Season 01
Guy helps make parmigiano-reggiano in Italy, where later, he and Hunter learn about the years-long process behind curing and aging prosciutto. Also: real Swiss fondue in Switzerland.
All Episodes - S01
In the series premiere, Guy Fieri and his son Hunter Fieri travel to Greece; in Athens, Greece, they learn the secrets to making the perfect gyro; on Crete, Greece's largest island, they experience lobster fishing on the Mediterranean, sheep milking in the countryside and a family-style Greek dinner. Written by anonymous
Guy and Hunter visit Rome, where they discover how to make the perfect cup of cappuccino, dine at a unique seafood spot and tour a place that's been serving gelato since the 1880s. Later, Hunter commandeers a gondola in Venice, Italy.
Guy helps make parmigiano-reggiano in Italy, where later, he and Hunter learn about the years-long process behind curing and aging prosciutto. Also: real Swiss fondue in Switzerland.
Pretzels and lederhosen are among the highlights of Guy and Hunter's trip to Germany. Later, the Fieri men learn how to make true French croissants in Paris and cook up a Mexican feast, while reuniting with old friends in Chantilly.
Season 1 comes to an end with Guy and Hunter traveling to London and visiting one of the city's oldest fish and chips shops. Also: they eat authentic Indian food; and have paella in Spain with the rest of the Fieri family.