Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Miss Ellie plans the annual Ewing Barbecue to celebrate Jock's return from South America. Lucy invites Mitch to the party but is annoyed when he neglects her. Ray gets drunk and embarrasses Donna. Miss Ellie gets a shocking phone call.
All Episodes - S05
J.R. and Cliff recognize the corpse in the Southfork pool and promptly accuse each other of murder. Pam takes John Ross to Sue Ellen. The Sheriff learns who shot J.R.
J.R. and Cliff recognize the corpse in the Southfork pool and promptly accuse each other of murder. Pam takes John Ross to Sue Ellen. The Sheriff learns who shot J.R.
J.R. and Cliff testify about the death. J.R. tries to take advantage of Sue Ellen leaving the Southern Cross to arrange the funeral to kidnap John Ross back but is foiled by Dusty. Cliff has no luck finding a new job or convincing anyone to move against Bobby for ethics violations. Bobby and Pam start an attempt to adopt but find out the wait is long. Written by Anonymous
J.R. and Cliff testify about the death. J.R. tries to take advantage of Sue Ellen leaving the Southern Cross to arrange the funeral to kidnap John Ross back but is foiled by Dusty. Cliff has no luck finding a new job or convincing anyone to move against Bobby for ethics violations. Bobby and Pam start an attempt to adopt but find out the wait is long. Written by Anonymous
J.R. uses Miss Ellie to gain access to the Southern Cross and John Ross. Ellie and Clayton meet and agree the custody issues is not their fight. J.R. threatens Sue Ellen and when that fails tries to convince Ellie to kidnap John Ross.
J.R. uses Miss Ellie to gain access to the Southern Cross and John Ross. Ellie and Clayton meet and agree the custody issues is not their fight. J.R. threatens Sue Ellen and when that fails tries to convince Ellie to kidnap John Ross.
J.R. and Sue Ellen go to court to decide custody of John Ross. Miss Ellie tells J.R. that she won't stand for any mudslinging and attends the hearing to see if he obeys.
J.R. and Sue Ellen go to court to decide custody of John Ross. Miss Ellie tells J.R. that she won't stand for any mudslinging and attends the hearing to see if he obeys.
Pam goes missing. J.R. starts a new plot to blackmail the Farlows into making Sue Ellen leave but buying up all the available crude to destroy their refinery. Bobby gets a letter with a picture of Kristin and her baby and an offer of more information for sale. After hours of searching the police find the edge of a buildings roof. Written by Anonymous
Pam goes missing. J.R. starts a new plot to blackmail the Farlows into making Sue Ellen leave but buying up all the available crude to destroy their refinery. Bobby gets a letter with a picture of Kristin and her baby and an offer of more information for sale. After hours of searching the police find the edge of a buildings roof. Written by Anonymous
Clayton Farlow stands firm against J.R. Pam begins psychiatric treatment. Kristin's lover sells Bobby the child's birth certificate and checks Kristin received from Texas. Pam meets her sister Katherine.
Clayton Farlow stands firm against J.R. Pam begins psychiatric treatment. Kristin's lover sells Bobby the child's birth certificate and checks Kristin received from Texas. Pam meets her sister Katherine.
Bobby talks to Jordan Lee who denies being the father of Kristin's baby. Clayton refuses to throw out Sue Ellen, despite J.R.'s control of the oil.The price of oil starts to drop, making J.R.'s plan much riskier.
Bobby talks to Jordan Lee who denies being the father of Kristin's baby. Clayton refuses to throw out Sue Ellen, despite J.R.'s control of the oil.The price of oil starts to drop, making J.R.'s plan much riskier.
Ellie receives a legal document from Jock that effects control of Ewing Oil while he is in South America. She gathers the family, including Gary and Val, to explain what it means.
Ellie receives a legal document from Jock that effects control of Ewing Oil while he is in South America. She gathers the family, including Gary and Val, to explain what it means.
