The Seventh

The Seventh

T'Pol gets a message from the Vulcan High Command that a certain Menos has been located. She tells captain Archer he will get a message from Starfleet that Enterprise must help her, but she remains very secretive about her actual mission. Then she decides she wants Archer on the mission, because she trusts him, and tells him the story. Menos apparently was part of a group of 119 surgically altered Vulcan agents assigned to an alien planet. But many didn't want to return. T'Pol was assigned to capture seven of them, but Menos escaped her on Risa. While Archer, T'Pol and Travis take a shuttle pod to pick up the fugitive, the command of the ship falls to Trip. He seems to be having quite some trouble with that. Written by Arnoud Tiele (



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HD Shockwave: Part 2

Shockwave: Part 2


Shockwave: Part 2 - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Captain Archer and temporal agent Daniels have been stranded in the 31st century. In a library they investigate the damage to the time line and try to find way a to get Archer back in his own century. Meanwhile Silik the Suliban leader is trying his utmost to find the whereabouts of Archer and he is willing to go far for the answer. But the crew of Enterprise has plans of their own. Trip finds a way to use the com system and is able to speak with Reed. Together they try to contact other crew members and make plans to purge Enterprise of the Sulibans. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Carbon Creek

Carbon Creek


Carbon Creek - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Celebrating T'Pol's one year anniversary as a member of the Enterprise's crew, Archer and Trip have dinner with her. Over dinner she tells them of the true first contact between Humans and Vulcans. It appears that her great-great-grandmother and a the crew of a scout ship crashed on 1957. Written by timdalton007

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HD Minefield



Minefield - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

The Enterprise stumbles into an area of space containing cloaked mines. When a malfunctioning, active mine attaches itself to a critical area of the ship's hull, Lieutenant Reed dons an EV suit and attempts to disarm it. Complications arise when the mine's leg penetrates Reed's leg, pinning him to the hull. Captian Archer must find a way to get rid of the mine and save Reed before the Romulans run out of patience. Written by Meribor

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HD Dead Stop

Dead Stop


Dead Stop - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

After the encounter with the Romulan minefield, Enterprise is severely damaged. Engineer Trip fears the worst. With the ship only capable of warp 2.5, traveling back to Jupiter will take practically forever and he doesn't have the necessary components to make the repairs himself. Captain Archer decides to send out a distress call and it isn't long before he gets a response from the Tellarites. They give the coordinates of a strange repair station. Upon approaching Enterprise is scanned. The atmosphere and the docking port are automatically changed to Enterprise' specs. The station is able to repair Enterprise in only 36 hours. The price, only 200 liters of plasma, seems rather low for all the work. Too low? Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD A Night in Sickbay

A Night in Sickbay


A Night in Sickbay - EPS 05

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

After previously offending the Kreetassans, Enterprise attempts to make a better second impression, only to upset the alien race once again. A frustrated Captain Archer returns from the planet only to be further upset to find that his dog Porthos, has been affected by a pathogen native to the world. While Phlox works around the clock treating Porthos, Archer stands vigil in sickbay, experiencing first-hand the quirky everyday life of his Denobulan Doctor. Written by Meribor

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HD Marauders



Marauders - EPS 06

IMDb: 6.7
43 min

After receiving three new warp injectors by the generous Kreetassans, Enterprise is in need of warp plasma. The Kreetassans give the crew the location of a merchant colony with a deuterium refinery. But after arriving the colonists seem to be very reluctant to trade at all. Enterprise is only able to purchase 200 liters for a ridiculous price and must repair two pumps at the colony. Captain Archer and the crew are beginning to wonder what's going on. The deuterium should have been very profitable, but there's poverty all around. Then Enterprise detects the arrival of a Klingon cruiser. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD The Seventh

The Seventh


The Seventh - EPS 07

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

T'Pol gets a message from the Vulcan High Command that a certain Menos has been located. She tells captain Archer he will get a message from Starfleet that Enterprise must help her, but she remains very secretive about her actual mission. Then she decides she wants Archer on the mission, because she trusts him, and tells him the story. Menos apparently was part of a group of 119 surgically altered Vulcan agents assigned to an alien planet. But many didn't want to return. T'Pol was assigned to capture seven of them, but Menos escaped her on Risa. While Archer, T'Pol and Travis take a shuttle pod to pick up the fugitive, the command of the ship falls to Trip. He seems to be having quite some trouble with that. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD The Communicator

The Communicator


The Communicator - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

Upon returning from covertly observing a pre-warp culture, Lieutenant Reed realizes he lost his communicator somewhere on the planet. Archer and Reed return to recover the lost technology, only to find the natives found it first. Captured and interrogated, the crewmen find themselves doing even more damage to the culture, who have scanned the prisoners and know them to be of another race. Meanwhile, Tucker and Mayweather try to figure out how to active the cloak on the Suliban cell ship so they can mount a discreet rescue. Written by Meribor

