The Deadly Trap of Kagura, the Wind Sorceress

The Deadly Trap of Kagura, the Wind Sorceress

Sango and Miroku fight the Naraku puppet and Inuyasha and Kouga continue their fight (Kouga thinks Inuyasha killed his tribe). Koga beats Inuyasha and after that Kagura approaches him and brings the corpses of the dead wolf demons back to life. Koga then realizes that Kagura killed his comrades, but he can't move to attack her, because of fake Jewel shard in his hand! Kagura attacks him and prepares to take the shards in his legs, but Kouga is saved by Kagome who fires an arrow at Kagura and later Inuyasha who want to slash her with his Tetsusaiga. But Kagura, the wind sorcerer is controling all the winds in the castle, so she's resistant even to his Wind Scar. Upon Inuyasha's request, Kagome fires an arrow at Inuyasha, purifying the wind and Inuyasha is now able to see the Wound of the Wind and attacks Kagura. But before he can do any damage, Kagura flies away. As she's leaving Inuyasha notices a spider shaped scar on her back! Meanwhile, Sango and Miroku finish off Naraku's puppet. ... Written by suoma



All Episodes - S02

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HD Kakoku na wana ni kakatta Miroku

Kakoku na wana ni kakatta Miroku


Kakoku na wana ni kakatta Miroku - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.1

Miroku's Wind Tunnel gets damaged in a fight and he must return to the Temple of his master; who is the only one who can repair it. But it appears that his master is not behaving like himself.

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HD Sango's Suffering & Kohaku's Life

Sango's Suffering & Kohaku's Life


Sango's Suffering & Kohaku's Life - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Sango's younger brother, Kohaku, who's supposed to be dead, is alive. Naraku reveals that Kohaku is living because of a sacred jewel shard that is planted in his back.

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HD Tetsusaiga Is Stolen! Showdown at Naraku's Castle!

Tetsusaiga Is Stolen! Showdown at Naraku's Castle!


Tetsusaiga Is Stolen! Showdown at Naraku's Castle! - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Sango steals the Tetsusaiga and is led to Naraku's castle. Sango tries to use the opportunity to kill Naraku, but she is seriously injured by an attack from Kohaku. Inuyasha and the gang catch up to her, but they are in danger from Naraku's miasma. Written by Anonymous

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HD Jinenji, Kind Yet Sad

Jinenji, Kind Yet Sad


Jinenji, Kind Yet Sad - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Kirara has been weakened by Naraku's poison. Inuyasha and Kagome go looking for an antidotal herb. Jinenji, a demon who is protecting an herb field, is actually a half demon and is picked on by the villagers because of his weakness.

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HD Kikyo and Inuyasha, Into the Miasma

Kikyo and Inuyasha, Into the Miasma


Kikyo and Inuyasha, Into the Miasma - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Inuyasha and Miroku come across a cave when they go looking for the source of a strong evil presence. The Fuko no Jutsu has been placed on the cave. Hundreds of demons will fight to the death and are absorbed by the victors.

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HD Kikyo, Captured by Naraku

Kikyo, Captured by Naraku


Kikyo, Captured by Naraku - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Acting under Naraku's request, Kikyo traps the Inuyasha gang with an illusory mist, causing them to have nightmarish visions.

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HD Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga

Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga


Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.3
25 min

The Tenseiga and the Tetsusaiga, two great swords that were forged by swordsmith Totosai, have been left to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha by their father. Sesshomaru wants a sword to fight with and is unsatisfied with the Tenseiga, a healing sword. Written by Anonymous

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HD The True Owner of the Great Sword

The True Owner of the Great Sword


The True Owner of the Great Sword - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru continue fighting for the Tetsusaiga. After the fight, while Sesshomaru is recovering, a little orphan girl, Rin, tries to bring him food. When her village is attacked by wolf demons, Sesshomaru returns the favor and helps Rin. Meanwhile, Kagome senses a jewel shard. Inuyasha and gang follow her lead to the massacred village, where they are quickly surrounded by wolves and Koga. Written by Anonymous

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HD Kagome, Kidnapped by the Wolf Demon Koga

Kagome, Kidnapped by the Wolf Demon Koga


Kagome, Kidnapped by the Wolf Demon Koga - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.0
25 min

Koga is the young leader of the demon wolf tribe, whose wolf minions were killed by Inuyasha. He places Shikon Jewel shards in his arms and legs, which he uses as weapons, making him an even match with Inuyasha. But it's Kagome who intrigues him... Written by Anonymous

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HD The Man Who Fell in Love with Kagome!

The Man Who Fell in Love with Kagome!


The Man Who Fell in Love with Kagome! - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.0
25 min

Inuyasha and the group must battle the Birds of Paradise, before they can reach the wolf den. Meanwhile, back at the den, Koga expresses his true feelings for Kagome. When the final battle with the Birds ensues, will Inuyasha's jealousy cost Koga his life? Written by Anonymous

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HD Two Hearts, One Mind

Two Hearts, One Mind


Two Hearts, One Mind - EPS 11

IMDb: 6.8
25 min

Kagome is angry that Inuyasha is suspicious of her relationship with Koga and returns to the present day. She goes back to school for the first time in a while, where she has to deal with the advances of yet another suitor.

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HD Trapped in a Duel to the Death!

Trapped in a Duel to the Death!


