Season 01
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Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
The bodies of Goku and Vegeta join to form a new Saiyan warrior. The monster Majin Buu is impressed by the strength of his new opponent, but refuses to take him seriously. Will Majin Buuâ€ôs arrogance be his undoing?
All Episodes - S15
When Mr. Satan inspires Majin Buu to give up his evil ways, it seems the professional pretender has really saved the world! But when a deranged madman suddenly spoils Buuâ€ôs good mood, the pink terror goes on another rampage!
Good Buu and Evil Buu begin fighting and it seems Evil Buu is much stronger. After a counterattack from Evil Buu the Good Buu turns into chocalate and the Evil Buu eats him and transforms into Super Buu.
When the new and improved Majin Buu makes a surprise visit to the Lookout to challenge Gotenks, every second becomes a test of survival! And where are Trunks and Goten during the chaos that erupts?... Sound asleep, of course!
Before he can unleash his fury on the remaining Z-Fighters, Majin Buu is coaxed into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Inside, Trunks and Goten are training diligently, but will they have enough time to perfect their new moves before Majin Buu arrives?
The long awaited rematch between Majin Buu and Gotenks begins! But when Gotenks' fighting techniques come up short, he is forced to improvise - resulting in some of the craziest attack moves ever!
The battle between Gotenks and Majin Buu rages on inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. On the outside, family and friends wait anxiously for Gotenks and Piccolo to reappear. Can they successfully defeat Majin Buu and make it out alive?
Powered by his insatiable hunger, Majin Buu escapes the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, leaving Piccolo and Gotenks trapped inside. Krillin and the gang are forced to fight the monster on their own. Will Buu finally make a meal out of the good guys?
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks continues his fight with Majin Buu, and the Lookout is caught in the crossfire! As Gotenks turns up the power, so does Majin Buu - and by the time itâ€ôs over, one of them will be in way over his head!
Gohan continues his training on the World of the Kais. Meanwhile, Gotenks briefly takes the upper hand in the battle with Majin Buu before his techniques begin to fall apart. Will Gohan be ready in time to step in and finish the fight?
When Gotenks' fusion unravels, it appears the end has finally come for Goten and Trunks. But just as things seem their worst, Gohan descends on the scene with his newly awakened powers! Finally, the tables are turning on Majin Buu!
After being dominated on the battlefield, Majin Buu blows himself up in a desperate attempt to destroy Gohan! But is this just a ploy? Gohan seems to think so! Is Majin Buu plotting an ambush or simply trying to buy a little time?
Majin Buu reappears, ready for battle, but rather than continue his fight against Gohan, Buu stages a clever deception to absorb Gotenks and Piccolo. With the wisdom of Piccolo and the power of Super Saiyan Gotenks, Buu transforms into Super Buu!
After absorbing Piccolo and Gotenks, Majin Buuâ€ôs powers have increased exponentially! Armed with some new tricks, Majin Buu is poised for global destruction. Now that Gohan is alone and weakening, is there anyone who can stop the monster?
Goku watches helplessly from Other World as Majin Buu sets his sights on Gohan. Luckily the Old Kai reveals a secret source of power that could save the day. Is Goku ready to bond with his son and put an end to Majin Buuâ€ôs reign of terror?
After Majin Buu absorbs Gohan, Goku's plan to join forces with his son is ruined. But an unlikely ally arrives on the scene-Vegeta. Will the Saiyan Prince put aside his differences and agree to merge with Goku?
The bodies of Goku and Vegeta join to form a new Saiyan warrior. The monster Majin Buu is impressed by the strength of his new opponent, but refuses to take him seriously. Will Majin Buuâ€ôs arrogance be his undoing?
The newly-formed Saiyan warrior Super Vegito matches Majin Buu punch for punch. But the monsterâ€ôs new opponent stirs up an uncontrollable anger within the very heart of the beast. Will Majin Buuâ€ôs frenzy mean the end of planet Earth?
Having been reduced to a coffee-flavored candy, it seems nothing can stop Vegito from being consumed by the evil Majin Buu. But when the gumdrop fights back, Buu realizes that the battle is far from over!
When Majin Buu absorbs Vegito, the fused Saiyan separates into Goku and Vegeta once again. Deep within the villain, they reveal their plan to rescue Gohan and the others. Can the duo survive the digestive process and carry out their mission?
Dangers abound as Goku and Vegeta continue their search for Gohan and inside of Majin Buuâ€ôs body! After meeting some disgusting bedfellows, they finally find what theyâ€ôre looking for as they enter Majin Buuâ€ôs head!