Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
A lone wolf tank commander whose men revile him, saves Hanley's squad. Then, without explanation, the tank sergeant blows the cross off a French village's church, and roughs up its wounded priest. Now the whole infantry squad hates Sgt. Dane too. Sgt. Saunders confronts Dane to find out why he's so violent, while the 2 squads occupy the mysteriously abandoned town. Written by David Stevens
All Episodes - S01
Searching for a Nazi gun emplacement, the GIs try to pump information from a German deserter who is unsure of his loyalties.
When Sgt Saunders finally receives the requested replacements, he is completely disappointed since they are the rookies Pvt. Joe Gainsborough, who was a cook; Pvt. WayneTemple, who was a ballet dancer; and Pvt. Jerome Crown, who was a radio broadcaster in London. Soon Saunders is assigned with Caje, Kirby and the rookies to patrol a small town to check whether there are German troops or not. Saunders divides the group in three pairs to cover the whole town and he stays with the arrogant Crown. Saunders asks him to check one street, but Crown freezes and lies, telling that he checked the area and missing a gun machine nest. Soon his reckless attitude brings consequences to the squad. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A lone wolf tank commander whose men revile him, saves Hanley's squad. Then, without explanation, the tank sergeant blows the cross off a French village's church, and roughs up its wounded priest. Now the whole infantry squad hates Sgt. Dane too. Sgt. Saunders confronts Dane to find out why he's so violent, while the 2 squads occupy the mysteriously abandoned town. Written by David Stevens
When a time bomb crashes unexploded in a church, a rattled British officer's the only disposal expert in the sector. The Tommy seems more wired than the bomb, despite just being put on leave. He sniped at Lt. Hanley for having an innocent chat with his ex-girlfriend, then refused to join the rest of patrons in the French tavern's wine cellar during a Luftwaffe raid. Written by David Stevens
When Saunder's squad stumbles upon a German heavy machine gun, Pvt. Grady Long and his Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) saves the team. However Grady dies and is replaced by Pvt. Delaney, who was a former Army assistant cook. Saunders gives the BAR to him, despite the protest of Kirby that expected to be the next BAR man. When the soldiers are forced to retreat, Lt. Hanley, Sgt. Saunders and their squad is left behind to inform the German movement. They are under siege of the German army and Hanley is ordered to flee since the artillery will bombard the place. While escaping, they are ambushed by a German jeep with a heavy machine gun and depend on Delaney's BAR to succeed. Will he be brave enough to save his squad? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Retrieving a downed pilot becomes even more nerve-wracking, because Lt. Hanley's battle-fatigued squad mistakenly shot the messenger who delivered the U.S. war hero pilot's whereabouts to them. Hanley doesn't want this mission, but he's assured that a grizzled Maquisard truck driver will transport them safely to the farm where French Resistance hide the wounded bomber pilot. Written by David Stevens
A German general calmly kills his chauffeur and forces Hanley to replace him. While playing possum behind enemy lines, the wounded Hanley was captured, then interrogated. When Hanley wouldn't cooperate, Gen. Von Strelitz took Hanley away for further questioning. Von Strelitz refuses to explain what he's plotting, and Lt. Hanley doesn't appreciate the promotion to Kapitan in the Heer. Written by David Stevens
Saunders' squad is resting in the destroyed town of Avranche when they receive the new replacement. The famous baseball player Del Packer joins the Company K and is worshiped by Pvt. Billy Nelson. When Saunders goes on patrol with Del Packer, Kelly and Billy in a truck, they are surprised by Germans with a machine gun. Saunders attacks the Germans with Del Packer and sees one soldier flanking Kelly and Billy. He asks Del Packer to kill the German soldier while he destroys the machine gun. But Del Packer freezes and the German shoots Billy before Kelly kill him. What will happen to Billy and Del Packer? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Saunders is ordered to join a reconnaissance patrol whose Sergeant doesn't like him or want him along.
