Thing - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

They receive a call about a woman screaming. They start to kick the door when they hear the same noise after knocking. An older woman opens the door revealing her and a friend practicing karate. The husband sporting a black eye called the police. The officers make a quick retreat. Malloy and Reed are called to an accident scene where a young woman was killed in a hit and run. Their questioning of witnesses lead them to the name of a suspect. Via older police data they locate the driver. He was planning to leave town but the woman told him she was pregnant and wanted him to go with him. However, the medical examiner found she was not pregnant. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Log 103: A Sound Like Thunder

Log 103: A Sound Like Thunder


Log 103: A Sound Like Thunder - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Malloy and Reed bring an elderly man into Central Receiving for treatment. While there Malloy confirms his date with nurse Sally Fisher to join him and Reed plus Jim's pregnant wife the next morning on a visit to a remote ghost town. After arriving they hear thunder which Malloy recognizes as motorcycles. A gang of several men and women search Reed's car. They learn the men are police officers with women and decide to have fun. The officers and women hold up in an old saloon. They capture the leader of the gang while he is searching for them and shoot another in the leg. The rest are scared off and Jim rides a captured cycle for help as they destroyed his car. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Log 63: Baby

Log 63: Baby


Log 63: Baby - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Reed shows up for work after taking his wife to the hospital for the delivery of their baby. He tells Malloy and Mac the key is organization. His day is anything but organized starting with forgetting to wear socks. Reed constantly tries to contact the hospital about his wife but they have lost track of her plus police calls interrupt him. They handle a drunk in the middle of a street believing he is bull fighting. They chase down a fleeing suspect called in by another car. A small boy fills in for his mother on a call about an apartment laundry coin box theft. Malloy decides to take Reed to the hospital but a boy on a bike causes Malloy to stop suddenly and scrape a parked car causing further delay. Mac shows up to tell Reed congratulations and Malloy finally gets Reed to hospital to see his new boy. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Log 93: Once a Junkie

Log 93: Once a Junkie


Log 93: Once a Junkie - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Malloy and Reed hear through the grapevine that their snitch Tee Jay, for who Malloy got a job as a dishwasher at Duke's, has been using drugs again. This belief is strengthened when they attend to a call at an inner city church, where Tee Jay was seen by the priest just as the priest was beaten and the church funds stolen. Malloy and Reed manage quickly to locate Tee Jay, who seemingly is on the run from them, and who has the church's money on his person. But Tee Jay tells a different story of another unknown man who he saw beat up the priest and who he caught but who managed to get away, the reason he was on the run as he was chasing that man. The evidence, however circumstantial, starts to mount against Tee Jay, including getting caught in a few lies. But when all the players start to level with Malloy and Reed, the identity of the thief and the truth if Tee Jay is indeed using again come to light. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 123: Courtroom

Log 123: Courtroom


Log 123: Courtroom - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Of the three outstanding warrants Adam-12 has to serve, Malloy wants to focus on the one to James Llewellyn Brown. Although it is solely for failure to appear on a traffic violation, Malloy recognizes his name as a past drug dealer. Malloy believes Brown is a potential flight risk and asks for backup. Indeed, Brown does attempt to run until he is told they are there solely on the traffic violation issue. However, Reed, in securing the house for Brown's departure, eventually finds drugs and drug paraphernalia in Brown's kitchen, which Malloy and Mac realize is a gray area as Brown was served the warrant in his living room, and whether the kitchen still constitutes in the general vicinity of the where the warrant was served or whether it was off limits as to where Reed could/should have been in the house without a search warrant is up for interpretation. Despite basking in the glory among the other officers at the station for the seizure, Reed finds that his status in court is a little ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 143: Cave

Log 143: Cave


Log 143: Cave - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Adam-12 attends to a landlord/tenant dispute turned violent. Although the landlord is legally in the right, they can understand at least why the tenant is so disgruntled. Johnson, the tenant, used a stolen vehicle in the incident, that belonging to a Jay Finlay. As the car was not reported stolen, they assume rightly that Mr. Finlay has no idea that his car is gone. When they arrive in the largely family friendly neighborhood where the Finlays live, Malloy and Reed learn from a belligerent neighbor, Efiginia Grimes, that there have been a rash of robberies throughout the neighborhood, an item stolen here and there, with no major robberies from any one place. Malloy and Reed will eventually learn that there are two elements at play, one which involves a young boy who just wanted a room of his own. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 142: As High as You Are

Log 142: As High as You Are


Log 142: As High as You Are - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.3
25 min

