

Within 18 hours of their common time together, 12 people who visited Quiet Hills Park in Annapolis, Maryland, have died from anthrax poisoning, with at least 13 more in emergency rooms headed in the same direction. It is a highly sophisticated strain of anthrax, meaning that it was developed by someone with a science background. The military is called in as the BAU believes that such scientific work is the specialty of the military, the resulting pathogen was used as a potential WMD. Although the strain of the pathogen is not being used by the military, military scientists are the most likely candidates able to develop such a strain. The attack site, a family-oriented public park, is contrary to such work, and thus the BAU believes the site is personal to the perpetrator. Because of the panic it could cause, there is a media blackout on the story, which negatively affects some on the team, some for personal and some for professional reasons. The team is hit even harder when deep into ... Written by Huggo



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HD Mayhem



Mayhem - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.6
43 min | 42 min

The BAU now believe that the subway killings were conducted by several people as part of a larger terrorist plot, those killings just a test for a wider mass attack to come. But a car bomb has just exploded close to the New York FBI headquarters, that car belonging to Joyner. Just outside the vehicle, Hotch is injured with a severe ringing in his ears from the explosion, is shocked, but is alive and mobile. Joyner on the other hand is severely injured. She knows her chances of survival are slim as the emergency responders were previously ordered not to attend such incidents because of the possible terrorist second wave hit. Garcia catches some interesting images at the bomb site which could compromise Hotch and Joyner's safety. The team do not yet realize that other things beyond what Garcia saw on camera are far more dangerous to Hotch and Joyner and the population of New York in general despite the team feeling that the car bomb is just too minor an incident in and of itself. The ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Angel Maker

The Angel Maker


The Angel Maker - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.1
43 min | 42 min

On the anniversary of the execution of a serial killer, known as the Angel Maker, who bludgeoned women while they were asleep, raped them and then made puncture wounds in their stomachs after they were killed, a copycat has started a new spree. Strangely enough, the semen found at the scene is a match to the original Angel Maker. While some people start to worry that he has returned from the dead, the BAU have to figure out what his mindset was in order to find the copycat. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Minimal Loss

Minimal Loss


Minimal Loss - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7
44 min | 42 min

Reid and Prentiss enter a Christian cult's community ranch to investigate a anonymous tip about child molestation. Moments after they enter, the state police begin a raid on the place which quickly turns into a Waco Siege-like standoff with Reid and Prentiss being held captive by the cult's militia. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Paradise



Paradise - EPS 04

IMDb: 6.9
43 min | 42 min

A serial killer who targets couples rapes and tortures the women psychologically and physically and kills the men by blunt force to the head leaves the bodies in a car on a road to make it look like a car accident. While the BAU are investigating, a couple in a motel somewhere find themselves trapped in a pure nightmare... Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Catching Out

Catching Out


Catching Out - EPS 05

IMDb: 6.9
55 min | 42 min

A serial killer is jumping trains on Highway 99. Whenever he stops, he breaks into houses, brutally kills its residents and then spends the night there, pretending it's his own. Meanwhile, Morgan bumps into a woman who seems to know who he is at a coffee shop and feels like he's seen her face before. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD The Instincts

The Instincts


The Instincts - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.6
55 min | 42 min

The team travel to Las Vegas to investigate the abduction and subsequent murder of 5-year old Ethan Hayes whose dead body was found in the desert but in a visible location, newly clothed and seemingly starved during his abduction phase but somehow with nutrients in his body without visible evidence of an I.V. marking on his body. Another adolescent, Michael Bridges, has been abducted but assumed not yet dead. The tie between the two abductions is that the killer has contacted both sets of parents telling them they are the cause of their child's abduction. This case is especially difficult for Reid whose hometown is Las Vegas and whose mother has been institutionalized there for the better part of her adult life. In addition, he has been having nightmares of late of himself and the team chasing the killer of a six-year old child. However, this child is seemingly someone he may have known from his own childhood. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Memoriam



Memoriam - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.8
55 min | 42 min

Based on his nightmares, Reid decides to stay in Las Vegas to probe deeper into his nightmare, specifically if his father, William Reid, who abandoned him and his mother when he was a child, was the murderer of six-year old Riley Jenkins when Reid himself was only four. Rossi and Morgan decide to stay and assist Reid. Reid learns that his father has been living just outside of Las Vegas all these years. Upon meeting his father, Reid confronts him with his suspicions. Reid Sr. denies any involvement or knowledge of the murder. Immediately after Reid confronts his father, an anonymous source provides another suspect for the murder. After going into hypnotherapy, Reid also thinks that his mother, Diana, is suppressing some memories from an incident surrounding the murder. Diana decides to go off her medication so that she can remember what happened the night that caused her mental instability. Meanwhile, J.J. goes into labor, three weeks before her due date. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Masterpiece



