Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
The Alliance show the member worlds evidence of the Centauri actions, while Londo and Vir are in their room with copies of the evidence. Eventually they're let into the meeting, where they all see the evidence Lennier gathered. Sheridan comes up with a plan to peacefully enforce a blockade, but Garibaldi's issues jeopardize his plans. Written by Jesse Sanchez
All Episodes - S05
Captain Lochley arrives just as preparations are underway for Sheridan's swearing in ceremony as the President of the newly formed Interstellar Alliance. Telepaths arrive seeking a sanctuary while they search for a home world.
A day in the life of Mack and Bo, two maintenance workers on Babylon 5. As the station comes under attack from an unknown race of aliens, they encounter the command staff and the ambassadors each dealing with the crisis.
Two Minbari Rangers-in-training come to the station and learn a difficult lesson. A new underworld boss tries to take control of Downbelow.
The command crew are put in a difficult position when a unit of Psi Cops, led by Bester, comes to the station to arrest the colony of telepaths. The secret of Sheridan and Lochley's past is revealed.
Lyta becomes closer to Byron and the colony of telepaths while Franklin investigates a terrible secret from the Hyach's distant past.
It is the Brakiri Day of the Dead. They purchase a large section of the station for their holiday. That night everyone in that sector meets with people who have passed away. Most of the inhabitants of the sector are happy to see their loved ones, but Lennier's encounter leaves him with troubling news about his future. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Byron and other telepaths seek a homeworld of their own.
Lochley asks Bester for help in dealing with a group of telepaths who have locked themselves in an area of Downbelow. G'Kar is reunited with an old friend in the Centauri royal palace.
A group of telepaths hold Garibaldi and others hostage on Babylon 5.
Garibaldi is sent to retrieve a witness to the shipping line attacks from the Drazi homeworld. G'Kar becomes a figure of veneration among the Narn. Stephen comes to a difficult decision.
A day in the life of Alfred Bester, who starts his day in Psi Corps HQ, where he is well liked and respected. He gets an assignment to track down a rogue telepath. Two recruits accompany him. They follow the telepath's trail to Babylon 5, where he isn't as popular. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Delenn reassigns Lennier to a Ranger training mission on the border of Centauri space. Vir learns he is the new Centauri ambassador to Babylon 5.
Sheridan finally discovers why Delenn had Lennier assigned to the White Star Fleet, and orders his ship to return. But Lennier takes his fighter and continues his mission, where he finally gets the information the Alliance needs. Lyta contacts G'Kar and reminds him of the offer he made to her in The Gathering. She's willing to help the Narn in exchange for money to find a home world for telepaths. Written by Jesse Sanchez
The Alliance show the member worlds evidence of the Centauri actions, while Londo and Vir are in their room with copies of the evidence. Eventually they're let into the meeting, where they all see the evidence Lennier gathered. Sheridan comes up with a plan to peacefully enforce a blockade, but Garibaldi's issues jeopardize his plans. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Londo and G'Kar return to Centauri Prime to figure out who in the government started the attacks, and are put in jail. G'Kar eventually figures a way for Londo to get out, and Londo tries to gather support. Garibaldi learns of two member worlds's plans to attack Centauri Prime. He informs Sheridan, who rushes off to try and stop the attack. Delenn and Lennier head back to Minbar to convince the council to build new ships, but are attacked in hyperspace. Lyta and Franklin find out what's been controlling the Centauri attack fleet. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Centauri Prime has been attacked, thousands have died. Londo finds out the truth, who masterminded the war, and why they allowed the attack on Centauri Prime to happen. Londo becomes Emperor, and has to act hostile to those he once called friend. Written by Jesse Sanchez
G'Kar returns to the station to find he has become a religious icon. Sheridan confronts Garibaldi about his drinking problems. Lyta is taken into custody for planning attacks on Psi Corps. Delenn collapses, and they find out she's pregnant. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Garibaldi and Lise are going to get married. He'll run her late husband's company. An assassin is hired to kill Lise. Zack has a plan to smoke him out, but another person wants G'Kar dead as well. Both attacks are prevented. Garibaldi deals with the people who ordered the hit on Lise. G'Kar and Lyta leave the station. Written by Jesse Sanchez
Garibaldi forms a new Board of Directors for his company. Ta'Lon becomes the new Narn ambassador. Sheridan and Delenn leave for Minbar. An accident on board their White Star ship creates doubt/hesitation for Lennier, who fails to act appropriately. He leaves the ship, and tells Delenn he'll come back one day to atone for what he's done. Sheridan and Delenn are greeted by Londo on Minbar who has a gift for them. Written by Jesse Sanchez
20 years after he visited Z'Ha'Dum, Sheridan knows his time is short and gathers his old comrades together. Afterwards he takes personalized White Star to Babylon 5 where it's going to be decommissioned shortly. The final leg of his journey takes him to Coriana 6 where they ended the Shadow War, and meets with one last person. The old command staff gather on Babylon 5 to watch its decommissioning. Written by Jesse Sanchez