The Harsh Light of Day

The Harsh Light of Day

Willow is bitten by bimbo friend Harmony Kendall, who turned vampire at the end of season 3. Oz chases her and she threatens him with her boy-friend, who will beat them up- that's actually Spike, who has a secret new underground lair and troop to dig for a crypt. Now that Kathie is out of the way, Parker Abrams, who switched major from medicine to history, is ready to kiss Buffy, but the vampire alert (a 'bad puppy' is all they tell him) gets priority for a while. Harmony makes Spike bump into Buffy, he says it's too early and she blurts out they're after the Gem of Amara. According to Giles the gem is a legendary vampire grail-equivalent rendering the holder invulnerable. Anya is eager to have sex with Xander and strips for him - his objections last a mere minute. Buffy gets into Parker's bed, but no commitment either. The whole gang is summoned by Giles, who has discovered that the gem may indeed be in a crypt in the 'Valley of the Sun' i.e. Sunnydale; Spike already found it and has... Written by KGF Vissers



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HD The Freshman

The Freshman


The Freshman - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

When the Sunnydale High gang arrives on college campus, Willow and Oz -who even knows the site and people from his band, which has a cool house- take to academic life like a duck to water, Buffy like a fish on land, miserable with a plain roommate she can't confide in, lost, making a fool of herself with one of the rough, demanding professors. Buffy literally bumps into charming teaching assistant Riley Finn, but he is clearly more interested in fellow psychology buff Willow. Another literally lost student, Eddie, seems nice, but disappears the next morning. Buffy smells vampires, indeed a whole nest has formed a sorority. Visiting Giles, she finds him with a scantily dressed visitor, Olivia, and is told to mind herself except in emergencies, not the case yet apparently, however he will reconsider later. The vampire president is arrogant, hopefully enough to underestimate Buffy, who is greatly relieved to find Xander is back from his summer touring... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Living Conditions

Living Conditions


Living Conditions - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

From the start Buffy didn't get along with her fussy, girlish roommate Kathy Newman, who seems to have a different taste in all matters, but Kathy seems determined to follow her around. One evening Buffy shoves her out of the way to fight off one demon of a lurking type which Giles, to whom she turns in search of anything familiar, later determines as trans-dimensional. Even Parker Abrams, the nice, helpful older student Buffy met, who came for her to their dorm room while she patrolled, seems more interested in Kathy. The antagonism between the rivaling roomies grows to a 'demonic' dimension, while Buffy believes that Kathy's fingernails growing back daily must be a monster-characteristic. At last the gang decides to intervene, but an unexpected other interested party... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Harsh Light of Day

The Harsh Light of Day


The Harsh Light of Day - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Willow is bitten by bimbo friend Harmony Kendall, who turned vampire at the end of season 3. Oz chases her and she threatens him with her boy-friend, who will beat them up- that's actually Spike, who has a secret new underground lair and troop to dig for a crypt. Now that Kathie is out of the way, Parker Abrams, who switched major from medicine to history, is ready to kiss Buffy, but the vampire alert (a 'bad puppy' is all they tell him) gets priority for a while. Harmony makes Spike bump into Buffy, he says it's too early and she blurts out they're after the Gem of Amara. According to Giles the gem is a legendary vampire grail-equivalent rendering the holder invulnerable. Anya is eager to have sex with Xander and strips for him - his objections last a mere minute. Buffy gets into Parker's bed, but no commitment either. The whole gang is summoned by Giles, who has discovered that the gem may indeed be in a crypt in the 'Valley of the Sun' i.e. Sunnydale; Spike already found it and has... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Fear Itself

Fear Itself


Fear Itself - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

In the Halloween night, Buffy is very depressed due to her non-corresponded feelings for Parker, and Willow, Oz and Xander convince her to go to a famous Halloween party in a fraternity with them to have some fun. Anya is also invited by Xander to join the group. However, while decorating the place previously, one of the hosts paints a magic symbol, the Mark of Gachnar, on the floor, and an accidentally spilled drop of Oz's blood awakens the Fear Demon Gachnar who is fed by fear, bringing panic and horror to life on the house. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Beer Bad

