Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Playboy Radio welcomes Gene in studio and conducts a search for his biggest fan. The prize - a day with Gene to spend however they choose. Gene pulls out all his cool clothes to get ready for his hot date, only to be stopped by Shannon, who insists his clothes are corny and old-fashioned. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S01
Shannon Tweed hates surprises. Gene Simmons loves them. On his way out of town to attend the grand opening of the Hooters Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, he asks Nick and Tracy Tweed (Shannon's sister) to plan a surprise birthday party for Shannon on his behalf. Written by Anonymous
If your dad's Gene Simmons and you want to go into the music business, some career counseling is to be expected. But when Nick starts a band of his own, Gene transforms from a proud father into an overbearing manager.
Gene Simmons can't stop working. From hunting down investors all over the country to developing his newest product, the Gene Simmons tongue vibrator, the man doesn't know when to say when. In a last-ditch effort to get Gene to relax, Shannon and the kids stage an intervention and whisk him off on an impromptu vacation. Written by Anonymous
Gene Simmons didn't start driving until he was 35 years old and Nick is studying to get his driver's license. An admittedly horrible driver himself, Gene faces off against Nick in a driving test challenge, with the threat of having to humiliate himself in the middle of Beverly Hills if he loses. Written by Anonymous
Shannon notices Gene is losing the battle of the bulge, so she tricks him into attending a ritzy weight-loss spa. When they arrive, Gene learns that they have separate rooms, and his food intake is rationed. Gene wants two things - food and sex. Will the Demon get what he wants? Written by Anonymous
It's Career Week for Sophie Tweed-Simmons and her assignment is to tag along with Gene to work. It's a familiar assignment, but if your dad's Gene Simmons, expect the unexpected. Shannon is not too pleased to discover that Gene has taken their 14 year-old daughter to auditions for a sexy new exercise video called Sexercise. Written by Anonymous
Gene has a business meeting in New York to discuss putting a sexy spin on the classic hand car wash by turning it into Gene Simmons Bikini Car Wash. He turns it into a family affair by taking Shannon and the kids to visit his wise and feisty mother, Florence, in the suburbs. Written by Anonymous
Gene and Nick visit a cattle ranch with the intention of making an investment. Meanwhile, Shannon and Tracy go on a shopping spree in Beverly Hills.
Playboy Radio welcomes Gene in studio and conducts a search for his biggest fan. The prize - a day with Gene to spend however they choose. Gene pulls out all his cool clothes to get ready for his hot date, only to be stopped by Shannon, who insists his clothes are corny and old-fashioned. Written by Anonymous
An emergency springs up when Gene is about to lose the Indy Racing League marketing account worth millions of dollars. He drops everything and even uses his celebrity to become Grand Marshall in front of hundreds of thousands of fans.
Gene Simmons can't stop working. From hunting down investors all over the country to developing his newest product, the Gene Simmons tongue vibrator, the man doesn't know when to say when. In a last-ditch effort to get Gene to relax, Shannon and the kids stage an intervention and whisk him off on an impromptu vacation. Written by Anonymous
Steven Greenstein, The Commander, shows Gene around town during Gene's stay as the Grand Marshal of the Endymion Parade in New Orleans '05.
When Shannon suggests Gene Simmons consider a facelift, The Demon is reluctant. He's more enthusiastic about her idea to launch a new TV show about babies and new mothers -- until he finds himself in daycare hell. When it comes time to go under the knife, Shannon has news of her own from the fertility specialist, leaving The Demon speechless. Written by Anonymous