Season 01
Season 02
A small group of fanatical, anti-American neo-samurai called the Tigers of Heaven target friends of Kelly.
All Episodes - S01
Kelly and Alexander travel to Hong Kong to make contract with Elroy Browne, an american athlete who defected to Red China during the '64 Tokyo Olympics, and find out if Browne wants to return to the States. If he's interested, his life will be in danger from agents who won't want their star athlete to repatriate. Written by Bill Koenig
Russ Conley, a former instructor of Kelly's, delivers a message to Kelly and Scott in Hong Kong. He tells the pair he botched an assignment, was caught and cracked. The department believes Conley's a traitor, and want the pair to kill Conley.. Written by Bill Koenig
In Hong Kong, Kelly and Alexander have to make a deal with an old Chinese gangster, but he doesn't want money; he , wants to return to Formosa (now Taiwan) - his birthplace. But he can't emigrate until he settles a large tax bill with U.S. authorities. Written by Bill Koenig
While tracking a drugs for weapons smuggling deal Kelly and Scotty encounter the mysterious Blue Dragon society which makes sorting out the bad guys from the good anyone's guess.
After Kelly and Scotty capture some heroin, the mobster wants it back, and to make certain he gets it returned, he's got a very valuable item to exchange; Scotty, who's being kept as a hostage in the gangsters' nightclub, where he's tired up and in the dressing room of the beautiful drug addicted singer (Ms Ertha Kitt) , who's working for the mobster. Written by David Foss
Our duo needs to keep an obnoxious drug smuggler alive until his escort arrives to extradite him to the United States to testify or face justice. But no one is immune to the intrigue on this assignment.
Scotty and Kelly are assigned to investigate the death of an American agent in a fiery car crash and more important, the whereabouts of the secret documents he was carrying. Word on the street is the documents were destroyed in the fire but now one really believes that, including the bad guys who are happy to trade cash or bullets to acquire them. Written by David Foss
Scotty and Kelly search for an escaped prisoner, a Chinese agent scheduled for exchange with an American held by the Chinese. Surprise! He doesn't want to be exchanged which leads to some hazardous situations.
Kelly falls in love with Tatia Loring, a free-lance photographer. His emotions for her remain strong, even when Scott confronts him with signs she's an enemy operative. She has photographed three men, all U.S. agents who've ended up dead. A fourth agent, John Irving, is killed in Kelly and Scotty's hotel room after meeting Tatia. Scott even tries to fight Kelly to prevent him from seeing her. But Kelly, wavering, decides to try one last gambit to determine if Tatia is an enemy agent or not. Written by Bill Koenig
Scotty and Kelly, with the aid of a new woman recruit, an American scientist and a bellman, need to obtain a sample of a Chinese biological warfare agent. Alas, their colleagues experience the dangers of the spy game.
This week's assignment is to recover a roll of microfilm stolen from an Army courier. Unfortunately its in the hands of a crime lord. To get it back Kelly has to meet the gangster price, in cash or blood.
A small group of fanatical, anti-American neo-samurai called the Tigers of Heaven target friends of Kelly.
Whilst in Hong Kong, and not currently on assignment, Kelly narrowly escapes a sniper's bullet while playing a tennis. He and Alexander Scott, are actually a pair of U.S. agents, Shortly thereafter, they're told to find a freight train which disappeared between China and Hong Kong. The train was supposedly only carrying building materials. It turns out, but, there was a passenger who's of great interest to China. Written by Bill Koenig
Kelly is sent on a suicide mission to spring a trap before a world renowned humanitarian blunders into it to rescue his daughter.
Kelly and Scotty are in Tokyo to help a Russian professor defect. Their cover story is they are giving tennis lessons to an American businessman's daughter. Plans go awry and the Russians retaliate by kidnapping the girl.
Kelly takes the blame for all manner of indiscretions to spare the reputation of a diplomat.
