Big Ghost Basin

Big Ghost Basin

Cheyenne comes upon a campfire in the basin. He meets a young man, Bill Paxton, who jumps him suspicious he could be a rustler. When he takes Bill's gun and rides off he is surprised to hear screams from where he just left Bill and goes back only to find he has been crushed to death by something that also doesn't seem to like campfires. When he takes the body into town, Cheyenne discovers there is a twin brother who is now looking for revenge for his death! Cheyenne takes a job with rancher Jim Harwick. The other ranchers complain that Harwick has not sent someone to help look for the rustlers as he has not been hit so far so Harwick decides to give the job to Cheyenne as the last man hired. Cheyenne agrees to take the job scouting the basin for the killer and rustlers. In the basin he runs into Dr. Raven and his daughter Sherry who is engaged to Bill's twin brother Pierce. That night he rescues Sherry who was knocked from her horse. Later, he is ambushed by Pierce. Cheyenne believes ... Written by DrDOS

  • Duration: 60 min | 49 min (DVD)
  • IMDb: 8.6



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HD The Dark Rider

The Dark Rider


The Dark Rider - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.0
60 min | 41 min (DVD)

The day after a bank robbery, Cheyenne runs into Samantha Crawford. She offers Cheyenne $300 if he meets her later. After finding her, she tells him two men want to kill her and she needs him to hold them for the sheriff arriving on the stage in the morning. He does but there is no sheriff and the men have a different story about her conning them. Cheyenne tracks her to a cattle drive to collect the $300. Seeing her situation, Cheyenne offers to be trail boss for one dollar per head ($1700) but her partners refuse so he joins as a hand at $30 per month but it will cost them if they find they need his skill. Along the way, they are also joined by a padre who says his goal is to resurrect missions as well as the souls of men. Meanwhile, Lew thinks he has a romantic stake with Sam but she thinks otherwise. When a fight breaks out between Lew and Jamie Dawson, it is broken up and all decide to retire for the night. The next day, Jamie is found stabbed with everyone to suspect but no one ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Long Winter

The Long Winter


The Long Winter - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.6
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne is part of a cattle drive headed to the Canadian border. They are about 300 miles from the border as the weather starts to turn cool. The owner Major George Early decides to bed his herd down in the valley rather than risk the elements. He plans to return south and return in the spring with more cattle to take north. On the way to a town for supplies Cheyenne and Early come across buffalo hunter Tom Doonevan who served with Early and his much younger and beautiful wife Susan. In town Early learns the rustler Dutchman and his gang are there so he strikes a deal to protect his head. He offers a bonus to the men who stay the winter. Cheyenne and two others decide to stay but will they all be able to endure the harsh weather and loneliness that awaits them. One is the youngster Bushrod who is goaded into staying by the foreman Kelso Prather along with Cheyenne who was asked explicitly by Early who questions the reliability of Kelso even though he has been his foreman for years. ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Death Deals the Hand

Death Deals the Hand


Death Deals the Hand - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.4
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne and old Hoot Hollister have met during a fur trapping trip and decided to work together. They have returned to sell their furs and gear as Hoot plans to return to St. Louis to marry his girlfriend Hildi. As they receive %9300 a man overhears the conversation with the fur trader. After leaving the store three men stop and try to rob them in an alley. Cheyenne and the elder Hoot are losing the battle until Cheyenne's friend Price Edwards walks by and helps even the odds. The join together to prepare for the trip back east including a bath and new clothes. At the store they meet the attractive Caroline 'Kerry' Parker who says she is a school teacher headed to St. Louis to teach 28 first graders. The four meet again on the steamboat where Cheyenne takes a shine to Kerry while Hoot can't stay away from the poker tables. Cheyenne notices the familiar looking Lou Santell and realizes he saw him kill a man in a crooked card game on a riverboat a couple years earlier. Realizing he is ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Bounty Killers

