Fury at Rio Hondo

Fury at Rio Hondo

Cheyenne is in Rio Hondo, Mexico. He owns a pair of wagons used to haul freight in the area although it is dangerous due to Mexican Revolutionaries fighting the Maximilian French. The stage arrives with a beautiful blonde, Mississippi, and a local hacienda owner, Bolados. Cheyenne follows them into the cantina. Boladas asks Mississippi to join him for dinner. After she leaves, Cheyenne confronts him. He owes Cheyenne for delivering breeding stock to his hacienda from the U.S. but skipped out on paying. He agrees to pay Cheyenne the next morning. That evening Cheyenne sees Mississippi take Bolados' wallet so he follows her upstairs. He learns Bolados had the money on him plus he is leaving the next morning. At the same time friends of the cantina owner Manuel plead with Cheyenne to help smuggle a man for them but he wants nothing to do with the local politics. Back in the cantina dining area Bolados is killed by a stray shot from the French trying to stop the revolutionaries before ... Written by Anonymous



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HD Mountain Fortress

Mountain Fortress


Mountain Fortress - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.2

Cheyenne and Smitty are in the desert making maps when they spot Shoshone smoke signals. They take to high ground where they are met by Bob Manson and his gang. They have spotted the signals too and are taking refuge on the huge rock fortress. They want Cheyenne and Smitty to guide them to Mexico but they decline as they must get Smitty's maps to the Army. When a stage coach comes under attack Cheyenne, Smitty and Manson's men fight off the Indians but Manson reveals his true intentions and robs the coach. They rescue the driver and the lone woman passenger Joan Carter who is on the way to join her fiancé who is a Lieutenant in the Army. Soon the coach is followed by a party of soldiers and everyone finds themselves on the rock waiting for a Shoshone attack. Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Julesburg



Julesburg - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.0
50 min

Cheyenne and Smitty come across a wagon train lost on their way to Wyoming Territory. Cheyenne agrees to guide them as far as Fort Laramie where they can get a guide. Rustlers descend on their camp at night and steal more than 200 head of cattle from the settlers by stampeding them. During the stampede Morton Scott, a gun salesman, is killed by the cattle as he rescues his young brother Tommy. Cheyenne figures they'll try to sell the cattle at the nearby town of Julesburg. He and Smitty head into Julesburg undercover to try and get the cattle back. They use Scott's wagon with Smitty pretending to be a gun salesman. Unbeknownst to Cheyenne and Smitty Tommy stows away in the wagon. In Julesburg Smitty's cover causes them some nervous moments. They learn a man known as McCanles is the ringleader of the rustlers who has sold the herd to the cattle buyer Wilfred Barnes whose pretty wife Jeremy is his secretary and the center of McCanles unwanted attention. Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Argonauts

The Argonauts


The Argonauts - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Cheyenne is heading north when he comes across two amateur prospectors Clancy and Duncan. Clancy has returned bringing Clancy to meet Lou Cramer who along with Clancy found a gold strike. However, they find Cramer dead with an arrow in his back. Cramer is the one who wrote down where the gold strike is but he has destroyed the map to it. They are in need of a guide into the mountains and Cheyenne agrees to help them find their mine as he recognizes Clancy's description of the site. Cheyenne, Clancy and Duncan travel to the mine and strike it rich. Soon greed and paranoia overwhelm Duncan and a wedge is driven between the partners. When a renegade band of Mescaleros must be contended with, Cheyenne strongly suggests they leave. Duncan grudgingly agrees so the three men leave with only burros as the Indians stole their horses plus nearly $30,000 each. Another band of Indians asks Cheyenne to help a sick white woman who is married to their Chief. He does leaving the other two men to ... Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Border Showdown

Border Showdown


Border Showdown - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.9
40 min

Cheyenne and Smitty ride into a border town to eat and rest. The stage driver, Buckshot spots Cheyenne who he knows. He tells them that the bank was held up the night before and Brad Farnum, a close friend of Cheyenne, was run down in the street by the bandits. Buckshot wounded the leader a blonde man. The marshal tells them the group crossed the border into Mexico where they likely went to the town of Paso Alto. Cheyenne decides he and Smitty will cross over and bring the leader back to the marshal. They ride into the town where everyone seems to be scared. After asking about the blonde man, they are refused service at the hotel. They are told by a store owner's daughter Rosa to go to the cantina where they find the gang and the leader Carl Thompson. After a spat with henchman Cliff Bartow they leave. Bartow decides to go after Cheyenne. He confronts him in the general store but Cheyenne is able to put him down in a fist fight telling him to tell Thompson to come after him himself. ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Outlander

