The Mask

The Mask

The Mask: Part 1 Kitty, a dog-hating stranger wearing a mask, arrives at the Farmhouse. Muriel invites her in as their guest, much to Courage's distress. Kitty tells the family her story, that she's been forced to run away to save herself from being killed by Mad Dog, an evil and vicious gangster who was jealous of her closeness with his girlfriend, Bunny. As a result, Kitty hates all dogs and beats Courage whenever she can. Courage goes in search of her friend Bunny, hoping to find a way to get Kitty to leave. The Mask: Part 2 Kitty, a dog-hating stranger wearing a mask, arrives at the Farmhouse. Muriel invites her in as their guest, much to Courage's distress. Kitty tells the family her story, that she's been forced to run away to save herself from being killed by Mad Dog, an evil and vicious gangster who was jealous of her closeness with his girlfriend, Bunny. As a result, Kitty hates all dogs and beats Courage whenever she can. Courage goes in search of her friend Bunny, ... Written by Anonymous



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HD A Beaver's Tale/The Nutcracker

A Beaver's Tale/The Nutcracker


A Beaver's Tale/The Nutcracker - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.5
23 min

A Beaver's Tail The Family awakens one morning and discovers a lake outside their home. When the water rises and begins to flood the farmhouse, Courage reluctantly goes to find the cause. He finds a beaver completing a huge dam on the Nowhere River. Courage must get the beaver to stop building the dam and save his family and home from being flooded out. The Nutcracker The Family browses in a junkyard and accidentally get locked in. As evening falls, evil rats emerge and begin a macabre dance to music from The Nutcracker Suite. The rats capture Muriel and The Farmer, and prepare to cook them for a feast. Courage must save them and himself. Written by Anonymous

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HD Rumpledkiltskin/Housecalls



Rumpledkiltskin/Housecalls - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Rumpledkiltskin Muriel is summoned to Scotland by her uncle to weave the family tartan, as the last surviving family member who knows how to do it. Upon arrival she learns that her uncle is an imposter. He imprisons her (with Courage) and forces her to weave thousands of kilts. Courage must find a way to rescue them both. Housecalls Dr. Gerhardt von Orbison, a brilliant and lonely scientist, wants neighbors and decides to bring them to him. The Family is awakened to find the Farmhouse walking itself to a new location. The Farmhouse settles next door to von Orbison's mansion, and Muriel strikes up a friendship with him. Courage is terrified, and it soon becomes apparent that Dr. von Orbison's house doesn't WANT neighbors - it wants him all to itself -- and tries to get rid of them. Written by Anonymous

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HD Le Quack Balloon/The Windmill Vandals

Le Quack Balloon/The Windmill Vandals


Le Quack Balloon/The Windmill Vandals - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Le Quack Balloon Le Quack returns with a new scheme: he replaces Muriel's cookie recipe with one that calls for rare Swedish vinegar - then arrives on the scene to take her to Sweden in a hot air balloon so she can get some. His plan is to use her to steal money from the Piggy Bank of Sweden, and Courage must find a way to save her. Windmill Vandals The farm's windmill begins to jam, and when Courage tries to fix it, he discovers strange rune symbols carved behind each of the blades. He hears the sound of horses' hooves approaching, and ghosts of saber-wielding vandals ride into view, galloping straight for the farm. They attack the Family, chopping off their heads. Courage has to find out who the vandals are, and how to get rid of them. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Uncommon Cold/Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted

The Uncommon Cold/Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted


The Uncommon Cold/Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.6
23 min

The Uncommon Cold Muriel gets a terrible cold and starts sneezing uncontrollably. Courage notices that Muriel's sneezes produce a strange cloud in front of her face - and in each cloud is seen the image of an odd creature crying for help. She sneezes out a cloudy map, which Courage follows to the Bayou, with a desperately sneezing Muriel in tow. Courage must find a way to cure Muriel of the cold that threatens to do her in. Farmer-Hunter, Farmer-Hunted The start of hunting season is announced, and a prize is offered to whomever blasts the biggest deer. The Farmer takes Courage on a hunting trip. Martin Deer, the biggest deer in the county, is playing with his family in a pasture when the Farmer starts shooting at him. Fed up with being hunted, Martin decides to turn the tables and hunt the Farmer. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bride of Swamp Monster/Goat Pain

