Season 01
As the wedding date draws near, April is forced to face a list of lasts, such as her last week of living at home and her last time being a single girl.
All Episodes - S02
As April and Leo begin to plan their wedding, she gets devastating news.
April struggles to take the reins of her life when she has to make a big decision about her life.
As her last day at Charton approaches, Brenna struggles with always being in April's shadow.
April and Leo are in the throes of wedding planning and coming at crossroads when Sara suggests they take a newlywed quiz to help them learn more about each other.
As the wedding date draws near, April is forced to face a list of lasts, such as her last week of living at home and her last time being a single girl.
All the planning is done and the day is finally here - the day April marries Leo. What should be the most perfect day of April's life takes a bumpy detour as nerves and secrets threaten to ruin everything.
The honeymoon may be over for April and Leo as they try to settle into a normal married life. Leo is in full swing at his new job and is making lots of plans for the future.
Not wanting to deal with the aftermath of the shocking loss, April wants to shut out the world and everyone in it. But only Leo can get her out of bed and out of her funk with a surprise he concocted for someone as special as she is.
April uses her new financial security to do anything and everything she can do feel good again.
A winter storm gathers the Carver family together. What starts as an evening of family bonding soon changes into a night of unsettling revelations.
April decides that she needs to dig deeper if readers are going to connect with her book.
April tries to use her connections at the Post to schmooze with a book publisher at an exclusive event, but is out-scooped by a former friend from college
April Goes to Italy.