Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
During the fourth episode, Anita's ex-boyfriend (Joe Chandler) turns up on the beach, in an attempt to win her back.
All Episodes - S02
Kayleigh's ex-boyfriend Adam Gabriel arrived to stir things up, and Connor's ex-girlfriend Megan Clark was also introduced wanting to rekindle their romance.
Rogan's ex-girlfriend Jess Impiazzi arrives. After getting together in the house, Anita and Rogan's brief fling ended and they were officially added to each other's ex-list.
Gary Beadle arrives on the beach as Melissa's ex-fling. The group received another instant shock when the fifth ex, Emily Colley arrived and introduced herself as an ex-girlfriend of both Morgan and Rogan, and a one night stand of Gary.
During the fourth episode, Anita's ex-boyfriend (Joe Chandler) turns up on the beach, in an attempt to win her back.
In this segment, Charlotte Crosby's eagerly anticipated arrival is witnessed. It is the first time she comes face-to-face with her ex Gary (Gaz) Beadle for a long time.
Danielle Abbott receives a warm welcome from ex-boyfriend Luke Goodfellow, when she made her first appearance in the show.
Ashley Cain, from Season 1, returns to the beach during the penultimate airing, as the ex of Emily Colley.