Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
With Sadie's (Willie's daughter) driver's license test fast approaching, she finds herself in dire need of lessons. Willie, Jase and Si each set out to correct her glaring failures behind the wheel by teaching her how to drive... Robertson-style. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S02
It's all hands on deck for the Duckmen when an old high school nemesis challenges them to a good old fashion race... at the local lawn mower competition.
With Sadie's (Willie's daughter) driver's license test fast approaching, she finds herself in dire need of lessons. Willie, Jase and Si each set out to correct her glaring failures behind the wheel by teaching her how to drive... Robertson-style. Written by Anonymous
After Willie's son (John Luke) leaves Willie's pickup in the driveway with a bone-dry gas tank, Willie and Korie decide that it's time to get the kid his own car.
The Duck Commander assembly room gets an unexpected shakeup when a disgruntled Si decides to quit his job. But when Willie hires a replacement that clashes with the duck call room, Jase and the guys quickly become equally miserable at work. Written by Anonymous
Willie finds his office in shambles and alerts the authorities that the warehouse has had a break in. But soon Willie discovers that the culprit was his brother Jase, who needed supplies for an early morning frog hunt.
When a heat wave envelops West Monroe the air conditioning unit at the Duck Commander warehouse goes down, turning the duck call assembly room into a boiling sweatshop.
After Korie decides the junk piles in the Duck Commander warehouse are beginning to reach critical mass, she calls on Willie and the guys to do a little company spring-cleaning.
When attending a local radio show as a guest, Willie makes the mistake of bringing Uncle Si on the air with him. Meanwhile, Jase gets in trouble with his Homeowners Association.
The Jase, Si and the guys from the duck call room take a field trip to a brand new local donut shop and quickly find out who amongst them can eat the most delicious treats.
The Jase, Si and the guys from the duck call room take a field trip to a brand new local donut shop and quickly find out who amongst them can eat the most delicious treats.
Willie pushes his work force too far after implementing new motivational work tactics and the guys rise up against him and go on strike.
When NASCAR sensation Clint Bowyer pays a visit to the Duck Commander warehouse, Willie and the guys are fired up to spend the day hanging out with the professional racecar driver.
The Robertsons get ready for the Christmas Holidays, with Miss Kay cooking up a special dish, Willie playing Santa, and the rest of the gang putting up the Christmas lights.