Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
A uniformed Herrick slaughters Mitchell's police captors before putting him into a cage and bringing in George, whom Herrick hopes will kill Mitchell after being told that Nina has been; however, they are saved by the arrival of Tom, who escapes with George whilst Mitchell kills off Herrick for good. Annie is lured into purgatory by Lia, who tells that she lied to Mitchell about his being killed by a werewolf to scare him but that he believes her prophesy will come true. Sensing that Annie now despises Mitchell, Lia lets Annie go and she is able to help bring Nina back to life. Mitchell returns to the house, begging George to put a stake through him before he kills any more people, but they are interrupted by Edgar Wyndam, a representative of the 'old' vampires, who has his own plans for Mitchell. Which one of them will George finally send on his way? Written by don @ minifie-1
All Episodes - S03
Nina, Mitchell and George move into a former hotel in Wales with a basement suitable for the werewolves' transformations. Annie appears on a TV screen and Mitchell follows a recently deceased man in the hospital where they are working through a portal to Purgatory to save her. He meets sparky ghost Lia, who confronts him with some of his previous grisly handiwork and identifies herself as one of his train victims but allows him to take Annie back into the world. George pursues Tom, another young werewolf, but gets arrested after landing in a 'dogging' area though Nina gets him out of the cells before the full moon rises. Next day Tom rescues his father, 'Mad Dog' McNair, another werewolf, who has wreaked a bloody revenge on the people who abducted him to become a cage-fighter. Written by don @ minifie-1
Nina and George encounter Adam, who looks fifteen but is forty-six, a recently orphaned vampire whose late parents were his blood supply. They give him a room in the house but Mitchell is not welcoming, having problems of his own. In addition to recalling Lia's words that he would be killed by a werewolf, he is visited by Richard Hargreaves, carpet layer and vampire, on behalf of the 'old ones', vampires irate with him for the train massacre, who want to send him away to South America before the police grow suspicious. Richard and his wife Emma seem a cosy middle-class couple keen to adopt Adam but they are not what they seem and ultimately Mitchell, falling for Annie and anxious to stay around, gives Adam the money Richard provided for his escape. Written by don @ minifie-1
Whilst Mitchell confides in George his love for Annie, the ghost herself is followed home by Sasha, a zombie or Type 4 supernatural being, stuck in limbo as a result of Mitchell's saving Annie. Annie and Mitchell learn that she has escaped from a morgue where zombies were being used in painful experiments. Though putrefying, Sasha refuses to believe she is one of the undead until she freaks out her boyfriend, so Annie gives her a make-over and a night on the town before she passes over. Mitchell has problems with Graham, an aging Goth vampire who threatens to tell Annie about the train massacre and has to be silenced whilst Nina discovers that she and George are to have a 'little hairy baby'. Written by don @ minifie-1
Whilst Annie and Mitchell conclude that their relationship can only be spiritual, Nina and George, concerned how their baby will turn out, seek out Tom and his surly father, McNair, who has told the lad that being a werewolf is empowering but has not been entirely honest with him on how he became a lycanthrope. McNair hates vampires, who killed his wife, and Mitchell, in view of Lia's prediction, fears that McNair may be his killer so gives him to Richard and Emma for cage-fighting, but when Tom, Nina and George are taken instead, McNair and Mitchell join forces to save them. The McNairs go on their way but a familiar figure surfaces in a psychiatric ward. Written by don @ minifie-1
Nina and George feel the need to get Herrick out of hospital before the authorities ask questions so, claiming that he is Nina's uncle Billy, they take him home to a less than rapturous welcome from Mitchell, even though Herrick seems to be genuinely amnesiac and unsure of who he is. Cara turns up, wanting to restore Herrick to his former powers but he rejects her and she kills herself. Before Mitchell can do anything to Herrick, Wendy, a nervous social worker, comes to visit and is surprised to find that officially no Uncle Billy exists - though Nina manages to fob her off. Herrick senses that Mitchell is his enemy and discovers a scrapbook of the train murders. He shows it to Nina, who calls the police. Written by don @ minifie-1
George reads of the death of his father, whom he has not seen since being bitten by Tully, and goes to observe the funeral from a distance; however, he learns that George, senior, having moved out of the house to live in a trailer after his wife Ruth, devastated to think that her son was dead, left him for young George's bullying gym teacher. The two Georges go to visit Ruth and the parents are reconciled but find it hard to accept that their son is a lycanthrope. D.C. Nancy Reid visits the house after Nina's phone call. Annie finds it hard to believe that Mitchell would be involved in a massacre and Mitchell burns his scrapbook, unaware that Herrick has already shown it to Nancy. Written by don @ minifie-1
After confessing his guilt to Annie, Mitchell is arrested and dragged off to the police station, where he is terrified that, when his photograph is taken, both his identity and vampire society will be exposed. The McNairs come back to the house after the father has been injured fighting vampires. He knows Herrick of old and, as the full moon rises, prepares to kill him but ends up dead himself. Herrick, now fully restored to his powers and memory, goes on a rampage, kills Nancy (whose superior, Cooper, also a vampire, was finished off by Annie), and threatens Nina. Written by don @ minifie-1/edited by statmanjeff
A uniformed Herrick slaughters Mitchell's police captors before putting him into a cage and bringing in George, whom Herrick hopes will kill Mitchell after being told that Nina has been; however, they are saved by the arrival of Tom, who escapes with George whilst Mitchell kills off Herrick for good. Annie is lured into purgatory by Lia, who tells that she lied to Mitchell about his being killed by a werewolf to scare him but that he believes her prophesy will come true. Sensing that Annie now despises Mitchell, Lia lets Annie go and she is able to help bring Nina back to life. Mitchell returns to the house, begging George to put a stake through him before he kills any more people, but they are interrupted by Edgar Wyndam, a representative of the 'old' vampires, who has his own plans for Mitchell. Which one of them will George finally send on his way? Written by don @ minifie-1
A werewolf, a vampire and a ghost live in a flat in Bristol. Where's the punchline right? Wrong. It's so much more complex than that and once you sit down and give it a chance, you'll see it was a great decision. This is one of the best shows to grace the airways. Everyone needs to give this a go. You won't regret it. Written by zilla92
A werewolf, a vampire and a ghost live in a flat in Bristol. Where's the punchline right? Wrong. It's so much more complex than that and once you sit down and give it a chance, you'll see it was a great decision. This is one of the best shows to grace the airways. Everyone needs to give this a go. You won't regret it. Written by zilla92
A werewolf, a vampire and a ghost live in a flat in Bristol. Where's the punchline right? Wrong. It's so much more complex than that and once you sit down and give it a chance, you'll see it was a great decision. This is one of the best shows to grace the airways. Everyone needs to give this a go. You won't regret it. Written by zilla92
A werewolf, a vampire and a ghost live in a flat in Bristol. Where's the punchline right? Wrong. It's so much more complex than that and once you sit down and give it a chance, you'll see it was a great decision. This is one of the best shows to grace the airways. Everyone needs to give this a go. You won't regret it. Written by zilla92
A werewolf, a vampire and a ghost live in a flat in Bristol. Where's the punchline right? Wrong. It's so much more complex than that and once you sit down and give it a chance, you'll see it was a great decision. This is one of the best shows to grace the airways. Everyone needs to give this a go. You won't regret it. Written by zilla92