Flight of the Phoenix

Flight of the Phoenix

The crew is getting agitated and demoralized. Chief Galen Tyrol yet again has to scrap a viper, Gaeta yells at Tigh when he orders him to go through the computer program line by line to get rid of the Cylon virus still causing malfunctions. Meanwhile Helo is having trouble integrating in the crew. He even starts a fight with Tyrol over Boomer. Tyrol decides it's time for a change and starts constructing a new fighter. His crew, the pilots and Colonel Tigh all think it's a waste of time. Meanwhile the malfunctions caused by the virus are getting more severe. Dr. Baltar and Gaeta find out the virus is learning, already capable of taking over all the systems and very difficult to remove. Commander Adama asks Boomer for advice. She tells him it's a prelude for an all-out Cylon attack. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)



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HD Scattered



Scattered - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Adama is dying after Boomer's attack, but Dr. Cottle is on another ship, the Rising Star. The arrival of a Cylon Basestar however forces the fleet to make an emergency jump. Suddenly Galactica is alone. The fleet had old coordinates and jumped elsewhere. The only way to find out where they went is to jump back to the Basestar. Gaeta thinks of a dangerous plan. Back on Caprica Starbuck doesn't seem to like Boomer. Helo has a lot of trouble preventing her from killing the bearer of his child. Boomer is forced to flee. On Kobol things are getting precarious. The Cylons are getting close and the away team has to run, forgetting a medical kit with serisone the seriously injured Socinus needs. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Valley of Darkness

Valley of Darkness


Valley of Darkness - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Finding the fleet by networking the computers was dangerous, but it looked like the mission was successful. Then lights start falling out. Gaeta finds out the Cylon virus still made it into Galactica's systems. On top of that reports of Cylons in the starboard flight pod arrive. almost indestructible Centurions have boarded the ship. They must be stopped before they gain access to crucial systems. Back on Caprica Helo and Starbuck visit Starbucks apartment. They take some rest and, while listening to the music of her father, discuss her past life. On Kobol Dr. Baltar gets a vision about commander Adama killing his 'baby'. Number Six tells him about mankind's nature. Tyrol and Cally try to make it back in time to the away party with the serisone for Socinus. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Fragged



Fragged - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

With commander Adama still in bad shape and president Roslin in the brig colonel Saul Tigh assumes command. But he's having a hard time with the responsibility; the press and the Quorum of Twelve demand to see the president and on top of that, he's getting sloppy with his regular duties. He wonders why Lee Adama's planning a rescue mission, until he tells him it's for the team on Kobol. On Kobol Crashdown's having trouble with his leadership. The team finds out the Cylons are building an anti-aircraft battery, which'll crush any rescue attempt. He orders an attack which seems suicidal. Meanwhile, president Roslin has problems, as well; she's deprived of chamalla, and the effects are severe. Only barely able to function, she gets a visit from Ellen Tigh. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Resistance



Resistance - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Colonel Tigh is losing control. Martial law and the jailing of president Roslin aren't going down too well in the fleet. The tylium refinery vessel and other ships don't deliver to Galactica anymore. Galactica's crew has problems with him also. Tigh accuses Tyrol of being a Cylon, much to the dismay of Cally, and his decision to keep Lee Adama in the brig while off duty isn't popular either. Lee plots a mutiny to help Roslin escape. Tighs wife convinces him to take drastic measures when the ships refuse to resume delivery. Things go horribly wrong. Back on Caprica Helo and Starbuck are being shot at by a group of humans. Both think they are dealing with the human variety of Cylons. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD The Farm

The Farm


The Farm - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

On Caprica Anders' resistance group plans an assault on a Cylon fueling station. The Cylons have detected them however and Starbuck loses consciousness after getting shot. She awakes in a hospital. A doctor, Simon, tells her it's a resistance hospital and that Anders has died in the attack. Starbuck doesn't trust it; no one else appears to be in the hospital and Simon expresses a scary concern about her ability to bear children. On Galactica commander Adama orders the entire fleet to be searched for the escaped president Roslin. Roslin decides it's time to play the religious card. She makes an appeal to the fleet to honor the Gods and follow her at the appointed hour to Kobol, where they will meet Gods' servant with the Arrow of Apollo. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Home: Part 1

Home: Part 1


Home: Part 1 - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

24 ships have left the fleet to join president Roslin. In orbit of Kobol, they await the arrival of the Arrow of Apollo. Starbuck, Helo and Boomer arrive quickly, but the introduction of Boomer isn't as peacefully as Helo hoped. He is only barely able to prevent Lee from shooting her and Roslin orders to throw her out of the airlock. Then Boomer mentions she knows the location of the Tomb of Athena, the place on Kobol where the location of Earth is kept. Back on Galactica commander Adama is adamant in keeping the fleet divided, denouncing Roslin's followers as religious fanatics and terrorists. He appoints George Birch as new commander of the air group. Colonel Tigh thinks it's a bad choice. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Home: Part 2

