Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
When Jill's parents come to visit for Christmas, her mother complains that Jill's father just wants to spend his retirement sitting around the house.
All Episodes - S04
Jill loses her job, and decides to go back to school for a masters in psychology. Tim is unhappy about her decision and he wonders what she even saw in him since they both think differently about education.
Tim accidentally crushes Jill's car while operating a crane in a Tool Time segment, and has to figure out how to keep her from finding out.
Harry from the hardware store has a mild heart attack as Tim turns 40. Tim is worried and goes off the deep end about getting healthy. The boys give him a Tool Man figure made out of tools, and Jill gets him a ride on a jet (more power!).
Mark is afraid that getting eyeglasses will cause everyone to make fun of him.
Tim wants to install a central vacuum system and Jill is opposed. She agrees when he promises it will be a fast and small project. Of course, things get out of hand. Tim's brother Marty arrives and tells Tim he is leaving his wife.
When Al buys 20% of Harry's hardware store, he irritates everyone by becoming obsessed with the business, trying to change store policies, promoting the store on Tool Time and spending less time with Ilene.
After Tim attends an address Jill gives at a seminar, he accidentally videotapes himself at the hardware store making fun of her speech.
When Al has to miss a taping of Tool Time, Brad fills in for him; but Randy can't stop making fun of Brad's appearance on the show, and Tim realizes it's because Randy feels that Tim prefers Brad over him.
Tim and Jill are upset to find out that Wilson is planning on moving to the forests of Ecuador.
Mr. Art Leonard, Tim's favorite old metal shop teacher, is invited for an appearance on Tool Time, along with some of his old classmates. Unfortunately, during a taping of the show it becomes clear that the man who inspired a young Tim Taylor to seek more power is losing much of his own when his crippling arthritis is revealed, as well with his bitterness about his condition. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey
While using the garage to make scenery for Mark's school Christmas pageant, Jill accidentally leaves Tim's hot rod outside during a snowstorm, just a day before he's been asked to display it.
When Jill's parents come to visit for Christmas, her mother complains that Jill's father just wants to spend his retirement sitting around the house.
Brad finds himself overwhelmed by his new paper route, and pays Randy and Mark to do his homework and chores.
Everyone is stunned when Tim impulsively sells his hot rod to a pizza magnate - especially Brad, who helped him build it, so Tim and Brad try and talk the millionaire into selling it back. Meanwhile, Randy is embarrassed that Jill still goes along with him when shopping for clothes. Written by scgary66
Tim invites his friends over to watch the Super Bowl, but his plans are thrown off when Jill comes down with the flu.
After a Detroit magazine selects Al as the city's most eligible bachelor, women begin constantly flirting with him, causing him to lose sight of his priorities and making Ilene jealous. But the reasons for the flirting may not be what they seem. Written by scgary66
Tim puts a dance floor in the basement for Randy's birthday party, but he over-waxes it, causing Randy's friend Michelle to sprain her ankle; Randy is embarrassed that Tim is now sending his friends to the hospital.
For a segment on Tool Time, Tim agrees to fix the furnace is Benny's aunt's basement, but disaster strikes when Benny fails to tell him that there are TWO gas leaks in the house. Benny soon wears out his welcome as Tim's house guest, as everyone struggles to repair the aunt's home while she is out of town. Written by scgary66
When Tim accidentally exposes himself to his equally naked sister-in-law Nancy, who's using his and Jill's shower, he suggests they keep quiet about the incident. However, Nancy breaks the silence and a more uncomfortable one descends.
Tim accidentally throws dinner into the trash compactor and then drops Jill's ring down the furnace. Tim speaks to two guys on how to talk to women on Tool Time, and he calls Jill an old hen.
Tim and Jill are to double date with Al and Ilene at a play, but first Tim and Al have to sell tickets to a hockey game. Tim and Al get caught scalping the tickets. Wilson watches the boys while Tim and Jill are out.
After eating Polish food, Tim's stomach is bothering him so he stays up all night watching old Tool Time episodes.
After eating Polish food, Tim's stomach is bothering him so he stays up all night watching old Tool Time episodes.
Jill's sister Carrie, a globetrotting photographer, comes to visit, and their different paths in life create conflict. Meanwhile, Tim can't seem to stop arguing with his brother Marty, and the strife even spills over to create friction between Al and his brother Cal. Written by scgary66
Tim and the boys visit the hardware store where Harry and Al are working. The boys want a pocket knife, and after they leave, the knife is just gone. Al talks to Tim about the boys taking it. Tim and Jill find the knife in Mark's drawer.
Brad has a pimple before a big date. Jill sets Wilson up on a blind date with one of her professors, Judith. They seem compatible, but Wilson seems happy to keep the relationship on an intellectual level only.