False Confessions

False Confessions

Frank Ashkani takes JR's advice, digging up Tommy's corpse to ruin Pamela, but lover and shares-conspirator John Ross tips off Cliff Barnes, who frames foster son Frank and morally blackmails him to commit suicide. John Ross bribes the Ramos's foreman to sabotage their drilling, so they'll fail on Sue Ellen's loan, but Drew spots the ploy and fires him. Bobby falsely confesses the shooting of Harlan, who recovers but still points him out as perpetrator, instead of Anna, who would loose any chance to ever reconcile Emma. Written by KGF Vissers



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HD Battle Lines

Battle Lines


Battle Lines - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The battle for Ewing Energies heats up as Christopher and John Ross clash over opposing visions for the company. As Christopher seeks to gain the upper hand in his divorce from Rebecca Sutter, a game-changing revelation turns everything on its head. Written by Phoenix

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Venomous Creatures

Venomous Creatures


Venomous Creatures - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Christopher's annulment is denied when Tommy's sister retracts in court her statement that Pamela kept up the pretense to be just Rebecca, not Barnes's daughter, so a bitter custody fight is to follow. Pamela pays her to disappear, but Christopher gets a recording which he can use against her and Tommy and proof that Pamela meant to screw them all. After Elena strikes a brilliant offshore deal, John Ross proposes to reward her with an equal share, beyond what Bobby and Christopher planned, the secret agenda being her existing debts make all her assets vulnerable for him and JR to snap up. John Ross, who sabotaged Christopher's case, concludes a deal with bed benefits: most of Barnes' Ewing Oil shares for all methane interest. JR blackmails the DA to spare Sue Ellen a jail conviction. A Frisian race horse sets Bobby on the track of the truth: Harlan and his wife née Brown raised his and Abe's daughter as Emma Brown, but she believes her mother was abusive. Frank Ashkani won't accept ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Sins of the Father

Sins of the Father


Sins of the Father - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Despite hot sex, John Ross and Pamela Barnes watch each-other like hawks. He takes JR's advice to convince Sue Ellen Elena broke their son's heart by marrying Christopher, so she'll call the loan for the Henderson drilling, clearing the way to demand her Ewing Oil shares as contractual security. Christopher proves to Rebecca that Pam lied to them and her brother, who was probably murdered in Pam's old apartment. Instead of actually testifying in court, she demands a million hush money from Pamela. Elena's unruly brother Drew is back to carry out their father's dream, striking oil. JR tempts Frank to defect, as his Barnes loyalty is poorly rewarded now Pamela takes his place as Cliff's right hand. Bobby gets Ryland's mother to admit they abducted Emma to England and poisoned her mind against Anne. She overhears them, goes visit Harris, who smugly confirms, and shoots him, while unsuspecting Bobby gets JR to promise a masterpiece of revenge as the statutory limitation has expired. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD False Confessions

False Confessions


False Confessions - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Frank Ashkani takes JR's advice, digging up Tommy's corpse to ruin Pamela, but lover and shares-conspirator John Ross tips off Cliff Barnes, who frames foster son Frank and morally blackmails him to commit suicide. John Ross bribes the Ramos's foreman to sabotage their drilling, so they'll fail on Sue Ellen's loan, but Drew spots the ploy and fires him. Bobby falsely confesses the shooting of Harlan, who recovers but still points him out as perpetrator, instead of Anna, who would loose any chance to ever reconcile Emma. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Trial and Error

Trial and Error


Trial and Error - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

JR isn't inclined to forgive John Ross for tipping off Cliff, as Sue Ellen insists, until the heir show him he has set up Drew Ramos to be jailed for smuggling, so the loan can be foreclosed and the shares claimed. To Christopher and even the Venezuelan consul general's horror, thug tycoon Vicente Cano is up for extradition home. Bobby stands trial for the falsely confessed attempted murder of Harris, who confirmed that when waking up and pulls trough. Anne proves she did it to take Bobby's place, hoping her story will get trough to Emma, but her loyalty remains solely with the Rylands. After Pamela testifies in Anne's favor, albeit it vain, and threatens to move overseas, Christopher agrees to devise a custody or visitation arrangement. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Blame Game