Home: Part 2


Home: Part 2 - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Commander Adama is searching for the location of the Tomb of Athena so that he can reconcile with president Roslin. Along with Tyrol and Billy he takes a Raptor to Kobol. On Kobol Roslin's team is on their way to the tomb, facing a difficult journey. They are approaching a rock formation of which Boomer thinks is the Gates of Hera. Tom Zarek and his companion Meier still are planning to kill Lee Adama. Meier approaches Boomer to do the job. Meanwhile on Galactica, Number Six tells Dr. Baltar in the brig that a child will be born there. Baltar realizes how ridiculous the situation really is and calls his baby mythical. Suddenly Number Six tells him that he doesn't have a Cylon chip in his brain and that he actually is imagining her. Baltar runs to Dr. Cottle for tests. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Final Cut

Final Cut


Final Cut - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

D'Anna Biers, a nosy journalist from the Fleet News Service, is preparing an item on the Gideon incident, complaining that no marines or officers were charged for shooting the civilians. Suddenly she's asked by commander Adama and president Roslin to follow daily life on Galactica. She's given full access and is not required to create a positive story. D'Anna agrees with the offer. While some of the crew like Lee Adama dislike what she's doing, Dr. Baltar tries desperately to draw her attention. Biers is more interested in the Gideon story, especially after Tigh is getting a death threat. Meanwhile the air group is still having a shortage of pilots, forcing them to be on duty for 15 hours continuously. Louanne Katraine, one of the pilots, seems to be unable to cope with the stress. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Flight of the Phoenix

Flight of the Phoenix


Flight of the Phoenix - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

The crew is getting agitated and demoralized. Chief Galen Tyrol yet again has to scrap a viper, Gaeta yells at Tigh when he orders him to go through the computer program line by line to get rid of the Cylon virus still causing malfunctions. Meanwhile Helo is having trouble integrating in the crew. He even starts a fight with Tyrol over Boomer. Tyrol decides it's time for a change and starts constructing a new fighter. His crew, the pilots and Colonel Tigh all think it's a waste of time. Meanwhile the malfunctions caused by the virus are getting more severe. Dr. Baltar and Gaeta find out the virus is learning, already capable of taking over all the systems and very difficult to remove. Commander Adama asks Boomer for advice. She tells him it's a prelude for an all-out Cylon attack. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Pegasus



Pegasus - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.9
58 min

Starbuck is discussing a plan to save the resistance group on Caprica, when reports are coming in of Cylon activity. A large ship is moving to Galactica. Then Gaeta receives colonial transponders. It's the Battlestar Pegasus, with admiral Cain on board. At first, the crew of Galactica seems overjoyed at their arrival, especially since much needed supplies are being delivered. Then reports start coming in about Cain's unorthodox ways of commanding. She also decides to merge both crews, ordering Apollo and Starbuck to join Pegasus' air group. Meanwhile a large Cylon vessel is discovered, guarded by two basestars. A reconnaissance mission is planned. Dr. Baltar is asked to interrogate a Cylon on the Pegasus. She's been tortured and turns out to be a Number Six copy. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Resurrection Ship: Part 1

Resurrection Ship: Part 1


Resurrection Ship: Part 1 - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

Galactica's and Pegasus' vipers are at a deadlock, waiting for the first one to fire. Then Starbuck comes back from spying on the Cylon vessel. President Roslin negotiates a temporary truce between commander Adama and admiral Cain. The joint forces will attack the Cylon fleet with the unusual ship and Helo and Tyrol's execution will be postponed. Roslin advises Adama to kill Cain. She fears the future of the civilian fleet. Tigh tries to find out what happened to the civilian ships that apparently once traveled with Pegasus. Cain seems impressed with Starbuck and promotes her to CAG for Pegasus. She wants an unconventional plan for the attack on the mysterious Cylon vessel. She asks Dr. Baltar to interrogate the Cylon about it. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Resurrection Ship: Part 2

Resurrection Ship: Part 2


Resurrection Ship: Part 2 - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Galactica and Pegasus are preparing for the assault on the Cylon Resurrection ship. While Starbuck discusses Adama's plan to kill Cain with Apollo, Colonel Fisk stops Pegasus' crew members beating up Helo and Tyrol. He dispatches his marines on Galactica to execute Cain's plan to kill Adama. Apollo seems to dislike his father's plan and hears him out before he sets off in the blackbird to destroy the FTL-drive of the Resurrection ship. It goes wrong for him. Meanwhile Dr. Baltar is trying to take care of the Number Six on Pegasus. He seems to have feelings for her, much to the dismay of the Number Six in his head. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Epiphanies



