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Season 04
When Jeannie thinks that her master needs more time to rest she makes everyday Sunday.
All Episodes - S02
To celebrate their first anniversary together Jeannie interrupts his current space flight by bringing him back down on the same deserted island to reopen her bottle. What Tony finds is a different bottle and an angry Blue Jin who imprisoned Jeannie originally and has sworn to kill the man who opens his bottle. Written by laird-3
When Jeannie thinks that her master needs more time to rest she makes everyday Sunday.
When Jeannie lets in a man who scoffs at her master's taste, she makes several valuable works of art appear. Afterwards the man introduces himself as from the IRS.
Through Jeannie's misguided attempts to help, Doctor Bellows thinks that Tony can make it rain at will.
When Tony says that astronauts should have perfect vision, Jeannie blinks and first gives him X-ray vision followed by making him almost blind.
When Roger will not tell Jeannie about their two dates, Jeannie turns Roger into a poodle that ends up in the dog pound.
Jeannie sends Tony back to the old West when he wishes he could have lived back then.
Roger convinces Tony that The Tales of the Arabian Nights would be a good manual on how a genie should act to his master. Tony tells Jeannie to read it, but Roger didn't let him know that it was about stories of genies who torture their masters. Written by laird-3
Jeannie is jealous of Tony meeting an old flame. When he gets her to promise to not interfere again, the old flame turns out to be the wife of a mobster that is now after Tony.
Jeannie is so sad that she doesn't know her birthday that she starts to vanish feet first.
Tony runs around trying to get Jeannie's birthday from Roger who had been sent to Alaska.
Jeannie blinks up an attentive suitor named Tony Millionaire to make Tony Nelson jealous.
When General Peterson catches Tony singing with Enrico Caruso's voice he enters him in the NASA talent contest. Unfortunately Jeannie promised to never give him that voice again.
Feeling sorry for Roger Jeannie makes all women who see him fall madly in love with him including the girlfriend of a mobster.
Jeannie gets Tony in trouble by putting $3 million in his Christmas club account.
Jeannie writes a book about child rearing that becomes a best seller, but uses Tony's name. Unfortnately NASA must give their permission before an astronaut writes a book. Child expert Tony ends up sitting Dr. Bellows' nephew and General Peterson's niece. Written by laird-3
When Roger wishes that he hadn't spilled coffee on Tony's jacket, his jacket becomes impervious to tears, stains, cutting or burning. Dr. Bellows witnesses these miracles and has to prove it.
Tony is suspected of being a spy when he is at a NASA meeting and seen in Paris having lunch with Jeannie at the same time.
Jeannie drives off with Tony's car and Tony ends up in traffic court.
After Mrs. Bellows has Jeannie's bottle copied, she takes home the real one.
Tony considers accepting a job in the private sector in Ohio. Jeannie and Roger then use a magical stereopticon device to see how Tony's life would be if he accepted. It appears that Tony would have been very happy in his luxurious office with two gorgeous secretaries. However, both Jeannie and Roger think that secretly he would be miserable because he would no longer be an astronaut. Jeannie then shows Tony a very different future where his office is located in a sub-basement with two very ugly and cranky secretaries, and that his life would be a disaster. However, it backfires when he thinks that his taking the job would help the company get on its feet. Jeannie then takes very drastic measures to ensure that Tony doesn't accept the position. Written by Brian Washington
It is Haji's birthday and Jeannie is being especially nice to Tony, even suggesting that he go out on a double date with Roger as escorts to a pair of beauty contestants. However, Tony becomes suspicious and finds out that on this particular day that all masters can send their genies away if they no longer want them. Through flashbacks, Tony and Roger recount all the major screw ups that Jeannie has put them both through. Will Tony finally get rid of Jeannie? Written by Brian Washington
After Tony can't get Sammy Davis Junior for General Peterson's birthday party, Jeannie helps him out by duplicating Sammy so he can be in both places.
Jeannie accidentally shrinks Tony and he gets attacked by a cat just as Jeannie's dream prophesied.
Tony is sent back to deal with Captain Kidd to prove his bravery.
Jeannie becomes General Peterson's secretary and then becomes accused of being a spy since she can not pass the security investigation. Jeannie only wanted Peterson to make him a general.
Jeannie puts a love spell on Tony which displeases Haji, the Master of all Genies. Haji makes Tony have several accidents that can only be undone if the love spell is taken off of him.
Upon Tony's request, Jeannie sends him back in time to talk to Napoleon who wants to execute him as a spy.
Tony reads in a book that when a genie marries her master they instantly lose their powers and become mortal, prompting Tony to propose. Jeannie then calls for Haji to show her and Roger what her life would be like after they marry and they see that Tony has been promoted to colonel. However, a little later Roger asks Haji to show Jeannie what would happen if she and Tony were to have children. They then see that they have a son and a daughter and while the son, Tony Jr., is normal, but their daughter, Jeannie Jr. winds up inheriting her mother's powers. She might also use them at a very inopportune time; when the Dr. and Mrs. Bellows drop by for a surprise visit. Will Jeannie go through with the marriage or will they live out the future as foretold? Written by Brian Washington
Jeannie mistakes the pretty caterer as the reason for a dinner party she was left out of. The guests enjoy a cake that reverts them to childhood.
Tony and Roger make up excuses to get out of a meeting with Dr. Bellows to attend a Mod Party. Things are fine until Dr. Bellows shows up at Tony's house.