The Hand of God

The Hand of God

After 36 days of running from the Cylons, there's a fuel problem. Tylium reserves are down to five percent, only enough for two more jumps. Then Crashdown and Boomer find a huge deposit on an asteroid. There's just one big problem. Cylons have a refinery on the asteroid and the place is crawling with raiders. Adama orders an attack. Meanwhile president Roslin is getting more hallucinations due to the chamalla. She seeks advice from priest Elosha. She recognizes Roslin's story of snakes at a press conference. It reminds her of the prophecy of oracle Pythia in the Holy Scrolls. Back on Caprica Helo is getting more and more the feeling there's something going on, especially since he sees a group of centurions approaching their hiding place, lead by someone who he saw die. Written by Arnoud Tiele (



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HD 33



33 - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.5

The Galactica and the other remaining ships - with about 50,000 people aboard them all - are being pursued by the Cylons. They are forced to jump into hyper space every 33 minutes. Somehow, the Cylons know where they are going and appear exactly 33 minutes after the Galactica arrives. The crew hasn't slept for over 130 hours now and everyone is exhausted. They rejoice when they finally make a jump and the Cylons fail to appear at the 33 minute mark. They are also prone to make mistakes and realize they've left behind a ship, the Olympic Carrier, with 1300 passengers aboard. When the ship rejoins the fleet a few hours later, the Cylons again arrive 33 minutes later leading Adama to conclude that there are Cylon spies on board. President Roslin now faces a major decision. The identity of the the Cylon aboard the Galactica is revealed. Written by garykmcd

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HD Water



Water - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

President Roslin arrives on Galactica as Boomer's Cylon side asserts itself, forcing her to sabotage Galactica's water supply against her will. A series of explosions leads to the loss of 60% of the water reserves and Commander Adama is compelled to introduce rationing and begin a search of nearby planetary systems for any H20 deposits. Written by Shiro

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HD Bastille Day

Bastille Day


Bastille Day - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.5

Water is found on a moon, but now there's the question of how to retrieve it. Chief Tyrol thinks the work's going to be hard. The moon is very barren and the liquid water is too salt. Only the ice is good enough, but it needs to be melted on site. Tyrol expects he needs at least a thousand men to do the work in proper time. President Roslin decides to ask prisoners on the prison ship Astral Queen to do the hard labor and receive points earning their freedom. But none of the prisoners are willing to cooperate, their representative Tom Zarek, a well known terrorist, tells. He has plan of his owns, frees the prisoners with the help of a guard and takes Lee, Dualla, Cally and Billy hostage. Zarek demands elections to replace president Roslin. Meanwhile on Caprica, Helo and the Cylon Boomer have arrived in an empty city, looking for a hospital to retrieve anti-radiation medication. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Act of Contrition

Act of Contrition


Act of Contrition - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.7

There's a party on Galactica's flight deck as Flat-Top just had his thousandth landing. Something goes terribly wrong however when a drone accidentally goes off and explodes in a group of pilots. 13 are dead. During the ceremony Kara Thrace starts thinking about her dead fiancée Zak Adama. And those memories even get clearer when Adama orders her to start training new pilots. She seems very uncomfortable in doing so. The favor she did for Zak by letting him pass basic flight seems to bother her more and more. Angrily she stops training pilots after just one day. Meanwhile on Cylon-occupied Caprica Helo and Cylon-Sharon find a bomb shelter in a restaurant. It seems like a good place to stay for a while. There's food, water and anti-radiation medication in abundance. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD You Can't Go Home Again

You Can't Go Home Again


You Can't Go Home Again - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.1

Starbuck is shot down after the battle with the eight Cylon raiders. Hotdog thinks she was still maneuvering and this gives commander Adama the idea that she might still be alive. He launches a full scale rescue mission. Starbuck has crash landed on a moon. She tries to attract the attention of rescue parties by moving to higher ground. The search isn't going well however and Starbuck's oxygen supply is running out. The mission is hindered by low visibility, high rates of fuel use and on top of that the vipers are beginning to malfunction due to the atmosphere. But Adama seems obsessed with the rescue. He orders more and more attempts, even if that will endanger the security of the fleet at a Cylon attack. Meanwhile on Caprica, Helo's shelter is attacked by a Centurion. He and the Cylon Boomer are intentionally separated. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Litmus



Litmus - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

While Tyrol and Sharon have a secret meeting, a copy of the Cylon Doral blows himself up, killing three humans. Since security was hindered by them not knowing Cylons can look like humans, Roslin and Adama see no other solution than to make the news public. Sergeant Hadrian is given full authority to investigate why Doral had access to a weapons locker and starts a tribunal. She quickly finds a possible suspect when crew members tell different stories about the whereabouts of Tyrol during the bombing. Meanwhile on Caprica, Helo has a decision to make. Going after the disappeared Sharon or fleeing. It's a decision that can cost him his life. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Six Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation


Six Degrees of Separation - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.7

Dr. Gaius Baltar mocks the faith of his fantasy Number Six. He calls her ideas superstitious drivel and metaphysical nonsense. Number Six leaves him and moments later he is disturbed by Dualla. She tells commander Adama wants to see him. With him is Number Six, but this time she is real and has some rather disturbing evidence. It will prove Baltar let the Cylons into the Caprica defense mainframe and planted a bomb. Meanwhile Tyrol tries to figure out how the Cylon raider works. He really could use help from Starbuck, but she seems to be still suffering from the crash. Back on Caprica Helo and Sharon are once again on the run for centurions. Helo brings up her relationship with Tyrol on Galactica. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Flesh and Bone

Flesh and Bone


Flesh and Bone - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.9

A Cylon has been captured aboard the Gemenon Traveler. It's a copy of Leoben Conroy, who Adama found hiding in the Ragnar weapons depot. Adama orders Starbuck to interrogate him, but warns about his deceptiveness. Leoben tells her he planted a nuclear device on one of the ships in the fleet, set to go off nine hours later. Starbuck thinks of an unorthodox way to get answers out of the machine. Meanwhile Galactica-Boomer is getting more and more the feeling that she is a Cylon. She asks Gaius Baltar to be in the first batch to be tested by his Cylon detector. Back on Caprica Sharon has a meeting with the two other humanoid Cylons. She tells she and Helo had sex. They want them to set up quarters in a hut and if he refuses that, Sharon should kill him. She has different plans however. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down

Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down


Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Dr. Baltar has finished his Cylon detector and president Laura Roslin tries to convince commander Adama he should be the first to be tested. Since the Conroy copy told her Adama is a Cylon, she is getting more and more suspicious and even sends Billy to ask Dualla about his behavior. When suddenly a Cylon raider pops up behaving strangely, Adama is missing, raising more eyebrows. He returns however with Ellen Tigh, the presumed dead wife of colonel Tigh, who suddenly appeared. She claims she lost consciousness during the Cylon attack and was cared for on the Rising Star. Is she a Cylon? Back on Caprica, Helo notices a change in behavior of the centurions. Sharon tells him they're after her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD The Hand of God

The Hand of God


The Hand of God - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

After 36 days of running from the Cylons, there's a fuel problem. Tylium reserves are down to five percent, only enough for two more jumps. Then Crashdown and Boomer find a huge deposit on an asteroid. There's just one big problem. Cylons have a refinery on the asteroid and the place is crawling with raiders. Adama orders an attack. Meanwhile president Roslin is getting more hallucinations due to the chamalla. She seeks advice from priest Elosha. She recognizes Roslin's story of snakes at a press conference. It reminds her of the prophecy of oracle Pythia in the Holy Scrolls. Back on Caprica Helo is getting more and more the feeling there's something going on, especially since he sees a group of centurions approaching their hiding place, lead by someone who he saw die. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Colonial Day

Colonial Day


Colonial Day - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

With Colonial Day approaching, it is time for a new Quorom of Twelve. Twelve representatives from the twelve colonies will decide on important matters. There's one problem however. Terrorist Tom Zarek is chosen as representative for Sagittaron and he immediately wants to discuss the issue of a vice-president. So far there's only one candidate, Tom Zarek, as nominated by Virgon and Gemenon. Meanwhile Starbuck and Apollo are in charge of security, some kind of attack on president Roslin is suspected. Back on Caprica Helo and Boomer have arrived at the city Delphi. Helo comes to the conclusion Cylons can look like humans. In an attempt to capture a raider, he discovers another truth. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 1

Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 1


Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 1 - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

While searching for supplies Boomer and Crashdown once again make an important discovery. It's a planet with a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. It seems some sort of calamity wiped out the population 2000 years ago. Still there are ruins left and the planet might be habitable. The dying President Roslin has visions however and she and priest Elosha determine that the planet is Kobol, the birthplace of mankind. The scriptures tell Kobol will lead the way to Earth. Meanwhile Kara spent the night with Dr. Baltar, leaving Lee very agitated. Galactica-Boomer has the feeling one day she might hurt somebody and is getting more and more suicidal tendencies, while Boomer on Caprica is about to be shot by Helo. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2

Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2


Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2 - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Commander Adama is not amused when he finds out president Roslin convinced Starbuck to retrieve the Arrow of Apollo. He orders an attack on Colonial One to end her reign. To retrieve the Raptor away team crashed on the surface of Kobol, he sends Boomer and Racetrack. They're supposed to nuke the Cylon Basestar in a Raptor with a Cylon transponder. While Starbuck is approaching Caprica, Boomer mentions to Helo they're at the temple of Delphi. Somehow she seems to know the importance of the arrow of Apollo. She tells Helo their relationship is important and that she actually has feelings for him. To Dr. Baltar on the surface of Kobol it becomes clear why his Number Six wanted him there. She has some explaining to do. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Country: USA , Canada
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