J.R. finds himself in financial hot water and must broker an extension of his loan. Cliff takes advantage of J.R.'s hot spot to get some concessions. Pam is allowed to leave the hospital and visit Southfork.
J.R. finds himself in financial hot water and must broker an extension of his loan. Cliff takes advantage of J.R.'s hot spot to get some concessions. Pam is allowed to leave the hospital and visit Southfork.
Miss Ellie decides to give Ray a loan to help him out and discovers what J.R. has been up to. Sue Ellen realizes Dusty won't be happy with her and leaves the Southern Cross. Bobby buys Kristin's baby, thinking J.R. the father and brings the baby home to confront. J.R. He lingers in the hall when he hears Miss Ellie arguing with J.R. and Pam comes downstairs, sees the baby and jumps to the wrong conclusion. Written by Anonymous
Miss Ellie decides to give Ray a loan to help him out and discovers what J.R. has been up to. Sue Ellen realizes Dusty won't be happy with her and leaves the Southern Cross. Bobby buys Kristin's baby, thinking J.R. the father and brings the baby home to confront. J.R. He lingers in the hall when he hears Miss Ellie arguing with J.R. and Pam comes downstairs, sees the baby and jumps to the wrong conclusion. Written by Anonymous
Miss Ellie calls the family together to vote on whether J.R. should continue as president of Ewing Oil. Bobby tries to figure out a way to adopt baby Chistopher without Pam figuring out who he is. Ray pulls out of his development deal, leaving Donna angry that he wouldn't confide in her or ask for help. Written by Anonymous
Miss Ellie calls the family together to vote on whether J.R. should continue as president of Ewing Oil. Bobby tries to figure out a way to adopt baby Chistopher without Pam figuring out who he is. Ray pulls out of his development deal, leaving Donna angry that he wouldn't confide in her or ask for help. Written by Anonymous
Miss Ellie plans the annual Ewing Barbecue to celebrate Jock's return from South America. Lucy invites Mitch to the party but is annoyed when he neglects her. Ray gets drunk and embarrasses Donna. Miss Ellie gets a shocking phone call.
Miss Ellie plans the annual Ewing Barbecue to celebrate Jock's return from South America. Lucy invites Mitch to the party but is annoyed when he neglects her. Ray gets drunk and embarrasses Donna. Miss Ellie gets a shocking phone call.
After a phone call from South America devastates Miss Ellie, J.R., Bobby, and Ray fly down there to try and find Jock. They find his medallion.
After a phone call from South America devastates Miss Ellie, J.R., Bobby, and Ray fly down there to try and find Jock. They find his medallion.
Jock's death has a devastating effect on J.R. and Bobby has to cover for himself as well as his brother in running Ewing Oil. J.R. is unable to deal even with the simplest of business demands in his grief.
Jock's death has a devastating effect on J.R. and Bobby has to cover for himself as well as his brother in running Ewing Oil. J.R. is unable to deal even with the simplest of business demands in his grief.
With J.R.'s continued absence from the business and Ray's apathy and negligence toward the running of the ranch, Bobby is struggling to keep Ewing Oil afloat.
With J.R.'s continued absence from the business and Ray's apathy and negligence toward the running of the ranch, Bobby is struggling to keep Ewing Oil afloat.
A recovered J.R. brings John Ross to the Ewing Oil offices to introduce him to what he hopes is his son's future. Later, when he tells Sue Ellen about it, she is far from delighted.
A recovered J.R. brings John Ross to the Ewing Oil offices to introduce him to what he hopes is his son's future. Later, when he tells Sue Ellen about it, she is far from delighted.
J.R. tries to convince Donna that the only way to save her marriage is to persuade Ray to give his ten voting shares to J.R., thereby severing his ties to the Ewings.
J.R. tries to convince Donna that the only way to save her marriage is to persuade Ray to give his ten voting shares to J.R., thereby severing his ties to the Ewings.
