

Enterprise is encountering all different kinds of minor malfunctions. When the crew find out the problem lies with the plasma exhaust, they discover they have a stowaway. The Xyrillians have a problem with their warp drive and by using Enterprise' warp drive they tried to recharge their teraphasic coils. Trip is sent to help fix their engine and meets up with Ah'len, one of their engineers. The two seem to be getting along very well. Trip is able to make repairs, but shortly after the Xyrillians left, he notices a strange bulging on his arm. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)



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HD Broken Bow: Part 1

Broken Bow: Part 1


Broken Bow: Part 1 - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.5
92 min

In the mid-22nd century, the Earth ship Enterprise is launched under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. When the crew rescues an alien from a crashed spaceship, Earth gets its first look at the alien's race - the Klingons. Archer and his crew must walk a fine line as they attempt to communicate with the Klingon pilot, whose language is completely unknown, and whose homeworld wants him back. Is this the beginning of friendship...or interstellar war? Written by Brian Barjenbruch

Country: USA
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HD Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight


Fight or Flight - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Enterprise is in a region of space with no inhabited worlds and so there's not much exploring to do. Lieutenant Reed is trying to align the targeting scanners with ensign Mayweather and doctor Phlox is taking care of a slug that Ensign Hoshi took aboard, but isn't faring too well. Then Enterprise stumbles upon a ship adrift in space. T'Pol and captain Archer discuss if the crew should enter the ship to provide assistance if needed, but Archer and mankind's curiosity wins. The captain decides to take Reed and Hoshi with him. Hoshi however is having trouble adjusting to the life on the ship. Earlier she complained about her quarters not being on the port side and this time she tells Archer that she'd rather help from him the bridge because she's claustrophobic. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Strange New World

Strange New World


Strange New World - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Human curiosity speaks louder than Vulcan logic. Despite T'Pol's objection, Archer sends an away team to explore an uninhabited planet before getting a full scan of its unique properties. When nightfall arrives, the away team seeks shelter from a storm in a nearby cave. Panic and anxiety strike the team when a pollen brings on hallucinations of a life-form in the cave. Tucker's preconceptions of Vulcans are intensified when his delusions convince him T'Pol, in league with the rock people, intend to kill him and his human crew-mates. Written by Meribor

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HD Unexpected



Unexpected - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Enterprise is encountering all different kinds of minor malfunctions. When the crew find out the problem lies with the plasma exhaust, they discover they have a stowaway. The Xyrillians have a problem with their warp drive and by using Enterprise' warp drive they tried to recharge their teraphasic coils. Trip is sent to help fix their engine and meets up with Ah'len, one of their engineers. The two seem to be getting along very well. Trip is able to make repairs, but shortly after the Xyrillians left, he notices a strange bulging on his arm. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Terra Nova

Terra Nova


Terra Nova - EPS 06

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

Enterprise is en route to Terra Nova, a planet twenty light years from Earth. Over 70 years ago Terra Nova was chosen to experiment with colonization outside Earth's solar system and a ship was sent on a nine year journey. The new colony was a success, but when Earth announced 200 more colonists were to be sent, Terra Nova angrily refused. After a while all contact was lost and the crew of Enterprise is anxious to find out what happened. But all they find on the planet's surface is a deserted town and quite some radiation. Then Reed sees an alien flee into a cavern. Archer decides to follow him. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD The Andorian Incident

The Andorian Incident


The Andorian Incident - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Archer, Tucker and T'Pol pay a visit to the sanctuary of P'Jem. The sanctuary is more than 3000 years old and used for the practice of kolinahr, the Vulcan method of purging emotions. P'Jem doesn't look pristine however. The door seems smashed and inside ornaments are either broken or displaced. It isn't long before they find out the place has been taken over by Andorians, blue humanoids that aren't particularly on friendly terms with the Vulcans. They suspect the sanctuary of P'Jem to be a disguise for a long range sensor array used for spying. Archer and Trip are suspected of collaborating with the Vulcans and put under arrest. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice


Breaking the Ice - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Enterprise encounters an unusually large comet and captain Archer orders the crew to follow the phenomenon for a couple of days. T'Pol finds out the comet's surface contains eisilium, a very rare element that even Vulcan scientists haven't yet closely examined. Just when Reed and Mayweather are sent to drill to retrieve some of it, the Ti'Mur, a Vulcan ship arrives. Vanik, its captain, tells they're interested in human's curiosity about the comet, but captain Archer doesn't trust it. Especially not after Tucker discovers a coded message has been sent to T'Pol from the Ti'Mur. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Civilization