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HD Singularity



Singularity - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Enterprise is on its way to investigate a black hole in a trinary star system. Since the system is only reachable by impulse engine, the crew suddenly has time for less important matters. Captain Archer starts working on a preface of a book about his father and orders Trip to fix his chair. Hoshi takes over the mess hall as chef is sick. Malcolm starts working on a new security protocol. But T'Pol notices that the crew's behavior is becoming erratic. They seem to be fixed only on the thing they're doing right now and nothing may interfere. Hoshi wants to get a recipe right, Phlox tries to extract a piece of Mayweather's brain after he complained on a mild headache and Archer even yells at his dog while trying to write the preface. Then all the crew pass out and T'Pol must save the ship. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point


Vanishing Point - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

Hoshi and Trip are investigating some abandoned ruins when suddenly two storms charged with polaric energy are moving in their direction. There's no time to move back to Enterprise with the shuttle and they are forced to use the transporter. After apparently everything went well with the device, Hoshi starts feeling weird. She thinks a birthmark has moved a centimeter and when water seems to be dropping through her hands, her mirror image disappears and hardly no one seems to notice her, she really gets worried. Phlox thinks it's only psychological. But when all of the sudden everybody on the ship is looking for her and she sees some aliens planting bombs, she knows there's definitely something wrong. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Precious Cargo

Precious Cargo


Precious Cargo - EPS 11

IMDb: 6.7
43 min

Enterprise answers a distress call of a Retellian cargo ship. The crew, Goff and Plinn, tell they have a problem with a stasis pod that apparently carries a passenger. While both Retellians enjoy Enterprise' facilities, Trip tries to repair the pod which contains a beautiful woman. Then suddenly the woman wakes up. She seems to choke and Trip opens the pod, only to be knocked out by the quickly returned Goff. He escapes with his ship from Enterprise, leaving Plinn behind. The woman introduces herself as Kaitaama, heir apparent to the throne of Krios, and she suspects she's being held for ransom. Trip thinks of a plan to escape. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD The Catwalk

The Catwalk


The Catwalk - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

A mysterious wave is headed toward Enterprise. An alien shuttle warns the crew that the radiation will kill them and seeks shelter aboard ship. With only hours to prepare, ship's control is rerouted and Enterprise personnel take refuge in the highly-insulated, close-quartered catwalk. Soon it is discovered that the alien passengers are immune to the radiation and lied their way into hiding on Enterprise, which has been boarded and commandeered by aliens who assumed it to be abandoned. Written by Meribor

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HD Dawn



Dawn - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Trip's shuttle is fired upon and he and his aggressor are forced to land on a nearby moon. While the nighttime weather is calm, the incoming dawn will make the planet inhospitable and deadly. Despite the language barrier and violent introduction, Trip and Zho'Kaan reach an understanding and struggle to survive, hoping to be rescued before the sun rises. Written by Meribor

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HD Stigma



Stigma - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

The Enterprise makes way to a planet hosting the Interspecies Medical Exchanges convention. Phlox seeks to take advantage of the opportunity to meet with Vulcan doctors to learn more about a highly-stigmatized neurological affliction only transmitted through Vulcan mind melds. The Vulcans discover T'Pol is afflicted. Believing the stigma to be unethical, T'Pol chooses not to reveal that her participation in the mind meld was not voluntary but the result of physical and mental assault. Meanwhile, Feezal, one of Phlox's wives is aboard to assist Trip in the installation of a sophisticated medical microscope. Trip is unsettled by her sexual advances toward him and even more so that her husband is little more than amused by her seemingly disloyal behavior. Written by Meribor

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HD Cease Fire

Cease Fire


Cease Fire - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Captain Archer is invited to negotiate a cease fire treaty between the Andorians and the Vulcans at the personal request of the Andorian commander Shran. Archer learns the two species are fighting over a small class D planet that the Vulcans call Paan Mokar and the Andorians Weytahn, in the middle of the frontier. Apparently a truce was negotiated a hundred years ago, but it has recently been broken when commander Shran's strike force landed. The negotiations go well and Archer manages to get one of the Vulcan hostages free in return for his promise that he will bring Vulcan ambassador Soval to do further negotiations. But not all Andorians agree with Shran's positive outlook on Archer's negotiating abilities. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Future Tense

Future Tense


Future Tense - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Enterprise discovers a strange pod. After towing it in, the doctor confirms the dead pilot is human. Captain Archer suspects this man may be Zefram Cochrane, who developed the warp drive on earth, and disappeared with an experimental ship. When Tucker and Reed discover a stairway in the ship that is bigger than the ship itself and Phlox finds out the man's DNA contains several alien genomes, they begin to suspect there's something more to it. Then Suliban as well as Tholian ships appear on the scene. They want to have the pod and don't take no for an answer. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Canamar



Canamar - EPS 17

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

Enterprise finds Shuttlepod One empty. It should have contained both captain Archer and commander Tucker, who were returning from visiting the trade post at the planet K'et Enol. Reed suspects they were taken hostage. T'Pol orders Enterprise to go to K'et Enol, where a government official tells them both were taken prisoner for smuggling and are on their way in a prison ship to the penal colony Canamar. Just when their release order is sent, there's a mutiny on the ship. Kuroda, a criminal, and a Nausicaan take control. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD The Crossing

