Steel Shipping Drums/Police Whistles/Miniature Train Cars/Glass Blocks

Steel Shipping Drums/Police Whistles/Miniature Train Cars/Glass Blocks

As an alternative to leaky wooden barrels, steel shipping drums were invented in the late 19th century for the oil industry. The production of the shipping drum begins with the forming of steel discs for both the top and the bottom, with the use of a punch press which forms and cuts in a single move. Next, we visit a Police whistle factory to learn that the same design of this invention from the late 19th century is still being used nowadays. To make the whistle, workers start from its body which is made from high-grade brass tubing in which two sound slots are punched. As the show continues, we discover the detailed making of miniature train cars, a process that begins with historical photos or drawings of actual trains that craftsmen scale them down to 1/48 size. With the use of melted polystyrene pellets, nozzles inject into moulds the plastic which hardens almost instantly into the shape of a car. Finally, we learn about the production of glass blocks which begins with just four ... Written by Nick Riganas

  • Duration: 22 min
  • IMDb: 7.9



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HD Magnets/Cooked Ham/Silver-plated Teapots/Crash Test Dummies

Magnets/Cooked Ham/Silver-plated Teapots/Crash Test Dummies


Magnets/Cooked Ham/Silver-plated Teapots/Crash Test Dummies - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

The magnets are an essential part of our daily lives because they can be found in computers, microphones and televisions and in general, they help run motors and generators. As we visit a magnet foundry, where copper, nickel, sulphur, cobalt, aluminium, iron and titanium is cast, we follow the various steps in its production, a process that begins with the creation of a gas-treated sand mould. Next, we visit a meat factory where they use raw pork hind legs to make cooked ham. The process begins with the raw legs fed to a computerised sorting system which sends the pork legs into a tumbler to loosen the skins. After the careful trimming of fat, the meat is fed into an injection machine where 138 needles infuse a curing solution. As the show continues, we learn about the fabrication of silver-plated teapots where production starts with a thin sheet of brass that is placed inside a press with a stopper. Then, a pressure of three tonnes is applied, and a die gives the plate a specific ... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Curling Stones/Refrigerators/Aluminium Baseball Bats/Opalescent Glass

Curling Stones/Refrigerators/Aluminium Baseball Bats/Opalescent Glass


Curling Stones/Refrigerators/Aluminium Baseball Bats/Opalescent Glass - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

In the game of Curling, the players aim the large curling stone at a target while trying to knock the opponent's stones away from it. The stones are made from a specific type of fine grain, quartz-free granite only found in two quarries in the world: one in Wales and one in Scotland. Next, we visit a factory to learn about the various steps in the manufacturing of a refrigerator, a process that begins with coiled sheets of steel which will become the fridge's exterior, while the interior is made of rust-resistance aluminium with an acrylic shell. As the show continues, we discover all about the fabrication of the lightweight and durable aluminium baseball bats, which start as aircraft-grade aluminium rods. Then, after cutting them into smaller pieces called blanks, a computerised lathe with a drill opens a hole through a blank in order to undergo an impact extrusion. In the end, we find out about the making of opalescent glass, a semi-transparent glass which is created by mixing ... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Levels/Hot Dogs/Abrasive Grain/Sandpaper

Levels/Hot Dogs/Abrasive Grain/Sandpaper


Levels/Hot Dogs/Abrasive Grain/Sandpaper - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

One very important invention of the 17th century is the level, a precision tool which keeps structures plumb and true. The production of a wooden level starts with a piece of a laminated birch wood that is fed into a fixture where a computerised router cuts five holes, three of which will enclose the vials while the remaining two will serve as handles. Next, we learn about the production of a favourite street food, the hot dog, which is most likely, a German sausage maker's idea. It all begins with a ground mixture of left-over pieces of meat from cutting steaks or pork chops that are called trimmings and then, processed chicken trimmings are also added to the mix together with food starch, salt and flavourings. As the show continues, we discover the making of abrasive grains, a process that begins with the blending of bauxite, alumina and other minerals that are then released to an electric arc furnace. Then, the melted minerals are emptied into a big steel pot and they are left to ... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Ice Cream Treats/Wooden Golf Clubs/Aircraft Wings/Car Battery Recycling

Ice Cream Treats/Wooden Golf Clubs/Aircraft Wings/Car Battery Recycling


Ice Cream Treats/Wooden Golf Clubs/Aircraft Wings/Car Battery Recycling - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

In the 1920s, the ice cream industry was born, mainly because commercial freezers made the mass production of ice cream possible. The production begins with fresh cream that is just above a few degrees above freezing that is blended in refrigerated silos with ingredients such as powdered milk, plant-based stabilisers and emulsifiers, sugar and corn syrup. Next, we visit a wooden golf club factory to see the various steps in its fabrication. Production starts with a block of persimmon wood, which is a special type of ebony, that is fed into a duplicating machine where a master model is placed overhead. Then, the duplicated piece gets sanded and a slot is carved into the face of the head. As the show continues, we discover the process of making aircraft wings which in general consist of three components: the rear and main spar and the ribs. Aircraft grade aluminium is used because of its durability, tensile strength and its resistance to corrosion. Afterwards, the wing gets its ... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Automotive Fuel Pumps/Cricket Bats/Change Machines/Ductile Iron Pipe

