Season 01
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Season 03
While investigating a mysterious series of athlete panic attacks during games, Robin is exposed to the fear toxin of the culprit, The Scarecrow.
All Episodes - S01
When a horrifying bat creature terrorizes Gotham City, police conclude that it is Batman. Batman's investigation leads him to the laboratory of Kirk Langstrom a scientist, who has been experimenting with a formula serum that turns him into a Bat-like creature. Not only does Batman have to capture Man-Bat in order to save Langstrom, but also to clear his name from the police. Written by Robert King
An offhand remark by Mayor Hill on television spurs the Joker into sneaking onto his estate disguised as a clown at the birthday party for Hill's son, Jordan. Joker plants a bomb, but Bruce Wayne, who is attending the party, manages to defuse it. However, Jordan, who is angry at his father, runs away hiding in Joker's van. Written by crouchbk
The day after a police sting to catch a drug lord goes disastrously wrong, the events of the night before are reconstructed by the accounts of three police officers: Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya, and a rookie.
On the election trail, Harvey Dent gradually loses control of his repressed evil alternate personality until gangster Rupert Thorne inadvertently unleashes it.
While trying to thwart Penguin's robbery of a rare Faberge egg, Batman is weakened by exposure to a toxic gas. He takes shelter in a basement apartment belonging to a teen-aged amateur detective.
After being knocked out in a mysterious warehouse, Batman wakes up in a world where his parents are alive, he is engaged to Selina Kyle, and someone else is Batman.