Civilization - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Enterprise discovers a Minshara-class planet populated by over 500 million Akaali. The society is preindustrial, but Archer and Trip can't wait to do some exploring. T'Pol strongly advises against it, she fears cultural contamination, but Archer thinks some make-up by Phlox will do the trick. Then T'Pol picks up neutrino emissions from the surface, most likely coming from an antimatter reactor. When Archer, Trip, Hoshi and T'Pol investigate, they meet Riann. She tells people got severely sick one month after a certain Garos started a curiosity shop. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Fortunate Son

Fortunate Son


Fortunate Son - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Admiral Forrest orders Enterprise to turn back to answer a distress call from the cargo freighter Fortunate. They have been attacked by Nausicaan pirates. Upon entering the vessel, captain Archer learns first officer Matthew Ryan has taken over since the captain was injured in the attack. He seems very reluctant to accept any help however and Archer must insist before Ryan agrees on Phlox examining the captain and engineers making repairs. Ryan seems to hide something and T'Pol will soon find out as she detects an alien life form. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Cold Front

Cold Front


Cold Front - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Archer orders Enterprise to go to a stellar nursery that has ships flying nearby. A group of aliens is on their way to watch the Great Plume of Agosoria, a neutron blast from a protostar that happens every 11 years. Always eager to make first contact Archer invites them to visit Enterprise. When Enterprise is hit by a plasma storm, a miracle happens when a cascade running directly into the warp drive is stopped. Someone disconnected a panel, but who? Suddenly crewman Daniels tells Archer a Suliban entered the ship and that he has come from the future to capture him. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Silent Enemy

Silent Enemy


Silent Enemy - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

The crew of Enterprise is installing a subspace amplifier when an unidentified ship drops out of warp. No contact is made and the ship disappears as suddenly as it came. But the mystery ship returns and this time it's a lot more hostile; Enterprise is severely damaged. Archer is sick of being constantly left at the mercy of alien ships. Despite the objection of Reed and Tucker who think they can do it themselves, he orders Enterprise to return to Jupiter station to install phase cannons. Meanwhile Hoshi must find out the favorite food of Reed. Archer wants to surprise him on his birthday party. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Dear Doctor

Dear Doctor


Dear Doctor - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Phlox is writing a letter to a human colleague on Denobula. He has a lot to write about; he's amazed by the affection crewman Cutler is showing for him and he must save an entire race. Enterprise picked up a pod with a Valakian who tells his race is suffering from a deathly epidemic. Phlox tries to find a cure and finds out Valakia is actually inhabited by two races. The Menk are a more primitive race and hard workers. Since they appear to be resistant to the disease, Phlox thinks investigating them may provide the answer. By doing so, he discovers something about the Menk that makes him reconsider curing the disease Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs


Sleeping Dogs - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Enterprise discovers a class 9 gas giant and Archer orders to take a look. A probe picks up something unusual: a ship is slowly sinking into the atmosphere and at its present rate of descent the pressure will crush the ship in about an hour. Reed and T'Pol are sent to take a shuttle pod and see what they can do for the crew of the ship. At the last moment Hoshi Sato asks to join the mission. She tells Archer she finally found her 'space legs'. After entering the alien ship, Sato quickly sees it is Klingon. The crew seems to be unconscious. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Shadows of P'Jem

Shadows of P'Jem


Shadows of P'Jem - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

The Andorians destroyed the Vulcan P'Jem sanctuary and the Vulcans are not very happy. They think Archer is to blame because he discovered with the Andorians that P'Jem was actually a Vulcan listening post. Ambassador Soval suspends all joint fleet operations and admiral Forrest has to tell the bad news to Archer: T'Pol is being recalled. Archer takes her on one final mission, a visit to the planet Coridan. Their shuttle pod is shot down however and Archer and T'Pol are taken hostage by a rebel faction opposing the government. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Shuttlepod One

Shuttlepod One


Shuttlepod One - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Tucker and Reed return in Shuttlepod One to rendez-vous with Enterprise, only to find evidence that it has been destroyed. An unknown phenomenon, resembling a myth known as a micro-singularity, damages the shuttlepod, leaving the men only days of breathable air and no way to call for help. Written by Meribor

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HD Fusion



Fusion - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Enterprise is on its way to explore the giant Arachnid Nebula when they rendezvous with a Vulcan ship that has been in space for more than eight years. Its crew is V'tosh ka'tur. That means they have a different interpretation of the teachings of Surak and try to find a balance between logic and emotion instead of suppressing them. Trip starts working on repairs with engineer Kov while captain Archer receives a message from the terminally ill father of Kov. Meanwhile another Vulcan, Tolaris, tries to convert T'Pol to their ways. He wants to do a mind meld with her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Rogue Planet