Beer Bad


Beer Bad - EPS 05

IMDb: 6.0
60 min

Gloomily gazing at Parker, who has moved to another one-night-conquest, still enamored Buffy misses out on another chance to approach charming teaching assistant Riley Finn in the college bar and accepts an invitation from some arrogant students. Those grossly embarrass the new barman, Xander, who finds the work and his boss harder then expected, while feeding Buffy gallons of pedantic crap and their adored 'panacea' beer Black Frost, which contains an inhibitions-blocking, addictive concoction, taken in such large quantities even turning them into ape-men, losing speech, wielding cudgels, setting fire to the college bar. Grumpy because her Oz has eyes for another band's female singer, Willow spits at 'never evolved, sex-obsessed' men to Parker, the cavemen knock them down. Giles loses her track after realizing Buffy's regression, but brave Xander kept up and saves the students from the fire; only her ex Parker is left to Buffy, who already felt like hitting him vindictively... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Wild at Heart

Wild at Heart


Wild at Heart - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Willow jealously disliked at first sight Veruca, the singer of another band, for instantly appealing to her lover Oz, but now it gets much worse, the two are embarrassingly alike in every way tested, even the last and crucial one: when his cage can't hold his werewolf-form one full moon-night, Oz escapes and fights a female werewolf, to wake up naked next to her- Veruca, and she feels werewolf is their essential, primary nature, human a 'disguise'. Buffy learns professor Maggie Walsh was followed and nearly attacked by two 'wild dogs' who fought each-other instead on campus and alerts Giles. Oz can only get Veruca safely into his cage for one thing: the hormonal lust of mating, and prefers that to killing her. Alas Willow, whose love for Oz had just got over the feeling of being left out, sees them together and is devastated. Finally another night, Oz's strongest instincts fight 'to the finish'... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Initiative

The Initiative


The Initiative - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Spike is captured by the paramilitary commando in the campus, but escapes from a hi-tech facility unable to bite or fight against humans. Meanwhile, Riley Finn (Marc Blucas) finds that he likes Buffy, but is incapable of establishing a dialog with her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Pangs



Pangs - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

It's Thanksgiving, and Buffy pushes Giles to host the gang 'as a real American'. Anya finds her lover Xander particularly sexy in his new construction laborer's job, digging a deep hole during the ceremony for the newly built Cultural Center at UC Sunnydale, but he falls into an Indian grave inside the ancient mission, and thus releases the revengeful spirit of the Chumash warrior Hus, who can transform himself into green smoke or various animals, and starts by killing the curator with an 19 century ceremonial Chumash stone knife. The fact that Xander gets the very diseases (sick he seems as erotic to Anya as sweating bare-chested) the Chumash contracted while virtually enslaved in the colonial era, and the choice of Hus's victims make Willow, who feels very guilty for the plight of the natives, and Giles, who insists Hus's victims are innocent, realize he must be after historical vengeance. Meanwhile Riley Finn's military Initiative commandos team continues implants rendering ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Something Blue

Something Blue


Something Blue - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Willow has another try at active magic, trying to cure her lovesick longing for Oz by means of a spell which makes her will come true, but thinks it failed while it's only delayed and sometimes works otherwise, more literally then she meant, so without anyone realizing for a while she blinds Giles, switches Amy from rat to girl and back, teleports Buffy, makes her tell off Riley because she and Spike fall madly in love and actually plan a wedding and makes Xander attract demons. Only when Anya, Xander and Giles, who was looking for magic to help Spike with his feeding problem, figure out what has happened can the magic be reversed, but the council of the upper demon D'Hoffryn, who granted her spell, has summoned Willow, intending to recruit her as a powerful evil witch, not the failure she believed to be... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Hush



Hush - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.7
43 min

The creepy demons The Gentlemen capture the voice of the population of Sunnydale, to steal human hearts without scream. Giles find that in accordance with a legend, the creatures will be destroyed if a lady screams, but Buffy's gang plus Riley must fight the monsters voiceless. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Doomed