The Bounty Killers


The Bounty Killers - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne is riding along the trail when he is almost bushwhacked by two strangers. The person who saves him is a marshal, Frank Moxon, with a reputation for getting his man. Cheyenne has nothing worth stealing but Moxon tells him the men confused Cheyenne with Moxon as they are about the same build. They ride together with Cheyenne deciding to accompany Moxon to South Fork. Cheyenne shoots a rattlesnake threatening Moxon. After seeing his skill Moxon decides to employ Cheyenne as a deputy to enforce an old warrant. They are in town to pick up John Sevier wanted for the murder of a man in Abilene, Kansas. The man is well respected in South Fork as a carpenter who has built a good life. Cheyenne quickly learns that Moxon may be a law officer but he is known as a bounty hunter who never returns a prisoner alive. Paul Caldwell, an ex-sheriff Cheyenne knows, confirms it and is goaded into a gunfight with Moxon which Caldwell loses. The tables are turned on Moxon by the local sheriff, the ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Law Man

The Law Man


The Law Man - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.8
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne rides the stagecoach into town. He works for the cattleman's protective association and was sent from Denver to investigate a report of cattle rustling from the local rancher Harvey Sinclair. Upon arriving he finds Sheriff Stone who tells him they have solved the case. A man was caught with a running iron and a large amount of cash. However, when told the man caught was Wes Stocker, Cheyenne decides to further investigate the recent killing of the suspected cattle rustler who was a gambler and road agent but not a rustler. He meets an old friend Matt Ellis who taught him quite a bit about life and the law when he worked for him as a deputy at Tombstone. Matt has hung up his gun to be a stock broker, raise his son Buddy and hopes to marry Julie Montaine. Things don't make sense when the more he investigates the more he is convinced his old friend may be mixed up not only in the rustling but also in the murders that have been done to try to cover that up. Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Mustang Trail

Mustang Trail


Mustang Trail - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.9
49 min (DVD)

Joe Baker writes Cheyenne to come visit as he has a business proposition. With the help of Sam Wilson and his wife Victoria who will pay to outfit the group, they're going to ride down just below the Mexican border and round up hundreds of mustangs that are running wild. At $30 a head, they would all clean up. When Cheyenne shows up, Joe is too sick to sit a horse but Cheyenne is still willing to help out his friend and act alone as guide. Victoria, however, is not so generous. They need another worker and she insists that the wages come out of Joe and Cheyenne's share. The bearded Jed Begert runs off the other candidates for the job but both Sam and Cheyenne feel he is qualified. They decide to keep the party small and hire wranglers in Mexico based on Jed's advice. She also insists that she is coming along, never mind the heat, the load of money she insists they carry and that Chato, the leader of a band of Mescaleros, is not too fond of folks coming into his territory and making ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Lone Gun

Lone Gun


Lone Gun - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.7
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne rides to town and runs into two of the Laverson brothers. After defending himself, he kills one and sends the other packing. Heading to the job that brought him here, he sees Amarillo Ames who wants to hire him to drive his cattle to Dodge City, with the promise of lots of money for the one who gets there first. Cheyenne has trail drive experience but the men don't. Ames' ranch is in debt and he needs every dollar to pay it off. Ames wants Cheyenne to take over if something happens to Ames who took a bullet in the lung but doesn't want to tell his men or daughter. He gives Cheyenne a letter stating his wishes. After Ames dies on the trail by drowning, Cheyenne must prove himself to the men who don't believe that Cheyenne was put in charge before they left if anything were to happen to their boss. The letter was washed out when Cheyenne went into the water after Ames. It all comes to a boil when they reach Dodge City, ahead of schedule, and Cheyenne must deal with the ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Trap

