Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
In perhaps the series' most grittiest episode, Laura has a harrowing experience at school. A female gang robs her of her jacket at gunpoint, then is told she can expect to be shot if she reports the crime. Laura is scared for her life and wants to buy a gun to defend herself. Urkel begs her to reconsider, but Laura insists she would feel safer with a gun. During a meeting with a gun salesman at school, gunfire breaks out. One of Laura's friends is harassed by the same gang that terrorized her earlier, and when she wouldn't give up a new pair of expensive sneakers, has been seriously wounded. Carl later catches the gangsters, then tells Harriette that violence only begets more. Urkel decides to do the right thing: Set up a gun-buyback drive to stop the violence. Written by Brian Rathjen
All Episodes - S06
As Urkel tweaks his transformation chamber to enable him to be Stefan all the time, Carl begins complaining about his eyesight. Instead of going to the opthamologist (per Harriette's recommendation) to have his eyes checked, he asks Stefan to allow him to use the transformation chamber to fix his eyesight. However, Myra is starting to miss Urkel and tampers with the machine. However, Stefan isn't in the machine, and Myra finally realizes what she has done when Carl Urkel steps out! Written by Brian Rathjen
While Stefan repairs the transformation chamber, Carl spends the next few days walking a mile in Urkel's shoes, wreaking havoc on the Winslow household. Eventually, Carl is changed back and decides Harriette's advice was best heeded. Stefan, meanwhile, changes back into Urkel at the end of his dinner date with Laura. Written by Brian Rathjen
When Eddie and Waldo get their own apartment together, Steve gives them a house warming gift with a picture of himself. Later on, Eddie invites two girls named Darlene and Kim over, not realizing that his friend is still loyal to Maxine. When Maxine shows up, she becomes very jealous and thinks that Waldo is two-timing her. She dumps him before he can explain the misunderstanding between her and the two girls. Darlene and Kim immediately feels guilty for what happened and supports Waldo by throwing him a pity party, much to Eddie's dismay. As he goes through the good times with Maxine, Darlene is seriously thinking about taking back her ex-boyfriend. Unfortunately, Eddie has been thinking with his narcissistic ego, decides to get them to move on. However, Darlene and Kim are real fed with his insensitive, narcissistic and egotistical nature so much that they leave him. They also decided to bring Waldo with them to Maxine's house to clear up any misunderstanding between them. Meanwhile... Written by Anonymous
It's already bad enough for Carl when he is accidentally locked in the school's fallout shelter. Worse, it's with Urkel and school custodian Mr. Looney - who pass the time singing old show tunes.
A college jock invites Eddie to join a college fraternity - under one condition: Tell the nerd (Urkel) to get lost. Eddie agrees and kicks Urkel out of a party. Laura realizes Urkel is really distraught and makes her lame-brained brother realize how important their friendship is. Eddie realizes Laura is right and tells the frat brothers to get lost. Written by Brian Rathjen
When a Halloween-night storm cancels trick-or-treating, Urkel cheers up a disappointed Richie by playing Pass the Ghost Story. Everyone takes turns telling a story about 19th-century vampires (Carl and Harriette) licking their chops over the wayfaring Sir Steven (Urkel). Written by Brian Rathjen
Caddy Urkel joins Carl and his boss, Capt. Savage, on an outing at the golf course. Urkel notices that Savage is cheating and points this out to Carl, who is worried that if he says something, he'll lose his job. Meanwhile, Laura becomes very upset with her mother when Harriette - clad in curlers and a bathrobe - intrudes on a party to pick up her daughter past curfew. Laura cries on Maxine's shoulder, but Maxine tells her that she's lucky to have a mother that cares enough to worry about her safety. Written by Brian Rathjen
Hydrophobic Urkel has two choices: Pass a required swimming test in gym class, or fail and not graduate from high school. Urkel decides to enlist (who else) Carl to help him learn to swim, to predictable results.