Doomed - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Buffy tells soldier Riley, who insists to be a nice, otherwise normal Iowa boy, she knows all about his secret military commando unit, and that she is the slayer, they agree on discretion and a time-out. However mismatched the involuntary house-mates are, frustratingly 'implant-innocent' Spike can't even hit Xander, fails a suicide attempt by falling on a stake. Willow is sad to find Percy drove to Sunnydale all the way from USC to visit Laurie but considers her a negligible nerd. Giles presumes Buffy's panic after an seismic tremor unjustified, till he checks the triangular mark carved into a corps Willow found in her bed, left by a demon race associated with the sacrifice of three -Buffy and Riley find one in the cemetery, each's team is alerted- and the word of Valios; by the time Giles figures out it's a talisman in his possession, it's robbed by the demons, who may now be able to open the apocalyptic hell-mouth in the high-school ruins left from the mayor's ascension... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD A New Man

A New Man


A New Man - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

At Buffy's 19th birthday party, Giles has a realization. He is an unemployed, middle-aged man hanging around with a bunch of teenagers. He feels even worse when he finds out that he is the only one who doesn't know about Riley and the Initiative. Feeling useless and insecure, he runs into Ethan Rayne, but the confrontation ends in drinks at the local pub rather than the usual fisticuffs. The next morning, Giles looks in the mirror and discovers he's woken up as a demon. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD The I in Team

The I in Team


The I in Team - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Buffy is working within the Initiative, excited by the military equipment and collaboration with her lover Riley, with whom she finally shares love to the full, but who proves trained as a selected soldier to follow orders without too many questions. Meanwhile professor Walsh hides from them a secret project, assembling 'Adam' from parts of various monster races. Xander hopes to become Anya's big spender by starting a business in 'Booster' bars, but nobody seems to like any of the flavors, at all. Spike just moved out to his crypt and told Giles he wanted nothing more to do with the gang, but has to rush back begging for their help after being shot by the commandos -now equipped with command cameras- with a dart, which Xander identifies as a tracer; Willow performs an ionization spell as camouflage during surgical removal. Professor Walsh feels inquisitive Buffy become a 'liability' with too much influence on Riley, and sets her up to be cornered in the sewers with two slasher demons ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Goodbye Iowa

Goodbye Iowa


Goodbye Iowa - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

Professor Maggie Walsh's only fellow researcher on project 3-14, Dr. Angelman, finds her killed by it, the 'demonoid' she assembled from various monster -, man and machine parts as an ultimate warrior: Adam is now loose and kills without any conscience. Giles can't maintain the Initiative won't come to his home when Riley turns up instantly, so the gang hides at Xander's while Spike barely escapes them by hiding under a corps in a tomb in his crypt, later to become attacked by demons who realize he turned good. Willow and Tara fail to locate the demon by summoning the dark goddess Tespia. Riley gets sick and aggressive -withdrawal from the drugs Maggie secretly mixed in the commandos' food- but goes after Buffy and Xander, who interrogated Willy the Snitch with him earlier and now break into the Initiative's military facility, where Adam also got in and explains he sees Riley as Maggie's other favorite (brain)child; Riley's rejection causes a fight... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD This Year's Girl

This Year's Girl


This Year's Girl - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

Buffy and the gang are looking for the loose demon-human-machine composite amoral killer Adam which professor Maggie Walsh created as ultimate soldier, but find only the corps of a demon he skinned and dissected just like a human boy before. They were about to brave the Initiative's military base to get Riley back, but he already walked out, recovering reasonably from a stab wound he got when Adam broke in, however in even more painful doubt about his future and purpose now the military logic of just following orders is discredited. In hospital, the evil-turned slayer Faith wakes up after months of coma and a series of nightmares, mostly with Buffy as her enemy; she escapes and sees the Mayor's posthumous tape, which comes with an object to encourage Faith to 'go with a bang' fighting Buffy, to which end she breaks in at ma Joyce Summers's home... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Who Are You?

Who Are You?


