

Lt. Hanley's squad is assigned to a suicide mission to locate the German artillery on a hill. Lt. Hanley, Caje and Kirby split from Sgt. Saunders and Private Clark looking for the hidden artillery. Saunders and Clark stumble upon a German machine gun nest and Clark is killed and Saunders is wounded before destroying the nest. He crawls into a cave and passes out. When he awakes, he meets the German deserter Hans that has treated his wound. Saunders summons Hans to move with him to the American lines and the German agrees. But when his Sergeant arrives in the cave with his squad, he tells that he has captured Saunders. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



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HD The Bridge at Chalons

The Bridge at Chalons


The Bridge at Chalons - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

The squad faces elimination by Heer troops and even worse, an ultra-caustic demo expert who refuses to let Saunders guide their sortie behind German lines to destroy a bridge. The 2 battling Sergeants trade icy glares, and contrary orders, while the infantry try everything to avoid combat with Nazis because the dog-faces must put eliminating the bridge above all else. The explosives noncom's unending contempt bruises even the calloused egos of Saunders' combat vets. Which explodes first - the bridge or the mission ? Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Masquerade



Masquerade - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

While walking to an outpost, an American jeep driven by Cpl. Arnold Kanger with Lt. David Comstock and a German Colonel prisoner ask for direction to the battalion where the colonel will be interrogated. However they stumble upon a mine on the road and the jeep overturns and the German is seriously wounded. Saunders and his squad bring the group to their outpost and they request an ambulance to transport the wounded Colonel. Soon Sgt. Saunders suspects that Kanger and Comstock may be spies but he does not convince Lt. Hanley. What will happen next? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Long Way Home: Part 1

The Long Way Home: Part 1


The Long Way Home: Part 1 - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

While returning to their lines, Sgt. Saunders and his squad are ambushed by a German troop. Saunders and his men run out of ammunition and are forced to surrender to the Germans. They are taken to a POW camp where they meet Sgt. Tom Akers and a few survivors of the interrogation of the SS Capt. Steiner. Akers and his men are broken and prostrated while Saunders plans a scheme to let Billy escape with the position of the German troops. Meanwhile Steiner selects the coward Pvt. Gates to force Saunders to give information about the Allied forces. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Long Way Home: Part 2

The Long Way Home: Part 2


The Long Way Home: Part 2 - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

Billy reaches Lt. Hanley but he is unable to help Saunders and his men. Meanwhile Saunders plots a scheme to getaway from the camp before they die in the hands of Steiner. He succeeds to convince Akers and his men to work together in the plan. Will they succeed? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Wounded Don't Cry

The Wounded Don't Cry


The Wounded Don't Cry - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Sgt. Saunders and his squad find a German hospital with many wounded soldiers including two SS Nazis. Saunders asks his men to search the place but they neglect and the SS Nazis hide two grenades. German Sergeant Bauer tries to sneak out from the hospital and when he is captured, he tells that he was going to bring plasma from a German truck that was in a convoy bombed by the Allied airplanes. Private Neumann, who speaks German, questions Saunders and he tells that he does not trust Germans. When the SS soldier tries to blow-up a grenade, Neumann fight him and is seriously wounded. Now Saunders needs o team-up with Bauer to save Neumann. But can the enemy be trusted? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Doughboy



Doughboy - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.4

Sgt. Saunders, Kirby and two other privates are searching for a hidden German big cannon that is firing at the Allied forces and facilities. Out of the blue, they are surprised by a sniper and Saunders asks the trio to cover him while he tries to flank the shooter. However he is taken prisoner by an old man wearing a World War I American uniform. Soon he realizes that the doughboy's name is Phil that is delusional believing that he is fighting WWI and Saunders is a German soldier. They go to the isolated farm where he lives and his wife Marie explains that Phil was wounded but survived the war and married her. Now he is hearing the cannon fire, he had a breakdown believing he is in 1918. But Saunders also learns that he knows the location of the German cannon. Can Phil be trusted? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Glow Against the Sky

Glow Against the Sky


Glow Against the Sky - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.4

Sgt. Saunders and his squad find themselves trapped in a French village as the Germans sweep through and capture the town. The squad seeks refuge in a cellar as the Germans search each building and cottage. With Nelson seriously wounded and in need of immediate help, he is delirious and screaming. Sgt. Saunders leaves him in the street in hopes the Germans will take care of him. A fanatical German Captain is bent on making Nelson reveal the whereabouts of the remainder of the squad, as Saunders must somehow free Nelson and escape with his men. Written by Clintessence