Sgt. Saunders and his squad are taken a French partisan with vital information to the Allied intelligence through a mine field. Out of the blue, one mine blows up and wounds the Frenchman and Pvt. Wayne Temple. Saunders and his squad brings the wounded men to a convent with weir silent nuns and only the Mother Superior is allowed to speak and let them stay in the convent. Saunders requests a doctor by radio since the Frenchman cannot be moved and Lt. Hanley and his men bring a doctor to operate the partisan. However the doctor has a heart attack after the long walking and Saunders and Caje head to the local hospital to seek out a doctor. When Dr. Belzer undresses his coat, they realize that he is a German officer. Further, he overhears the Frenchman speaking about his information in delirium. What will prevail: his oath or the war? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In a flashback story told as the men rest on a rainy night, Sgt. Saunders recalls the experiences of himself and several other men on the day of the D-Day invasion, including tales about Braddock, who won the platoon pool for when the invasion would take place; Doc Walton, who was reluctant to go into battle; Caje (called Caddie in this episode), who is accompanied by another Cajun; and Lt. Hanley, who at the time was still a sergeant, and had little battle experience compared to Saunders. Following the landing, the men move inland and come upon a farmstead held by a squad of German infantry. Written by aldanoli
Braddock, while on duty as Lt. Hanley's runner, is appropriated by a tough-talking, overbearing colonel as his jeep driver. Unfortunately the colonel decides to drive the jeep himself, and his reckless driving results in an accident in which both men are knocked unconscious. When Braddock awakens he is captured by a German patrol, but since he happens to be wearing the colonel's coat--which he put on to keep warm while the colonel was zooming around the countryside--the Germans think that he actually IS a colonel, and nothing Braddock can say or do will convince them otherwise. Written by
When Saunder's squad arrives at a small French town, Pvt. Paul Viller asks to seek out his estranged father that lives in the town. Paul is authorized to look for him with Sgt. Saunders and soon he meets his father, Dr. Emile Viller, and his aunt Claire Brouchard. Sgt. Saunders leave the family together and Paul sees members of the French underground accusing his father of collaboration with the Germans. Saunders returns to take Paul back to the front but he is wounded by the Germans and Paul brings him to the house of his father. When they overhear a conversation of his father with the German Col. Hoffman, he suspects that Dr. Viller is indeed a collaborator. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
D'Amato and Wharton, two close friends within the platoon, become separated from the rest of the men when the platoon comes under fire from a German tank and its machine gunner. D'Amato manages to flank the armor and capture the machine gun, which he then uses against the supporting German infantry. D'Amato is wounded in the process, however, and by the time the rest of the platoon reaches the position, Wharton has taken over the machine gun -- making Lt. Hanley think that it was he, not D'Amato, who singlehandedly captured the German armor. Written by aldanoli
Sgt. Saunders is taken prisoner by a German patrol, and is being transported with three other men (two Canadians and a French civilian) when they are freed by a group of Resistance fighters. The civilian turns out to be a Resistance operative as well, and with the unwitting help of a woman named Annette, who provides ration coupons, he is able to buy gasoline to transport the three Allied soldiers to Paris. Annette initially resists providing further help when they reach Paris, but reluctantly agrees to take in Saunders for a few nights -- but it seems Annette has some secrets of her own. Written by aldanoli
An exasperated Hanley finds himself saddled with a 13-year-old French orphan who wants to join the squad.
Saunders' and Hanley's platoon is joined by a replacement soldier from Georgia named Moseby Lovelace, who comes complete with a new set of boots that the other troops, especially Saunders, highly covet. Lovelace is eager to see action, but not interested in the ordinary work of soldiering, such as digging foxholes. He jumps at the chance to join a night reconnaissance patrol headed by Hanley that will check to see whether the Germans have pulled back their lines. Written by aldanoli
A battle-hardened corporal joins Sgt. Saunders squad, but remains distant and aloof from the other members, causing dissension in the ranks.
Doc, Braddock and several wounded GIs take refuge in a French château owned by a wealthy aristocrat and his daughter. The father, concerned only with saving his estate, wants no part of them and orders them off the property. Unfortunately, a strong German patrol shows up intending to use the château as an artillery observation post, and the GIs are taken prisoner. While the captured soldiers make plans to escape, the aristocrat sees a kindred spirit in the seemingly cultured German commander, but doesn't realize that the officer has designs on the château's treasures--including the aristocrat's daughter. Written by
When a new squad member named March suddenly kisses a nurse at the evacuation hospital, it shocks everyone, until they learn the two are married. During the night, Kirby sneaks into the French village to carouse but is beaten up in a fight. The next morning he's AWOL, forcing March to take his place on a patrol where he is severely wounded and sent to the same aid station where his wife is working. While Kirby is recovering from his injuries, he discovers March's wife is really in love with the surgeon at the hospital. Written by Clintessence
When the squad enters a French village, they discover a small patrol of German paratroopers have established an observation post in the town. A ruthless, battle-hardened German Lieutenant is holding five French children, a pretty young librarian and an old man hostage in hopes of buying more time. Lt. Hanley pulls his squad back and decides to infiltrate the village alone, in an attempt to rescue the children and woman before the allies begin shelling the town at 2200 hrs. He has little time to accomplish his mission. Written by widereceiver