Blame Game


Blame Game - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Christopher finds out JR's plot just too late to have Elena stop Drew signing a non-jail settlement. John Ross convinces Sue Ellen to seize the morality clause to foreclose the drilling loan collateral. JR manages to destroy Bobby's only leverage to counter-blackmail. Pamela reneges on her deal with John Ross. Vicente Cano escapes from the Venezuelan consulate general with armed goons to take the Ewings hostage and seizes the methane prototype, but ends up overpowered. Christopher buys a divorce and custody with 10% Ewing shares. Anne is found guilty of attempted homicide, but gets off with probation. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Furious and the Fast

The Furious and the Fast


The Furious and the Fast - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Having seized Elena's shares, Sue Ellen and John Ross enter the board, planning to make him CEO, but that requires Pamela's now deciding vote. Bad looser Bobby consorts with looser brother Gary to suspend Ewing oil's mineral rights until Elena's shares are restored, which Joshn Ross refuses. Barnes hesitates, but agrees to join Christopher's side if he wins a car race to prove his methane's future and presumably win a major city contract. JR's detective helps John Ross arrange sabotage trough a pits hand with gambling debts, but Christopher catches on. JR, on business trip to Abu Dhabi, promises to solve everything with a 'masterpiece plan'. Bobby discovers hat his father really 'smelled' oil, which can be drilled with modern technology. The Ryland plan to return Emma to England ends in a fight between Harris and Judith, while the girl, who finds Anne a good riding teacher, seeks rescue on Southfork. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD JR's Masterpiece

JR's Masterpiece


JR's Masterpiece - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

The Ewings are stunned to hear that JR, assumed still on business trip in Abu Dhabi, was fatally shot in a rather sleazy Mexican drug town hotel, apparently shot by a common thief while biding with an 'escort lady'. His legacy and last letters arouse surprising eulogies while Sue Ellen relapses in alcoholism, John Ross is consumed by the lust for revenge, Bobby plans to get it with JR's detective once things have cooled down. The oil barons club wake gets out of hand when Cliff Barnes barges in vindictively, only to be dragged out by Pamela, whom John Ross now completely rejects. To Harlan's horror, Emma decides to stay indefinitely on Southfork, Bobby spoils Anne's joy by bitterly scolding she had no right to withhold the truth from him so long and completely. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Ewings Unite!

Ewings Unite!


Ewings Unite! - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

John Ross forms a solid Ewing front with Christopher and Bobby to revenge shot JR according to his masterpiece plan. His testament divides his shares between John Ross and Sue Ellen, but the lawyer also reads a codicil to miss Ellie's, which provides that the half of Southfork withheld from JR now goes to John Ross. The loss of Emma estranges Harris Ryland from his mother Judith, who decides to disinherit him, but breaks her neck during a bitter fight. Bobby agrees to sell the Ramos drilling rights back to Drew, but Cliff's henchman blackmails him to lay a bomb on the oil rig during a recall demonstration to get Christopher's methane project approved by the municipal board. John Ross obliged the adulterous key official so she can be blackmailed, to Elena's disgust with Chrostopher's help. The cousins find Pamela Barnes is on their side, Cliff refuses to call off the bombing when told she's on the rig. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Guilt & Innocence

Guilt & Innocence


Guilt & Innocence - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

After the explosion, the family is worried most for pregnant Pamela. Christopher overrules her mother Afton Cooper to respect her explicit wish and demand surgery that might kill her as well as both his babies, but they die shortly afterward anyway. Bobby rudely refuses to cooperate with the official investigation for now, Sue Ellen's ex on the board Ken Richards tips her off it probably was a bomb. Cliff and Harlan's henchman Roy Vickers pretends Drew tampered with the bomb, but he refuses to be bribed into fleeing, obsessed with his father's drilling vision. A detective finds Pamela Barnes senior disappeared in Abu Dhabi. Harlan's mother survived the fall and pretends to make up for Emma's sake, but is caught trying to discredit him and shipped off to 'rehab'. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Let Me In

