Grudge Match

Grudge Match

Kim's father calls on her skills to help recover a robot that was stolen from a top-secret deep-space project, headed by a Dr. Phen, who doesn't really seem adept at handling robots. The prime suspect is his former lab partner, Vivian, a gorgeous blonde. She is rumored to be hanging out at The Robot Rumble, where robotics hobbyists design battle robots and have them fight. Kim's cousin Larry gets Kim and Ron into the Rumble, where she confronts Vivian. Vivian's boyfriend, Oliver, is angry at the accusation and challenges Kim's robot (her Kimmunicator) to a fight. Even with Wade piloting it, Oliver's robot crushes it. It's then that Kim realizes that Oliver's robot is the one that was stolen from the Space Center. Kim and Ron sneak back into the Robot Rumble HQ when all the humans have left and take Oliver's robot and return it back to Dr. Phen. Back home, Kim's brothers are working on a robot for the Rumble, but its programming needs much work. Their father comments that sometimes ... Written by Tony-B4



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HD Naked Genius

Naked Genius


Naked Genius - EPS 01

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Kim and her sidekick, Ron, respond to a cry for help from a top-secret military installation, which houses a secret brain-wave device. Rufus accidentally comes between Dr. Drakken and world domination by intercepting the powers of the device. No one notices. At first. Then Ron, with a little help from Rufus, appears to be a genius at school, drawing the attention and ire of Drakken, who kidnaps the buffoon to build a doomsday device for him. Kim and the genius naked mole rat come to Ron's aid, and save the world as we know it. Written by sharpj

Country: USA
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HD Grudge Match

Grudge Match


Grudge Match - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Kim's father calls on her skills to help recover a robot that was stolen from a top-secret deep-space project, headed by a Dr. Phen, who doesn't really seem adept at handling robots. The prime suspect is his former lab partner, Vivian, a gorgeous blonde. She is rumored to be hanging out at The Robot Rumble, where robotics hobbyists design battle robots and have them fight. Kim's cousin Larry gets Kim and Ron into the Rumble, where she confronts Vivian. Vivian's boyfriend, Oliver, is angry at the accusation and challenges Kim's robot (her Kimmunicator) to a fight. Even with Wade piloting it, Oliver's robot crushes it. It's then that Kim realizes that Oliver's robot is the one that was stolen from the Space Center. Kim and Ron sneak back into the Robot Rumble HQ when all the humans have left and take Oliver's robot and return it back to Dr. Phen. Back home, Kim's brothers are working on a robot for the Rumble, but its programming needs much work. Their father comments that sometimes ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Two to Tutor

Two to Tutor


Two to Tutor - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Senior, Sr hires Sheego to tutor Junior in the art of villainy. He turns into an apt pupil, but Sr grows jealous of the time Jr and Sheego are spending together. Meanwhile, KP and Ron miss out on the primo electives of interpretive dance or photography, so they end up in home ec. Ron outshines Kim with his baking skills, which come in handy when they foil another caper. Written by sharpj

Country: USA
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HD The Ron Factor

The Ron Factor


The Ron Factor - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

The top-secret organization Global Justice and its director Dr. Director believe Kim's success on missions is because of intangible contributions from Ron, and wants to monitor him 24/7. The Worldwide Evil Empire, headed by the villain Gemini, hears about GJ's research, and kidnaps Ron for their own research. Dr. Director takes the kidnapping personally, and she and Kim go to WEE HQ to rescue Ron. Written by Tony B-4

Country: USA
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HD Car Trouble

Car Trouble


Car Trouble - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Could it be possible that there's something in the world that Kim can't do? It certainly would seem that way when she and Ron struggle with Middleton High School's driver's education course, and doesn't help when she realized Bonnie passes with ease. In the meantime, a self-driving sport utility vehicle built with artificial intelligence named S.A.D.I. seeks Kim's help in finding Dr. Freeman, her manufacturer who has just been kidnapped by Drakken so he can force him to perfect his army of destructo-bots. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Rufus in Show