The Trap


The Trap - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.9
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne after reading a large sign at the edge of Stagge City which says: Warning: Gamblers - Drifters - Vagrants and General No Accounts Stay Out rides into town where everything is owned by Stagge. Immediately the sheriff asks him to come over. He wants to know if Cheyenne is looking for a job and how much money he has. After saying he only has $20, a second man says it is time for a trial as he is the judge and Cheyenne is breaking the law. Cheyenne finds himself in jail for 90 days but the jail doesn't serve food. Therefore, the Stagge mine will pay his fine but he must work at the Stagge silver mine to pay it off along with the local Lee Mitchell who is also arrested. Cheyenne finds himself on a chain gang working in a mine but rumor is no one leaves. Ray Landers is in charge of the miners with gunman Les Shore but Shore is after Landers job and his girlfriend Iris Danner who likes to play men against each other. Cheyenne catches her eye so when Shore kills Landers, she picks ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Iron Trail

The Iron Trail


The Iron Trail - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.6
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne takes a train carrying $5000 in cattle money and a new bride for his boss. He meets an old friend Chev Jones who is now a detective for the railroad but was a lawman at one time. He tells Cheyenne he suspects they will be robbed by a gang of kids which is why he and a deputy are on the train. A coffin is loaded as well into the mail car to be dropped at an abandoned rail stop. When they stop the train to throw a switch, they are attacked but Cheyenne is able to kill the gang member riding the train. Three men are killed and after a vote, they agree to abide by the majority which is to surrender. The coffin turns out to hold explosives for the gang. After they are taken to a local Trading Post as prisoners they find out the gang's true motives. They search each prisoner individually for money but also reveal secrets some of the prisoners have. However, their prime motive is that they are planning on becoming more famous than any outlaw: by kidnapping the President of the ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Land Beyond the Law

Land Beyond the Law


Land Beyond the Law - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.5
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne is falsely accused of murder after a bank robbery in Lone Butte and is arrested. A reluctant eye witness identifies Cheyenne as the shooter only after being forced to do so by one of the men who arrested him although the only thing he remembers about the shooter is the fact he had a gold lion's head belt buckle. In order to clear his name he is forced to escape by locking his captors in the jail cell. Cheyenne knows what the shooter's belt buckle looks like thanks to the eye witness and that it was the Ellwood gang but little else. He sets out to find the real killer and clear his name. He has a fake wanted poster printed with his picture and name. He heads to the area where the Ellwood gang hides which is in disputed territory between Mexico and the U.S.A. The Army picks him up as they have the one entrance Hatchet Pass to the Hatchet Valley guarded. He convinces the officer in charge to help him enter the valley where he looks for the killer but finds himself caught in a ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Test of Courage

Test of Courage


Test of Courage - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

The Army is dealing with constant raids on their patrols bringing horses to the post. They are losing lots of horses in the bargain. Meantime, Cheyenne, an Army scout, won't help Captain Tenson fight these raiders and is court-martialed for willful disobedience and cowardice in the face of the enemy. The post commander Colonel Ted Wilson goes along reluctantly with the court-martial. Col. Wilson keeps hoping for a transfer back east to a more civilized posting as his wife is desperate to leave the remote post. Major Sharpe actually hopes that court-martialing their scout will lead him to who is behind these raids. When that doesn't work as expected Cheyenne has a plan but he needs the help of Lieutenant Poole who is also working with the Major. Cheyenne can be arrested and even killed if he enters any military post so he picks a fight which lands him in the guardhouse with a raider the Army captured. He plans an escape with the Lieutenant's help hoping to get the confidence of the ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD War Party

War Party


War Party - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.5
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne scatters his horse after being chased by the Sioux while working as a messenger for the Army. While walking he comes upon a prospector who mistakenly thinks he is a claim jumper. The miner Morgan fires first grazing Cheyenne's arm. After almost killing Morgan, he carries Morgan to his nearby cabin and his wife Jeannie. Cheyenne treats the wound. Jeannie, upset, tells him to leave but upon noticing Cheyenne's wound she offers to clean it and allows him to sleep on the floor in the cabin. Cheyenne must deal with the lonely woman who finds herself attracted to him. He returns from a hunting trip to find three desperate convicts with Jeannie who are escaping the Army and the Sioux to whom they sold faulty guns. The Sioux uprising threatens them all especially if they find the hidden gold. The leader of the three convicts Willis Peake has his eye not only on Jeannie but the gold. Although Cheyenne tries to run them off, he fails resulting in them stealing the gold Morgan collected... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Deadline