Trapped in a Duel to the Death! - EPS 12

IMDb: 6.8
25 min

While Inuyasha's gang follows a demon bear with a jewel shard, Koga meets with some demons from the northern pack who tell him about their plan to storm a castle where a man has many jewel shards. When the chase leads Inuyasha and his comrades to the castle, they meet up with Koga, who is furious at the slaughter of the wolf demons. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Deadly Trap of Kagura, the Wind Sorceress

The Deadly Trap of Kagura, the Wind Sorceress


The Deadly Trap of Kagura, the Wind Sorceress - EPS 13

IMDb: 6.9
25 min

Sango and Miroku fight the Naraku puppet and Inuyasha and Kouga continue their fight (Kouga thinks Inuyasha killed his tribe). Koga beats Inuyasha and after that Kagura approaches him and brings the corpses of the dead wolf demons back to life. Koga then realizes that Kagura killed his comrades, but he can't move to attack her, because of fake Jewel shard in his hand! Kagura attacks him and prepares to take the shards in his legs, but Kouga is saved by Kagome who fires an arrow at Kagura and later Inuyasha who want to slash her with his Tetsusaiga. But Kagura, the wind sorcerer is controling all the winds in the castle, so she's resistant even to his Wind Scar. Upon Inuyasha's request, Kagome fires an arrow at Inuyasha, purifying the wind and Inuyasha is now able to see the Wound of the Wind and attacks Kagura. But before he can do any damage, Kagura flies away. As she's leaving Inuyasha notices a spider shaped scar on her back! Meanwhile, Sango and Miroku finish off Naraku's puppet. ... Written by suoma

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HD Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror

Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror


Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror - EPS 14

IMDb: 6.8
25 min

Miroku is reunited with Koharu, a girl he once made advances on. He leaves her in a certain village, where Kanna, the older sister of Kagura, appears. Kanna steals Koharu's soul with a soul-sucking mirror, and Koharu is manipulated along with the villagers into attacking Inuyasha and the others. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Wind Scar Fails

The Wind Scar Fails


The Wind Scar Fails - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Kanna's mirror fails to absorb Kagome's soul, probably because of its size, but it reflects Inuyasha's Wind Scar, the Tetsusaiga's special technique. Inuyasha is injured by the blast of wind blasted back at him. Then Naraku appears.

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HD Tetsusaiga Breaks!

Tetsusaiga Breaks!


Tetsusaiga Breaks! - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Kikyo gave the sacred jewel shards she had stolen from Kagome to Naraku. She appears before Inuyasha and tells him not to kill her until she is wiped out along with the Shikon Jewel and Naraku.

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HD Kaijinbo's Evil Sword

Kaijinbo's Evil Sword


Kaijinbo's Evil Sword - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Totosai repairs the Tetsusaiga using one of Inuyasha's fangs. Meanwhile, Sessomaru takes the fangs of the deceased Goshinki to swordsmith Kaijinbo. He brings the fangs back to life with the Tenseiga.

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HD Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin

Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin


Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Kaijinbo the swordsmith, manipulated by the sword Tokijin, charges at Inuyasha. In the end, he is wiped out by the force of the Tetsusaiga. All that is left is the Tokijin, which is untouchable because of the evil energy it emits.

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HD Juromaru and Kageromaru

Juromaru and Kageromaru


Juromaru and Kageromaru - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Naraku's new minions, Juromaru and Kageromaru, attack Inuyasha and the gang. Koga comes to save Kagome from danger. He fights the two demons as he bickers with Inuyasha, but he struggles against Kageromaru, who digs underground.

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HD Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku

Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku


Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Because of the incident with Koga, Kagome has a fight with Inuyasha and goes back to the present day. Meanwhile, Naraku wants to get rid of Onigumo's feelings for Kikyo by sending a giant Shinidamachu to kill Kikyo.

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HD Return to the Place Where We First Met

Return to the Place Where We First Met


Return to the Place Where We First Met - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Kagome returns to the present day. She senses that Inuyasha has chosen Kikyo and wonders if she can ever go back to the past, but she still has the Shikon Jewel shards. She decides to give them back and put everything to an end, until she remembers her first meeting with Inuyasha when she stands before the Sacred Tree in the present day. Written by Anonymous

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HD Kohaku's Lost Memory

Kohaku's Lost Memory


Kohaku's Lost Memory - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.1
25 min

Sango finds the bodies of her father and the other slayers at the ruins of Naraku's castle. Her brother Kohaku is nearby but can only remember that he escaped the castle.

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HD That Unforgettable Face!

That Unforgettable Face!


That Unforgettable Face! - EPS 23

IMDb: 6.9
25 min

Sango's brother Kohaku is being manipulated by Naraku and is after Kagome's life. Inuyasha and the gang have been separated from Kagome, but Kohaku doesn't take Kagome's life. Sango rushes over and tries to kill Kohaku and herself in order to free him from Naraku's control, but Inuyasha stops her. Written by Anonymous

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HD Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured

Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured


Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.7
25 min

Just as Inuyasha and the gang overcome Naraku's trap involving Kohaku, Sesshomaru, who is investigating the secrets of Inuyasha's transformation, is visiting Bokusenno, a demon tree whose wood was used to make the sheaths for the Tetsusaiga and the Tenseiga. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Demon's True Nature

The Demon's True Nature


The Demon's True Nature - EPS 25

IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Inuyasha transforms into a demon when his life is in danger. He quickly destorys Gatenmaru, who has become a giant moth. He attacks the escaping bandits with his claws, and he cannot hear Kagome trying to stop him.

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HD Father's Old Enemy: Ryukotsusei

Father's Old Enemy: Ryukotsusei


Father's Old Enemy: Ryukotsusei - EPS 26

IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Inuyasha visits Totosai's workplace by himself. The Tetsusaiga was broken by Goshinki, and Inuyasha's own fang was used to repair it. Inuyasha's fang isn't compatible with that of his great demon father, so the Tetsusaiga has become heavier. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique

The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique


The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique - EPS 27

IMDb: 6.6
25 min

Ryukotsusei knocks away the Tetsusaiga, and Inuyasha transforms into a demon. Totosai tells everyone to retreat because they are in danger, but Kagome decides to stay behind.

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