Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 10
Richie's secret scheme to convince sophisticated Cindy Kendall that he has his own apartment by exchanging bedrooms with Fonzie is foiled when her furious father comes looking for her in the middle of the night.
All Episodes - S04
Fonzie's former girlfriend Pinky Tuscadero comes to Milwaukee for an exhibition of her motorcycle skills and participate in a demolition derby. On seeing her again,Fonzie realizes that he's still in love with her and she as well. When Fonzie's partner for the derby is hurt, Pinky volunteers but Fonzie thinks a demolition derby is a man's world. Meanwhile, derby drivers The Millachi brothers are practicing sabotage at Fonzie's garage. Written by happipuppi13
The demolition derby takes a serious turn when Pinky ends up with a head injury caused by The Millachi Crunch, the Millachi Brothers car smashing tactic. She's taken to the hospital and an angry Fonzie gets even with the brothers and wins the derby at the same time. In almost losing Pinky, he realizes that he wants them to be more than just boyfriend/girlfriend. Written by happipuppi13
Fonzie and Pinky have both decided to get married but certain events may prevent them from doing so. Pinky's fame causes Fonzie to feel overshadowed,especially when she says that Fonzie will also be on her payroll like an employee and when a reporter makes the error of calling him Mr. Tuscadero. Will they be able work things out and walk down the aisle together ? Written by happipuppi13
A psychologist's unusual recommendation to help the Fonz control his compulsion to street-fight turns out to be strictly for the birds.
Richie's plans to party while his parents are out of town are ruined when Fonzie invites the very pregnant wife of one of his oldest friends to stay in Joanie's room and orders Richie to keep an eye on her until her husband returns from a road trip. Written by shepherd1138
Fonzie is grateful when Potsie Weber pulls him to safety from a burning garage but soon regrets giving the Good Samaritan his choice of reward.
Richie's secret scheme to convince sophisticated Cindy Kendall that he has his own apartment by exchanging bedrooms with Fonzie is foiled when her furious father comes looking for her in the middle of the night.
A motorcycle mishap forces the Fonz to push his broken bike for twelve miles just before he partners with Joanie Cunningham for a grueling dance marathon.
Ace reporter Richie 'Scoop' Cunningham's determination to print the truth, no matter what, uncovers a high school cafeteria meatloaf scandal but later jeopardizes his friendship with Fonzie.
Officer Kirk comes to Arnold's to make a few announcements: First, he's the new acting sheriff, and second, he plans to drive several hoodlums out of town. One of the names he reads is Fonzie; when questioned by the Fonz, Kirk explains that he doesn't like anything about him. The bravado Fonzie shows around Kirk is just a cover - he's really troubled by the officer's constant harassment. Richie decides to write a letter to the editor of the Milwaukee Journal, while Howard - who is also considering contacting the mayor about Kirk's power-hungry attitude - calls a meeting of the Leopard Lodge to pressure Kirk into stopping his harassment campaign. However, Kirk somehow finds out what's going on, shows up at the Cunninghams and tries to intimidate the Lodge members into backing off (by threatening such things as ticketing the group for unlawful assembly, revoking Arnold's dance floor permit, citing Mr. Malph for a sign variance violation and taking away Howard's loading zone). ... Written by Brian Rathjen
Richie pretends to be a hardware magnate looking for an advertising icon to try to meet the woman of his dreams, the beautiful poster-girl for Wisconsin Cola.
The Fonz accepts a sophisticated, older woman's invitation to play tennis at her country club, but later discovers that the game his pretty new lady is playing may not be confined to just the tennis court.
Only the Fonz stays calm when Richie and the gang get locked in the hardware store's basement vault where they have gathered to store their school's time capsule.
Fonzie enters his shy, visiting cousin, Angie, into an Al's Drive-In sponsored publicity event for the Magilla Book of Records to help the timid teenager uncover his famous Fonzarelli self-confidence.
Richie Cunningham basks in glory after winning his high school basketball game with a lucky shot in the final seconds of a nail-biter until a rival team and their femme fatale kidnap him to keep him off the court.
Tired of being treated like a servant in her own home and searching for self-worth, frustrated housewife, Marion Cunningham, gets a job at Al's Drive-In. But Al's teen customers start leaving when Marion's waitressing takes a back seat to motherly meddling, and an emergency meeting is called in the Fonz's office to decide her fate. Written by shepherd1138
The Cunninghams and their friends reminisce through special moments and enjoy a few surprises on the night of Howard's and Marion's surprise 20th wedding anniversary celebration.
Marion Cunningham is forced to reveal Fonzie's secret plan to graduate with Richie's senior class just before Principal Conners' startling announcement at the high school prom that puts the graduation ceremony itself in jeopardy.
Fonzie's friends convince their principal to let the night school graduate participate in Jefferson High School's commencement ceremony, but then must find a way to help the Fonz make his valedictory speech.
A short-tempered sergeant loses his tenuous grasp on discipline when the Fonz reports to the army recruitment center soon after draftees Richie, Ralph and Potsie check in for physicals.
Big brother Richie rides to the rescue when little sister Joanie is asked for more than she's ready to give to become a gang-leader's girlfriend.
Howard Cunningham finds that it takes more than just a good idea to make a fortune from an invention when he joins forces with the Fonz to try to develop a prototype trash compactor.
After Ralph and Potsie accidentally let Fonzie's new dog, Spunky, escape out of an open gate, the little boy who finds the pup gets blamed for stealing her.
Novice bookmaker, Ralph Malph, loses his shirt on a football game and must face his father to avoid the fists of a street tough named Bruiser.
A too-close shave while driving in a stock car race causes a shaken Fonzie to question his mortality, and soon leads him to Al Delvecchio's twin brother, Father Anthony, for some answers.