Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Silver and the Red Ribbon Army search desperately for the dragon ball, but it is Goku who finds it. Goku and Silver then battle for it.
All Episodes - S02
The start of the Red Ribbon Army Saga. After the end of the tournament, the group of friends splits up. Goku goes to find his grandfather's dragon ball, Krillin leaves with Roshi to continue his training, and Yamcha, Bulma, Oolong, and Puar return to the city. After bringing water to his village, Nam realizes that it won't last long. He goes in search of the legendary Roaming Lake, but during his journey he runs afoul of a giant bird. It's up to Goku to save him and help him find the lake. Written by page8701
The start of the Tournament Saga. Goku begins his training with Master Roshi. Also, Roshi takes a young boy named Krillin as his student. Meanwhile, Yamcha, Bulma, Puar, and Oolong are on their way to the city, but they crash their vehicle in the jungle, and later get lost in the desert. Written by page8701
Goku is enjoying traveling the world on the flying nimbus--that is, until his dragon radar is stolen while he is swimming. He must track down the thief and get it back so that he can find his grandfather's dragon ball. Meanwhile, Emperor Pilaf is trying once again to assemble the dragon balls. There is also a mysterious military force that is searching for the dragon balls. Written by page8701
Before Roshi will train Goku and Krillin, they must find him a date. While flying over the desert they find and rescue Launch, a girl with a split personality--one a harmless innocent, the other a fugitive robber--and they take her back to the island with them. Written by page8701
Goku chases after Pilaf to get the dragon ball from him. Pilaf gives it to Goku, knowing that it is a fake. Pilaf then follows the real one to the village of the Ox King. The Ox King and his daughter Chi Chi mistakenly believe Pilaf's ship to belong to Goku, and a wedding for Goku and Chi Chi is prepared. Meanwhile, the Red Ribbon Army follows Pilaf to the village, also in search of the dragon ball. Written by page8701
Roshi takes Goku, Krillin, and Launch to a large island for their training, which includes lots of running and finding a stone which Roshi throws into the jungle.
Pilaf leaves the village with the dragon ball. Colonel Silver follows him, but Pilaf shoots down Silver's plane. Goku returns to the ruined village with Chi Chi, and they learn what happened from the Ox King. Goku leaves to find the dragon ball. He and Silver both track Pilaf to his underground desert fortress, where a battle ensues. Written by page8701
Roshi incorporates running across the entire island to deliver milk as part of Goku and Krillin's morning training, thus helping to prepare them for the World Martial Arts Tournament. Meanwhile, Yamcha is training for the tournament as well. Written by page8701
Goku narrowly escapes the explosion of Pilaf's ship by flying away on the nimbus. While passing through the jungle, he befriends a group of monkeys that has one of the dragon balls. Silver isn't far behind, for Commander Red has sent him after the dragon ball after finding it using his radar. Meanwhile, Krillin continues his training and Roshi further explains the legend of the dragon balls. Written by page8701
Goku's and Krillin's training continues. They must till land with their bare hands, study, do construction work, move large rocks, swim, and dodge angry bees.
As the World Martial Arts Tournament approaches, Goku's and Krillin's training becomes more intense. Meanwhile, Yamcha increases his own training, causing Bulma to feel neglected.
Goku, unconscious and frozen, is saved from the plane crash by a girl named Suno. She takes him back to her house, where she and her mother revive him. While the Red Ribbon Army searches the village for Goku, he recounts the dragon ball legend to Suno and her mother. Goku learns from them that the army has enslaved the men from their village, forcing them to help search for the dragon ball. They also tell Goku that the army is holding the village chief prisoner in Muscle Tower, so Goku decides to go to the tower and rescue him. Written by page8701
The battle between Goku and Murasaki continues. Murasaki uses a technique allowing him to split himself into five people--or are there actually five Murasaki brothers?
After a rain delay and a bar fight involving several tournament participants, the last quarter-final match of the World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku vs. Giran, gets underway.
Goku receives the dragon ball from Android 8, who had been hiding it from the Red Ribbon Army to keep the villagers safe. Afterward they go to see Dr. Flappe to get the bomb removed from Android 8's chest. Meanwhile, Murasaki, having survived the destruction of Muscle Tower, is hot on their trail. Written by page8701
Goku gets the flying nimbus back, and he goes to West City in search of Bulma, hoping that she can repair the dragon radar. Once he is in the city Goku discovers how different city life is compared to what he is used to.
The start of the General Blue Saga. Goku and Bulma leave the city in search of the next dragon ball. They locate it in the middle of the ocean and land on a nearby island. This island happens to be occupied by General Blue and his forces, who are also looking for the dragon ball. Written by page8701
After realizing that the dragon ball is too deep to swim to, Goku and Bulma return to Master Roshi's island to borrow a submarine. While there, Krillin and Roshi tell them about hidden pirate treasure that is supposedly located near the dragon ball. Meanwhile, General Blue sends a scout to follow Goku. Written by page8701
Goku, Bulma, and Krillin go to find the dragon ball in their submarine, and General Blue follows them. Blue also sends his soldiers to Roshi's island to retrieve the other two dragon balls.