Zero Hour

Zero Hour

Due to the intervention of the Sphere Builders, the coalition of Humans, Primates, Arboreals and Aquatics was unable to stop the weapon from being launched. It is now only 10 hours before the weapon arrives at Earth. Only one ship is capable of catching up: the lightning-fast, but nearly powerless ship of Degra. While Archer and a team embark on a seemingly impossible mission, they get some unexpected help. Meanwhile Enterprise is send to keep their promise to the Aquatics. T'Pol and Trip still believe the destruction of Sphere 41 will do the trick, but the Sphere Builders are aware of their plans. Written by Arnoud Tiele (



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HD The Xindi

The Xindi


The Xindi - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The Enterprise has been in the Delphic Expanse for six weeks and have yet to get any intel about the Xindi. Strange anomalies affect the ship, sending cargo flying violently through the bays, pockets of atmosphere losing gravity and other incidents defying the known laws of physics. T'Pol helps Trip's insomnia with an intimate Vulcan therapy. Archer and Trip find another race of Xindi imprisoned in a mine. Written by Meribor

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HD Anomaly



Anomaly - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Enterprise encounters the Osaarians, the pirates of the Delphic Expanse. Archer goes to extremes to get information about the Xindi. A sphere, dating back at least a millennia, harnesses massive energy and may be the cause of the anomalies of the mysterious Delphic Expanse. Written by Meribor

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HD Extinction



Extinction - EPS 03

IMDb: 6.3
43 min

Archer, T'Pol, Sato and Reed land on a planet to investigate a Xindi landing craft, seemingly abandoned two weeks ago, and are infected with a virus that changes their DNA and urges them to return to their capital city. A ship of exterminators seeks to kill the infected crew to prevent an outbreak. Written by Meribor

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HD Rajiin



Rajiin - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

Enterprise visits a trading colony on a planet in the Expanse. A chemist offers to sell them the formula for synthesizing trellium-D, a hull insulation vital for travel through the Expanse. Archer, Reed and Trip trade a variety of Earth spices for the formula. Returning to the shuttle, Archer passes a pimp selling sex slaves. One of the slaves, Rajiin, runs from the pimp and begs Archer to help her escape. On board, Rajiin uses her charm to make contact with several crew members. Written by Meribor

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HD Impulse



Impulse - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Enterprise answers an automated distress call of the Vulcan ship Seleya, lost in the Expanse 9 months ago. Captain Archer, T'Pol, Lt. Reed and Cpl. Hawkins dock Shuttlepod One with Seleya, only to be attacked by the survivors. The Vulcan crew have been reduced to zombie-like drones, permanently brain-damaged by a neurotoxin in the Trellium. Meanwhile, Enterprise navigates an unpredictable asteroid field rich in Trellium, an ore that can be refined to make a vital insulation for traveling the expanse with minimal damage from the anomalies. Tucker and Mayweather land Shuttlepod Two on an asteroid to mine the ore. Written by Meribor

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HD Exile



Exile - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

Hoshi Sato is contacted by a 400-year-old telepathic alien exiled on planet in The Expanse, shunned by his society because of his abilities. The alien offers to use his powers to help Enterprise find the Xindi and the weapon they are building, but only if Hoshi will stay with him while he works. She agrees to stay behind, while Enterprise confirms The Expanse has a second Sphere and is on its way to investigate. Written by Meribor

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HD The Shipment

The Shipment


The Shipment - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Enterprise follows a lead and discovers a Xindi lab that refines Kemocite, the key ingredient in the weapon being built to destroy Earth. An away team of Archer, Reed and Hayes confront the lead researcher, Gralik Durr, who was employed by Degra to refine the Kemocite but was never told what it would be used for. When Gralik realizes it was his research that contributed to the 7 million deaths on Earth, he agrees to help Archer prevent further loss of life. Meanwhile, on Enterprise, Phlox and Tucker study the weapon they seized from the Xindi and find an organic component, a life-form serving as the rifle's power cell. Despite T'Pol's objection, Tucker tests the weapon. Written by Meribor