Bride of Swamp Monster/Goat Pain


Bride of Swamp Monster/Goat Pain - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Bride of the Swamp Monster The truck crashes into a swamp one night and Muriel loses her new locket, which holds a picture of her inside it. The locket descends into the murky swamp and is found by the Swamp Monster, who sees Muriel's picture and believes she is his long-lost love. He vows to find her and bring her home. Swamp Monster tracks Muriel down and takes her to the swamp to be his bride. Courage must locate his REAL long-lost love and save Muriel. Goat Pain Muriel wakes one morning with a terrible backache, and is advised by Dr. Vindaloo to travel to a remote mountain hot spring, renowned for its healing properties. When the Family arrives there, they encounter an extremely aggressive mountain goat with massive horns. He is the guardian of the mountain's sacred hot spring, and will not let them in. Muriel is in so much pain and they have traveled such a long way, they refuse to leave. Muriel and Courage are taken prisoner by the goat. It's up to Courage to figure out a ... Written by Anonymous

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HD Muriel Blows Up/Profiles in Courage

Muriel Blows Up/Profiles in Courage


Muriel Blows Up/Profiles in Courage - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Muriel Blows Up One evening, a stray military test rocket bursts overhead above the Farmhouse. It showers the ground with debris and a mysterious residue, which only Courage notices. The next morning, Muriel finds a carrot growing in her garden. Courage notices it's growing very quickly and warns Muriel. She ignores his warnings, eats the carrot, and begins to grow, eventually becoming as tall as the house. Courage and the Farmer hear a news report on the TV about the test rocket that exploded, and learn that Muriel will grow until she explodes. Courage has to get into Muriel's stomach and defeat the Military Carrot before it's too late. Profiles in Courage At a county fair, a mysterious paper-cutter offers to make full-size cameo silhouettes of Muriel and the Farmer. Back at the Farmhouse, Muriel mounts the cameos on the wall and heads upstairs to bed. Courage sees the silhouettes moving in their picture-frames, and screams as the cameos pull themselves free and head upstairs. ... Written by Anonymous

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HD The Mask

The Mask


The Mask - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.9
23 min

The Mask: Part 1 Kitty, a dog-hating stranger wearing a mask, arrives at the Farmhouse. Muriel invites her in as their guest, much to Courage's distress. Kitty tells the family her story, that she's been forced to run away to save herself from being killed by Mad Dog, an evil and vicious gangster who was jealous of her closeness with his girlfriend, Bunny. As a result, Kitty hates all dogs and beats Courage whenever she can. Courage goes in search of her friend Bunny, hoping to find a way to get Kitty to leave. The Mask: Part 2 Kitty, a dog-hating stranger wearing a mask, arrives at the Farmhouse. Muriel invites her in as their guest, much to Courage's distress. Kitty tells the family her story, that she's been forced to run away to save herself from being killed by Mad Dog, an evil and vicious gangster who was jealous of her closeness with his girlfriend, Bunny. As a result, Kitty hates all dogs and beats Courage whenever she can. Courage goes in search of her friend Bunny, ... Written by Anonymous

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HD Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog/Muted Muriel

Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog/Muted Muriel


Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog/Muted Muriel - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.5
23 min

Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog The family is taking a tour of the Great Wall of China, led by their tour guide, Di Lung. Muriel is suddenly abducted, orchestrated by Di Lung in the service of his godmother: the Empress Dowager of China. The Empress has kept the people of China in her thrall, but now the secret source of her power -- the magic silkworm -- has transcended to another world. The only way the Empress can contact the silkworm is through the bones of a genuine soul... and Muriel, innocent source of tranquility, is that soul. Courage must find a way to rescue Muriel before her bones are extracted. Muted Muriel Each time Muriel gives her opinion about something or makes a comment, the Farmer ignores her. The Farmer's carelessness hurts Muriel so much she refuses to communicate to anyone. Her resentment makes her mute. Courage hires Shirley the Medium to conjure up a spell that will make Muriel talk again. Shirley's spell conjures up giant earth-crawlers which converge on the ... Written by Anonymous

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HD Aqua-Farmer/Food of the Dragon

Aqua-Farmer/Food of the Dragon


Aqua-Farmer/Food of the Dragon - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Aqua-Farmer When the Family visits an aqua-park, The Farmer boasts loudly that he can swim better than the dolphin in the water show. The Farmer is challenged to a swimming contest with the dolphin and loses. The humiliation the Farmer experiences causes him to confront his failure. He becomes obsessively determined to win. The Farmer challenges the dolphin to a re-match, offering Muriel as the prize if he loses. He begins training and Courage must help him win, or they will lose Muriel. Food of the Dragon A large dragon arrives at the Farmhouse looking for food -- it eats humans. It attacks the house and occupies it, eats the Farmer as a snack, and sets aside Muriel and Courage for dinner. Courage learns of the dragon's personal anguish over having wings but being unable to fly. Raised by dragons who fed on humans and could fly, the dragon is puzzled: it can not fly, nor does it truly enjoy the taste of humans. Courage bravely cuts a deal with the dragon: he'll find out why, in ... Written by Anonymous