Automotive Fuel Pumps/Cricket Bats/Change Machines/Ductile Iron Pipe


Automotive Fuel Pumps/Cricket Bats/Change Machines/Ductile Iron Pipe - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

The fuel pump is usually located inside the gas tank and it is an electrical system which pushes the gas out of the tank and into injectors which aerate the gas and deliver it to the engine's cylinders. The production starts with the pumping mechanism attached to an electric motor and then, a magnetic sleeve and a plastic cap are inserted. Next, we learn about the history of the game of cricket, a team game that dates back to the 13th century, and as historians believe, it started as a children's game. For the making of cricket bats, a particular species of white willow is used, because it has long, stringy wood fibres which give the wood its elasticity, a key performance factor. As the show continues, we discover the various steps in the making of change machines, a mid-1950s invention in response to the vending machines' boom. The fabrication begins with the making of the machine's cabinet where a computerised laser beam cuts the cabinet parts from a sheet of steel. In the end, we ... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Wooden Barrels/Fire Hydrants/Automotive Seats/Cathode Ray Tubes

Wooden Barrels/Fire Hydrants/Automotive Seats/Cathode Ray Tubes


Wooden Barrels/Fire Hydrants/Automotive Seats/Cathode Ray Tubes - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

The tradition of barrel-making is still alive nowadays as we visit a factory where wooden barrels for storing whiskey are fabricated. Made from American White Oak, they begin as planks of wood called staves which after a shave to the thickness of one inch they will be bound together by wooden or metal hoops. Next, we discover how the essential for every community fire hydrant is made, which have been in use for more than 200 years. The process begins with recycled scrap iron which is mixed with steel and wrought iron. As the show continues, we visit the assembly line of an automotive seat factory and we learn about the evolution of the car seat, which in the 19th century used to be a plain seat with no springs and minimal padding. In the end, we follow the various steps in the making of a CRT, actually an 1879 invention, which produces the image that we see on our computers and television monitors. In general, a cathode ray tube consists of two parts: a large glass bulb-like component... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Stainless Steel/Football Helmets/Resin Figurines/Laboratory Glassware

Stainless Steel/Football Helmets/Resin Figurines/Laboratory Glassware


Stainless Steel/Football Helmets/Resin Figurines/Laboratory Glassware - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

The invention of stainless steel dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, and its key ingredient is chrome which forms a protective oxide layer on its surface. Production begins from recycled metal scrap which is fed into a furnace with the addition of chrome and nickel alloys. Next, we visit a football helmet factory to learn about the various steps in its production line. In order to make a helmet, plastic pellets are fed into a machine which melts and moulds them into a specific shape which hardens within seconds. As the show continues, we find all about the making of the synthetic resin figurines which initially they are cast from a mould of the original sculpture and then, they are skilfully painted by hand. In the end, we follow the various steps in the production of the laboratory glassware, which usually start as thin glass tubes that are stacked by size, weight, length and diameter. After selecting the right size, workers place them in a spinning magazine which feeds ... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Fire Extinguishers/Doughnuts/Shock Absorbers/Banjos

Fire Extinguishers/Doughnuts/Shock Absorbers/Banjos


Fire Extinguishers/Doughnuts/Shock Absorbers/Banjos - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

The first fire extinguisher was recorded in the Middle Ages in Europe and it resembled a giant syringe squirting water at the base of a fire. Nowadays, modern extinguishers use a mixture of compressed air with a flame retardant liquid, powder or foam. The production begins with the making of the release valve, a crucial component made of aluminium. Next, we learn about the different steps in the production of the cake and yeast doughnuts. For a cake doughnut, the batter drops from a mixer right into boiling vegetable oil through shaping nozzles and it is fried for about a minute and a half. On the other hand, yeast doughnuts require more time as they need heat and humidity in order to proof. As the show continues, we visit a shock absorber factory to follow the various steps in the making of this fundamental car component. A typical shock absorber consists of two tubes, the reserve tube, and inside it, the pressure tube which houses the piston rod and the compression valve. In the end... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Dress Forms/Boat Propellers/Duvet/Faucets