Rufus in Show


Rufus in Show - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.3

A very large and expensive diamond has been stolen, and Kim and Ron go to retrieve it. The suspect is Falsetto Jones, who is suspect in other crimes but has so far eluded prosecution. To sneak onto his island lair, Kim and Ron enter his open dog show, borrowing Kim's French friend Francois's prize-winning poodle. However, Ron feeds the poodle lots of Bueno Nacho food, and she's in no condition to compete. They decide to have Rufus pretend to be a dog (a Peruvian Hairless) and compete. While Ron and Rufus attend the dog show, Kim sneaks into Jones's lair and retrieves the diamond. Unfortunately, Rufus does well in the show, and arouses Falsetto Jones's suspicion. He finds out that Rufus is a naked mole rat and links him to Kim. He catches Kim, Ron, and Rufus, and puts Rufus in a dog kennel with his wolfhounds and Kim and Ron over a pool of electric eels. (Contrary to tradition, he stays to watch their demise.) But Rufus escapes, frees Kim and Ron, and they all escape (via a parachute/... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Adventures in Rufus-Sitting

Adventures in Rufus-Sitting


Adventures in Rufus-Sitting - EPS 07

IMDb: 6.8

Kim and Ron recover a computer chip from a sunken ship to prevent it from being stolen by Shego, Duff Killigan, and Lord Moneky Fist. But when Ron goes on vacation and leaves her to take care of Rufus, he accidentally swallows the chip which activates it, spawning three separate plots to kidnap him by the aforementioned villains. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Job Unfair

Job Unfair


Job Unfair - EPS 08

IMDb: 6.7
21 min

Drakken and Shego steal a weather machine, planning to unleash an ice storm on Canada to conquer the country. Meanwhile, Kim and her classmates spend Career Week working with mentors. Ron's mentor is a secret agent, and Bonnie's mentor is Mrs. Dr. Possible, but Kim is stuck working with Joe, the new janitor at school. Kim is embarrassed to be perceived as having chosen the janitorial arts as her career, but she eventually finds Joe's training surprisingly useful. Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD The Golden Years

The Golden Years


The Golden Years - EPS 09

IMDb: 6.6
21 min

Kim's family and Ron go to Florida to help Kim's grandmother move into her new retirement community. Ron has a ulterior motive: to meet girls at spring break parties. Kim's Nana is very protective, and tries to talk Kim out of being so gutsy in her life. As fate would have it, Drakken's also in town. He's attempting to use the spring breakers' MP3 players to induce hypnotic trances and create a zombie army. Instead, he taps into hearing aids, and inducts an army of senior citizens. He decides to use them anyway, especially after he discovers Kim's grandmother is among them and makes yummy lemon bars. Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Vir-Tu-Ron



Vir-Tu-Ron - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.5

Ron tries to impress his new girlfriend, Zita, by pretending to be good at an on-line adventure game, Everlot. While boasting of his fictional talents, he raises the anger of another boy, Malcolm, who secretly longs for Zita. That night, Ron tries to meet with Zita in Everlot, but keeps getting killed. He enlists Wade, who helps Ron get vital objects in the game. He meets Zita and helps free her from a trap she'd been in. But then the Black Knight comes to stop them, but they get away. The next day, Zita gets a text message about a meeting of Everlot players downtown. She and Ron go, but only find a nearly-empty warehouse with two chairs. The chairs are a trap, which capture them and link their minds directly into the game of Everlot. Rufus is alarmed, and goes to Kim for help. Meanwhile, Ron and Zita are fighting the Black Knight in Everlot, when Ron figures out that the knight is Malcolm. Malcolm offers Zita freedom if she'll share her accumulated powers and become queen of Everlot ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD The Fearless Ferret

The Fearless Ferret


The Fearless Ferret - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Kim and Ron are Sunshine Spreaders at Dr. Possible's hospital. But fed up with emptying bedpans, Ron volunteers to try to cheer up a shut-in elderly gentleman. The man - Mr. North - is very gruff, but Ron is determined to cheer him up. While alone in the Mr. North's library, Rufus finds a secret switch. Activating it, Ron and Rufus are swept to a pair of fire poles that lead to a vast cave under North's house filled with superhero crime-fighting equipment. Reading some newspapers on display, Ron deduces that it's the lair of the Fearless Ferret - a Batman-like crime-fighter - and that North was the Ferret. He and Rufus don the tights of the Fearless Ferret and his sidekick Wonderweasel, just as North comes down and confronts them. Ron pleads with North to let him become the new Fearless Ferret, and North agrees. Ron and Rufus go out on patrol, foiling crime much as he does with Kim - by accident. Kim wonders where Ron goes at nights, so she has Wade trace him to a warehouse. There, ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Exchange



