Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Sully takes little Brian hunting Cheyenne style, but when they come across a wounded deer, the kid stops him from putting it down and insists doc must try her hand as vet instead. A new bunch of dead-poor immigrants arrive and camp near town. Adolescent orphan Jon literally can't feed his family, so Matthew, who has an eye on his sister Ingrid, offers them chores and ends up helping JOn steal a cow, but the 'cattle theft' leads to a lynching posse. Sully, Quinn and other sensible citizens form a committee to recruit a sheriff, the only suitable candid-at is ex-con gentleman Cole, who hesitates before and during his term, especially after the territorial judge cancels and mandates Cole. Written by KGF Vissers
All Episodes - S01
Michaela Quinn, a female doctor in post-Civil War Boston, Massachusetts, finds more than she bargained for when she answers an ad for a doctor in a small town in the Colorado territory.
Miss Olive arrives back in town and believes that she should be the one looking after Matthew, Colleen and Brian. She brings with her a sick cowboy who had contracted influenza but everyone is unaware of the exact nature of his illness. Michaela attempts to try her hand at cooking but is unsuccessful. After the cowboy dies and his child becomes ill with the same thing Dr. Mike discovers that it is influenza. People in the town were dying and Dr. Mike wanted to quarantine people who are sick in Charlotte's boarding house. Brian comes down with the influenza and Colleen begins to think that Dr. Mike only wants to treat people instead of being their guardian and starts to resent her. Dr. Mike is running out of medicine and Sully suggested Cheyenne brewed tea but she does not want to administer a drug she is not familiar with. Dr. Mike uses the last bit of medicine for Jake, Brian and Horace. Brian's fever finally breaks and Dr. Mike is relieved but she herself now has influenza. Sully ... Written by Joanne H
Quinn's estranged mother visits her in Colorado Springs, but clearly still disapproves of wasting a fine Boston education in the Wild West. Banker Jedediah Bancroft arrives to sell the foreclosed building which would make a perfect clinic, but policy forbids credit to a single female and she's short of a third in cash, so she begs Elizabeth Quinn, who starts to get impressed by her achievements as doctor and surrogate mother against adversity and remaining local hostility, for a loan. Written by KGF Vissers
Sully takes little Brian hunting Cheyenne style, but when they come across a wounded deer, the kid stops him from putting it down and insists doc must try her hand as vet instead. A new bunch of dead-poor immigrants arrive and camp near town. Adolescent orphan Jon literally can't feed his family, so Matthew, who has an eye on his sister Ingrid, offers them chores and ends up helping JOn steal a cow, but the 'cattle theft' leads to a lynching posse. Sully, Quinn and other sensible citizens form a committee to recruit a sheriff, the only suitable candid-at is ex-con gentleman Cole, who hesitates before and during his term, especially after the territorial judge cancels and mandates Cole. Written by KGF Vissers
Sully's hostile father in law, shopkeeper Loren Bray, discovers still to be the owner of the land Sully and Quinn's homes are build on and decides to evict them, unable to 'forgive' the loss of his late daughter, whom he disinherited for marrying for love, not his chosen shop partner. Loren has a life-threatening condition Jake can't even diagnose properly, but refuses surgery from Quinn, but Sully and she take risks to save his ingrate life. Written by KGF Vissers
The town tries to collect $5000 to build a school. Matthew duly mistrusts the return, bearing gifts, after years of his father, professional gambler and trickster Ethan Cooper, who soon wins over Brian and Colleen, even charms doc, and promises to take his family to a luxury life in San Francisco. Cloud Dancing helps Sully overcome his fear of horses. Written by KGF Vissers
The town suffers from the river being poisoned by mercury from Craig Harding's gold mine, but the brute's goons kill at sight. Suly still accepts to take Doc there to gather proof, but on the arduous journey they loose their horses. When those return, the town forms a rescue posse, but the reverend, who was to lead them, hurts his head. The bickering bunch gets lost and skunk-sprayed, only Matthew catches up. By then Harding has captured Sully and Doc, but then his own son Calvin drinks the poisoned river water. Written by KGF Vissers
Unlike most townspeople, doc takes a dim view of peddler-healer Elias 'Eli' Jackson, who sells his 'universal medicine' in a show starring fake Kikapoo Indian Franklin, who performs stunts permanently drunk to provide for his son. Sully finds out they're runaway Cheyenne and arranges with Cloud Dancing to reconcile them to the tribe. Doc finds out Eli really is a qualified surgeon and demands his help to perform an ovary tumor removal, but he's traumatized since the Civil War. Written by KGF Vissers
