The Ruthless Frieza

The Ruthless Frieza

Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma hide in a cave when they sense the energy of Frieza, Zarbon, and Dodoria. Yajirobe brings Goku Senzu beans and Goku takes the spaceship that Dr. Brief built so he can get to Namek.



All Episodes - S02

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HD A New Goal... Namek!

A New Goal... Namek!


A New Goal... Namek! - EPS 01

IMDb: 6.5
25 min

The gang mourns the loss of Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo. With Kami gone, Earth's Dragon Balls have disappeared. Will the surviving heroes find a way to wish their fallen friends back to life?

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HD Journey to Namek

Journey to Namek


Journey to Namek - EPS 02

IMDb: 6.6
25 min

Bulma accidentally destroys the Saiyan spaceship! Luckily, Mr. Popo reveals the existence of another ship that may be able to reach Namek. Can they find it in time, and will the old ship still work if they do?

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HD Friends or Foes?

Friends or Foes?


Friends or Foes? - EPS 03

IMDb: 6.6
25 min

As Gohan, Krillin and Bulma travel through space to planet Namek they crash into a strange spaceship. As they encounter traps on the seemingly deserted ship it is beginning to look like they are unwelcome guests.

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HD Hunt for a Dragonball

Hunt for a Dragonball


Hunt for a Dragonball - EPS 04

IMDb: 6.7

After crash-landing, Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma are nursed to health by two mysterious aliens. Afterward, they begin searching for the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Vegeta continues his recovery, and Goku gets inpatient while at the hospital.

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HD Who's Who?!

Who's Who?!


Who's Who?! - EPS 05

IMDb: 6.8

Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma continue their search for the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Goku sneaks out of the hospital to train. As Vegeta finishes his recovery, Cui informs him that Frieza is already on Namek in search of the Dragon Balls.

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HD Touchdown on Namek

Touchdown on Namek


Touchdown on Namek - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.0

Krillin and Gohan evade Zaacro and Raiti's illusion. Vegeta continues to fly to Namek as Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan arrive on Namek only to discover that Frieza, Zarbon, and Dodoria are already there and have collected numerous Dragon Balls. Written by Zabon

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HD Face-Off on Namek

Face-Off on Namek


Face-Off on Namek - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.0

Frieza and his henchmen, Zarbon and Dodoria, gather some Dragon Balls. Cui tracks down Vegeta and is surprised by his strength. Two of Frieza's scouts attack Gohan and Krillin while Goku does mental training in the hospital.

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HD The Ruthless Frieza

The Ruthless Frieza


The Ruthless Frieza - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.0

Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma hide in a cave when they sense the energy of Frieza, Zarbon, and Dodoria. Yajirobe brings Goku Senzu beans and Goku takes the spaceship that Dr. Brief built so he can get to Namek.

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HD The Nameks Versus Frieza

The Nameks Versus Frieza


The Nameks Versus Frieza - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.1

As Goku trains on his ship, Gohan and Krillin watch as Frieza and his henchmen Zarbon and Dodoria, interrogate a group of Namekians about their Dragon Ball, and another group of Namekian Warriors show up to stand against them.

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HD Escape from Dodoria

Escape from Dodoria


Escape from Dodoria - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.1

After Dodoria easily defeats the three Namekian warriors, Moori is forced to hand over the Dragon Ball. And when Dodoria begins to execute the remaining Namekians, Gohan intervenes. Meanwhile, Goku continues to train on his ship.

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HD Secrets Revealed

Secrets Revealed


Secrets Revealed - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.0

Gohan, Krillin, and Dende escape from Dodoria; Dr. Brief tells his daughter Bulma that Goku is on his way; Vegeta confronts Dodoria and learns the truth behind the destruction of his home planet.

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HD A Collision Course

A Collision Course


A Collision Course - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.0

Dr. Brief warns Goku that the side of his ship is cracked, and it is heading straight toward a star. With the help of Kaio-ken he manages to propel himself back on course. Meanwhile back on Namek, Vegeta brutally massacres an entire Namek village and takes a Dragon Ball, while Dende tells Gohan and Krillin of Namek's origins, Written by CrazedFanboy

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HD Stay Away from Frieza

Stay Away from Frieza


Stay Away from Frieza - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.1

King Kai warns Goku to stay away from Frieza. Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu must make King Kai laugh before he will train them. Gohan, Krillin and Dende hide from Vegeta; Vegeta locates and challenges Frieza's elite henchman, Zarbon.

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HD Zarbon Transformed

Zarbon Transformed


Zarbon Transformed - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.4

Zarbon reveals his ferocious transformation to Vegeta; Krillin and Dende continue their journey to the eldest Namek; Goku trains under 50 times normal gravity; Tien, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu attempt to catch Bubbles as Piccolo meditates.

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HD The Eldest Namek

The Eldest Namek


The Eldest Namek - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.1

Guru unlocks Krillin's hidden potential. Zarbon reports to Frieza only to be sent out to retrieve Vegeta's battered body for interrogation. Gohan goes after the Dragon Ball that Vegeta hid; Goku can't move after his latest training session. Written by Zabon

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HD Get Vegeta!