As he is now a father, Reed is reading up on dogs in relation to children, believing it will also assist in any cases that involve the need to identify dog breeds. Early on in Adam-12's shift, they stop a motorist on a routine non-functioning brake light issue. Although the on-paper items with this stop check through, Malloy notices something that may make this not a routine stop. Next, they are called to a medical supply warehouse, where a silent alarm has been broken. Inside, they find the perpetrator who in many ways could not have chosen a better warehouse to break into for what he is going through. But in processing this case, Malloy and Reed also have to deal with a group of irate men outside, they who spotted the patrol car and refuse to let them carry out their duties as the brother of one of those men was recently arrested - unfairly in his mind - and deal with the uncooperative owner of the medical supplies company who is solely concerned about his personal property and not ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 43: Hostage

Log 43: Hostage


Log 43: Hostage - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Malloy and Reed are just about go on their meal break at one of their regular hang-outs, Duke's. While Reed goes to buy a newspaper first, Malloy goes into the restaurant to grab a table. What Malloy walks into is a hold-up, he who is immediately shot upon entering. Reed quickly calls in the fires shot, and the restaurant is soon surrounded by police. The hold-up men - Reed knows that there are at least two of them - state that Malloy is indeed shot but that he is still alive. They also state that one of the hostages, a retired rodeo performer named Stony, who Reed knows as one of Duke's regulars, has bad lungs, to which Reed can attest, which further means no tear gas as that would kill Stony. They surmise that the two hold-up men are Bernie Ryan and Vince Warren, who had just escaped from San Quentin, and are the type of men who wouldn't hesitate to shoot to kill. Indeed, Bernie states there is no way he is returning to prison. Everyone realizes that it is virtually impossible for ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 34: Astro Division

Log 34: Astro Division


Log 34: Astro Division - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Big talking Wells is excited to be the first officer assigned to the new helicopter patrol, which had been tested in another division to great success. Wells wants this assignment to lead to a life as a helicopter pilot. Adam-12's first call of the shift doesn't use the helicopter patrol as it is an inside job. After overcoming the language barrier with the solely Cantonese speaking servants, Malloy and Reed learn that the wealthy owners of the house to which they are called are locked inside the house's full sized safe by the people who burglarized the house. Adam-12 and the safe unit have to work fast as the people inside may run out of oxygen if they can't get inside quickly enough. Their second call involves two men who robbed a jewelry store, the robbers who managed to escape on motorcycle. The jewelry store owner provides a basic description of the men, which allows Adam-12 to bring into the fold the chopper unit to follow the motorcycle through the streets of Los Angeles, Wells... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 14: SWAT

Log 14: SWAT


Log 14: SWAT - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

A sniper named Johnny Kursko is terrorizing a neighborhood in an urban section of the city. He is on top of a building that was once housed a movie theater that the sniper worked at. It is later found out that he is an escaped fugitive from New York and he is shooting up the neighborhood as a way to get back at the people in the neighborhood who he holds responsible for the theater's closing. Reed, Malloy and Detective Sgt. Gus Brown get into their SWAT gear and go after Kursko and try to get him without any further bloodshed. Written by Brian Washington Sargebri@att.net

Country: USA
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HD Log 64: Bottom of the Bottle

Log 64: Bottom of the Bottle


Log 64: Bottom of the Bottle - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

It's Sunday, and as usual Malloy and Reed have picked up Louie, their resident drunk. Over the next few days, they deal with another alcohol related case. They first meet the Pilafs - husband and wife Christopher and Mae - when they are called to break up an altercation at a bar. From the questioning, they learn that the core of the problem is Mae's drinking, she who believes she can handle her booze, but who turns into a different person after a few drinks. Malloy and Reed later meet the Pilafs again, the couple who are trying to make their marriage work. But Mae's life seems to be a catch-22, where her drinking causes their latest problem, which in turn makes her want to drink to relieve the stress. In between dealing with the Pilafs, Malloy and Reed pull over a speeding vehicle which ends up being a case of good Samaritans that made a poor decision in providing their help. This case causes further problems for Adam-12 in an accusation after the fact. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Log 54: Impersonation

Log 54: Impersonation


Log 54: Impersonation - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.9
25 min

In between some of their one off calls - a woman beating up on a car with a baseball bat, a suspected residential burglary in progress, and a theft at an auto mechanics shop - Malloy and Reed deal with a string of incidents which may implicate one of their own, Detective Hal Forest in Vice. Malloy and Reed attend to two separate incidents in which someone flashing a badge and having official police ID with Forest's name committed a crime. The first, Forest stole $350 from a boxing gym purportedly on a counterfeit money case. The second, Forest stole a gun from a pawn shop, threatening the owner not to report the incident or else. In both cases, the victim is able to provide a description which matches that of the real Forest. In addition, Malloy, who knows Forest well, is aware that he is facing some financial stress which may have made him get desperate. They are not to tell Forest of these incidents in the possibility that it is indeed Forest committing these crimes, while ... Written by Huggo

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