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HD Twilight



Twilight - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Enterprise is hit with a rather intense anomaly. Refusing to leave an injured T'Pol behind, Archer is struck by the anomaly, leaving his brain infected with parasites, preventing him from making any new memories. Fast-forward 12 years. T'Pol has been caring for Archer since his affliction. As she does every day, T'Pol catches Archer up on the past 12 years, knowing he will forget everything within hours. She was in command of Enterprise after his injury, that the parasites live outside normal space-time and usual remedies never worked, that the Xindi were successful, and managed to destroy Earth and kill all but 6,000 humans. But today is special; Dr. Phlox is ready to give Archer the treatment he has been developing for ten years, which must be performed on Enterprise. Written by Meribor

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HD North Star

North Star


North Star - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

The crew of Enterprise is very surprised to find a planet with 6000 humans and around 1000 aliens living on it. Archer, T'Pol and Tucker start investigating. Scans show a settlement was created about 250 years ago and the people are still living a Wild West life. Archer soon finds out the aliens are called Skagaraans and the government of these Skags was overthrown many years ago by a certain Cooper Smith. There seems to be a lot of hatred towards them and they consider them lawless outcasts. Archer makes contact with Bethany, who illegally teaches the Skags in Skag Town. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Similitude



Similitude - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Trip is injured and fated to die. Desperate to save him, Phlox and Archer agree to use one of Phlox's alien pets to create a clone of Trip to farm for transplant organs. The clone, named Sim, matures to adulthood in mere days, retaining Trip's memories but developing his own personality. Written by Meribor

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HD Carpenter Street

Carpenter Street


Carpenter Street - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

2004, Detroit. Loomis works at a blood bank and he's doing something rather shady. He kidnaps people and delivers them to someone who keeps a low profile for money. In the 22nd century Archer gets an unexpected visit from crewman Daniels, the time traveler. He tells three Xindi Reptilians have traveled back in time to Earth. He tells conflict between the Humans and Xindi is already a corruption of the time line and these Reptilians must be stopped to prevent further corruption. Archer takes T'Pol to travel back to Earth in 2004. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Chosen Realm

Chosen Realm


Chosen Realm - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

Enterprise answers the distress call of a Triannon ship. After taking them on board, D'Jamat, their leader, tells they are religious people visiting a sphere. They believe the Expanse, the Chosen Realm, and the Spheres were created by the Makers a 1000 years ago and that the anomalies are their breath. It soon becomes clear that these people don't have the best intentions. They take control of Enterprise and want to use it in the war against heretics. D'Jamat also orders the death of one crew member because Enterprise desecrated several spheres. Archer must choose. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Proving Ground

Proving Ground


Proving Ground - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Enterprise has picked up a trail of the tracking device Archer planted on a Reptilian ship. There's a problem however. To get to its location Enterprise must cross a giant and very dense field of anomalies. When something gets wrong and Enterprise gets enveloped in an anomaly, there's some unexpected help. Enterprise is pulled out by an Andorian tractor beam. Commander Shran tells they are here to offer the help the Vulcans refused. Wary of their intentions at first, Captain Archer still agrees on having Andorians make repairs on Enterprise. Soon it becomes clear that the trail leads to a Xindi testing site for the weapon that is to destroy Earth. Archer and Shran make plans to retrieve it. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Stratagem



Stratagem - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Archer is traveling in a Malosian shuttle with the Xindi Degra, constructor of the Xindi weapon. It appears Earth already has been destroyed and the attack on Earth was used as a decoy by the Insectoids to take over the power. Degra seems to be having memory loss and Archer tells him both were cell mates in an Insectoid prison. They worked together to escape from the prison, are hunted by them and are now looking for a shelter. Is Archer really telling the truth? Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Harbinger



Harbinger - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

While Reed and Major Hayes are fighting over a new training program and Trip is performing neuropressure with MACO Amando Cole making T'Pol seem jealous, Enterprise finds a pod in a dangerous ever expanding gravimetric field. Inside is a scaled alien dying from cellular decay. He claims he is a prisoner promised his freedom if he cooperated in an experiment. Archer knows there's more to it when it is discovered the pod's hull is of the same material the Spheres are composed of. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Doctor's Orders

Doctor's Orders


Doctor's Orders - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

While traveling to Azati Prime, the Enterprise needs to cross a trans-dimensional disturbance phenomenon that could kill the humans. Dr. Phlox proposes to put the crew in coma for four days while the Enterprise travels through the phenomenon in impulse. In the middle of the journey, Dr. Phlox hears weird noises and T'Pol helps him to stay in the command of the ship. When they realize that the disturbance is longer than expected, Dr. Phlox needs to activate the warp engines to save the crew. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Hatchery



