Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
After Jane picks a fight with Daria, Daria realizes to her consternation that she has fallen in love with her best friend's boyfriend.
All Episodes - S04
Daria and Jane and Brittany and Kevin have respective spats and decide not to work on an economics project together; thus Daria works with Jodie, Jane with Brittany and Kevin with Mac.
Daria talks Kevin into buying a motorcycle when she sees him buying a leather jacket in order to impress Brittany, but instead he settles for a moped. When he tries to perform a stunt on the Lawndale High School grounds(thanks to the prodding of his fellow pupils), he sustains a minor injury, and collides with a tree honoring former football great Tommy Sherman(see episode #1.13), causing a decline in the LHS football season, and rumors of a curse throughout Lawndale High, and beyond. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey
Inspired by a lecture and the tribulations of Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers, Mr. O'Neill encourages his class to pick something to fail at for personal growth. All his pupils get out of it instead are misery, grief, and despair, including Daria who may be forced to supervise Quinn at an upcoming mall fashion exhibit, and Jane, who's becoming so popular that she might replace Brittany as... a CHEERLEADER!! Written by Daniel Timothy Dey
While struggling to buy toilet paper for Jake, Daria gets stranded at the Lawndale High homecoming parade, where she meets Jane who plans to meet Tom so they can make fun of everybody. Instead, she runs into Tad Gupty who lost contact with his family(see Pinch Sitter, Episode #1.8) and then Tom, who she finds is not such a bad guy after all. In fact, he may be more. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey
Daria Morgendorffer is an intelligent, unpopular, and quite sarcastic teenager tolerating life among the idiots at Lawndale High. Written by Andy Bogursky