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Little Jewel

The Little Jewel


The Little Jewel - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.3

Saunders' squad encounters a starving French boy gobbling rotted food in a bombed-out village. As PFC Caje doles K-rations to the boy Bijou (which means Little Jewel), the orphan swipes Caje's wallet, and claiming he found it, asks for a reward of chocolate from the Cajun soldier. While the squad races to bomb an oil depot, the cynical Kirby suspects the Little Jewel is following along to trade the infantry's attack plan to Heer troopers. Is Bijou an innocent child lost in war-torn France, or a Nazi informer ? Written by David Stevens

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD A Distant Drum

A Distant Drum


A Distant Drum - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.5

During a massive fire of the German artillery, Lt. Hanley is wounded and left behind by his squad. Sgt. Saunders is ordered to return to the Allied lines and Caje and Kirby return to the front to seek him out. Meanwhile Hanley awakes but a German patrol believes he is dead. Hanley wanders searching for water and asks for help in a farmhouse but the owner refuses. Out of the blue, Caje and Kirby stumble upon the German patrol and there is a shoot out and Hanley sneaks into the basement. Soon he learns that only the mother Annette and her daughter Louise leave there. Annette asks Hanley to leave the house but the German patrol arrives and they hide him. Then Annette cleans his wound and he agrees to go during the night. However the German soldiers decide to rest at the farm field and one soldier sneaks to the house to rape Louise. What will Hanley do? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Anatomy of a Patrol

Anatomy of a Patrol


Anatomy of a Patrol - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

When a U.S. recon plane crashes, Sgt. Saunders' men race a German patrol to recover the pilot and his film. The Americans get there first, but carrying the wounded airman on a stretcher over heavily wooded hills slows them down. Then the Americans must cross a river to return to camp, while wily Nazi Sgt. Beckman counters Saunders' every trick. Written by David Stevens

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Ambush



Ambush - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.3

While Sgt. Saunders and his squad are celebrating with villagers of a just-liberated village, a woman cries for help for her father to the soldiers. Out of the blue, someone shots her father and he dies. Marie Marchand decides to leave the village to move to her uncle's house in a nearby village despising the American soldiers. While riding her bicycle, she accidentally witnesses the German soldiers hiding their tank to fire at the village. Meanswhile Lt. Hanley is informed that Marie's father was an American agent and the Intelligence needs to talk to her. He assigns Saunders to seek her out and bring her back to the village. Marie finds her uncle's house bombed out and he dying. When Saunders and his squad arrive at the house, she negotiates to return to the village and to inform the location of the German artillery provided the Americans take care of her uncle. But when he dies, she questions why she should tell the German's location to Saunders. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Barrage



Barrage - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.3

Lt. Hanley's squad is assigned to a suicide mission to locate the German artillery on a hill. Lt. Hanley, Caje and Kirby split from Sgt. Saunders and Private Clark looking for the hidden artillery. Saunders and Clark stumble upon a German machine gun nest and Clark is killed and Saunders is wounded before destroying the nest. He crawls into a cave and passes out. When he awakes, he meets the German deserter Hans that has treated his wound. Saunders summons Hans to move with him to the American lines and the German agrees. But when his Sergeant arrives in the cave with his squad, he tells that he has captured Saunders. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Thunder from the Hill

Thunder from the Hill


Thunder from the Hill - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.6

Lt. Hanley and the squad are en route to meet a Capt. Boulange, the commander of the Free French Army in their sector. Their guide is a bear of a man named Massine, who has a small band of underground fighters traveling with him. Before Massine will lead Lt. Hanley to Capt. Boulange, he has an agenda of his own to accomplish, as he forces Hanley to help him steal some explosives from the a German supply depot. Hanley doesn't want to do it, but has no choice. They rig an entire mountainside with the explosives, as Massine intends on dropping the mountain on an approaching German convoy. An uneasy alliance develops between Hanley and Massine. Written by Clintessence

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Party

The Party


The Party - EPS 15

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

This episode is strictly for laughs. The squad is left in a French village to wait for a ride to meet up with Saunders, and Kirby is placed in charge. Three good looking gals smile at our guys as they pass by, and Kirby, Caje, and Billy immediately want to come up with a plan to delay their ride so they can woo the three gals. Littlejohn wants no part in it and tells them, It won't work. Three Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) sergeants already have dates with the gals, and our guys connive to beat the sergeants out of their dates. Their efforts do not quite succeed, and the episode ends with Littlejohn shaking his head and telling them, I told you it wouldn't work. Written by David Wile

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Gideon's Army

Gideon's Army


Gideon's Army - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Saunders' squad happens upon a Nazi concentration camp, occupied only by a few starving Poles. SS overseers killed most prisoners, then fled with the strongest inmates, but in their hurry to flee left behind these men, mostly from the same village. The squad has orders to move on, but few of the liberated are able to walk with them. The men's leader, their former mayor, begs Saunders to stay and help, while their former kapo, also a Pole, wants out with the squad, before the furious prisoners kill him. Written by David Stevens