Masterpiece - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.5
55 min | 42 min

A man calling himself Professor Rothchild approaches Rossi and Reid, saying that he has killed seven women already - scrambled photographs as proof - and within the next nine hours another five people he abducted will die. Current news reports that Kaylee Robinson and four children under her charge have gone missing, BAU believing they are the five targets. BAU's thought is true as Garcia is sent video footage of the five in a room wearing gas masks and being tortured by acid. Despite the professor asking for Reid, Rossi takes charge of the investigation thinking that he will not bow to Rothchild's wishes. As the investigation progresses, discussion between Rossi and Rothchild of the past killings and the future killings turn to the ideals of perfection. Meanwhile, Todd is feeling like the team does not yet trust her abilities based on actions by Morgan. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 52 Pickup

52 Pickup


52 Pickup - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.2
55 min | 42 min

A killer is disemboweling women, keeping them alive for a few hours, making them clean up after their injury, then killing them. The original victims were prostitutes, but the latest victim, Vanessa Holden, was from a wealthy and prominent family, hence her murder being a different victimology. And this latest murder took place one year after the previous, Vanessa picked up at a nightclub. With a different victimology, the BAU determined that the unsub also had changed over the previous year. Finding who would have helped him change would assist in finding the killer's pattern and new motivations, namely why he moved from prostitutes to women just out for a good time. Prentiss and Todd may have uncovered a key piece of of puzzle when they track who they suspect of being the killer's teacher. This case also tests the new working relationship between Todd and Hotch. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Brothers in Arms

Brothers in Arms


Brothers in Arms - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

A spate of fatal police killings have been occurring in Phoenix, Arizona. All officers are shot in the neck in the line of duty. Much to the chagrin of the Phoenix Police Department rank and file, the BAU is called in to assist in the investigation. Whereas the police department initially believes the perpetrators to be gang members, the BAU believes it is one unsub due to victimology and MO - the shootings are methodical and the dead officers' badges have been taken. Besides the victims being Phoenix police officers, the unsub does not seem to be targeting specific individuals within the Phoenix Police Department. Information leads the investigation into the underground world of fight clubs. However, the investigators are searching out someone atypical to the public mentality of a fight clubber. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Normal



Normal - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Middle aged Caucasian blonde women are being gunned down on the freeways around Los Angeles. Based on victimology, the BAU determine that the women are surrogates for someone in the unsub's life, probably his wife or former partner. The unsub is feeling emasculated, this feeling onset by some specific traumatic event, but precipitated by perceived attitudes toward him. However, the killings are getting progressively brazen, where the BAU believes the unsub will eventually kill the real blonde woman in his life, and the children associated with that relationship. When the team locate the unsub, it may be too late. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Soul Mates

Soul Mates


Soul Mates - EPS 12

IMDb: 6.6
55 min | 42 min

To his Sarasota Florida neighbors, William Harris is a model family man and upstanding citizen. However, he is taken into custody on suspicions of being the murderer of young women, accusations which followed him from Atlanta, where his family was forced to moved from because of the previous accusations. Harris denies any involvement and is confident that his wife can (and will) post the $5 million bail as she does not believe he had anything to do with the murders. The victims are held for two days before they are strangled to death. The victims are also alternately a white woman then a black woman. The latest possible victim is Missy Dewalt, who has been missing for a few hours. However, her dead body is found within the day, the time of death being when Harris was in custody. Based on a secret blog found deleted from Harris' computer and Missy's death, the BAU are certain that Harris is the murderer but has an accomplice. Harris' daughter, Andrea, grows suspicious of his ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Bloodline



Bloodline - EPS 13

IMDb: 6.9
55 min | 42 min

Ten year old Cate Hale is abducted from her rural Alabama home while her sleeping mother and stepfather are killed, their throats slashed. Although the BAU realize that time is of the essence since most abducted children do not survive past the first 24 hours, Cate is later released, physically unharmed. The BAU believe her release was due to the fact that she has epilepsy, which the unsub did not know of prior to her abduction. Cate recounts that her abductors were a family: a mother, father and son around her age. From Cate's stories of the abduction and later evidence found, the BAU piece together that the abduction and murders have a ritualistic nature to them. During the investigation, a second young girl in the area is abducted, her parents also killed in a similar manner. It isn't until Garcia does a search of past similar cases - abducted young girls with their parents killed - that the BAU begins to understand the full nature of this case and the rituals involved, in addition... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Cold Comfort

