Some Assembly Required

Some Assembly Required

While arguing whether he is jealous and has a vampire character, Angel and Buffy are attacked by a typical one, which is no problem, and she stumbles into an fresh grave, but remarks the body didn't rise itself as vampires do, it was dug up. Uncertain how to court a modern girl like miss Jenny Calendar, Giles can use some dating advice, then starts researching what evil purpose digging up girl bodies may serve, his guesses being a voodoo priest creating zombies or a flesh-eating demon, which is ruled out by a dig on the graveyard. Hiding (it was only Angel) in a dumpster near school, Cordelia finds thrown-away body parts. The gang correctly suspects science class ace Chris Epps, a recluse since his elder jock brother Daryl's fatal car accident, and geeky yearbook photographer Eric Gittleson, worries because there is no head taken yet and finds out only later the third perpetrator is already Frankenstein-monstrously 'reassembled' Daryl Epps, who wants a mate and chose Cordelia's head ... Written by KGF Vissers



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Parent Show

HD When She Was Bad

When She Was Bad


When She Was Bad - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Buffy returns from her summer vacation after defeating the Master and is not the same fun-loving slayer she used to be. Her cold, distant behavior escalates when she discovers that the remaining vampire population are planning to resurrect the Master. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD Some Assembly Required

Some Assembly Required


Some Assembly Required - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

While arguing whether he is jealous and has a vampire character, Angel and Buffy are attacked by a typical one, which is no problem, and she stumbles into an fresh grave, but remarks the body didn't rise itself as vampires do, it was dug up. Uncertain how to court a modern girl like miss Jenny Calendar, Giles can use some dating advice, then starts researching what evil purpose digging up girl bodies may serve, his guesses being a voodoo priest creating zombies or a flesh-eating demon, which is ruled out by a dig on the graveyard. Hiding (it was only Angel) in a dumpster near school, Cordelia finds thrown-away body parts. The gang correctly suspects science class ace Chris Epps, a recluse since his elder jock brother Daryl's fatal car accident, and geeky yearbook photographer Eric Gittleson, worries because there is no head taken yet and finds out only later the third perpetrator is already Frankenstein-monstrously 'reassembled' Daryl Epps, who wants a mate and chose Cordelia's head ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD School Hard

School Hard


School Hard - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Principal Snyder puts 'worst students' Buffy and real rebel Sheila Martini in charge of parents night preparations as a last chance to avoid expulsion. The surviving vampires at the hell-mouth agree whoever kills the Slayer who eliminated him may succeed the Master, then are surprised by the return of Spike, who happily reunites with his princess Drusilla and promises the Anointed boy Colin to do the job. Giles and Calendar warn Buffy next Saturday is St. Vigeous night, vampire prime day, still she joins the gang at the Bronze, where Spike sees her slay and promises revenge on Saturday. As if parent day weren't going bad enough, Spike's band attacks early. Buffy doesn't know Sheila was caught and bitten in advance, so she's a danger in her back, and on whose side is Angel, who knows Spike well? Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Inca Mummy Girl

Inca Mummy Girl


Inca Mummy Girl - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

While on a field trip to the local museum, one of the students breaks a ceramic seal in the coffin of an Incan mummy, who rises and must consume the life-force of others in order to remain alive. She tries to fit in with the students at Sunnydale, and even starts to have real feelings for Xander. But when Buffy, Willow, and Giles realize who and what she really is, they may have to rescue Xander before he becomes the mummy's next victim. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD Reptile Boy

Reptile Boy


Reptile Boy - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

The people around Buffy start needing more and more, and she starts feeling pulled apart. When Cordelia's college crush shows up on campus with a friend who has eyes for Buffy, Cordelia convinces Buffy to come with her to the frat party. But the party soon turns sinister, and Buffy learns the connection between the fraternity and the local girls who have recently gone missing. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD Halloween



Halloween - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

It turns out that Halloween is the one night of the year when vampires actually lay low, so everybody is getting their costumes from the new store in town, Ethan's Costume Shop. Buffy wears a noble woman's dress from the time when Angel was human, Xander dresses up like a soldier, and Willow chickens out on dressing like a hooker and goes as a ghost. But Ethan Rayne, the shop owner, has invoked the Roman god Janus so everybody becomes their costume. That means all the kids in the neighborhood are now monsters and Buffy thinks she is an 18th-century maiden who faints at the sight of demons and vampires. Written by DRBERNABO256

Country: USA
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HD Lie to Me

Lie to Me


Lie to Me - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Ford, an old friend of Buffy's from L.A., shows up unexpectedly in Sunnydale, and seems to know that she is the Slayer. When Xander, Willow, and Angel discover that he is involved with a cult-like group of disillusioned teens who idolize vampires, they must find out Ford's true agenda before it's too late. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD The Dark Age

