Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
Season 18
Season 20
A new CIA drug designed to help Stan pretend to listen to Francine has a disastrous side effect, and Roger and Klaus take advantage of the situation to start their new business.
All Episodes - S09
Steve and Snot create two clones so that they can have a date to a school dance, but things do not go as planned.
A poltergeist visits the Smith family.
Steve is eager to prove that he's no longer a little boy, so he sets off to prove his manhood by joining Stan, Bullock, and the rest of the CIA on their annual hunting trip. Meanwhile, Roger and Klaus set off on a cross-country road trip.
In a desperate attempt to show Steve that she's still a cool mom, Francine teaches him a vast array of shoplifting techniques to try out at the local mall. But when their attempt to pull off the ultimate heist at The Gash goes awry, Steve is captured and sent to a Venezuelan sweatshop. Meanwhile, Roger, Hayley and Klaus form Langley Falls' first Russian Balalaika trio. Written by Anonymous
Stan's plans for a perfect Thanksgiving watching football in his underwear are thwarted when Francine invites her adoptive parents to join them for the holiday. Meanwhile, Francine's mom encourages Hayley to get back on the dating scene and invites an eligible bachelor over, but her true intentions are revealed at Thanksgiving dinner. Written by Anonymous
Determined to get Snot to confront his emotions after his father passes away, Steve and friends embark on an epic cross-country road trip to the funeral. But Steve's commitment to his friend wavers when he falls for a Pixie Dream Girl along the way. Meanwhile, Stan and Roger invent an automatic cake-cutter for the Home Shopping Network, but their partnership is tested when they only make a verbal agreement to split the profits. Written by Anonymous
Hayley uses Steve's talent for creating fake IDs to start a business, but they're forced to deal with another fake ID kingpin in Langley Falls: Roger.
Stan and Roger travel to the North Pole to rescue Steve from an infamous Christmas demon.
When Roger wakes up from a coma after a car accident, he has the ability to see into the future.
The Smiths take a family vacation to a medieval-style theme park where they're taken prisoner when the frozen head of the park is accidentally thawed.
After killing his 100th victim, Stan develops a persona that does nice things, which the real Stan would never do.
Roger switches faces with Steve to help him win over the hot girl at school, while Stan and Francine become stewardesses to stop Mark Cuban from blowing up the sun.
Stan drugs Steve and his friends and puts them in the CIA holodeck just to give them the outdoor experience, while Hayley makes herself Roger's queen after buying his home star on the International Star Registry.
A new CIA drug designed to help Stan pretend to listen to Francine has a disastrous side effect, and Roger and Klaus take advantage of the situation to start their new business.
Hayley suspects that Stan has been turned when he comes home after being kidnapped by a group of radicals while on a mission to infiltrate the Occupy movement.
Stan turns Hayley into a helpless drunk in an effort to help him reach Bullock's inner circle, and Klaus shares German folk tales with Steve and Snot.
Stan gets into an accident upon discovering his talent for checking out women, while Roger and Klaus try to hide a wine stain on the new couch.
Stan is fired from the CIA due to budget cuts and is forced to work at a grocery store where Steve is the manager, while Roger makes a bargain to win a bet with a coffee shop musician.
Hayley stages Steve's kidnapping in order to gain favor from Roger's new persona--a television news anchor named Genevieve Vavance.
Just as Haley finally gets over Jeff and considers dating a millionaire, Jeff contacts her from space via C.B. radio.