

The boys are starting to get low on cash and to help pay the bills; Ari lands Vince a gig appearing in a lucrative foreign commercial. Meanwhile, Turtle decides to make his own money by entering an Xbox boxing tournament, but he gets ousted early on by a young gaming prodigy. Eric needs to get a copy of Queens Boulevard to James Cameron so he can see Vince's work, but Walsh refuses to screen it before he shows it at Sundance. Luckily, the A-list director agrees to attend the Sundance screening of the film, offering hope that Vince may still end up with the Aquaman role. Written by Anonymous



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HD The Boys Are Back in Town

The Boys Are Back in Town


The Boys Are Back in Town - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.2
27 min

With filming on Queens Boulevard completed, Vince, Eric, Turtle and Drama arrive back in LA, ready to pick up where they left off. Eric tries to fulfill his new duties as Vince's manager, while also trying to control the frustrations caused by his relationship with Kristen. He also has to deal with Ari, who lets him know that offers to Vince have started to dry up, and that Vince should take the starring role in Aquaman. Turtle steps up into his new role as the house manager and Drama finds an unconventional way to get a new set of headshots. Written by HBO

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD My Maserati Does 185

My Maserati Does 185


My Maserati Does 185 - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.7
26 min

When Beverly Hills Maserati offers Vince a free Maserati, he passes it on as a thank you to Eric 'E', his devoted personal manager. who is dragged to a wild party and ends up in bed with a girl he just met there. Agent Ari keeps insisting Vince should do Aquaman, to the point of reading the script aloud while they're in the sauna till they promise to go trough it end then decide. and feels very guilty but is advised not to tell his girlfriend Kristen, only to hear she was unfaithful too and breaks up. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Aquamansion



Aquamansion - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.3
28 min

Vince is taking big risks, listening to Turtle rather then E, Ari and his financial adviser: without a new role in the pocket, he is tempted to buy a Hollywood house, and one of true star status, which means an outrageous price, a multiple of his $1,000,000 limit, but the idea of being the next owner of Marlon Brandon's former villa with private pool is irresistible. Yet Vince still won't commit to sign for Aquaman, actually declares he won't play a ridiculous 'cartoon character' and seems decided against the part when he sees the costume design, E and Ari must pull all the stops to change his mind. Meanwhile party life goes on, with Johnny Drama focusing on getting his lifelong ban revoked at Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion. It takes a lot of doing, after being found out in Vince's car trunk they nearly get all banned, but then... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD An Offer Refused

An Offer Refused


An Offer Refused - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.6
24 min

Vince is finally on-board but Ari tells E that the studio has not sent over the paperwork for Aquaman and he can't find out why. They hold off on telling Vince. Vince hires an expensive decorator, Carrie Carlson, for his mansion. And Drama wants money to have his calves augmented. Queen's Blvd gets into Sundance. Josh Weinstein, who brought them the script, tells them that James Cameron is directing Aquaman. E interrupts Ari's couples therapy and Ari manages to get a hold of Dana Gordon who reassures him. Ari and E tell Vince all is well at a celebration for getting into Sundance. Then the two hear Leo has left to meet with Cameron about a fish movie. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Neighbors



Neighbors - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.4
25 min

E and Ari bitterly blame each-other while worrying about the Aquaman-deal even more now that the press has leaked it prematurely. While Johnny and Turtle keep spending money Vince still doesn't have, his TV celebrity neighbor Bob Saget expresses high praise for landing Staci, inaccessible to him, and discloses her dubious profession. Vince's Queens Boulevard director continues coaching the boys, and gets a high-profile request. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Chinatown



Chinatown - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.5
28 min

The boys are starting to get low on cash and to help pay the bills; Ari lands Vince a gig appearing in a lucrative foreign commercial. Meanwhile, Turtle decides to make his own money by entering an Xbox boxing tournament, but he gets ousted early on by a young gaming prodigy. Eric needs to get a copy of Queens Boulevard to James Cameron so he can see Vince's work, but Walsh refuses to screen it before he shows it at Sundance. Luckily, the A-list director agrees to attend the Sundance screening of the film, offering hope that Vince may still end up with the Aquaman role. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Sundance Kids

The Sundance Kids


The Sundance Kids - EPS 07

IMDb: 9.0
30 min

The boys attend the Sundance Film Festival, in snowy season. Eric makes friends with golden touch-producer Harvey Weingard, who might buy Vince's movie, but actually wants him for an old project 'Tapping the Source'- he's hired on the spot for his Australian shooting in three weeks, but that would mean missing out on James Cameron's movie. Ari and E accept this 'safe bet', Vince decides otherwise- Harvey vindictively cries eternal doom. Drama hopes to land a part with his Spanish idol Alejandro Teva- by asking clumsy questions after his movie's screening, and still is offered an audition. Meeting peace Corps girls gets even Turtle horny enough to Google about their target country Sudan, rivaling for one with Drama; they get a threesome but 'cross swords'. Cameron walks out after only 10 minutes, but calls... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Oh, Mandy

Oh, Mandy


Oh, Mandy - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.3
26 min

Vince has the Aquaman lead; James Cameron is casting his opposite from five top-actresses. The group can stay in Jessica Alba's luxurious Malibu residence. Johnny 'Drama' Chase has a shot at a Hallmark TV movie, but can he make it in time across LA through miles of traffic? He does, but gets worked up about another actor he had an incident with and works it out and the surfer molests his car and is arrested just after hearing he was chosen. Vince is to have diner with Aquagirl Mandy Moore, with who he once had a serious romance ending in a grave incident... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD I Love You Too