Sgt. Saunders and his squad are assigned by Lt. Hanley to capture a German soldier alive as prisoner in a night patrol in an area near the border. Soon they succeed but the prisoner is killed by a soldier that identifies himself as Lt. Joe Cranston. They wait a little longer to capture another German and they realize that they are under siege of the Germans. Cranston brings Saunders and the squad to a creepy cave where they discover many truths about Cranston and his squad. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Running low on ammunition and facing superior German numbers and firepower, Saunders' and Hanley's unit is forced to surrender. The men are taken to a barn where a chance artillery strike allows the men to escape, but leaves Saunders with badly burned hands and forearms, and separates him from the rest of the squad. Meanwhile, Hanley and the rest of the men fare little better; they are behind German lines with no weapons, food, or warm clothes -- and one man even has lost his boots. Written by aldanoli
French underground blow their cover, believing their village is liberated. Actually Hanley's squad are retrieving a female photojournalist star, who ducked through military lines to grab a scoop. The undisciplined photog at first provided comic relief for U.S. infantry, anxiously waiting out a chilling rain for the go-ahead to liberate Trois Anges. Hanley and Saunders fear her actions endanger the villagers. Written by David Stevens
While in the front, Lt. Hanley is surprisingly summoned to go to London. He goes to a hotel, where the journalist Ted Slocum unsuccessfully sounds him out in the bar. Then he receives a mysterious phone call and heads to the informed address. Hanley is interviewed by the British intelligence and asked to go to France to bring the French physicist Dr. Barole to Switzerland. Dr.Barole is an old acquaintance of Hanley, who studied with his son when he was teenager. Dr. Barole has unsuccessfully tried to flee from occupied France but lost his son. Now he does not trust anybody and is hidden and only his daughter Marie knows the hideout. Therefore Hanley is essential for the mission and his partner will be Ted Slocum, who is indeed a secret agent that speaks French and German fluently. Ted and Hanley parachute to meet three Maquis that take them to Marie. But soon they learn that there is a traitor in the French underground. Who might be the traitor and how to find him or her? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
While fighting the Germans to take a small town, Saunders, Kirby, Caje and Doc sees a young woman listening to music in a flowered garden. Saunders returns and meets the governess Celeste Fourant that explains that the infantile Jeanine is a traumatized women that has lost her parents and family in a bombing. Now she believes that the garden protects her and she will die if she leaves the place. Saunders unsuccessfully tries to persuade Jeanine to flee and even abducts her, but she returns to the garden. Meanwhile the Germans are bombing the place and prepare to take the town back. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Separated from his squad while being shelled by German artillery, Kirby is found unconscious by Sgt. Metcalf who then conscripts Kirby's service in an assault on Hill 256. Facing heavy machine gun fire that is not seen by anyone else, Kirby is forced to stop his advance and take cover. Metcalf accuses Kirby of cowardice and brings charges against him for same. Kirby faces a court martial, and the penalty if found guilty could be a firing squad. Kirby tells Saunders he was facing a German machine gun, but Metcalf insists there was none and that Kirby was simply a coward. While Kirby's court martial proceeds, Saunders and Caje decide to go to Hill 256 to find evidence of the German machine gun. While they encounter a lot of obstacles along their way to and from the hill, they do indeed find evidence of the machine gun that Metcalf never saw. Empty German ammo brass and belt links convince the court of Kirby's innocence and the charges are dismissed. Sgt. Metcalf tells Kirby he really ... Written by David Wile
Hans Gudagast, later to become well known as Eric Braeden plays the title role in this episode. After liberating a small French village, King Company is most warmly greeted by the villagers with wine, young women, song, and good food. Told they would spend several days off duty in the village, the GIs' celebration is quickly cut short when a German sniper shoots one of the Americans. The GIs search for the sniper but cannot find him, and shortly thereafter another GI is killed. The sniper is dressed as a villager and essentially hiding in plain sight most of the time. Saunders finally figures out who the sniper is and also learns he is being aided by his French lover who works in the village café. As the sniper slips between his underground hiding place and the village where he moves freely in the streets and shops, we do not hear him speak to anyone, and we are furnished no reason why he remains to execute his own private war when his comrades have clearly withdrawn. His French lover... Written by David Wile
Caje blows-up a heavy machine gun nest and Sgt. Saunders and his squad find a baby in the barn and his mother dead near the well of a farmhouse in the enemy lines. They have to move back to their lines in less than two hours and forty minutes since the the artillery will fire at the area. Saunders tells to leave the baby protected in the barn, but the squad convinces him to take the baby to a nearby convent. When they arrive, they find that the convent was bombed out. Now they need to bring the baby to their own lines through the enemy territory in a dangerous journey. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
While in the front, a bullet grazes Sgt. Saunders' leg and he is sent to Orre to a hospital. He gets a lift in the ambulance in a military convoy that is transporting a wounded soldier. Saunders meets Captain August, a doctor that lost the motivation of his profession; the gorgeous nurse Lt. Ann Hunter, who is his lover; and the coward driver Jones. When the convoy is bombed by the Germans in Orre, August, Ann and Jones leave the patient behind to seek protection. The bitter Saunders is bothered with the situation and decides to drive the ambulance to the closest hospital in a town under siege of the Germans since the soldier is in critical condition. His attitude changes the behavior of August and Jones in the end. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil