Season 01
Season 02
Ellen hires an animal instructor to train Stan; when he doesn't obey, Ellen makes Stan stay outside.
All Episodes - S02
Avery starts to feel self-conscious about her height when everybody else in her class has a growth spurt.
Avery arrives at school and learns that she's been left out of ditch day.
Avery rushes the family to have a perfect haunted house party to impress a boy named Wes
Stan makes a video telling his story to leave as his legacy.
Tyler works with The Hawk's niece Emily in the food truck and the two hit it off.
When Ellen and Bennett allow Karl to hang out, the kids devise a plan to keep him away.
Avery decides to plan the perfect Christmas as a present to her mom.
Avery tutors Wes in Spanish, but she doesn't know Spanish, so she asks Nicki to help her.
A silly misunderstanding between Avery and Wes becomes a bigger issue when he invites her best friend Lindsay to the movies.
Nicki may like Tyler and Ellen is 'cat sitting' for a friend.
When the kids and Stan have a big fight, Stan runs away.
When Tyler decides to try and get Nikki back as his girlfriend, Avery is hesitant to help him for fear of being caught between her friend and brother, but ultimately intervenes.
Avery is excited to attend the school dance with Wes and secretly takes dance lessons Karl. Wes eventually becomes suspicious of Avery spending so much time with Karl.
A jealous Stan spies on Avery's new boyfriend Wes, causing them to break up!
Ellen hires an animal instructor to train Stan; when he doesn't obey, Ellen makes Stan stay outside.
Avery doesn't understand why Wes is keeping his distance, but ultimately learns he is nervous to tell her that he is moving away.
Avery, Tyler and Chloe try to plan something special for their parents' upcoming anniversary.
Tyler makes a commercial for his boss' food truck business.
Bennett's tasked with getting Chloe to her dance recital while Avery and Ellen go on a trip.
Chloe thinks that her family has been taken over by aliens and that they're building a spaceship.
Wealthy business tycoon Tom Fairbanks wants to buy Stan from the James-Jennings family to use him as a spokes-dog for his animal rescue campaign. Fearful that Bennett and Ellen might say yes, Avery, Tyler and Chloe hire actors to play their parents and turn down the offer before they are approached. Written by Anonymous
Stan uses a computerized robot to go to school with Avery and Tyler where he feels pressured into deciding if he should join Avery or Tyler's social circle.
Karl, the James-Jennings' family neighbor, reveals to the kids that he knows Stan's secret.
Stan's blog is accidentally submitted as Bennett's latest book and the kids must work together to protect Stan's secret.