The Outlander


The Outlander - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Cheyenne arrives at the town Paradise Springs. The sign at the edge town says it is a town of friendly people. He stops at a hotel/bar for a meal. As he finishes his meal three men enter to confront him. They inform him he should move on before night fall. When Cheyenne returns to the stable to check on his horse, the same three men knock him out and haul him out of town in a wagon. The next day he returns to see who they are. They work at a ranch owned by the wealthiest man in the area who developed the town and area. Cheyenne confronts the leader of the three men George MacDonald resulting in a fight Cheyenne loses when the ranch hands grab him. The owner Judge Dana Culver has Cheyenne arrested and presides over his trial the next day. A lost case for Cheyenne turns around when the newspaper editor confirms Cheyenne's story. Culver hires Cheyenne who is looking for work and now wants to figure out what is going on. McDonald and his two buddies are under arrest but they escape after ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Travelers

The Travelers


The Travelers - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Cheyenne is working as a deputy along with Lou Gray for U.S. Marshal Len Merrick. They come upon Ed Roden, Sr. leading a group of men about to lynch Pop Keith for killing Roden's son Ed Jr. Pop Keith vows he killed no one but only rustled a few cattle. Merrick's group rides up in time to stop the lynching. Another rancher Newcombe refuses to help Roden fight the law and warns the Marshal that Roden is coming after Pop Keith with his own cowhands. Cheyenne rides to where Roden picks up his son for burial who was shot in the back. After he leaves, Cheyenne spots Roden's son's watch on the ground. He rejoins the group that has been lead by Pop Keith's to his homestead where they are fighting with Pop's daughter Mary. Cheyenne is able to sneak up behind her and stop her. Merrick tells Cheyenne the law must be followed when Cheyenne states he believes Pop is innocent. Merrick's group is corned by Roden's men. Dan Roden is captured after Merrick is mortally wounded. Merrick tells Cheyenne ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Decision



Decision - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Cheyenne arrives at the Fort Wilderness Army post at a gallop to out race the Arapaho who are on the warpath. He is a temporary Army Scout arriving from Seventeen Mile Station with a message for Maj. Heffler. He is directed to Capt. Quinlan who is a stickler for Army protocol. A 100 man outfit has been wiped out so Maj. Heffler decides to abandon the fort and leave for Fort McKay. The men and Cheyenne are not enthusiastic about the idea but follow orders. The post has several civilian members of a wagon train as well. Maj. Heffler is adamant about taking a route that avoids Black Hawk and the Arapaho. When they encounter a small hunting party, he decides to change the route to go to the Big Sandy River. Cheyenne objects saying it will be dry but Heffler won't listen. Capt. Quinlan tries to change Heffler's mind but ends up under arrest. When they reach the river, it is bone dry. Heffler decides to continue on the dry route with half a canteen per man for six days. Cheyenne, Lt. Rogers... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Storm Riders

The Storm Riders


The Storm Riders - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Cheyenne is driving a herd of twenty horses north to Montana when he is stopped by rancher, Martin Storm, with some of his hands. After telling Cheyenne he is on private land, one cowhand ropes Cheyenne pulling him to the ground while hired gunman Swallow runs off Cheyenne's horses. Cheyenne with busted ribs rides to the John Dembro ranch. There John, wife Shelia and his teenage daughter Johnny help him. The two women both take an instant interest in Cheyenne. He recovers and stays on to earn money plus he wants to be paid by Storm for his horses. Storm has scared all the cowhands in the area working for other ranchers into quitting and working for him. He wants to drive the ranchers out of business so he can buy them out with Dembro owning the key ranch. The small ranchers won't work together until Cheyenne confronts Swallow to collect the $300 he wants for his horses. Swallow forces Cheyenne to kill him in a shootout. The ranchers hail Cheyenne as a hero until Shelia's desire for ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rendezvous at Red Rock

Rendezvous at Red Rock


Rendezvous at Red Rock - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

While riding to Laramie, Cheyenne hears a shot and rides upon a dead man. He stops to check the man's id by looking in his wallet when three men quietly surround him telling him to drop his gun. They assume he shot their friend Logan as he has an empty chamber although Cheyenne points out that only a fool goes around with the hammer on a loaded chamber. Their plan is to take him to the law in Laramie but on the way a stranger stops them, forces them to drop their guns, and frees Cheyenne. The stranger, Pat Keogh, tells Cheyenne he didn't want him hanged for a man Keogh shot - in self-defense. They ride together to a town Keogh is headed for becoming good friends as they each show their skill with guns. In town Cheyenne is taken hostage by local citizens who want to know his relationship with Keogh who they claim is an outlaw. Cheyenne is fed up being pushed around but he does listen to an old friend - Pritchard - who tells him Keogh may be dangerous killer. Cheyenne is skeptical until... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD West of the River

West of the River


West of the River - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Ed McKeever learns from Jeb that his two daughters have been spotted in a Kiowa camp. McKeever goes to the Army for assistance to rescue his kidnapped daughters who were taken 5 years ago by the Kiowa Indians when he was left for dead. Col. Kilrain at the Army post asks Cheyenne to volunteer to lead twenty men in the rescue but Cheyenne believes the mission is pointless as the girls could have left if they wanted. Nevertheless, Col. Kilrain orders Cheyenne to lead the group but due to limited manpower, Cheyenne must make due with volunteers from the guardhouse prisoners. When McKeever offers $300 per man, eleven men volunteer along with Sgt. Baker and McKeever. The group calls themselves the Army guardhouse brigade. Cheyenne has the men dressed as civilians to appear as a hunting party instead of soldiers. Leading the men, Cheyenne is to rescue both daughters not knowing if they both have become part of their captors lives. The mission starts successfully with the capture of the two ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Quicksand