Cold Comfort


Cold Comfort - EPS 14

IMDb: 6.6
55 min | 42 min

Twenty-something blond women have been abducted in the Olympia, Washington area. The abductions have taken place about three months apart. The dead bodies of three of the four abducted have just been found, the bodies embalmed causing the deaths. The autopsies also show the abductor is a necrophiliac. Sandra Lombardini, the mother of Brooke Lombardini, the only abducted woman not found, has hired a clairvoyant, Stanley Usher, to help provide information on the case. Usher states that he knows Brooke is still alive. Among the BAU, Rossi in particular is angry about Usher's participation in the case. As the BAU do their analysis to get close to identifying the possible abductor, J.J. thinks that Usher may be able to fill in the missing piece of the puzzle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Zoe's Reprise

Zoe's Reprise


Zoe's Reprise - EPS 15

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

While on a book tour in Cleveland, Rossi learns from Zoe Hawkes, a keen criminology student, that there has been a spike in homicides in the city, she thinks that it is the work of one serial killer. Rossi thinks nothing of it since, on the surface, the homicides have nothing in common - that is until Zoe herself is killed while searching for clues. The BAU quickly realizes the connection: the M.O. of each case is a replica of more famous serial killer, with the perpetrator being a student of serial killers. Beyond the BAU needing to find the unsub before he kills again, Rossi has to reconcile his own feelings that he was somewhat responsible for Zoe's murder. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Pleasure Is My Business

Pleasure Is My Business


Pleasure Is My Business - EPS 16

IMDb: 6.8
60 min | 42 min

Corporate executives are being murdered in Dallas, Texas. The authorities are reluctant to publicize the spate of murders due to the sensitive nature of the deaths: they know that those murdered were regularly using the services of high priced call girls, one of those call girls probably being the sole murderer. Corporate lawyers are also reluctant to provide any information on either those deceased, or of any others they know in a similar situation within any of the businesses they represent. The BAU have to find a way to get the businesses and their lawyers to cooperate as well as get into the psyche of both high priced call girls and their wealthy executive johns. The BAU starts off at a disadvantage as the killer already know who Hotch is and that he is on the case. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Demonology



Demonology - EPS 17

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Prentiss learns from an old friend, John Cooley, that their mutual friend, Matthew Benton, just died from a heart attack. Prentiss had not seen either man in several years, both for different reasons. John also mentions that Matthew thought he was going to be killed just like T. Valentine. In searching, Garcia does find someone matching that name in the area who recently died from dehydration. There are similarities between the two deaths but no medical rationale for tying the two together as murders. A third person in the area then dies in a similar way but again no medical indication of an unnatural death or rationale tying the death to the first two. However, Prentiss and Rossi, in particular within the team, are certain the three deaths are related and that they are indeed murders. They have to tread lightly and carefully since the families of the deceased refuse to speak to the FBI - especially Matthew's family who know, and do not like, Prentiss - and since there is no ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Omnivore



Omnivore - EPS 18

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

The BAU is assigned to work on an old case, which was Hotch's first as lead investigator for the BAU, namely that of the Boston Reaper. The case was originally closed ten years ago by Tom Shaunessy, the lead Boston police detective working on the case. When the case officially closed, the killings stopped. With Shaunessy now on his deathbed, he discloses to Hotch the reasons for closing the case. After Shaunessy's death, the killings once again begin. Hotch is taking this case personally as, although he had thought and worked on his own on the case in the intervening years, he feels he could have stopped the Reaper during this time which may have prevented these recent deaths. Beyond the random persons chosen as the murder victims, the one person who may be in danger as a target of the Reaper is George Foyet, the only known person who survived the Reaper's murder attempt ten years earlier. One other person who may provide a symbiotic benefit to the BAU in finding the Reaper this time ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA | Canada
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HD House on Fire

House on Fire


House on Fire - EPS 19

IMDb: 6.8

A serial arsonist is active in Royal, Indiana. The arsonist went from setting fires in unoccupied buildings to largely populated ones. In the last two fires - in a community center and a movie theater - the death count reaches 31 people. The BAU realize that they have to tread lightly as they suspect the unsub to be a local, and with Royal being a small town, anyone they question will be the target of a public witch hunt. And with the high death count in such a small town, determining if there is a specific victimology is made more difficult. The arsonist strikes again when the BAU least expects. Because the latest fire is different than the previous ones, they believe the last fire is the one that holds the key to understanding the motivation and finding the perpetrator. This case is especially difficult for Garcia, who is asked to do things outside of her normal duties. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Conflicted



Conflicted - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.9

Young male college students - the type the BAU classify as the alpha male - are on spring break vacation in South Padre Island. They are being raped by another man and suffocated to death specifically at the Hudson Street Hotel. The men are found naked in a fetal position in a place where they are sure to be found quickly the in their hotel room. They are also positioned in such a way that housecleaning would have cleaned up any evidence before finding the bodies first. The victims thus far are not gay indicating that any physical act was not consensual. When the next victim is found at another hotel, the BAU believe that this is a red herring, and that the unsub may be a guest or probably an employee at the Hudson Street Hotel. They also believe, based on sexual orientation of the victims, that there are two unsubs: a submissive female who lures the victims, and a dominant male who does the raping and killing. When the BAU have the two people they believe are the perpetrators of the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD A Shade of Gray