Deadline - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Elderly Charlie Dolan is served with a twenty four hour eviction notice. Charlie can't read and write so Cheyenne goes to town to investigate but finds roadblocks at the land office. That evening Cheyenne meets the drunk Boyd Copeland whose wife Paula Cheyenne knew from years earlier. That night the newspaper office burns killing the owner who is Boyd's uncle. When Charlie and Cheyenne can't get the proper documents in time, they are forced to leave the homestead so they go to town. Len Garth has a gang which has control of the area and is evicting homesteaders. They learn the bank in Los Altos won't loan Boyd $2000. He wants to purchase a printing press to replace his family's which was destroyed during the fire at the newspaper. Charlie hearing the news decides to loan Boyd the money. He and Cheyenne go with Boyd on his trip to Albuquerque to pick up the equipment. Like Boyd, Charlie is an alcoholic but he believes Boyd can recover. Along the way Cheyenne has to deal with a saboteur... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Big Ghost Basin

Big Ghost Basin


Big Ghost Basin - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.6
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne comes upon a campfire in the basin. He meets a young man, Bill Paxton, who jumps him suspicious he could be a rustler. When he takes Bill's gun and rides off he is surprised to hear screams from where he just left Bill and goes back only to find he has been crushed to death by something that also doesn't seem to like campfires. When he takes the body into town, Cheyenne discovers there is a twin brother who is now looking for revenge for his death! Cheyenne takes a job with rancher Jim Harwick. The other ranchers complain that Harwick has not sent someone to help look for the rustlers as he has not been hit so far so Harwick decides to give the job to Cheyenne as the last man hired. Cheyenne agrees to take the job scouting the basin for the killer and rustlers. In the basin he runs into Dr. Raven and his daughter Sherry who is engaged to Bill's twin brother Pierce. That night he rescues Sherry who was knocked from her horse. Later, he is ambushed by Pierce. Cheyenne believes ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Born Bad

Born Bad


Born Bad - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne is appointed sheriff of Rye Patch to head up the posse looking for the killer of Gus Lundy and the man who ransacked Cheyenne's cabin who he wounded when he got away. Unknown to the townspeople, the newly resigned sheriff Chad Wilcox is the father of the man who is guilty of these and many other crimes. Blaney Wilcox went to his father for aid which Chad gave him with the agreement that Blaney go to South America and never come back. Realizing he violated his office, Chad resigned opening the job to Cheyenne. Blaney's twin sister is unaware of her brother's history and tells Cheyenne that she hasn't heard from him in almost two years. The budding romance between Cheyenne and Francy threatens to come apart when he catches up with her twin brother who violated his promise to his father and now Cheyenne must bring him to justice even if that means losing Francy and exposing her father's long held secret about the Pocatello kid. Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Brand

The Brand


The Brand - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne riding at night has a lame horse. He spots a cabin with a light on but when he yells to get their attention he is given a lead reception. He sneaks around to a back door. Inside he finds a young boy Tad with a rifle but his slightly older sister Kat gets a drop on Cheyenne. They disarm Cheyenne as they think he is the law. Before he can talk to them, their older brother Clay Rafferty bursts in the door with a posse following him. A stray bullet hits a lamp starting a fire. Cheyenne is able to knock out Clay, send the kids out the door, and then drag Clay outside. Cheyenne tells the sheriff he is looking for his business partner Whitey Caine. They were to sell a remuda of Pinto horses branded with the Lazy K. Cheyenne returns to the Rafferty home to get his horse where he notices a V branding iron in the barn. He takes the kids to town where he finds the boy a job and the girl a home. When Tad saddles their horse he notices the saddle say Whitey on it. He becomes friends... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Decision at Gunsight