J.R., behind the scenes, gets a job offer for Cliff to get him out of Southfork so he can make a move to rekindle his relationship with Sue Ellen. Ray is caught with another woman by Donna and Lucy confronts Evelyn about Mitch.
J.R., behind the scenes, gets a job offer for Cliff to get him out of Southfork so he can make a move to rekindle his relationship with Sue Ellen. Ray is caught with another woman by Donna and Lucy confronts Evelyn about Mitch.
J.R. has Ray arrested during one of his binges then shows up at jail and persuades a distraught Ray to sign over his ten voting shares in Ewing Oil. Cliff discovers J.R.'s plot to get him a phony job with Olco Industries.
J.R. has Ray arrested during one of his binges then shows up at jail and persuades a distraught Ray to sign over his ten voting shares in Ewing Oil. Cliff discovers J.R.'s plot to get him a phony job with Olco Industries.
J.R. returns to Southfork where the family is celebrating Christopher's adoption which serves to depress him further as he realizes he may be a long way from having his own son back. Ray cleans up his act and starts to put his life back together. Written by Anonymous
J.R. returns to Southfork where the family is celebrating Christopher's adoption which serves to depress him further as he realizes he may be a long way from having his own son back. Ray cleans up his act and starts to put his life back together. Written by Anonymous
Katherine looks for J.R.'s help because Cliff has taken over Wentworth Tool and Dye. Donna uncovers a secret in the pasts of the Ewings and Culvers while Clayton does some investigating to find out if Cliff is good for Sue Ellen.
Katherine looks for J.R.'s help because Cliff has taken over Wentworth Tool and Dye. Donna uncovers a secret in the pasts of the Ewings and Culvers while Clayton does some investigating to find out if Cliff is good for Sue Ellen.
J.R., through his manipulations, dupes Cliff into spending millions on a phony land deal. Farraday meets with Bobby and wants money and a ticket to Rio while Cliff proposes marriage to Sue Ellen.
J.R., through his manipulations, dupes Cliff into spending millions on a phony land deal. Farraday meets with Bobby and wants money and a ticket to Rio while Cliff proposes marriage to Sue Ellen.
Bobby Ewing's worst fears are realized when Farraday is murdered but a much worse blackmailer takes his place, his brother, J.R. With copies of Christopher's adoption records in his possession, J.R. realizes that he is probably the real father and now he can force Bobby to do his will so that Pam will never find out. Written by Anonymous
Bobby Ewing's worst fears are realized when Farraday is murdered but a much worse blackmailer takes his place, his brother, J.R. With copies of Christopher's adoption records in his possession, J.R. realizes that he is probably the real father and now he can force Bobby to do his will so that Pam will never find out. Written by Anonymous
Bobby is in a difficult position when he is questioned by the police about the extent of his involvement with Farraday. Lucy is released from her bondage after she is found by Pam and Bobby.
Bobby is in a difficult position when he is questioned by the police about the extent of his involvement with Farraday. Lucy is released from her bondage after she is found by Pam and Bobby.
Miss Ellie makes a decision on the book Donna is working on and comes to accept that Jock has died. The police recruit Bobby's help in setting up a plan to catch Farraday's killers and Cliff is fired by his mother for embezzlement.
Miss Ellie makes a decision on the book Donna is working on and comes to accept that Jock has died. The police recruit Bobby's help in setting up a plan to catch Farraday's killers and Cliff is fired by his mother for embezzlement.
Cliff is devastated by Sue Ellen's return to J.R. and when Afton visits him she makes a shocking discovery. Bobby comes clean and reveals Christopher's true parentage to Pam. Clayton makes a return to Southfork and Lucy admits to a terrible secret. Written by Anonymous
Cliff is devastated by Sue Ellen's return to J.R. and when Afton visits him she makes a shocking discovery. Bobby comes clean and reveals Christopher's true parentage to Pam. Clayton makes a return to Southfork and Lucy admits to a terrible secret. Written by Anonymous