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Pillbox

The Pillbox


The Pillbox - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.6

While falling back under intense pressure from the attacking Germans, Lt. Hanley stops to help one of his men who is severely wounded. The Germans are advancing rapidly, so Hanley and his man take refuge in a vacant pillbox. As the rains begin to fall, Hanley attempts to head for his own lines, but is stopped when three German soldiers also enter the pillbox, making for a dramatic standoff. Hanley must make a decision to save his man and kill the Germans, or surrender himself. Written by Clintessence

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The General and the Sergeant

The General and the Sergeant


The General and the Sergeant - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

John Dehner and Vic Morrow have the title roles, but they play two characters from two wars nearly thirty years apart. Upon liberation of a small French village by King Company, French General Armand Bouchard, a veteran of WWI, arrives in the street and wants to take command of Saunders' squad. While Bouchard apparently suffers from some form of dementia and is the object of ridicule by some of the villagers, he obviously has personal pride and character. General Bouchard is ordered by Hanley to stay behind while Saunders' squad goes on a mission to set up an Observation Post. The squad is trapped inside a destroyed French castle when a German convoy stops outside. Luckily for the GIs, the General shows up and distracts the Germans by pretending to be a senile old man singing and begging for money, and the Germans eventually leave without discovering Saunders' squad inside. General Bouchard then tells Saunders there is an empty château nearby that will serve well as the OP. Again the ... Written by David Wile

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Eyes of the Hunter

The Eyes of the Hunter


The Eyes of the Hunter - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

The allied artillery is not able to destroy an important German observation post and a recon patrol is completely destroyed, returning only Pvt. Burgess bringing his wounded Sgt. Maury Calder to the American base. Calder advises Sgt, Saunders to keep his eyes on Burgess but he does not explain why. Burgess guides Saunders and his squad to the German pillbox and along their journey, they learn more about his personality. Will they succeed in their mission? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Hostages

The Hostages


The Hostages - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

While in their own rear area, Saunders, Doc, and Caje get the opportunity to get showers and clean clothes. While taking showers, they are taken hostage by a German Captain and a German NCO who have been trapped behind American lines and are trying to get back to their own lines. The German Captain holds Saunders and Caje hostage while he frees Doc to get an ambulance to transport them out of the village and back to German territory. Doc becomes the central character in this episode as he goes about getting an ambulance for which he has no authorization. The German Captain continues to hold them all hostage as Doc uses the ambulance to get them out of the village and back near German territory. Instead of releasing his hostages at that point, however, we find the German Captain has one more chore in mind for the three GIs. Written by David Wile

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Mail Call

Mail Call


Mail Call - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.5

While waiting for the next assignment, Sgt. Saunders and his squad receive the mail call. Saunders receives a letter and changes his mood and stays apart from his squad. Meanwhile the new replacement, Private Trenton, joins his squad. Trenton is a nice guy with a wounded knee but Saunders gives a bad treatment to him. The squad believes the reason is Saunder's mysterious letter and Trenton is assigned to join their recon patrol in German lines. Why is Saunders being so hard with Trenton? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Counter-Punch



Counter-Punch - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6

Chaos ensues as the Germans make a breakthrough, and all rear-echelon troops are ordered to get their weapons. Never able to form up into any sort of fighting force, they become stragglers separated from any cohesive unit. Saunders and Caje are also separated from their unit, and they pick up several of the rear-echelon stragglers as they discover they are all now many miles deep in German territory. While the rear-echelon guys have no combat experience, they each contribute in their own way in their effort to get back to their own forces. During their trek back, Saunders hijacks a locomotive with several cars carrying German troops, and his new squad has to get rid of the German troop cars so they can then take the engine in the direction of their own lines. As might be expected, one of the rear-echelon guys knows how to operate a steam locomotive. The shots of the locomotive action do make for some very nice cinematic scenes. Written by David Wile

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD A Silent Cry

A Silent Cry


A Silent Cry - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Lt. Hanley assigns Sgt. Saunders to go with Caje, Kirby, Sgt. Perkins and a private to deliver radios to the Maquis Fontaine. Sgt. Perkins is an arrogant specialist in communication and has never participated of a combat mission and Sgt. Saunders is forced to take the rookie sergeant with him despite their friction. Perkins jeopardizes the mission with his attitudes but when they arrive at the French underground location, he needs to repair the central radio of the resistance. But the Germans are triangulating the location of this radio. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Hunter

The Hunter


The Hunter - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Saunders and Kirby are searching the buildings of an abandoned French winery when they are spotted by two Germans who are using the tower for an observation post. A firefight ensues, and one of the Germans and Kirby are both badly wounded. The German officer, Heismann, snatches Kirby and takes him into the tower building. The wounded German attacks Saunders with a knife, but Saunders finishes him. Saunders has seen the Germans are setting up a large artillery position nearby, and Heismann uses the wounded Kirby to convince Saunders to surrender before he can report the artillery location to his HQ. While Heismann talks to Saunders, Kirby recovers enough to throw the German's radio outside where Saunders can see it is now broken. Heismann is so infuriated he decides to hunt Saunders with his special hunting rifle as if he were prey. Heismann and Saunders play cat and mouse among the many winery buildings while Saunders looks for the radio Kirby left in another building. He finds the ... Written by David Wile

