Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Blossom and her dad help Six and her mum deal with the divorce. 12 year old boy is in love with Blossom.
All Episodes - S02
Blossom reminisces in her diary about boyfriend Jimmy and the possibility of going to second base. Tony obsesses over earthquake preparedness. Nick writes a eulogy for a friend who died too young.
Nick is reacquainted with Buzz, his former musician father-in-law with whom he had a rocky relationship. However, instead of skipping town to go back on the road, Buzz considers staying to get to know his grandchildren.
Blossom and Six find a joint on the school bus and consider smoking it. Before they get a chance, it is found by Nick who interrogates everyone in the family to find out who it belongs to.
Blossom and Six go on a school band trip while Nick and Buzz deal with the boys back home.
Blossom is upset when a male friend spreads rumors that he scored with her. Joey accidentally gets put in an honors class and fears he will be considered a geek. So he tries to come up with a way to get kicked out of the class without failing. Written by SteveG
Blossom likes a boy Six is dating. Tony's past might stop him from following his dream of becoming an EMT.
Anthony tries to intervene when he sees that one of Joey's friends is depending too much on alcohol. Blossom and Nick decide to ditch school and work to spend a day together having fun.
Joey meets the girl of his dreams. However, there is one problem- she doesn't speak English. Fearing that her parents are getting divorced, Six begins to spend more of her time at Blossom's house.
While sick in bed, Blossom dreams that she is a prima donna rock star.
When they find out that Nick will be bringing home his latest girlfriend, the kids fantasize about what she will be like.
How great would it be if Nick and Six's divorcing mum got together? Or would it?
Fearing that he will not be able to meet the next mortgage payment, Nick convinces the kids that they would be better off moving somewhere else.
With a shortage of jobs due to a musician's strike, Nick takes a low-paying job at a mall playing Christmas music.
Blossom freezes up during her PSAT test while Joey finds a way to excel on his SAT test. Tony fears that he may become addicted to gambling when Buzz takes him to the track.
Realizing that her substitute teacher will be leaving, Blossom tells him that she is in love with him. However when he is given another week at the school, Blossom fakes sickness to avoid him.
Blossom is the target of a female bully after she gets paired up with her boyfriend for a class assignment. Nick is visited by his old high school rival who is in the midst of a midlife crisis.
Blossom joins the debate team but has trouble speaking in public. Anthony saves the life of a centerfold.
For her mother's 40th birthday, Blossom decides to make a home video to send to her. However, one person who is reluctant to participate is her father.
Blossom and Six's slumber party is made more lively when a notorious party girl attends. However, they soon learn that she is just using the party as a cover so that she can go out drinking with a guy she had just met.
Blossom and Six camp out to try and get tickets for a C+C Music Factory concert. Anthony cannot understand why his new work partner is giving him the cold shoulder.
Blossom and her dad help Six and her mum deal with the divorce. 12 year old boy is in love with Blossom.
Sometimes even good people lie. Like Blossom and Nick and even Joey.
Blossom takes her driving test and Joey is being sexually harassed at work.