Hatchery - EPS 17

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

The Enterprise finds a Xindi ship crashed on the surface of a planet, and while the team lead by Captain Archer is investigating, they meet an insectoid hatchery in a compartment protected by heavy and reinforced bulkheads. Reed realizes that the air inside is breathable and the group removes the helmet of the breathing apparatuses, but Archer is hit by a sort of substance on his face and sent to the sickbay. After the examination, Dr. Phlox realizes that no damage was caused to Captain Archer, but the crew notes that he becomes obsessed to save the insectoid offspring claiming humanistic reasons. When he orders to give one third of the supply of antimatter to restart the reactor of the Xindi ship to maintain the life support system of the hatchery, T'Pol questions his command and is confined in her cabin. Then Reed, Trip and Dr. Phlox are successively dismissed, and the senior officers decide that only a mutiny can save the Enterprise. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Azati Prime

Azati Prime


Azati Prime - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Enterprise has finally arrived at Azati Prime, the suspected location of the Xindi weapon, only to find it protected by a very sophisticated security grid. There's just one way to pass it, by using the Insectoid shuttle. Mayweather and Trip visit the planet and find out the weapon is indeed there. To destroy it the shuttle must be send back for a one way trip. Mayweather and Trip are prepared, but Archer decides he should be the one to sacrifice himself. Then he gets a visit from crewman Daniels, the time agent. He tells why the Xindi want to destroy Earth and urges him to reconsider his decision. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Damage



Damage - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Captain Archer has been returned to Enterprise by the Xindi council awaiting a hearing. But after a heavy attack by the Reptilians, Enterprise is stranded without a functional warp drive. They meet another ship in trouble because of space anomalies. The ship's captain isn't willing to trade in their warp coil and Archer must make a tough decision. Meanwhile T'Pol is having some strange sensations and can't control her emotions. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD The Forgotten

The Forgotten


The Forgotten - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Enterprise has arrived on time for the appointment with Xindi Degra. Captain Archer invites them to their ship, while he does his best to convince both Degra and Arboreal Jannar that the destruction of Earth is actually part of the grand scheme of the sphere builders to conquer the universe. While Jannar remains reluctant, Degra seems to be slightly won over. Trip Tucker is having a hard time keeping Enterprise in shape and is also having difficulties with writing a letter to the parents of crewman Taylor, informing of her death. Then trouble arises when out of the blue a Reptilian ship arrives. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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E² - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

To get to their appointment with Degra on time, Enterprise must pass a subspace corridor which is guarded by the aggressive Kovaalans. Just about to make an attempt, Enterprise is stopped by Enterprise. Their captain, Lorian, tells them crossing the subspace corridor will put Enterprise 117 years back in time and that his crew all are descendants of the original crew. He wants to make some modifications to the ship, so the time shift will not happen. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD The Council

The Council


The Council - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Enterprise has arrived at the location of the Xindi Council and with the help of Degra, Archer can make his plea in front of the five races of Xindi. Archer needs to prove that the Sphere Builders have been telling lies. While the Primates and Arboreals are already aware of the truth, convincing the other three races will not be easy. The Reptilians and Insectoids refuse to even listen to Archer. Meanwhile, the Sphere Builders haven't been sitting still, and have arranged a secret meeting with the Reptilians. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Countdown



Countdown - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

While the weapon is in control of the Reptilians and Insectoids, they still can't launch it. Three species must give their codes and the Reptilian commander Dolim forces the kidnapped Hoshi to decipher the code of the Aquatics. The Primates, Arboreals and Archer think of a plan to stop the weapon. They see only one option: to convince the Aquatics to join their cause with their powerful ships. Archer makes an emotional plea to their two council members. Trip and T'Pol try to find a way to destroy Sphere 41, which might be the hub holding the system intact. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Zero Hour

Zero Hour


Zero Hour - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Due to the intervention of the Sphere Builders, the coalition of Humans, Primates, Arboreals and Aquatics was unable to stop the weapon from being launched. It is now only 10 hours before the weapon arrives at Earth. Only one ship is capable of catching up: the lightning-fast, but nearly powerless ship of Degra. While Archer and a team embark on a seemingly impossible mission, they get some unexpected help. Meanwhile Enterprise is send to keep their promise to the Aquatics. T'Pol and Trip still believe the destruction of Sphere 41 will do the trick, but the Sphere Builders are aware of their plans. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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