Season 01
Season 02
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Season 04
Season 05
In Search of investigates Dracula by examining the life and legacy of Vlad Tepes.
All Episodes - S01
In Search of examines whether plants are capable of communicating with human beings. It looks at Marcel Vogel who claims that plants are capable of communication and Dorothy Retallack who claims that plants respond to music. It examines Kirlian photography of plants and Cleve Backster's use of a polygraph on plants and yogurt bacteria. Written by Shatterdaymorn
In Search of examines whether plants are capable of communicating with human beings. It looks at Marcel Vogel who claims that plants are capable of communication and Dorothy Retallack who claims that plants respond to music. It examines Kirlian photography of plants and Cleve Backster's use of a polygraph on plants and yogurt bacteria. Written by Shatterdaymorn
Was Oracle Chamber, which lies beneath New Hampshire's Mystery Hill, built by ancient Phoenicians who traveled to the continent thousands of years ago?
Are there signs of alien visitation here on earth? Might the mysterious markings on the Nazca Plain in Peru be landing instructions for UFOs?
Are there signs of alien visitation here on earth? Might the mysterious markings on the Nazca Plain in Peru be landing instructions for UFOs?
Probes a radio broadcast claim that the graveyard of ships and planes is actually a testing area for spacemen.
In Search Of examines the question of whether Bigfoot exists by interviewing scientists and eyewitnesses.
Examines the African killer honeybee and its possible impact on the USA. Filmed in 1976 one scientist predicts they will reach the USA by 1990 which in fact they did.
An examination of the techniques scientists are developing to study seismic activity and predict quakes.
An examination of the techniques scientists are developing to study seismic activity and predict quakes.
Probes the claim that a protective curse on king Tutankhamun's tomb accounted for a chain of mysterious deaths.
Offers the theory that the Red Planet is dying of climate changes and suggests that Earth may face a similar fate.
Explores the possibility that 14 huge stone buildings beneath the waters of the Bahamas, and a 2000 year old computer part, are part of the lost empire of Atlantis.
Examines people who use their psychic powers to help police solve crimes. Includes Peter Hurkos and Beverly Jaegers. The latter does a nice reenactment of a case she helped solve.
Examines people who use their psychic powers to help police solve crimes. Includes Peter Hurkos and Beverly Jaegers. The latter does a nice reenactment of a case she helped solve.
Can the space technologies that discovered other galaxies help us communicate with other life?
Can the space technologies that discovered other galaxies help us communicate with other life?
Do the powers of extrasensory perception really exist, and can they be taught?
Do the powers of extrasensory perception really exist, and can they be taught?
Pursues the rumor of Nazi plunder worth billions and a 30-year old track that could lead to it.
Pursues the rumor of Nazi plunder worth billions and a 30-year old track that could lead to it.
Run down rumors that the famous aviatrix, who disappeared during a 1937 flight over the Pacific Ocean, was on a spy mission.
Run down rumors that the famous aviatrix, who disappeared during a 1937 flight over the Pacific Ocean, was on a spy mission.
In Search of investigates Dracula by examining the life and legacy of Vlad Tepes.
In Search of investigates Dracula by examining the life and legacy of Vlad Tepes.
Provides answers to the mysteries of how 70-ton giant stones came to the remote island and who might have destroyed some of them.
Provides answers to the mysteries of how 70-ton giant stones came to the remote island and who might have destroyed some of them.
Studies specters and a parapsychologist's theory that they are troubled earthbound souls in need of help.
Studies specters and a parapsychologist's theory that they are troubled earthbound souls in need of help.
A visit to a soul research institute for firsthand accounts of people who claim they have died and come back to life.
A visit to a soul research institute for firsthand accounts of people who claim they have died and come back to life.
A hunt for leviathan who has so far eluded all expeditions to prove that it truly exists.
A hunt for leviathan who has so far eluded all expeditions to prove that it truly exists.
An evaluation of reports by people who have seen saucers, and the growing body of evidence that America is regularly being visited by UFOs.
An evaluation of reports by people who have seen saucers, and the growing body of evidence that America is regularly being visited by UFOs.
Experience an actual voodoo rite, and meet a priest dedicated to disarming its effects.
Experience an actual voodoo rite, and meet a priest dedicated to disarming its effects.
Camera crews accompany a Peruvian excavation party in quest of a great Inca city believed lost for 300 years.
Camera crews accompany a Peruvian excavation party in quest of a great Inca city believed lost for 300 years.
Suggests the site could be the source of a mysterious power that might hold all of Britain in a strange magnetic force field.
Suggests the site could be the source of a mysterious power that might hold all of Britain in a strange magnetic force field.