Scotty and Kelly combat a ruthless gang of smugglers who have co-opted an entire fishing village into their scheme. Although totally unarmed, with a little help from the villagers they might have a chance.
Alexander Scott, traveling undercover in Mexico as Dr. Smithfield, is abducted along with three other agronomists that an amiable freelance spy is planning to sell to a foreign power. Kelly teams up with a taxi driver to track down his kidnapped comrade. Written by Gary R. Peterson
Scotty sportingly bets Kelly a dollar that he is capable of tracking down his friend anywhere in Mexico within a week. But the hide n' seek game becomes desperately urgent after Scott learns Kelly has unknowingly been infected with anthrax that will kill him if not treated within 24 hours. Written by Gary R. Peterson
A question over a five-dollar expense account item for glass pants for Scotty's mother leads to the boys recounting for Miss Clavell the whole story of their assignment to General Ortiz, democratic leader of an island republic ousted in a revolution and now living in exile in Taxco, Mexico. The general is seeking the United States' assistance in waging a counter-revolution, but Ortiz's wife is suspiciously resistant to allowing Kelly and Scott meet the general. Why the cover-up? Written by Gary R. Peterson
Kelly and Scotty are assigned to kidnap a government official to detect shortcomings in her security detail, but Maude Murdock, a brash and scrappy Oklahoma woman, doesn't kidnap easily.
Kelly's girlfriend insists she was rescued by the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. Kelly and Scott's investigation of her claim soon dovetails with their assignment to locate a Soviet Air Force pilot thought to be defecting.
Among the acclaimed Americans who have joined a revolutionary political cabal in Mexico are a respected author and a movie actor acquaintance of Kelly's. To avoid a likely international incident, Kelly and Scott are assigned to infiltrate and oust from the organization's ranks all Americans. Written by Gary R. Peterson
Angela wants out of the spy business - suffering from guilt after killing a man and posing a liability after having a child by a Communist spy. Kelly and Scotty are assigned to bring Angela back to the United States to ensure her secrets are kept from enemy agent Teba, but Angela is resistant to leaving Mexico. Written by Gary R. Peterson
Kelly and Scott babysit the spoiled brat teenage daughter of an American VVVIP while she vacations in Taxco, Mexico. The irksome assignment assumes an air of danger after the girl buys a traditional mask that certain parties are determined to get back at all costs. Written by Gary R. Peterson
Robinson is kidnapped by enemy agents and taken to a psychiatrist, Dr. Karolyi. The doctor specializes in behavior modification, and begins a process intended to brainwash Robinson. Using pain, Dr. Karolyi breaks down Robinson to the point of dependency and control. Dr. Karolyi then brainwashes Robinson into believing Scott is a traitor, a double agent. Robinson is ordered to return to Scott, ready to terminate his partner when given the order. The time comes in a certain upscale restaurant where the death of Scott by Robinson would most hurt the image of the United States. But Robinson fails in his attempt to kill Scott. Alerted that Robinson is a rogue agent, the department decides to terminate Robinson if he cannot be stopped. Scott protests, and is given forty-eight hours to bring in Robinson. After that, Robinson is to be killed on sight. Written by Christopher D.
When a Mexican stumbles out of the jungle with two gold bars, it signals the start of an espionage race to find a missing U.S. plane with a shipment of gold. Robinson and Scott are partnered with Jack Gannon, an old high school mate of Robinson's and the only survivor from the plane crash. But when Gannon arrives, Robinson is surprised to see him with a woman named Jean, an old girl friend of Robinson's. Jean is now Gannon's fiancée. The presence of Jean brings back painful memories for Robinson, and creates tension between him and Gannon. The four head into the jungle, following Gannon's lead as his crash-impaired memory returns. But it's not long before gold fever, enemy agents, and love-fueled jealousy combine in an explosive mixture that threatens to leave them all dead in the Mexican jungle. Written by Christopher D.