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HD Last of the Starmakers/Son of the Chicken from Outer Space

Last of the Starmakers/Son of the Chicken from Outer Space


Last of the Starmakers/Son of the Chicken from Outer Space - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.0
23 min

Last of the Starmakers Out in space, two beings -- a husband and his pregnant wife -- scatter stars in the blackness. They are star makers, and are the last beings of their kind. Suddenly a predator attacks them. The husband tells his wife to save herself, go to Earth to give birth. His wife escapes, landing beside the Farmhouse, where she digs a hole deep in the ground and lays her eggs. Muriel and Courage discover her. Muriel instantly bonds with the being, and becomes her nursemaid. The Farmer secretly sells her to a science lab, and the scientists come for her. Muriel and Courage must save her, and insure that the Earth will continue to have stars in the night sky. Son of the Chicken From Outer Space The three-headed son of the Chicken from Outer Space returns to earth, at his mother's bidding, to avenge his father and destroy Courage. He captures Muriel and subjects her to horrible things. Courage must defeat the Son and rescue Muriel. Written by Anonymous

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HD Courageous Cure/Ball of Revenge

Courageous Cure/Ball of Revenge


Courageous Cure/Ball of Revenge - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Courageous Cure Alien naturalists descend upon the Farmhouse in their spacecraft and suck up the Family as specimens of earth life, and begin to study them. They are desperate to discover if their own perishing species could be genetically hybridized with humans, in hope of finding a serum that will save their race from a destructive virus. Courage must find a cure for the virus so he can save himself and his family. Ball of Revenge The Farmer is in an exceptionally bitter mood, taking note of all the attention Muriel gives to Courage. The last straw breaks when Muriel gives Courage a colorful new blanket that The Farmer assumed she was knitting for him. He decides to get rid of Courage once and for all. He gathers many of Courage's former enemies and they create a plan of attack. In order to lure Courage into the plot, The Farmer has Muriel kidnapped. Courage must find a way to save Muriel and himself. Written by Anonymous

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HD Cabaret Courage/Wrath of the Librarian

Cabaret Courage/Wrath of the Librarian


Cabaret Courage/Wrath of the Librarian - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Cabaret Courage The Family is sightseeing in Hollowood, California, when a manhole opens beneath their feet. They plummet down a series of long, intestine-like tubes and land in an underground cabaret, in what appears to be a stomach. A homunculus, embedded in the wall of the stomach, offers the Family great prizes if they perform for him. The Farmer and Muriel eagerly accept the opportunity, but end up being thrown into an intestinal pit to be digested, because they performed not for genuine feeling and generosity but for personal and material gain. Courage, however, turns down the offer of glitzy, expensive gifts. He'll perform in exchange for the Family's freedom. Courage must rescue Muriel and the Farmer before they are digested. Wrath of the Librarian While digging up treasures he'd buried in the yard, Courage finds a library book that is two years overdue. He takes it back and learns he owes several thousand dollars in overdue fees. He returns home with the book, unsure of... Written by Anonymous

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HD Remembrance of Courage Past/Perfect

Remembrance of Courage Past/Perfect


Remembrance of Courage Past/Perfect - EPS 13

IMDb: 9.1
23 min

Remembrance of Courage Past Courage sees a Missing Dog ad on the side of a milk container, which causes him to have flashbacks of himself as a puppy going to the veterinarian -- where his parents were kidnapped, and Courage failed to rescue them. The flashbacks cause Courage to get depressed, so Muriel takes him to Doctor Teenytodd, a veterinarian who turns out to be the kidnapper from Courage's flashbacks. He kidnaps dogs and sends them into space. Courage is kidnapped and headed for the same fate as his parents, unless he can overcome his past, destroy the factory and the spaceship. Perfect The Farmer gets fed up with Courage's incompetence, and begins looking for a professional to make Courage better. The Perfectionist appears, an old Victorian schoolteacher who carries a large wooden ruler and speaks in a commanding tone. The Perfectionist begins showing Courage how to be perfect, but he fails at all the assignments. Courage must find a way to be perfect or get rid of The ... Written by Anonymous

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