Let Me In


Let Me In - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Ken Richards, Sue Ellen's ex on the investigating state board, not only retracts his findings of a bomb but is forced by governor Sam McConaughey to resign while Ewing Oil is slapped with a crushing fine. It's part of a plan to ruin the Ewings operated by Harris, covertly the governor's major campaign contributor, presumably in league with Cliff. Drew refuses to be blackmailed further, but is beaten gruesomely to subject lover Emma again to Harris. JR's 'master piece' progresses slowly, but the key seems finding Pamela senior or claiming Christopher's third of her shares of Barnes Energy. John Ross stands by grieving Pamela, Christopher seems to loose his self-control. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD A Call to Arms

A Call to Arms


A Call to Arms - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Governor Sam McConaughey expropriates part of Southfork for a pipeline built by Barnes Global, thus disabling Ewing's oil production, needed urgently to pay the state-imposed fine. The bank sells Ewing's now highly dubious debts to Cliff, who calls foreclosure in 24 hours. Christopher asks U.S. Attorney Ellis to have his mother declared legally dead, so he can cash her Barnes shares, but is shown evidence she almost certainly survived under a fake name. John Ross couldn't convince Pamela junior that her father killed his own grandchildren, but triumphant Cliff's own sneer it's for the best to cut unbreakable ties with a Ewing drives her in John Ross's arms. Harris's henchman Roy Vickers successfully sets a false trail. Emma is too frightened to accept seeing Drew again, even less run away together, so she seeks consolation in pills from seduced rodeo boy Bo McCabe. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Love & Family

Love & Family


Love & Family - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

John Ross is startled when Pam proudly announces she successfully asked from Cliff full partnership, with an aunt's third of the shares. He questions her loyalty, given their past, and seals their alliance for vengeance by marriage. Bobby divulges JR's master-plan. Christopher is told his mother may be alive and spotted in Switzerland, but the video isn't conclusive. Drew confesses to Elena how he was blackmailed into making the bomb and goes in hiding, yet swears to find Harris's murderous henchman Roy Vickers, who is charged for Mexican drug connections but flees. Emma is out of control, addicted to drugs so Anne decides not to simply bail her out but demand proper rehab. Cliff forecloses the Ewing' loan and gets the HQ keys. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Guilt by Association

Guilt by Association


Guilt by Association - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Returning in the Barnes private jet from his Vegas wedding with Pamela, John Ross discovers from the flight records that Cliff was at the Mexican resort where JR was killed that very evening, as a witness confirms. Christopher follows leads to his mother, finds her former surgeon, Dr. David Gordon, in Zürich and seeks consolation with Elena when told Pamela senior refuses any contact with her 'old life'. Christopher however rejects Elena when he finds out she shared Drew's blackmailed bomb maker secret. Drew manages to find and trap Roy, who is arrested fro Rland's drug scam, yet refuses to return or turn himself in. After Bum tracks down ken Richards, Sue Ellen turns the governor's blackmail cover-up on them to demand undoing Ewing Oil's expropriation under eminent domain. Emma returns to Harris to escape residential rehab, but is caught snooping in his desk. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Legacies



Legacies - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Dr. David Gordon is cornered in Zürich, admits that Pamela senior is dead and this clears the way for Chistopher to take control of her third of the Barnes Global shares, enough to take control together with Johan and Pamela junior, who already has another third. First Cliff is lured to Mexio to be framed for the murder of JR, which wasn't even one. Drew manages to frame Roy, who is killed in jail, Emma plants evidence in Harris's safe. Elena remains rejected by Christopher and accepts to visit Cliff in Mexican prison, where he shows her how Ewings cheated both their families out of land and drilling rights. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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