February 5, 1865. Five points remains a bedlam. Young men are dying and disappearing at an alarming rate. A career criminal terrorizes the Sixth Ward - and Detective Kevin Corcoran must put an end to his reign of violence. With pressures from Tammany Hall raining down upon the police force, the coppers follow the guidance of Ward Leader, General Brendan Donovan. Written by Cineflix
All Episodes - S02
February 5, 1865. Five points remains a bedlam. Young men are dying and disappearing at an alarming rate. A career criminal terrorizes the Sixth Ward - and Detective Kevin Corcoran must put an end to his reign of violence. With pressures from Tammany Hall raining down upon the police force, the coppers follow the guidance of Ward Leader, General Brendan Donovan. Written by Cineflix
As more corpses of young men are found - while other teens continue to disappear - Detective Kevin Corcoran leaves no stone unturned in his search for answers. Doctor Matthew Freeman makes a drastic decision for the health of his community, forcing his wife Sara to confront her past. Meanwhile, a Confederate spy is brought to New York City and receives very different visits from both Elizabeth Haverford and Robert Morehouse. Written by Cineflix
Detective Kevin Corcoran closes in on the parties responsible for the kidnapping and murder of young Five Points men. As the pressure to capture the culprits grows, Corcoran is forced to choose between fealty to the badge and loyalty to loved ones. Francis Maguire embraces his new position in the underworld, climbing the ladder of New York City's criminal elite. As chaos continues in Five Points, Robert Morehouse and Elizabeth Haverford exchange vows - though the evening will prove to be nothing like either anticipated. Written by Cineflix
The Sixth Precinct's search for the murderer of a fellow officer is derailed as Annie Reilly creates a fissure in the Corcoran home. Meanwhile, Eva Heissen - attempting to preserve a secret she has carried for months - discovers an ally in Brendan Donovan. Elizabeth Morehouse struggles to soothe her troubled conscience, deciding to aid the Freemans in their quest for Sara's mother. As Francis Maguire, running parallel to Corcoran's hunt for a cop killer, finds himself crossing paths with his old friends - to surprising results. Written by Cineflix
Five Points falls into a state of panic as a community safe haven is seized by one of the deadliest men in New York City. With both coppers and civilians at his mercy, Detectives Kevin Corcoran and Andrew O'Brien, with Doctor Matthew Freeman and several coppers, race against time to restore peace to the Sixth Ward. As the coppers defend their home against an unrelenting foe, Francis Maguire sees an opportunity to settle a score with Corcoran. Written by Cineflix
A murder demands Detective Kevin Corcoran work closely with Brendan Donovan, who is eager to close the case cleanly. Meanwhile, Robert Morehouse makes a difficult decision regarding the trial of Robert Cobb Kennedy. With spring on the horizon, the Freemans are reunited with a figure from their past, while Eva Heissen and Ellen Corcoran discover a new link between their lives. Written by Cineflix
In his investigation, Detective Kevin Corcoran finds himself at an unusual dead end. Doctor Matthew Freeman is faced with the outbreak of a new and troubling illness sweeping Five Points. While Elizabeth tries to help with the Morehouse business affairs, General Brendan Donovan enlists Eva to gain leverage within his own. Written by Cineflix
The greater Copper family - uptown and Five Points alike - gather around Detective Kevin Corcoran, who is reeling from a shocking loss. In a quest to cure on a grander scale, Freeman steps beyond his role as doctor. Robert Morehouse finds himself fighting to ensure that a tumultuous chapter of his past is dead and buried, and that his life and the lives of his loved ones will continue to thrive. Written by Cineflix
Returning to the Precinct, Detective Kevin Corcoran is staggered when he discovers a new investigation has one close to him in chains. Racing to free his friend, Corcoran seeks help from those in power. However, General Brendan Donovan is consumed by an upcoming, major political and business move. Meanwhile, Doctor Matthew Freeman approaches Robert Morehouse to suggest a joint effort to aid the metropolis. Written by Cineflix
Detective Kevin Corcoran begins to question General Brendan Donovan's stronghold in the Five Points community, and solicits coppers of the Sixth Precinct to suss out the truth. In a collision of public and private spheres, Robert Morehouse's marriage creates strife in his business ventures. The Freemans struggle to maintain their freedom and well-being while confronting bigots in their community. Written by Anonymous
Looming devastation to Five Points forces Detective Kevin Corcoran to take drastic action against Tammany Hall. Injuries old and new push Doctor Matthew Freeman to his breaking point. As Elizabeth Morehouse spirals further into addiction, intervention comes from the unlikeliest of sources. Meanwhile, as Madame Eva Heissen's murder trial begins, outside forces work other avenues for her freedom. Written by Anonymous
The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln shatters any hope of a smooth post-war recovery for the people of New York City and the United States at large. Detective Kevin Corcoran is on the move, evading retaliation from Tammany Hall fixer, William Wild Bill Eustace (William Billy Baldwin), working to remain hidden while seeing through events he set in motion. Written by Anonymous
In the wake of President Lincoln's assassination, the country is reeling. As Detective Kevin Corcoran mourns with Robert Morehouse and Doctor Matthew Freeman, the three men decide to join a national effort to hunt down Lincoln's killer, John Wilkes Booth. Meanwhile, Tammany Hall finds an unlikely successor to lead the Sixth Ward. Written by Anonymous