The Dark Age


The Dark Age - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

The secrets of Giles's dark past come back to haunt him when an old friend turns up dead in Sunnydale. As a troubled youth, Giles and his friends summoned a demon. Now it has returned and is hunting down the people who summoned it, and its quest for revenge may place the life of someone dear to Giles in extreme danger. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD What's My Line?: Part 1

What's My Line?: Part 1


What's My Line?: Part 1 - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Career Week, a must at Sunnydale High by order of the principal, finds Xander has a future as jailer; Willow and geek Oz are nerdy first choice for top class companies. Buffy realizes that she has practically no future apart from that of a Slayer, at best law enforcer. Meanwhile Spike sends the order of Taraka, four deadly assassins who can assume any form, to eliminate the Slayer while, as Giles and Willow's research soon learns, a special cross stolen from the tomb of inventor Dulac, a theologian and mathematician, is added as key to his coded manuscript a vampire minion stole stole from Giles' library to find a cure for Spike's weakened, crazy vampire lover Drusilla... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD What's My Line?: Part 2

What's My Line?: Part 2


What's My Line?: Part 2 - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

The girl who attacked Buffy turns out to be no vampire but another slayer, Kendra, who assumed her duty while Buffy was drowned dead for a minute and works far more by the book Buffy ignored even to exist. Angel fears to die as the rising sun reaches into his holding place, but is dragged out in time by snitch Willy, only to be sold to Spike, who needs Drusilla's sire to revitalize her in a demonic ritual in an abandoned church which will kill Angel, and allows her first to enjoy torturing the shirtless hunk with holy water. Helping Cordelia escape the maggot-made Taraka order-killer makes Xander spike their formally continuing hatred with hot kisses, twice, a female killer fails to kill Buffy as police recruiter on career day... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Ted



Ted - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Buffy has parental issues when Joyce comes home with a boyfriend, the computer expert and master chef Ted, whose charming personality impresses everyone except Buffy. Buffy insists there's not something right with Ted, but everyone keeps telling her she's just being paranoid... Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD Bad Eggs

Bad Eggs


Bad Eggs - EPS 12

IMDb: 6.4
60 min

While Buffy is in trouble with her mother, who believes she's too selfish to think of anything else then boys and clothes (she wished it were true!) and resorts to grounding (ignoring Angel's window visits), the brothers Lyle and Tector Gorch, who murdered an entire Mexican village even before they turned vampires, are spotted, presumably attracted by the Hellmouth. Meanwhile a teacher who worries about irresponsible teenager sex, as Xander and Cordelia -still passionately despising and kissing each-other- verbally demonstrate in class to think only of superficial risks, resorts to the parenting eggs trick, only absent Buffy is a 'single mother'. Of course in Sunnydale the eggs turn out to be not poultry but something nasty, dangerous and mysterious, even after boiling as Xander did to facilitate parental care, of the body snatching order... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Surprise



Surprise - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

While the gang is encouraged by Giles to prepare a surprise party for Buffy's 17th birthday, she has nightmares about Angel, who tries to reassure her, being vanished by Drusilla, who has indeed survived the fire with Spike and is preparing a revenge 'party'. They find out the hard way, by finding one of the severed armored body parts of the Judge, a terrible demon who can not be killed by any weapon,designed to destroy all righteous people, no evil creatures, which the Hell-mouth side is reassembling... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Innocence



Innocence - EPS 14

IMDb: 9.3
60 min

Angel's night of fleshly passion with Buffy has transformed him again into the super-vampire Angelus, without a soul, who teams up with Spike, Drusilla and the assembled demon Judge, offering to eliminate Buffy with love. Willow is shocked to see Xander kiss Cordelia and turns to fellow nerd (but band member) Oz. Just sensing Angel doesn't truly love her back devastates Buffy, seeing him turned vampire again reduces her to useless tearfulness, then makes Giles's lady-friend Janna 'Jenny' Calendar, who clearly knew something, tell about Angel's soul-curse, while angel turns to her gypsy Uncle Enyos. Meanwhile Xander works rather literally on the line 'it took a army' to defeat the Judge... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Phases



Phases - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

While Xander and Cordelia make out in the woods in her dad's car, they are attacked by a giant werewolf, who also killed various animals, on the night before the full moon. Giles insists no silver bullets, as a werewolf remains an innocent human except for three nights per lunar month, an ethical consideration wasted on former ivory poacher Kane, who wants his twelfth werewolf kill for the fur. Xander suspects and confronts school bully Lary, but finds out his secret is in fact queerly innocent and worth keeping. When they check the corps of Theresa, the only human fatal victim, Xander saves Buffy staking her: she's a vampire, attacking courtesy of her sire Angelus... After Oz wakes up naked in the wood, his aunt confirms Jordy is a werewolf too, but Willow is trough waiting for him to make the first move... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered


Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Nice, insecure Xander's unnatural passionate yet loveless relationship with snooty, selfish Cordelia has never felt right, but when her friends find out and decide that's the end of her popular status, she dumps him without hesitation, ironically without getting back in their favor. Being dumped on Valentine's day after he gave her a swell heart-shaped necklace is too much abuse even for Xander's low self-esteem, so when he notices Amy has taken up her mother's witchcraft, he blackmails her into putting his scorner under a love spell so he can take his revenge by dumping her hist as painfully. Alas the novice's ineptly executed spell works on every girl except Cordelia and that means dangerous irrationality. Meanwhile vampires Spike, Drusilla and especially spiteful Angelus have their own unconventional ideas about celebrating Valentine's day... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Passion



Passion - EPS 17

IMDb: 9.4
60 min

Because of the way Angelus once took revenge on Drusilla's family, Buffy fears a similar fate for her friends and her mother Joyce Summers. Joyce and Buffy hash out some difficult mother-daughter stuff, but still Buffy does not tell the her mother truth of the problem. Jenny Calender hopes to redeem herself in the eyes of Buffy and Giles by attempting to translate the Gypsy curse and restore Angelus's human soul. Unfortunately, Angelus is ahead of her, and the gang loses a member. A grief-stricken Giles takes off on his own for revenge. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Killed by Death

Killed by Death


Killed by Death - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Buffy barely survives Angelus' latest attack because she falls prey to a very common enemy: influenza, an epidemic among Sunnydale Highs students. Yet in hospital, a place she fears since she was alone with a dying close cousin aged 8, she lends credence to children who claim there is a killer invisible to adults which comes at night, they call Death. Initially Giles is skeptic, but after Buffy, who suspected Dr. Stanley Backer who has a dodgy record, experienced it herself, the monster is found out to be an actual child killer (Kindestod in German) which Buffy should slay... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD I Only Have Eyes for You

I Only Have Eyes for You


I Only Have Eyes for You - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Even by Sunnydale standards, pupils and teachers have disturbing illusions which make them do crazy things. Giles soon realizes that is a poltergeist, and insists it must be his Jenny, but Willow's research in her PC -preparing to take over her computing classes- points to the 1955 incident Buffy witnesses in a vision, when student James Stanley shot dead his teacher and lover Grace Newman, one of them is the ghost stuck in reliving the fatal tragedy, especially as its anniversary is on the high school's annual, now approaching Sadie Hawkins Dance with gender role reversal. Willow plans an elaborate exorcism, but the ghost plays dirty. Angelus' appearance changes everything... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Go Fish

Go Fish


Go Fish - EPS 20

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

Principal Snyder is so eager to see Sunnydale High's swim team go trough to the state finals that he 'suggests' Willow should spare its boys failing grades, on top of general adulation and favors. However, the best swimmers are soon murdered -in order- by an aquatic monster, unknown even to Giles and his books, which leaves only their skin, as witnessed by Xander, who enrolls as new swimmer -sexier in Speedos and braver then Cordelia ever imagined- while Buffy tries to guard the number three and most likely next target. It turns out the whole team is on special steroids, inhaled in the sauna, a secret strictly guarded by Coach Carl Marin, even when school nurse Greenleigh gets second thoughts... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Becoming: Part 1

Becoming: Part 1


Becoming: Part 1 - EPS 21

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Angelus reminisces how Angel was turned into a vampire by Darla in 1753, drove Drusilla mad in London in 1860 and was cursed as gypsies' revenge in a Rumanian forest in 1898 to suffer ever since being burdened with a soul and guilty conscience, and witnessed Buffy being shown her destiny in Los Angeles in 1996. In 1997 only tutor Willow enjoys preparing for final exams, Buffy is eager to slay Angelus and be done with Angel. Giles is called to the museum after the digging up at a social housing project of an inscribed obelisk which he realizes is a container; Angelus and Drusilla steal it and explain to Spike it's the tomb of the demon Acathla, who was killed by a righteous knight's sword before the demon's breath could swallow the earth; his awakening will open a gateway to a demonic dimension which can then spill into earth. Discovering Jenny's black magic research and intent to return Angel's soul is opposed by Xander, who wants his 'rival for Buffy' dead anyhow, and by Kendra, who ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Becoming: Part 2

Becoming: Part 2


Becoming: Part 2 - EPS 22

IMDb: 9.5
44 min

Buffy arrives too late to save the gang from Drusilla's surprise attack, and ends up being arrested for the murder of one of her friends. After escaping from the police, she discovers that Willow is comatose, Giles has been kidnapped, and she is almost totally alone going into the final battle with Angelus. She heads out to rescue Giles and stop Angelus once and for all... with the help of an unlikely ally. Written by Nicola Leoni

Country: USA
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