Who Are You? - EPS 16

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

Faith and Buffy switch bodies. Trapped in Faith's body, Buffy is kept in police custody, but on the way to the precinct, the Watchers Council's retrieval team provokes an accident with an armored truck and captures her from the police car. Faith enjoys free life in Buffy's body, flirting with many guys in the Bronze, ultimately Ryan, and buys a ticket overseas. Willow introduces Buffy to Tara, who feels an evil aura in her soul. Willow and Tara risk a dangerous astral projection to the Nether Realm beyond the physical world to find the truth. Adam trains three vampires against fear, and they kidnap and threaten everyone in a church. Faith listens to the news in the airport and goes to the church, where Buffy, Riley and the gang are facing the monsters. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Superstar



Superstar - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.0
60 min

When the fantastic Jonathan visits Sunnydale U.C., everybody wants to be with him: the inventor of Internet; lead actor of The Matrix; awesome vampire hunter; stunning singer; great author of successful best-sellers; amazing lover. Meanwhile, a weird and powerful long-armed demon also comes to Sunnydale, marked with an unusual signal. When Buffy sees the same signal on Jonathan's shoulder, she feels that something is not right in the reality. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are


Where the Wild Things Are - EPS 18

IMDb: 6.3
60 min

It's becoming clear Adam is bridging the natural 'racist' aversion between demons and vampires. Spike eagerly stirs Anya's insecurity, even fearing a second sex-less night means Xander, who now runs an ice cream cart, is either no longer in love or physically flaw. Riley performs great in bed upstairs with Buffy and has planned a party downstairs in the frat house, mainly for the other commandos' moral. There weird, even scary things start happening, which drive everyone out. Willow and Giles discover that Lowell house formerly was a home for problem teenagers, where the prudish, still living director Genevive Holt, punished 'dirty deeds' so horribly that several victims have become poltergeists, who now draw energy from the love-making upstairs... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD New Moon Rising

New Moon Rising


New Moon Rising - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

In the full moon, Oz returns to Sunnydale and spends the night with Willow telling that he was healed of the wolf thing in Tibet, using meditation, drinking some teas and using some charms. Willow has no courage to tell him her relationship with Tara. When Oz finds that Tara and Willow are in love, he becomes upset, loses control and transforms in a werewolf, being captured by the Initiative. Riley tries to help him, but is arrested. Meanwhile, Spike closes an agreement with Adam, and guides the Scooby group to the Initiative to release Oz and Riley. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD The Yoko Factor

The Yoko Factor


The Yoko Factor - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

While the Iniatiative brass and its political superior worry about its commandos' moral, unreliable control -loose gun Riley- and what to do with captured demons, Adam promises to put Spike back on the map as 'terrifying beast' after removing his behavior chip implant and eliminate slayer Buffy together. Spike cleverly makes a deal with Giles, who accepts his demands for blood supply, money and immunity from slaying in return for discretion and information on the Initiative and Adam, on heavily encoded data media which even Willow finds quite a challenge. Meanwhile Spike stirs potential strife and personal insecurities among the gang so Buffy feels almost isolated, such as Willow's lesbianism, only laborer Xander's lack of status and (self-)respect, Giles' midlife crisis after professional (library) retirement and feeble hold on his almost solo-slaying charge. After Xander accidentally told Riley about Angel's curse while bringing the demoralized ex-soldier silly clothes in his ruins ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Primeval



Primeval - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

When Buffy sees Spike in Adam's cave, she realizes that Spike is intriguing the Scooby gang to destroy their friendship following Adam's instructions. She meets Willow, Xander and Giles and they apologize to each other. They also realize that the monsters were not captured by the Initiative, but actually they are the Trojan Horse of Adam to fight against the commando from inside. Once Buffy alone is not able to defeat Adam, the Scooby gang decides to transfer the best of each one of them, i.e., the witch power of Willow, the strength of Xander and the expertise of Giles, to Buffy through witchcraft to make her powerful and capable of fighting against Adam. Meanwhile, Riley finds that he has a chip over his heart and connected to his central nervous system to modify his behavior and obey Adam. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Restless



Restless - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

In the fourth season finale, Buffy, Xander, Giles, and Willow decide to stay up late watching movies after their victory against Adam, only all four of them immediately fall asleep. One by one, each of their dreams take a dark and twisted turn as a sinister force stalks each of them through the dream world and inside their own heads. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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