A Shade of Gray


A Shade of Gray - EPS 21

IMDb: 6.6

Kyle Murphy is third in the string of boys abducted from their homes in Camden County, the first two ultimately found dead in the woods. For Captain Bill Lancaster, the chief police investigator working on the string of abductions, Kyle's disappearance adds poignancy to the case as he is friends with the Murphys, Kyle who called him Uncle. As the FBI begin to investigate, they notice that there are slight differences between Kyle's abduction and the other two. When the FBI finds the person who they believe is the unsub, they are still uncertain if he had anything to do with Kyle's disappearance. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Big Wheel

The Big Wheel


The Big Wheel - EPS 22

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Michelle Watson, a Buffalo, New York based real estate agent, is found murdered inside a house at which she was showing. A week later, the Buffalo Police Department receive an audio-less and edited video recording from the murderer's viewpoint of the lead-up to the killing, including shots within the murderer's home, as well as the actual murder itself. From the video, it looks as if it was taken by a hidden camera located somewhere on the upper half of the murderer's body. From the actions on the video, the BAU can also tell that the murderer suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Reviewing past cases in the Buffalo area within the past ten years and another video visible in the background of the video sent makes them suspect that this murder was done by a serial killer. Two other key pieces of information on the video are the number 29, circled by the murderer on Michelle's day planner, and the murderer scrawling the words HELP ME. The BAU have a race for time as they ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Roadkill



Roadkill - EPS 23

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

Shannon Makely is the second Caucasian woman to be killed by vehicular homicide in Bend, Oregon in two weeks. The BAU know that it is the same person that killed both women and also that it is homicide since the driver backed over the victims after the initial impact. Both women were also killed along secluded stretches of road. With other information at hand, the BAU believe that the two victims were targeted rather than random killings. When a third vehicular homicide in Bend occurs, the BAU are initially confused as that murder occurred in what could have been a busy public parking lot, and the victim is male. However, other clues comes into light, which the BAU disseminates to the public. In watching these reports from the BAU, Gil Bonner believes he has information which could help the investigation, information he has been keeping secret for over a year. Meanwhile, Garcia is awaiting some information which could profoundly affect her personal life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Amplification



Amplification - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Within 18 hours of their common time together, 12 people who visited Quiet Hills Park in Annapolis, Maryland, have died from anthrax poisoning, with at least 13 more in emergency rooms headed in the same direction. It is a highly sophisticated strain of anthrax, meaning that it was developed by someone with a science background. The military is called in as the BAU believes that such scientific work is the specialty of the military, the resulting pathogen was used as a potential WMD. Although the strain of the pathogen is not being used by the military, military scientists are the most likely candidates able to develop such a strain. The attack site, a family-oriented public park, is contrary to such work, and thus the BAU believes the site is personal to the perpetrator. Because of the panic it could cause, there is a media blackout on the story, which negatively affects some on the team, some for personal and some for professional reasons. The team is hit even harder when deep into ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD To Hell... And Back

To Hell... And Back


To Hell... And Back - EPS 25

IMDb: 7.1
120 min | 42 min

Iraq War veteran Sgt. William Hightower goes to extreme measures to get authorities to investigate the disappearance of several people in Detroit, Michigan, one of those people being his sister Lee. The reason why the Detroit Police Department did not originally investigate is because those missing are exclusively people who live on the streets, specifically those that call the streets of the Cass Corridor home. Despite Hightower's action potentially landing him in jail, he gets his wish in that the BAU are brought in to investigate. The BAU's investigation brings them into Canada. Although they are there on the invitation of the RCMP, the BAU face the obvious problem of jurisdiction. When they get to the site and person they believe the unsub, they are initially dumbfounded due to the unsub's physical state. But he may know more than at first glance, which they will have to get out of him before the latest missing person, a young woman named Kelly, is found dead. This case is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Based in Quantico, Virginia, the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) is a subsection of the FBI. Called in by local police departments to assist in solving crimes of a serial and/or extremely violent nature where the perpetrator is unknown (referred to by the Unit as the unknown subject or unsub for short), the BAU uses the controversial scientific art of profiling to track and apprehend the unsub. Profiling entails coming up with basic characteristics of the unsub and the victims (referred to as the victimology), using evidence from the case and matching that information to historic precedents and psychological analyses as a means to solve the case. Because of the nature of the work conducted by the BAU - the work being time consuming and psychologically demanding - its members are fiercely loyal to the Unit and to its other members. Also because of the work's overall demanding nature, not many members of the BAU have been able to maintain a happy or stable family life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA , Canada
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