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD What Are the Bugles Blowin' For?: Part 1

What Are the Bugles Blowin' For?: Part 1


What Are the Bugles Blowin' For?: Part 1 - EPS 25

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

A British unit holding a depot doesn't know that Allied units around them are retreating from a Nazi offensive, because the Brits' radio is broken. Sgt. Saunders' squad can't join the pullback, because Lt. Hanley orders Saunders' crew to march to the railhead in France, to let the Brits know they are being surrounded. Written by David Stevens

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD What Are the Bugles Blowin' For?: Part 2

What Are the Bugles Blowin' For?: Part 2


What Are the Bugles Blowin' For?: Part 2 - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

A British captain refuses Allied orders to retreat, delivered by Sgt. Saunders. Instead, Capt. Johns commands Sgt. Saunders' battle-fatigued U.S. squad to dig in at the besieged railhead and help repulse a German advance. Saunders fears it's suicide for all, but the imperial Capt. Johns, a Sandowner and son of a general, insists they can hold the depot against a Nazi offensive. Written by David Stevens

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Weep No More

Weep No More


Weep No More - EPS 27

IMDb: 7.6

Hanley, Caje and Kirby rescue a totally mute French woman in shock in her house and bring to their field hospital. Howeve the woman flees and Hanley goes alone to her house to bring her back. But the woman is totally disturbed and a German patrol arrives to make a post in the spot. What will Hanley do? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Short Day of Private Putnam

The Short Day of Private Putnam


The Short Day of Private Putnam - EPS 28

IMDb: 8.7

A new squad member is aggressive and naive - because he's really only 15. Orville Putnam's actual age is discovered by a knowing French bartender he puts his unsubtle moves on, to impress his fellow infantrymen. Orville swears Fauvette to secrecy, but then the squad is ordered to recon a treacherous hill whose treetops are stuffed with German snipers. Sgt. Saunders understands that Orville is covering up for his lack of combat experience, but doesn't know the whole truth about the orphaned teen. Written by David Stevens

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Rescue



Rescue - EPS 29

IMDb: 8.8

This episode is all Lt. Hanley and a bunch of twists along the way. Concussed during an artillery barrage and separated from his platoon, Hanley starts to come out of his daze only to find he is being taken prisoner by an SS soldier. The first twist is when the SS soldier is shot by another SS soldier who frees Hanley. Then we learn the second SS soldier is really a GI corporal who just escaped from a holding area, but his wounded Colonel is still being held by the Germans and has information valuable to the Germans. As Hanley's head clears, he decides they must rescue the Colonel and keep him from giving the Germans information. They do manage to rescue the Colonel, but there are more twists in the road for Hanley before he gets back to his own lines. Written by David Wile

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Command



Command - EPS 30

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

LT. Hanley is wounded and goes to the hospital. He is replaced by the tough and unpleasant Lt. Douglas that commands Saunders and his squad by the book. They are assigned to meet a Maquis and blow off a bridge that is the escape route of the Germans. Douglas' attitudes affect the whole squad and endangers the mission. What is the secret of Lt. Douglas? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD Infant of Prague

Infant of Prague


Infant of Prague - EPS 31

IMDb: 7.5

While fleeing from the Germans. Lt. Hanley and his squad stumble upon the old Sister Therese and three aspirant nun bringing a dead nun on a small wagon to be buried. Li. Hanley tries to convince the women to escape from the German with them for their safety, but the stubborn sister wants to go to their convent to bring the Infant of Prague's statue. Lt. Hanley finally convinces them to go with his squad but while sleeping in a barn, Sister Therese sneaks out to the convent to bring the statue in the village that is now taken by the Germans. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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HD The Glory Among Men

The Glory Among Men


The Glory Among Men - EPS 32

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Saunders gets a replacement, Mason, who is completely self-centered and detestable, and he immediately antagonizes everyone in the squad. While on a mission, they are caught in the open with little cover, and they are pinned down by a well entrenched German infantry supported by a machine gun. Mason, badly wounded and unable to get himself to cover, is used by the Germans to tempt the Americans to expose themselves by trying to rescue him. The other GIs are posed with the ethical decision of leaving him behind or risking their lives trying to save the detestable Mason. It is highly dramatic to watch as one GI after another comes to grips with his own ethics and makes the decision to risk his own life trying to save Mason - not because of any redeeming value in Mason, but because of their own humanity. Written by David Wile

Genre: Action, Drama, War,
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