Get Vegeta!


Get Vegeta! - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.1

Goku continues his journey as Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu continue their training with King Kai. Vegeta is revived for interrogation but manages to escape with Frieza's Dragon Balls; Zarbon is sent to retrieve Vegeta.

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HD Vegeta Revived

Vegeta Revived


Vegeta Revived - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.1

Vegeta steals the Dragon Balls from Frieza's ship, and Zarbon chases after him. Gohan finds a destroyed village and the hidden Dragon Ball. The gravity in Goku's spaceship increases to dangerous levels as he passes through a magnetic storm. Written by Zabon

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HD A Heavy Burden

A Heavy Burden


A Heavy Burden - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.1

Goku, still in the magnetic storm, attempts to save himself before he is crushed by the gravity; Vegeta and Zarbon fight a rematch as Krillin and Bulma watch in fear; Gohan flies back with the Dragon Ball he located.

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HD Immortality Denied

Immortality Denied


Immortality Denied - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.1

Due to his increased strength, Vegeta is able to defeat Zarbon and takes the Dragon Ball from Krillin; the Ginyu Force is launched; Goku continues training at 100 times normal gravity; Gohan has a run-in with Vegeta.

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HD Big Trouble for Bulma

Big Trouble for Bulma


Big Trouble for Bulma - EPS 20

IMDb: 6.7

Vegeta ponders how to obtain the last Dragon Ball; Krillin and Gohan fly toward Guru; Bulma tries to retrieve a Dragon Ball which she loses in a lake; Goku fires Kamehameha waves at himself to build his resistance.

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HD Scramble for the Dragon Balls!

Scramble for the Dragon Balls!


Scramble for the Dragon Balls! - EPS 21

IMDb: 6.8

Bulma tricks the soldiers in an attempt to reclaim the Dragon Ball; Goku trains with Kaioken under 100 times normal gravity; Vegeta follows Krillin and Gohan as they continue to Guru; Frieza gets a report that the Ginyu Force is on its way. Written by Zabon

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HD Arrival of the Ginyu Force

Arrival of the Ginyu Force


Arrival of the Ginyu Force - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.0

Guru releases Gohan's potential and after sensing the Ginyu Force, Vegeta forges an alliance with Gohan and Krillin. Meanwhile, Goku finishes his training and prepares for his arrival on Namek.

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HD Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force

Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force


Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force - EPS 23

IMDb: 6.9

Frieza orders the Ginyu Force to capture Vegeta, reclaim the Dragon Balls, and eliminate Gohan and Krillin; Goku prepares as his ship is on its approach for Namek; Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan are confronted by the Ginyu Force.

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HD Time Tricks and Body Binds

Time Tricks and Body Binds


Time Tricks and Body Binds - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.0

Krillin and Gohan attempt to survive against Guldo's psychic abilities and find themselves incapacitated until Vegeta intervenes; Piccolo senses that Gohan is in danger.

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HD No Refuge from Recoome

No Refuge from Recoome


No Refuge from Recoome - EPS 25

IMDb: 7.0
25 min

The battle with Guldo may be over, but the real nightmare is just beginning! Recoome, the most massive member of the Ginyu Force, is ready to fight, and even the mighty Vegeta's attacks have no effect on this monstrous foe!

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HD Enter Goku

Enter Goku


Enter Goku - EPS 26

IMDb: 7.0

Gohan struggles against Recoome; Chi-Chi worries about Gohan; Captain Ginyu delivers the Dragon Balls to Frieza, but they learn they need a password for the activation of the balls; Goku finally arrives on Namek.

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HD Goku... Super Saiyan?

Goku... Super Saiyan?


Goku... Super Saiyan? - EPS 27

IMDb: 7.0

After Goku revives Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta with Senzu beans and gets updated on the situation, he topples Recoome with a single blow, stunning Jeice and Burter; Dr. Briefs and Chi-Chi contact Bulma.

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 28

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 29

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 30

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 31

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 32

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 33

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 34

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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HD Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Dragon Ball Z - EPS 35

IMDb: 8.8
24 min

In the version that is shown on YTV in Canada, the story begins mid-way through the Dragon Ball Z series. Raditz, Goku's brother has traveled to Earth to find out why Goku has not yet destroyed the planet as he was supposed to do. But while as a baby, Goku was dropped (down a huge cliff) and forgot his real mission. Kakarot, Goku's real name battles his brother Raditzs along with former enemy Piccolo and friend Krillin. Meanwhile, Gohan; Goku's son reveals his hidden powers against Raditz and nearly kills Raditz. However Goku is killed in the end, but Raditz is eventually defeated by Piccolo. Before he dies, he tells them that two evil Saiyans even more powerful then he is, are on route to Earth. The remaining fighters, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu begin their training to battle the evil Saiyans, while Piccolo takes off with Gohan to train him in using his new found power. Meanwhile, Goku has to make his way back on Snake Way to King Kai's where he trains himself in the secret ... Written by dreamian

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