The Crossing


The Crossing - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

A massive ship pulls Enterprise in and disables the engines as well as the weapons. Archer, Trip and Reed start inspecting the alien vessel, but a wispy energy being enters Trip briefly. Back on Enterprise Phlox determines there's nothing wrong with Trip, but he remembers being with his girlfriend Lisa on a beach in Florida. It's not long before the wispy creature takes over Trip again. This time the non-corporeal being tells Archer they're explorers and are interested in how corporeal beings live their lives. He offers everyone on Enterprise to do 'the crossing' and experience what's it like to be non-corporeal. Archer doesn't trust it. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Judgment



Judgment - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Captain Archer has been captured by Klingons. He's accused of conspiring against the Klingon Empire. He's been promised a trial however and an advocate has been assigned to him, Kolos. During the trial it becomes clear Enterprise had responded to a distress call and rescued 27 people, who were considered traitors by the Klingons and to be picked up by the Klingon captain Duras, now weapons officer. Archer gets the feeling the whole trial is a farce, especially since his advocate tells the magistrate there's no defense. Archer tries to convince Kolos he must do better, while Starfleet, the Vulcan High Command and Enterprise think of other ways to get him released. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Horizon



Horizon - EPS 20

IMDb: 6.7
43 min

Ensign Travis Mayweather takes leave when Enterprise rendez-vous with the cargo ship Horizon, his childhood home. The family reunion is bittersweet when Mayweather learns of his father's death and he butts heads with his brother/Acting Captain, Paul, who resents Travis' leaving the Horizon and finding a successful career with Starfleet. Meanwhile, Enterprise backtracks to visit a planet undergoing drastic geographical changes. T'Pol looks to avoid attending movie night. Written by Meribor

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HD The Breach

The Breach


The Breach - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

At Dr. Phlox's request, Enterprise attempts to retrieve 3 Denobulan scientists from the planet Xantoras, where the Goverment has ordered all off-worlders to evacuate within 3 days. Tucker, Reed, and Mayweather navigate a series of labyrinthine underground caves in search of the scientists. Meanwhile, Enterprise lends assistance to a damaged ship fleeing the planet. Doctor Phlox faces an ethical dilemma when one of the refugees of the ship refuses life-saving treatment. The patient, an Antaran, holds a grudge against Phlox stemming from a war between their races that ended 300 years ago and would rather die than be treated by a Denobulan. Phlox defies Archer's direct order to force treatment because it goes against the Deobulan code to yield to the will of the patient. Written by Meribor

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HD Cogenitor



Cogenitor - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Enterprise encounters a hyper-giant star. While there, they make first contact with the Vissians, a technologically sophisticated race with three genders. While making quick friends, and eagerly learning about the advanced technology, Trip gets curious about the Vissians third gender, known as the Cogenitor, who is crucial in the Vissian reproductive process. Against the wishes of the Vissians, Trip befriends the Cogenitor and encourages it to defy it's cultural boundarries, which the Vissians are made aware of, and are angered by. Written by Meribor

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HD Regeneration



Regeneration - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

An Earth research team uncovers wreckage and drones from the Borg sphere that attempted to stop Zephram Cochrane's warp flight nearly 100 years ago. The Borg regenerate, assimilate the team, modify their transport and flee Earth. Enterprise answers a distress call too late, rescues survivors, and Phlox is injected with assimilation nanoprobes. Enterprise catches the transport and Archer must determine whether or not to try to salvage the personnel or stop the Borg efforts before they are out of control. Written by Meribor

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HD First Flight

First Flight


First Flight - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Enterprise receives word that Captain A.G. Robinson died in an accident. Archer and T'Pol take a shuttle to confirm a dark matter nebula that has yet to be discovered. Enroute to the nebula, Archer recalls the beginnings of Starfleet's NX program, including an unauthorized adventure with Robinson, Tucker and himself. Written by Meribor

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HD Bounty



Bounty - EPS 25

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

While surveying an uninhabited planet, Enterprise is met by a Tellarite ship. Captain Archer is abducted by Skalaar, a Tellarite hoping to collect a bounty placed on Archer by the Klingons. Meanwhile, a microbe from the planet infects T'Pol and Phlox. The affliction causes T'Pol to prematurely enter Pon farr, a chemical imbalance invoking Vulcans urge to mate. Phlox tries to treat an emotionally unstable T'Pol, who is getting too close for Denobulan comfort. Written by Meribor

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HD The Expanse

The Expanse


The Expanse - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

An unknown probe fires on Earth from space, cutting a swath from Florida to Venezula. Everything in the path of the attack was destroyed, resulting in the deaths of seven million humans including Tucker's baby sister Elizabeth. Enterprise is recalled to Earth for upgrades to the ship and to take on military crewman. Silik give Archer a message from the future about Earth's latest enemy. The Klingon Empire gives Duras another chance to capture Archer. Enterprise heads for infamous and dangerous Delphic Expanse. Written by Meribor

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