Quicksand - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Cheyenne finds Jeffry Billings at the local baths. Cheyenne has been hired to guide Billings, his wife, and party to property he bought. Overhearing them talk, young Frank Endicott asks if he, his fiancé, and ranch foreman can join them as they are headed to the same location and the Comanche are on the warpath. All agree to meet at the fort from which they leave. After three days they approach Comanche lands. They locate a pony run to death and its owner, the Utah Kid, nearby. He is a young gunslinger known to Cheyenne. He joins the party which is attacked by a Comanche war party. Cheyenne leads them to an abandoned building where they hold up with few supplies and little water. Stranded together under pressure the true personalities of the group surface adding to the tension. With hope of help gone, Cheyenne decides to challenge the chief of the Comanches to a one on one contest. The chief agrees choosing the swallowing sand - quicksand - as the weapon. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Fury at Rio Hondo

Fury at Rio Hondo


Fury at Rio Hondo - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Cheyenne is in Rio Hondo, Mexico. He owns a pair of wagons used to haul freight in the area although it is dangerous due to Mexican Revolutionaries fighting the Maximilian French. The stage arrives with a beautiful blonde, Mississippi, and a local hacienda owner, Bolados. Cheyenne follows them into the cantina. Boladas asks Mississippi to join him for dinner. After she leaves, Cheyenne confronts him. He owes Cheyenne for delivering breeding stock to his hacienda from the U.S. but skipped out on paying. He agrees to pay Cheyenne the next morning. That evening Cheyenne sees Mississippi take Bolados' wallet so he follows her upstairs. He learns Bolados had the money on him plus he is leaving the next morning. At the same time friends of the cantina owner Manuel plead with Cheyenne to help smuggle a man for them but he wants nothing to do with the local politics. Back in the cantina dining area Bolados is killed by a stray shot from the French trying to stop the revolutionaries before ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Star in the Dust

Star in the Dust


Star in the Dust - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Cheyenne is playing cards in the saloon while waiting for a payday for past work. A town drunk tells the bartender to clear everyone out of the bar and call the sheriff with whom he has issues. Cheyenne having what he thinks is a winning hand doesn't leave but the drunk decides to let him stay. It helps the sheriff arrest the town drunk. The three men he was playing cards with want to re-deal the hand but Cheyenne takes the pot as his hand is the winner. When the three men which includes a deputy return to confront Cheyenne, the sheriff has a gunfight with them including the son of a man who owns half the town. The son and deputy are killed. The girl the sheriff loves is in love with the son he just gunned down. Cheyenne who likes the town decides to stay on in the now empty deputy job. When the bank is robbed, the sheriff and Cheyenne give chase. The sheriff catches up with the leader who is carrying the money and accidentally kills him. Now he must decide what he should do: give the... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo


Johnny Bravo - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Cheyenne is preparing to start a job as trail boss for Tom Lovelace. He runs into Johnny Bravo in an incident in which Johnny thinks Cheyenne knocked him over. They both have a laugh when they discover the truth with Johnny asking Cheyenne to join him for a drink. At the saloon Ben Taggart and his men try to stop them from having a drink. In the ensuing fight Cheyenne takes them out impressing Matt Crowley and others. He asks Cheyenne about taking the job of foreman at his ranch but Cheyenne declines as he has a job. Matt pays Lovelace $200 to fire Cheyenne with a made up excuse. Now being unemployed Cheyenne agrees to take the foreman job. Matt Crowley's daughter Molly is beautiful and still single. He's itching for a grandson in the worst way. He has convinced Cheyenne to come work for him hoping he'll be the next suitor for Molly. At the same time he is in a fight with Taggart for part of his range based on a forged land grant Taggart produced. Meanwhie Cheyenne finds out why Matt ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Last Train West

The Last Train West


The Last Train West - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.3

Settlers are needed in Ocatilla Valley, California. For $1.00 you can book passage as long as you make it your permanent home. Cheyenne boards as Jim Wade to elude capture for a murder he didn't commit. When the sheriff checks the travelers looking him, he says he has a wife - Lola McQuilan - who was denied a ticket because she is not one of the settlers. A preacher's sister Ruth notices the ruse and swears she is going to expose him at the next stop. On the train the minister Bret takes an interest in Lola who has a secret she doesn't want to share while at the same time Cheyenne tries to dissuade Ruth with his charm not to turn him it but with little success. At the Lone Butte stop, Cheyenne decides to leave the train when two lawman come on the train looking for him. A deputy follows but Cheyenne takes his gun and clothes but promises to return the gun. When they spot Comanche smoke signals, Cheyenne knows he must return to the train to save it. Cheyenne must then deal with the ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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