Epiphanies - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

President Roslin is in the final stage of her cancer and about to die. On her death bed she has memories of Caprica. Just before the Cylon attack she opposed president Adar on striking down a violent protest of teachers. As one of her last decisions she orders the death of Boomer's baby. She sees it as a danger to the fleet. Dr. Baltar tries to think of a way to prevent the abortion. Number Six reminds him he will be president soon. Meanwhile a firing test with vipers goes awry. Cally finds out the rounds of ammunition were tampered with. Apollo and Starbuck arrest Asha Janik. She tells she is part of a group that wants to negotiate with the Cylons about peace. Apollo finds out an attack is planned on a tylium refinery vessel. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Black Market

Black Market


Black Market - EPS 14

IMDb: 6.2
60 min

There's a shortage of supplies on the fleet, the black market is thriving. President Roslin orders that these criminals, asking outrageous prices, must be stopped. Adama agrees and colonel Fisk says Pegasus is ready to help, but he doesn't seem to be sincere. Not long after he is murdered in the presence of someone he seems to know. Apollo, meanwhile, is still struggling with his near-death experience. He seeks comfort with the prostitute Shevon, who reminds him of a woman from his past. Her daughter Paya is in need of rare antibiotics. Apollo is asked to investigate the murder of Fisk. He soon finds out Fisk was heavily involved in black market operations. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Scar



Scar - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

The fleet has discovered an asteroid field with a large ore deposit, enough to construct at least two new squadrons of vipers. But the Cylons know about it and behind every rock there could be a raider. Since the destruction of the Resurrection ship they changed their tactics from mass to sneak attacks. Several pilots are already dead and especially raider Scar is feared. Meanwhile Starbuck hasn't been herself lately. She drinks a lot, thinks much about Anders and is getting irritated by Kat. She continually challenges her, beats her record in training and calls her the next Tigh. Both claim they will hunt down Scar. 200 cubits and the precious Top Gun trophy, currently in Starbuck's possession, are at stake. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Sacrifice



Sacrifice - EPS 16

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

Rumors of a Cylon being kept on Galactica are getting more persistent and Billy advises Admiral Adama and President Roslin to just simply tell the truth. Billy has also something else to do. He proposes to Dee, but to his astonishment she refuses. Later he meets her in the Cloud Nine Lounge and finds out there's something going on between her and Lee. Lee spots a strange acting woman in the crowd, with a device on her chest. His suspicions are right. The woman and her three accomplices take the entire bar hostage. The woman is Sesha Abinell. She lost her husband during a Cylon attack and has been spreading rumors about a Cylon conspiracy on Galactica. Sesha gives Admiral Adama two hours to deliver Boomer to her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD The Captain's Hand

The Captain's Hand


The Captain's Hand - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 60 min

Lee Adama is asked to take a look on Pegasus, where commander Garner and Starbuck don't seem to be getting along. On Pegasus two raptors went missing after following a mysterious distress call. Their oxygen is running out. Apollo and Starbuck think it might be a Cylon trap, but Garner seems determined to jump Pegasus to rescue them. Meanwhile President Roslin is preparing for the elections. Her only opponent so far is Tom Zarek. Little does she know he is talking with Dr. Baltar to support his candidacy. Then a young woman requests asylum on Galactica. She wants an abortion, but her Gemenon parents don't allow it. Roslin faces a tough decision. She wants to recognize the freedom of women, but agreeing with abortion will lose the support of the important religious leaders of Gemenon. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Downloaded



Downloaded - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Nine months earlier Number Six died in Dr. Baltar's apartment and is downloaded into a new body on Caprica. Several Cylons await and try to comfort her. She also notices Dr. Baltar, but it seems she is the only one who can see him. Ten weeks later Boomer is killed by Cally and awakes on Caprica. When she realizes what happened, it freaks her out. In the present she still has trouble adjusting to her new life and keeps longing for Galactica. Number Six is asked to help out. Meanwhile Anders' resistance group seems to be still active. They are planning to bomb a café. On Galactica Boomer and Helo's baby is born. President Roslin and Adama decide the baby poses a threat to the fleet. Dr. Baltar tries to stop them from doing anything bad with the baby, but Roslin has to make a decision. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 1

Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 1


Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 1 - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The elections are coming, and the candidates Laura Roslin and Gaius Baltar prepare themselves. Meanwhile, Starbuck leads an expedition to reach Caprica using the Cylon technology and rescue Anders and the other resistance members, and the chief Tyrol is tormented with a recurring dream. Written by Anonymous

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HD Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 2

Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 2


Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 2 - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.6
68 min | 60 min

The identity of a new Cylon is revealed when the Cylons leave the Colonies and announce they want to live in peace with humans. Meanwhile, Laura Roslin is afraid of Baltar's increasing popularity since he proposed to settle down in the new, but hostile, planet which has been discovered by the Fleet. Written by Anonymous

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)

Country: USA , Canada
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