In an upscale, gated community in Annetta South, Texas, evil lurks from within as 17-year old Jake Evans invokes Rob Zombie's revamped classic Hollywood slasher flick, Halloween, in his homicidal quest to destroy his family.
All Episodes - S02
On July 20, 2012 James Eagan Holmes killed 12 people and injured 70 others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Holmes thought he was the Joker from the movie Batman. Forensic psychologist Dr. J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner attempts to explain why these senseless killing occurred. Written by Warren Chrysler
Most people remember the D.C. snipers terrorizing the Washington, D.C. area as the world watched for three weeks in October 2002, but what many do not realize is that it all stemmed from the movie, The Matrix.
For Regan Jolley, life seems too good to be true when in rehab she begins a romance with a charming young war veteran, Jason Hart. Reagan doesn't know that Hart's desire to copy his Breaking Bad hero Jesse Pinkman includes for her more than just sex and drugs. Written by Warren Chrysler
A teenager seeks notoriety by reenacting a violent scene from the 1995 film The Basketball Diaries.
A New York State serial killer who modeled himself after villains from the Robocop movie is spotlighted. Commentary provided by the killer's ex-girl friend, a detective, a movie reviewer and Dr. Buzz a forensic psychologist.
In an upscale, gated community in Annetta South, Texas, evil lurks from within as 17-year old Jake Evans invokes Rob Zombie's revamped classic Hollywood slasher flick, Halloween, in his homicidal quest to destroy his family.
Tony Soprano was a man who seemed to get away with anything, even murder. But for 20 year-old Jason Bautista, one particular Sopranos episode will inspire an even more sinister and tragic act where his own mother is the unsuspecting target.