Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Buffoon Lagoon: Johnny is shipwrecked. Johnny Goes to Camp: Johnny accidentally goes to computer camp with Carl. A League of his Own: Johnny joins Mama's all-girl softball team.
All Episodes - S02
Bikini Space Planet!: Aliens mistake Johnny as the perfect specimen. Moby Jerk: Johnny boards the wrong ship for his cruise. A Gel for Johnny: Johnny's favourite hair gel runs out.
Johnny Get Your Tutu: Johnny's career test tells him that he should be a ballerina. Johnny's Inferno: Johnny summons a demon. Forest Chump: Johnny and Carl discover a remote tribe.
Karma Krisis: Johnny breaks a chain letter. A Star is Bruised: Johnny becomes the stuntman on an action film. The Prince and the Pinhead: Johnny trades places with his double.
Endless Bummer: Johnny becomes a lifeguard to impress women. Jailbird Johnny: Johnny is sent to a women's prison. Bravo 13: Johnny is accidentally launched into space with a chimp.
Doomates: Johnny moves in with Carl. Johnny's Telethon: Johnny appeals to keep his favourite shop open. Johnny's Guardian Angel: Johnny is forced to appreciate his life.
I Fly: Johnny swaps bodies with a housefly. Schnook of the North: Johnny is sent to live in the Arctic. Charm School Johnny: Pops tries to turn Johnny into a gentleman.
Johnny and the Beanstalk: Johnny buys some magic hair tonic. A Boy and his Bird: Johnny adopts an emu. Ape is Enough: When Johnny visits the South Seas a giant ape falls for him.
Panic in Jerky Town: Johnny stumbles upon a dark secret. Alien Confidential: An alien arrives on earth to bring peace. Mama's New Boyfriend: Mama falls for a Latin playboy.
Welcome Back Bravo: Johnny is forced to repeat 4th grade. The Man with the Golden Gut: Johnny's stomach becomes a big attraction. Aunt Katie's Farm: Johnny joins a TV show.
Buffoon Lagoon: Johnny is shipwrecked. Johnny Goes to Camp: Johnny accidentally goes to computer camp with Carl. A League of his Own: Johnny joins Mama's all-girl softball team.
Brave New Johnny: Johnny gets frozen in time. Witless: Johnny accidentally gets on the wrong bus and becomes a farmer. Carl be Not Proud: Johnny thinks that Carl is dying.
El Bravo Magnifico: Johnny battles a brutal bandit. Johnny-O and Juliet: Johnny falls for his beautiful neighbour. Clan of the Cave Boob: Carl tells Johnny about prehistoric life.