Decision at Gunsight


Decision at Gunsight - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.5
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne arrives in Gunsight to collect a $1200 debt owed him by Ray Wilson. Wilson doesn't have the money but he offers Cheyenne his livery stable worth $3000 instead of the debt owed. As it sounds like a good deal, he accept as Wilson quickly departs to join a friend with a silver strike. After hearing about a Gerrard at the local restaurant, Chuck Welch contacts Cheyenne asking for his weekly $30 protection payment. That night Cheyenne is knocked out and two horses are killed.Later, Sheriff Dave Beaton explains that Delos Gerrard makes everyone pay insurance. After Cheyenne visits Gerrard in person, he turns the tables and has everyone pay it to him instead - but slightly less. He plays even rougher by telling the school teacher to collect $5 per student from their families. With both Cheyenne and Gerrard trying to collect, it riles up the citizenry enough that they all leave the town hoping Gerrard will leave. This forces Gerrard to make a decision: should he deal with Bodie or ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Spanish Grant

The Spanish Grant


The Spanish Grant - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.6
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

On his way to a new job in New Mexico, Cheyenne rides upon a stage being robbed. Scaring them off after killing a robber, he finds the only survivor is a baby. He takes the baby to town where the sheriff first suspects Cheyenne attacked the stage and then refuses to take the baby due to handling the robbery investigation. When he seeks help in town, he is forced to rely on the piano player Amy Gordon at the saloon. Leaving the baby with Amy, he rides out to see his new boss Blake Holloway at his new ranch. Blake bought the ranch from the government after the previous owner died with no heirs. It had been passed down from generation to generation from an old Spanish land grant. Returning to town he is stopped by a group of Mexicans. He finds out the orphan may be a land heir if their leader Sancho Mendariz is to be believed. They spot Blake's lawyer being dragged to death by his horse after leaving Blake's house drunk. The only person standing in the way of the baby getting his ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Hard Bargain

Hard Bargain


Hard Bargain - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.6
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne looking for work arrives at Trail Cross in the Dakota Territory. As he prepares to enter a saloon, three men start a fight with him by tripping him. Cheyenne has the fight won as the sheriff arrives to see what is happening. Cheyenne notices a lone man leave the bank and ride away followed by a man crawling out the door gagged and tied. He pulls his handgun telling the three men to stay where they are at while the sheriff checks on the gagged man. The bank was held up with the thief getting the $4000 XL ranch payroll. The sheriff holds the three men as material witnesses and the banker offers Cheyenne $400 to recover the money and catch the robber. Cheyenne deputized catches the robber Curley Galway when he rescues him from four Sioux Indians in Indian territory. He takes Curley back the long way to avoid the Indians but finds himself caught in a bear trap under a big log. Curley rescuing him takes him to his dad's ranch for care. There Cheyenne meets his sister Nora and ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Broken Pledge

The Broken Pledge


The Broken Pledge - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Two members of a three man mining camp are shot at with one falling dead. The third partner Nagel arrives saying he saw Sioux Indians make the attack. The two men ride to town where Nagel gathers a scruffy crowd to go teach the Indians a lesson. Cheyenne arriving in town at the same time is introduced by telegrapher Gib Anders to eastern newspaperwoman Fay Kirby. She is there to do interviews and make sketches for the eastern newspapers. At that moment two Sioux Indians - Little Chief and Yellow Cloud - ride into town. Nagel says they are the attackers but Cheyenne intervenes. Yellow Cloud tries to run but is shot and killed. Little Chief is allowed to escape by Cheyenne. Col. Preston asks Cheyenne to talk to Chief Sitting Bull to keep the peace. Cheyenne reluctantly agrees to make the trip. The next day on the trip he sees a horse followed by the reporter Fay Kirby on foot. He is forced to take her along plus she gets her interview with the Chief but she betrays Cheyenne. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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