Dress Forms/Boat Propellers/Duvet/Faucets


Dress Forms/Boat Propellers/Duvet/Faucets - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Dressmaking dummies or dress forms are full-scale reproductions of the human body and they can be used for solving any fitting issues or to showcase garments in stores. The production of a dress form with collapsible shoulders begins with the soaking of cardboard, which after a generous application of a plaster and tacky glue mixture, it is pressed into the shape of the body mould in several layers. Next, we visit a propeller factory to learn about its production, which starts with the melting of wax pellets into the consistency of toothpaste. Afterwards, the paste is injected into a mould of a boat propeller to take its shape which will serve as a pattern for the final product. As the show continues, we follow the steps in a duvet production line where down, a term used to describe the soft belly feathers from ducks and geese, is separated from the feathers. As unsorted feathers get sucked into a sorting machine, air that blows everything upward allows the lightweight down to pass to... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Bronze Bells/Wooden Airplane Propellers/Charcoal Briquettes/Gas Log Fireplaces

Bronze Bells/Wooden Airplane Propellers/Charcoal Briquettes/Gas Log Fireplaces


Bronze Bells/Wooden Airplane Propellers/Charcoal Briquettes/Gas Log Fireplaces - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Traditionally, bells are cast from bronze, a metal known for its durability and its melodic sound. After choosing a pattern, the process begins with the making of a high-quality mould with the use of a fine silica sand and epoxy mixture. Next, we learn about the concept of the helical screw, an invention by Leonardo Da Vinci which dates back to 1493 and it was designed to propel a machine vertically into the sky. Usually, a wooden propeller starts out as a piece of a laminated block of maple wood which consists of 36 to 48 layers, each less than 1/16 of an inch thick. As the show continues, we discover that in the 1920s, automobile manufacturer Henry Ford decided to recycle wood scraps from making cars into barbecue briquettes. The production of a typical charcoal briquette begins with sawdust and wood chips from lumber mills. In the end, we follow the various steps in the making of a gas log fireplace, a process that begins with the fitting of a gas-control valve and a gas pilot to a... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Pocket Knives/Soapstone Products/Electric Pole Transformers/Traditional Snowshoes

Pocket Knives/Soapstone Products/Electric Pole Transformers/Traditional Snowshoes


Pocket Knives/Soapstone Products/Electric Pole Transformers/Traditional Snowshoes - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

The use of the folding knife actually dates back to Ancient Rome, but since then, it has evolved to a more portable version, packed with retractable tools and knives. The process begins with a roll of stainless steel that is fed to a series of dies which stamp out blade shapes as well as installation holes. Next, we learn about the soapstone, also known as steatite, or soaprock, a versatile material which is used for cookware, kitchen sinks and countertops, because it doesn't burn or stain. Soapstone extraction begins at the quarry, by boring deep holes into the hillside where a big circle of a long, diamond-encrusted cable saws through the soapstone. As the show continues, we discover the use of the electric pole transformers, a critical part of our life, which transform the high voltage from the electrical power lines to a lower voltage suitable for home use. The production starts with a roll of paper that is covered with epoxy glue and wraps around a wooden block together with a 1/... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Steel Shipping Drums/Police Whistles/Miniature Train Cars/Glass Blocks

Steel Shipping Drums/Police Whistles/Miniature Train Cars/Glass Blocks


Steel Shipping Drums/Police Whistles/Miniature Train Cars/Glass Blocks - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

As an alternative to leaky wooden barrels, steel shipping drums were invented in the late 19th century for the oil industry. The production of the shipping drum begins with the forming of steel discs for both the top and the bottom, with the use of a punch press which forms and cuts in a single move. Next, we visit a Police whistle factory to learn that the same design of this invention from the late 19th century is still being used nowadays. To make the whistle, workers start from its body which is made from high-grade brass tubing in which two sound slots are punched. As the show continues, we discover the detailed making of miniature train cars, a process that begins with historical photos or drawings of actual trains that craftsmen scale them down to 1/48 size. With the use of melted polystyrene pellets, nozzles inject into moulds the plastic which hardens almost instantly into the shape of a car. Finally, we learn about the production of glass blocks which begins with just four ... Written by Nick Riganas

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HD Ice Cream Cones/Tent Trailers/Shoe Polish/Pliers

Ice Cream Cones/Tent Trailers/Shoe Polish/Pliers


Ice Cream Cones/Tent Trailers/Shoe Polish/Pliers - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

The first ice cream cones were invented almost a century ago and they used to be rolled waffles. Nowadays, production starts with a mixture of brown sugar, caramel colouring, flavouring ingredients, ice-cold water, flour and vegetable oil. Afterwards, the batter flows into a refrigerated tank where nozzles deposit it onto waffle-like baking plates. Next, we follow the various steps in the fabrication of tent trailers, a process that begins with the welding of tubular steel components in order to make the frame. After painting the framework, workers partially install the wiring and fit the tires. As the show continues, we learn about the shoe polish, an invention which dates back to the early '20s. The production begins with mineral spirit solvent and different variations of carnauba wax which go into a melter that heats the mixture to 260ºF for about 15 minutes. In the end, we find out that pliers actually date back to 2000 BC, as Ancient Greek Gods can be seen in drawings using them ... Written by Nick Riganas

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