Rogue Planet


Rogue Planet - EPS 18

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Lieutenant Reed discovers a rogue planet, which has broken out of orbit and therefore is devoid of any light. Life is still possible in some places because heat is bubbling up from under the surface, but T'Pol doesn't detect any humanoid life. Further scans however give a strange energy reading which seems to be coming from a ship on the surface. After the crew has landed, they encounter the Eska. The Eska come from another planet and they say they are hunting for the drayjin, an animal considered a delicacy. When captain Jonathan Archer tries to sleep on the planet, he hears a voice calling him by his name. A human female is wandering in the forest. Somehow he seems to know her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Acquisition



Acquisition - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Four greedy Ferengis have invaded Enterprise while the crew is unconscious. They have already confiscated numerous valuable supplies, but are still interested in more. They wake up captain Archer to get the know the whereabouts of 'the vault'. Another crew member is still awake in the decontamination chamber, Trip. He wakes T'Pol. Since the weakness of the invaders is not difficult to find, the three try to outsmart the Ferengis. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Oasis



Oasis - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

The crew of Enterprise have a meeting with the trader D'Marr. Unfortunately he is unable to provide them with valuable ores, but knows of a location where these can be obtained. He tells he found an apparently abandoned ship and tried to empty it to make a fortune. But according to D'Marr the ship is haunted and he was forced to leave. Enterprise starts looking for the ship anyway. Scans show there really aren't any bio-signs, but after coming on board the crew soon gets the feeling they are not alone. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Detained



Detained - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Captain Archer and Mayweather are investigating a strange energy reading from the other side of a moon. The next moment they find themselves in a complex inhabited by Sulibans. The Sulibans are kept against their will by the Tandarans, who are in war with the Cabal, a Suliban terrorist organization. Archer and Mayweather are held prisoner because of trespassing, but Tandaran colonel Grat assures their release will only be a formality. While captain Archer is suspicious of the Suliban at first, he soon finds out they're innocent and makes plan to release them. Meanwhile Grat discovers evidence of Enterprise' earlier encounters with the Cabal. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Vox Sola

Vox Sola


Vox Sola - EPS 22

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

A group of Kreetassans are on board of Enterprise for a friendly meeting. But they leave rather unexpectedly as they seem very offended by something. The crew have no idea what however. But as their ship leaves an alien gel like creature manages to crawl aboard. The creature is growing and growing and shows rather hostile tendencies as it encapsulates five crew members, including captain Archer and commander Tucker. T'Pol, Hoshi and Reed have to come up with a solution quickly. The lives of the five are at stake as the creature begins a symbiotic relationship that in time can't be reversed. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Fallen Hero

Fallen Hero


Fallen Hero - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Enterprise is planning a trip to the relaxation planet Risa, when it gets an urgent request from the Vulcan High Command. They must pick up ambassador V'Lar who has fallen in disgrace. Apparently she misused her position during negotiations on the planet Mazar and has been evicted. After Enterprise picked up V'Lar and is on its way for a meeting with the Vulcan warship Sh'Ran, suddenly a Mazarite ship appears. They want V'Lar for further interrogating. When captain Archer wants to discuss it first with Starfleet Command, they open fire. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Desert Crossing

Desert Crossing


Desert Crossing - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Enterprise is for the second time on its way to Risa when yet again another urgent matter comes up: a distress call. It comes from a small vessel. The owner, Zobral, is extremely happy with the help from Enterprise and invites Captain Archer to his home world for a good meal and a game of Geskana. When Archer and Trip have landed on the desert planet, Enterprise gets a message from the Torothan Chancellor Trelit. He tells Zobral isn't as nice a man as captain Archer thinks. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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HD Two Days and Two Nights

Two Days and Two Nights


Two Days and Two Nights - EPS 25

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

After several delays, the Enterprise crew gets some well-deserved shore leave on the famed pleasure planet Risa. Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed eagerly seek out female companionship, only to fall into a tourist trap. Captain Archer meets an attractive female who seems to be more interested in his knowledge of the Suliban than his companionship. Hoshi Sato meets a fellow vacationer and they share more than each other's native languages. Doctor Phlox takes the opportunity to hibernate, only to be rudely awakened when Mayweather needs medical treatment. Written by Meribor

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HD Shockwave



Shockwave - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Enterprise discovers a mining colony of the Paraagans. The crew gets an invitation for a meeting on the surface and a shuttle pod tries to break through the atmosphere. All of the sudden just under the shuttle a giant explosion begins and scorches the earth beneath. All 3600 colonists are reported dead. After examination Enterprise finds out plasma leaking from the pod's vents ignited tetrazine in the atmosphere. Lieutenant Reed however ensures he closed the plasma vents before the shuttle went of. After conversations with admiral Forrest of Starfleet Command, captain Archer learns Enterprise' mission is canceled and they must return home, not to return to space for another ten or twenty years. When the ship has altered course, crewman Daniels, a time traveler, pays a visit to captain Archer. Written by Arnoud Tiele (imdb@tiele.nl)

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