I Love You Too


I Love You Too - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.6
31 min

Vince first accepts to have dinner with his Aquaman-opposite star Mandy Moore and her fiancé, a minute after they were introduced, then hesitates and ends up chickening out, after Internet comics reporter R.J. Spencer interviewed him about his wedding proposal to her while he still was an unknown, something even E never knew. Spencer is not only literally insulted when Vince walks out instead of answering but is implacable whatever E does or offers. He demands $350,000 or his website will stop at nothing to sink Aquaman because of Vince. Meanwhile at Comic-Con in San Diego Johnny Drama enjoys his relative star status with the comics fans, as Torvald from Viking Quest, but slowly gets pissed off as he is outclassed by spin-off Angel Quest star Vanessa Angel. However she ends up telling him she always had a crush on him and finds him cruel he always held her off, so he finally dares tell her he's just as interested. Vince and E's problem is surprisingly solved by the Pussy Patrol girls.... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Bat Mitzvah

The Bat Mitzvah


The Bat Mitzvah - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.7
29 min

On the Aquaman set, Vince admits to his co-star Mandy he's still in love with her, which director Cameron hears trough their mikes and so does E, whose confidence is shocked by all his secrecy. Ari Gold, Vince's Jewish agent, is holding a bat mitzvah for his daughter Sarah; as usual he's frantic about his guests, such as his senior partner Terence McQuewick and his daughter Sloan, who is reputed to have an infallible eye for male acting talent and really digs Vince, so Ari fears Terence wants to 'steal Vince'. The boys carefully get fancy party dress at Vinces expense, except E who pays his own clothes and refuses to waste good money on labels like Armani; when he meets Sloan, he does dress up, making the others warn him he's setting himself up for another scorned crush. Drama and Turtle get stuck on an old peoples table and regret having eaten little before the party as they don't get to the yummy stuff having missed the synagogue service with appetizers, nor knew they had to order, ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Blue Balls Lagoon

Blue Balls Lagoon


Blue Balls Lagoon - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

Turtle understandably doubts Johny Drama's hope Brooke Shields might dig him at their set while he plays her brother Little Rick. Now Mandy has dumped Chris, Vince is looking forward to her birthday party- the professionals abhor the press bringing that out, even Warner Bros fears that could make Aquaman appear a home-wrecker. Cameron offers them a private diner at his restaurant The Geisha House. Even after a good meeting with Mandy and the boys at Jerry's Deli, E advises against it, but is ignored. Sloan tells E the painting agent Ari Gold gave Vince, who was prepared to buy it as a gift for Mandy, is another fake; E questions Ari, who doesn't confess but still switches the copy with the real thing he gave his wife as anniversary present. Mandy is tickled-pink with the Nitsch. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Good Morning Saigon

Good Morning Saigon


Good Morning Saigon - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.5
27 min

Turtle lost the Maserati Vince gave him, worth $100,000- it was reported stolen and is found; the thief left in it a reggae demo CD; Johnny Drama just wants the police informed in order to catch him, Vince is simply cool relaxed, Turtle suggests one song by the unknown artist 'Saigon' would by ideal to use in Vince's movie-in-production Queens Boulevard; Vince agrees but tells him to suggest that idea himself, he doesn't want the hassle of facing the picky man in charge, so Turtle and Johnny go looking for Saigon. Ari phones E, worried sick Vince missed an appointment, quite unlike him, for his physical without which the insurance won't allow him to start shooting the next day. Vince reassures the boys, but E is called away stat to a meeting with Ari and all Mandy's people, lead by Babs, a rival of Ari, where Vince's behavior is branded as a bad influence on Mandy. Ari tells him in confidence Cameron said Vince is replaceable, but E passes that on to Vince, who had a miserable day ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Exodus



Exodus - EPS 13

IMDb: 9.2
31 min

Johnny and Turtle get a gold watch, paid by Vince from his Aquaman bundle, to welcome Saigon to Turtle's company; however they see Mandy with her ex-steady date Chris, so they make cellphone pictures as proof she's apparently cheating on the star. Ari finds his senior partner Terence McQuewick, who didn't attend in three years, chairs the staff meeting and bars him for arriving late; in private he says he's returning full-time, and denies Ari a contract extension as consolation. Ari panics and swears his assistant Lloyd to undying loyalty before sending him out to tell eights agents the code 'tsetse fly', but Lloyd phones Terence already knows, who indeed brands him as a traitor; Ari then invites colleagues to join him in a new agency, but only Lloyd follows him and they find all company privileges are cut of, stat. Sloan reassures E Mandy is probably not cheating. E tells Vince he never felt it was over with Chris, and indeed Mandy confirms she is not quite sure yet, so he breaks up ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Abyss

The Abyss


The Abyss - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.8
27 min

When Ari and E learn about each-others problems with Terence viz. Vince, both of which make the press, panic is total. Drama and Turtle give Vince the cold shoulder, hoping Saigon and his friends are their new meal-ticket. Even E considers taking a job as agent with Terence and moving in with his daughter Sloan. Vince refuses to reconsider bailing out on Aquaman and fires Ari and the entourage, yet turns up at Turtle's company birth party. Ari's successor Adam Davies tells Drama he's out with Vince. On Ari's advice, E still supports Vince who has scheduled a meeting with Cameron, whose enthusiasm pulls him over. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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