Doc and the kids are delighted to find in the barn Dixie drifter Red McCall and his baby son from a squaw mother. When they warmly host them, the kid is named after Quinn, to her joy. Prospecting for patients, Doc settles for payment in kind if any and braves various discomforts, but must also hide for a killer bear until rescued by Sully. The town shop is robbed and baby Mike left behind 'for better care then I could offer him'. Sully finds Red and in time, his sob story as former family father convinces McCall to come set things straight. Written by KGF Vissers
Thaddeus Birch arrives to buy out land-owing town-folk on behalf of the Chicago company which is planning a railroad trough it, promises extras to help convince doubters and promises extra profit if the cash advance is invested in shares. Tate Rankin is killing off the buffaloes 'to feed the railroad building crew' or mainly to starve the Cheyenne. After Iron Kinife, whose son already died from hunger, charges and is shot, Sully comes plead reason but is badly beaten up, left for dead and carried to Doc by medicine man friend Dancing Cloud. The legs paralysis diagnose also breaks his mind, but the kids help motivate him to start rehab in case it's only temporary due to spine fluid. Once he's healed and Doc checked with Chicago, the fiends are up for comeuppances. Written by KGF Vissers
US Cavalry general George Custer was sent to put down a dog soldiers raid, but refuses to distinguish with the pacific tribe, fights and takes prisoners including medicine man Cloud Dancing, who is abused badly and threatened with execution unless he betrays his kin. When Sully speaks up and Doc refuses to ignore worse wounded Indians in favor of cavalry men, Custer calls the presumed traitors, so they plot to free Cloud Dancing. Matthew can't dance but gets in debt to buy tickets for Ingrid in Olive's novel 'hurdy-gurdy' party, for which she hired immigrant girls. Written by KGF Vissers
As Dr. Mike's birthday approaches, the kids decide to do something about her unmarried status
Matthew gets on kissing terms with Ingrid, is embarrassed to be caught climbing out of the sweet harlot's window, albeit only for courting advice, but stick by his guns: he wants to marry. Sully advises following his example, to undertake a Cheyenne vision quest. The tasks Dancing cloud sets seem impossible, but despite Brian bursting into the sweat lodge and Doc raising hell to stop him, Matthew reaches his surprising conclusion. Ingrid meanwhile is treated for asthma and offered a nursery job in Denver. Written by KGF Vissers
Colleen believes that she loves Sully and that he returns her feelings when he saves her from a runaway wagon. She and her friends had been reading romance stories in a weekly publication and in one of them the woman is captured but writes a letter to her love, and he saves her. She decides to write a letter to Sully and goes into the mountains in hopes that he will find her. Lewis finally gets the letter to Sully by giving it to Dr. Mike who reads it first and informs Sully of what was going on. Hank accuses Grace of trying to poison him with her cooking. Written by Joanne H
While out on a walk with Sully, Brian climbs a tree to show he could fly like the eagle in Sully's story but falls and hits his head. At first every thing seems fine and the town gets ready to build a school house. Brian is really excited about it and goes to help Lorne but loses his sight. Lorne rushes him to Dr. Mike. Although she is certain of what it is she does not know how to fix it. She wires for a doctor in Boston to advise as to nearest specialist. Dr. Mike refuses to leave his bed side and when they finally get word that the specialist is coming they find that he had slipped into a coma. Sully finally shows back up after being gone for 2 days and Michaela being so scared blames Sully. When they find that the stage will take longer to get here Dr. Mike realizes that there is not other way but to do the operation herself. Written by Joanne H
Calling on Hank Lawson's dying former harlot Missy, Doc discovers what all town knew: her son Zack was growing up wild, without an education. Doc's family takes him in, starts teaching him manners and send shim to school. Brian really takes to him, discovers his drawing talent but is mistaken by teacher Olive for the artistic talent, who rather arranges for bullied Zac to work at Hank's saloon. Doc finds a specialized Denver boarding school and finally gets Hank to owe up as Zac's father. Written by KGF Vissers
Travelling photographer Daniel Watkins arrives in town. Doc insists to treat his neglected foot wound and is charmed by the educated gentleman, who documents the West and possesses a front picture including Doc's late husband during the Civil War. Alas she finds it's a symptom om incurable advanced diabetes, which is bound to render him blind. His last project includes a group picture of the whole town, but bitter disputes about excluding non-whites and the homeless immigrants gets out of hand and leads to a tragic accident. Written by KGF Vissers
The fifth daughter of a wealthy Boston physician, Michaela Quinn defies the conventions of post-Civil War society by following in her father's footsteps. After his death, 'Dr. Mike' leaves Boston and moves to the frontier town of Colorado Springs, where she finds the citizens less than thrilled by the concept of a woman doctor. While she struggles to earn their trust, Mike's life is complicated by a growing relationship with mountain man Byron Sully, and the unexpected responsibility of raising three orphaned children. Written by Marg Baskin