Urkel and Myra go to make-out point Paradise Bluff, where she gives her nerdy boyfriend two choices: Commit to me now, or it's over. Urkel is about to reaffirm his love for Laura when he knocks his car in gear ... and puts both of their lives in danger when the car is about to tumble off the cliff. Written by Brian Rathjen
The pilot of a chartered flight Carl and Urkel are on to Detroit is an ex-convict that Carl busted several years ago. The pilot sees his chance for revenge by bailing out. Carl and Urkel are forced to land the plane ... and neither one of them have the slightest idea of how to fly. Written by Brian Rathjen
Richie upsets the family when he brings home a guest for Christmas: a homeless man. However, the homeless man has several lessons to share about the meaning of the season. Meanwhile, Urkel searches the landfills high and low for Laura's beloved childhood doll, which Eddie accidentally discarded. Written by Brian Rathjen
Eddie and Urkel accidentally eat a gourmet cake that Waldo baked for class, and struggle with how to explain their actions.
Andre is one of Urkel's classmates who delights in bullying the nerd. But when Urkel learns that Andre is seriously ill with leukemia, the nerd decides to set aside the past and stage a bone marrow drive to save Andre's life.
Eddie decides he has no time to join with Carl in some father-son activities ... but Waldo is more than willing to have fun with Carl. Eddie realizes he is missing out and gets the hint. Meanwhile, Urkel creates another alter-ego - Bruce Lee Urkel - when a gang of ruffians harasses Laura at a longshoreman's bar. Written by Brian Rathjen
In perhaps the series' most grittiest episode, Laura has a harrowing experience at school. A female gang robs her of her jacket at gunpoint, then is told she can expect to be shot if she reports the crime. Laura is scared for her life and wants to buy a gun to defend herself. Urkel begs her to reconsider, but Laura insists she would feel safer with a gun. During a meeting with a gun salesman at school, gunfire breaks out. One of Laura's friends is harassed by the same gang that terrorized her earlier, and when she wouldn't give up a new pair of expensive sneakers, has been seriously wounded. Carl later catches the gangsters, then tells Harriette that violence only begets more. Urkel decides to do the right thing: Set up a gun-buyback drive to stop the violence. Written by Brian Rathjen
When Mr. Looney is stood up at the altar on his wedding day, he dejectedly decides to commit suicide. Carl and Urkel work to talk their friend out of making a big mistake.
Elvis Urkel is in the transformation chamber! At least that's what happens when Urkel, trying to impress a recruiter from MIT, demonstrates his transformation chamber. He turns into The King instead of Albert Einstein-Urkel, scaring the recruiter right out of his blue suede shoes. Written by Brian Rathjen
Carl is assigned to guide Richie's class on a tour of the police station. The tour isn't going so well, until a robbery suspect gets free and holds one of the children hostage. Carl makes good on his opportunity to diffuse the situation, and impresses the youngsters. Meanwhile, Myra thinks Urkel and Laura are sneaking around together when they keep mum about their whereabouts ... only to learn they were planning a surprise party for her birthday. Written by Brian Rathjen
Urkel witnesses a robbery and the suspect, aware he has been spotted, threatens the nerd if he reports the crime. Carl offers to be his bodyguard ... a decision he may regret. Meanwhile, Eddie begins dating Greta, whose overbearing father is his boss. Written by Brian Rathjen
Urkel spies on Laura during her trip to a cheerleading convention, certain that her boyfriend will show up and be up to no good.
Highlights of the series' first six years - mainly, the Winslows' experiences with Urkel - are featured in this clip show, when Carl, Eddie and Laura visit with a psychiatrist to air their grievances over the nerd. Harriette reminds them that, while Urkel is annoying, he also has helped them many times. Written by Brian Rathjen
Urkel wins a trip to Disney World, where he and the Winslows demonstrate his transformation chamber. There, the nerd changes into Stefan and proposes to Laura. Eddie decides to go later and gets Waldo to take him ... if only he can read a map. Written by Brian Rathjen
Eddie and Waldo run into a number of silly situations as they get lost on their way to Orlando. Meanwhile, Carl weighs a job offer in Orlando, and Myra arrives to stop Stefan from proposing to Laura.
Estelle hosts a dance marathon, and Urkel and Carl decide to enter.
Urkel's parents announce they are moving to Russia - only, they say so after they've left. Urkel is forced to move in with Eddie and Waldo, but those arrangements are only temporary thanks to the nerd's hungry termites. Carl sees that Urkel now has no place to go and (grudgingly) allows his comic foil to move into his house. Written by Brian Rathjen