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OCC has been commissioned to build a chopper for medical transport company Ornge. The team struggles to figure out how to build a sidecar capable of carrying the same kind of stretcher found in an ambulance. Jr. works on a project for Paul Jr. Designs. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S06
The guys of OCC have their work cut out for them with two new projects: a B-2 Bomber bike for Northrop Grumman and one for the NHL. The company's foundation is rocked as Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. go head to head in a no hold's barred argument.
OCC takes on two builds: a custom bike for illusionist Steve Wyrick and a custom bike for ICEE. The guys have a hard time pulling off their first trick - an invisible gas tank. And the crew cools off by bringing their family to work for a sweet treat. Written by Anonymous
Sr. is having some work done on the shop and in return he's building bikes for the contracted companies, DECA and Col-Met. Everyone at OCC is trying to adjust to life in the shop with out Paul Jr.
Sr. takes a trip up to Alaska to research a bike and ends up meeting with Governor Sarah Palin. Then it's off to Finland in an attempt to bring OCC to Europe.
To mark the occasion of OCC's 10th anniversary, Sr. designs a bike for the masses. He also appears on some late night talk shows in order to promote his new book. Meanwhile, Jr. is working on opening a women's fashion boutique with his girlfriend, Rachel. Written by Anonymous
Jr. and Sr.'s relationship is rocky at best, and now that Jr. is no longer an employee of OCC, Paul Sr. tries his best to make amends. He invites Jr. and Mikey up to his house to work on a Triumph Bike, not for a client, but just for fun.
Paul Sr. is out of the shop as he continues to promote his new book on some popular talk shows. In order to keep the production of the Mt. Creek bike running smoothly, he calls Jr. in as a consultant to help out.
The guys from OCC head to Howe Caverns to face their fears and explore some caves deep under ground. While Paul Jr. continues his work as a consultant for OCC, he sets his sights on his own projects outside the shop.
In an effort to continue their business expansion, OCC partners up with industry giant Ducati. The guys in the shop put their unique spin on one of these Italian bikes as they prepare to celebrate at OCC's four day long 10th anniversary bash. Written by Anonymous
Jon Gosselin, of the hit TLC series Jon and Kate +8, has commissioned the guys at OCC to build him a bike. To get a better idea of how the father of 8 wants his bike to look, the Teutuls take a trip to Jon and Kate's house to see how the family of 10 live. Written by Anonymous
OCC lands an important international client as they are hired to build a bike for the Abu Dhabi police department. Seeing a good business opportunity, Sr. travels to the Middle East in an attempt to expand OCC's international reach.
The guys at OCC put their skills to the test as they attempt to build the first natural gas powered chopper. While Jr. is busy getting his new company off the ground, Mikey questions his relationship with his father and his role at Orange County Choppers. Written by Anonymous
Life at OCC is forever changed now that Jr. and Mikey have been squeezed out of the business. Even with all the drama, the guys must forge ahead as they build a bike for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe.
Even though things are tense between Paul Sr. and his sons the three of them decide to put their differences aside to make an appearance on CNN's ?Larry King Live'. Paul Jr. heads to the mid-west to make his first solo appearance now that he's left OCC. Written by Anonymous
The Teutul dynasty is crumbling and the guys are struggling in the face of an uncertain future. OCC takes on a one of a kind electric chopper build for Siemen's Electric company. Meanwhile, JR. continues to work on building his new company. Written by Anonymous
OCC has been commissioned to build a chopper for medical transport company Ornge. The team struggles to figure out how to build a sidecar capable of carrying the same kind of stretcher found in an ambulance. Jr. works on a project for Paul Jr. Designs. Written by Anonymous