Karl is somewhat excited about his trip to Petra, Jordan, if only because of its association with the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), although he does mention that he would rather live in a cave across from the palace rather than live in the palace to be able to see the beautiful instead of seeing the squalor from the beautiful. His excitement is tempered when Stephen and Ricky suggest that since he is in the Middle East, that he take advantage of the situation by visiting Israel as well. This suggestion scares him because all news stories out of Israel are generally grim. Karl is amazed by the dichotomy of religion, which should be peaceful, versus the presence of armed military everywhere. Ricky and Stephen further surprise him with some training apropos to being in a war torn region of the world. Crossing the border into Bethlehem, which is in the Palestinian side, strengthens that dichotomy in his mind. On his way to Jordan, Karl stops off at the Dead Sea, which ... Written by Huggo
All Episodes - S01
A man, who sees the world as a photograph, is forced by his friends Ricky and Steve to go out to see the seven wonders of the world. What he does not know, is that he will be getting pranked the whole time.
Ricky and Stephen send Karl on his first trip to perhaps Karl's worst nightmare: China. The reason that Karl is so afraid of this locale is that what he is exposed to of Chinese culture - that being solely his local Chinatown - he does not understand at all, and he is afraid that if he gets a taste for some exotic Chinese food, such as toad, he won't be able to find it when he gets back home. On his itinerary is Beijing, the Great Wall of China (which he ends up believing is not great but a sham), and Shanhaiguan. Stephen also surprises him with some excursions, namely to a fortune teller (the thoughts from who Karl takes to heart despite not wanting to experience it since he does not want to know bad news in advance), on an extended trip to lesser section of the Great Wall, to a kung fu school where he is not only a spectator but also a student, and for a traditional hot massage, which is a little hotter than he would like. Karl has perhaps the most issue with the public restrooms, ... Written by Huggo
Upon Karl's arrival in Delhi, his senses are overwhelmed, and not in a good way, which is not helped by his sleeping arrangements. He trusts on day two of his trip, he will feel better if only because things can't get worse. He is scheduled for an eight hour overnight bus ride to the Kumbh Mela Festival, the largest religious festival in the world, which he is not looking forward to since he is not a religious person and doesn't understand the attraction of religion. But the day ends up being a colorful one in an unexpected way, which in part is the reason for him not feeling too well. As if the festival was not enough, his next stop is to visit with a living saint in his ashram for some spiritual guidance. Next, he is sent to a cow sanctuary, where he comes up close and personal with many aspects of the sacred animal, including its famous patties. And finally, he goes to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal, which he believes was built out of guilt. Written by Huggo
Karl is somewhat excited about his trip to Petra, Jordan, if only because of its association with the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), although he does mention that he would rather live in a cave across from the palace rather than live in the palace to be able to see the beautiful instead of seeing the squalor from the beautiful. His excitement is tempered when Stephen and Ricky suggest that since he is in the Middle East, that he take advantage of the situation by visiting Israel as well. This suggestion scares him because all news stories out of Israel are generally grim. Karl is amazed by the dichotomy of religion, which should be peaceful, versus the presence of armed military everywhere. Ricky and Stephen further surprise him with some training apropos to being in a war torn region of the world. Crossing the border into Bethlehem, which is in the Palestinian side, strengthens that dichotomy in his mind. On his way to Jordan, Karl stops off at the Dead Sea, which ... Written by Huggo
Karl isn't overly concerned about going to Mexico beyond Ricky and Stephen's assertion that it probably is the most dangerous place from a personal safety perspective than anywhere he's traveled thus far. As he travels there during the Easter season, Karl is exposed to two religious celebrations, the first which recreates the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, and the second which is on the surface less religious and which the authorities would like to shut down if only because of its explosive and thus potentially dangerous nature. Interspersed between these two, Stephen and Ricky send Karl into training for what has become a Mexican cultural phenomenon: professional wrestling. He makes two stops on his way to the raison d'etre for the trip to Mexico, Chichén Itzá: the first to experience the life of a churro (a Mexican cowboy), and the second to spend some time with a Mayan family who are descendants of the builders of Chichén Itzá. The latter stop exposes him to more unusual ... Written by Huggo
For Karl's trip to Egypt, Ricky and Stephen believe it's time for him to experience budget travel by flying economy and staying in the seediest of hotels, about which Karl is not too happy. Karl's first experiences wandering the streets of Cairo makes him wonder how anyone gets anything done, as he is bombarded by street hawkers at every turn. Unlike his other travels, Karl ends up traveling almost immediately via camel-back to see the main site, the Great Pyramids, due to their close proximity, which ends up being underwhelming if only because of the weather. As he waits for the weather to clear to make another attempt to see the Pyramids, Karl is provided a guide, Achmed, who gives him a lesson in bartering, and takes him to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, in which Karl has no interest. So Karl ditches his guide to find some comfort food, which ends up also being an experience to which he is unaccustomed. Stephen and Ricky then send him on a Nile cruise, which does not lift his ... Written by Huggo
When Karl is told that his next trip will be to Rio de Janeiro to see Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado, his first reaction is that it is akin to a pylon: something that is there everyday that people probably get tired of seeing. What Ricky and Stephen don't tell him until he arrives in Rio is that they want him to be more social on his trips. As such, they place him in a dorm room in a hostel. They do tell him that Carnival will be happening while he's there. He's not too excited about it as he hates crowds and he presupposes it's a gay event, which makes him feel uncomfortable. But he is thrown into the festivities, whether he likes it or not. His anxiety at crowds is heightened when he is told he is also to attend a block party. He remarks at the dichotomy between the Catholic nature of the statue towering over the city, versus the overt sexuality displayed by the people, especially at the beach. His discomfort increases with interactions with his guide, Celso, which includes ... Written by Huggo
Karl is relieved that this trip is his last, but is worried that Ricky and Stephen will do something monumentally outrageous to end the series on a high note. Karl has never heard of the monument he is to visit next: Machu Picchu. He is also not aware of the potential of altitude sickness due to lack of oxygen. But he is not concerned about the eleven hour trek to get to Machu Picchu, as he likes camping, and even makes preparations for a makeshift toilet. When he gets to his Peruvian lakeside location to start his trek, he learns that Ricky and Stephen are making him trek through the jungle along the Amazon instead. Of his Amazon accommodations, Karl is unsure of what's worse: the first couple of nights staying deep in the jungle in a tent among all the nocturnal creatures, many which are deadly, or the last few nights staying with a native tribe who used to be cannibals. When he reaches his destination of Machu Picchu, where he does feel the effects of lack of oxygen, Karl makes a ... Written by Huggo
Karl, now back in Britain after his seven wonders trips, sits down with Ricky and Stephen to discuss the experience. Stephen is confused by Karl's seemingly contradictory statements about not wanting to miss the many sights and sounds on his travels, but also being overly annoyed by them. Many of those sights center on food. Many of the situations Karl experienced he classifies as false fun, which he does not like in principle. They talk about the people Karl met. Karl tells them about what he thinks he's learned from these travels. They discuss the fact that many viewers believe Karl is an actor playing a buffoon and that the show is scripted, or that Stephen and especially Ricky are bullies to Karl. Stephen and Ricky talk about their favorite moment: the Israeli terrorist training, which Karl did not know was going to occur. Beyond that situation, Karl talks about what was perhaps his most difficult experience. Despite Karl's assertions that he won't do another, they talk concepts... Written by Huggo