Season 01
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Season 06
After the prank war got out of hand the gang comes close to breaking up even Mr.Feeny's intervention could not help.We even get a glimpse into the future how everyones life turned out if they lost all contact with each other.
All Episodes - S07
After learning her parents are getting a divorce, Topanga calls off the wedding, so Cory and Shawn go to Pittsburgh and try to persuade her parents to get back together. While in Pittsburgh, they learn that Jedadiah left Rhiannon for another women. Eric Gets a New Haircut. Written by Lisa
Both couples Cory-Topanga and Angela-Shawn split up Topanga and Angela Move in with Rachael without telling Eric and Jack. So the boys go against the girls to see who gets the apartment and the girls win, and Eric vows to seek revenge on Topanga for beating him up so easily. Written by Lisa
Angela's father comes to visit her, helping her reconcile with Shawn. Eric plans his revenge on Topanga.
Topanga decides to put her money on Cory, While Eric gets Jack in over his head with a bookie.
Rachael gets mad when Cory and Shawn read her diary. While Jack and Eric take over as managers of the student union.
Cory and Topanga dish out the ups and downs of planning their wedding. Including his selection for best man and her dress-hating bridesmaids.
Corey and Topanga finally tie the knot but not without dealing with Shawn's concerns for his future friendship with Corey and Eric arranging for his brother to have a nicer wedding at an upscale hotel.
While on their honeymoon Cory and Topanga consider staying there permanently, but change their mind when they start missing their family and friends. Eric follows Cory and Topanga on their honeymoon on a quest to make up for the things that went wrong in the wedding. Written by Lisa
Cory and Topanga realize they are on their own when Shawn moves into the girls' apartment and Cory's parents refuse to take them in.
Cory and Topanga decide that a house is not right for them when Shawn convinces them to fix up their apartment.Meanwhile Jack and Eric get a new boss at the student union.
Cory redecorates the apartment. Meanwhile Eric and Jack pose as girls to hide from a goon on campus.
Shawn has trouble dealing with the fact he doesn't know who his parents are.Meanwhile Eric throws a surprise party for Alan but, Shawn gets a even bigger surprise when the Matthews offer to adopt him.
Cory gets upset because he thinks Topanga is better than him. Meanwhile Eric finds a lucky Penny.
Cory overreacts to a low score on a health test that says he should be dead already.Meanwhile Eric joins the family buisness but, Amy and Mr. Feeny don't think its a good idea.
A prank war among the seven friends gets out of hand.
After the prank war got out of hand the gang comes close to breaking up even Mr.Feeny's intervention could not help.We even get a glimpse into the future how everyones life turned out if they lost all contact with each other.
Eric and Topanga go on a diet because they have noticed they have gained weight and Cory thinks that Topanga is Pregnant.
After their friends don't invite them to go to this cool night club with them Topanga feels like married life has mellowed them out so they throw a party in their apartment on the same night as a popular guy on campus party. Meanwhile after Eric hits his head he gets psychic powers of which Jack takes advantage of. Written by Lisa
Eric feels hurt when Cory invites Shawn and Topanga to clean out the garage instead of him and it make him feel like Cory doesn't wanna hang out with him any more. Meanwhile Jack and Shawn spend some brotherly time together but, can't seem to find anything in common. Written by Lisa
When Topanga is stressed out she is transported to a 1940s black-and-white setting where she doesn't remember anything about her past and it teaches her no to so uptight.
When Angela's father wants to take her to Europe for a year, Shawn has to make a decision whether to let her go or ask her to stay. Meanwhile, Jack, Eric and Rachel think about their future.
Topanga gets a job in New York and Cory fears having to leave Philadelphia.
As all the friends say goodbye to each other they all make one last stop to Mr. Feeny's Classroom for their last goodbye to Mr.Feeny where he gives them his very last piece of advice.