Exchange - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.8

Ron participates in an exchange program with the Yamanouchi school in Japan, which turns out to be a secret ninja school. In his place is Hirotaka, whom all the girls immediately crush on. That is, all the girls except Kim and Monique. Kim begins to crush on him after she sees him exhaust Brick Flagg by dodging his punches, then tip him over with his index finger. Monique begins to crush on him too, creating a conflict between the two. Meanwhile, Ron is still trying to adjust to the Yamanaouchi school, which seems to be easier for Rufus than him, but the stress is lessened by fellow student Yori, who appears to be developing a crush of her own. Ron is called to action when Monkeyfist invades the school and steals the Lotus Blade, which the founder of the school used to carve the school out of the mountain. Master Sensei, the school's leader, reveals to Ron the true reason why he was chosen to come to Yamanouchi: the Lotus Blade is a magical shape-shifting weapon activated by mystical ... Written by beeftony

Country: USA
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HD Rufus vs. Commodore Puddles

Rufus vs. Commodore Puddles


Rufus vs. Commodore Puddles - EPS 13

IMDb: 6.8
12 min

Drakken's shrink ray misfires, turning his pet poodle into a 50-foot colossus.

Country: USA
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HD Day of the Snowmen

Day of the Snowmen


Day of the Snowmen - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.2
12 min

A major blizzard hits Middleton, with an excessive amount of snow and wind,... and rampaging zombie snowmen.

Country: USA
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HD A Very Possible Christmas

A Very Possible Christmas


A Very Possible Christmas - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.9

After receiving what he thinks is the most badical Hanukkah gift from Kim during Christmas, Ron offers to return the favor by making his Christmas gift a break from saving the world so she can spend time with her family. In the process of doing so however, he ends up getting stranded at the North Pole with Dr. Drakken while trying to stop him from yet another plot to take over the world. Not knowing where her sidekick is, Kim goes on a desperate world-wide search for his return, with some unexpected help from her family. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Queen Bebe

Queen Bebe


Queen Bebe - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Drakken's Bebe robots (see episode 1.9, Attack of the Killer Bebes) are back, and they're trying to achieve perfection, this time without Drakken. While stealing equipment to mass-produce themselves, they realize that they need a human mind to coordinate their collective intelligence. While Kim and Ron are investigating the thefts of the equipment the Bebes have stolen, the robots overhear Kim say that Bonnie Rockwaller is the bossiest person. They decide to make Bonnie their queen. The Bebes have also perfected their super-speed, so Wade gives Kim a special pair of shoes he's designed that give the wearer super-speed. (Rufus steals the rodent-sized pair of shoes from a test mouse.) He warns her to use them only once they've located the Bebes, but Kim uses them to catch up on all the favors she's promised: cleaning up a park, decorating the gym for a dance, etc. Once Wade has located the Bebes' lair, Kim and Ron head there via helicopter. But halfway there, time seems to stop to ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Hidden Talent

Hidden Talent


Hidden Talent - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

The annual talent competition is coming up, and Bonnie is certain that she'll win, seeing as all of her older siblings have won the contest the last several years in a row. Kim signs up to prove her wrong, her talent being singing. There's just one problem: her voice crackles and she goes completely tone deaf when attempting the high notes. Meanwhile, Drakken has utilized motion-capture technology to create a cyber clone of Wade, enabling him to have Kim Possible do his bidding without her ever knowing about it. The first nefarious task he has her complete is to steal Professor Dementor's teleportation device (which works sort of like a telephone), but he forgets to have her steal the adapter, so he sends her back, the whole time masquerading as Wade. As Kim is about to deliver the adapter, the real Wade hacks back into his own system and Kim discovers Drakken's plot, but Shego sneaks up from behind and knocks her out. Drakken locks her in a chest, welds it shut, places it at the ... Written by beeftony

Country: USA
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HD Return to Wannaweep

Return to Wannaweep


Return to Wannaweep - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.5

Cheer squads and mascots from several high schools are invited to a cheer camp, to be held at a college campus. But due to plumbing problems, the camp is relocated to Camp Gottagrin. But immediately upon stepping off the bus, Ron discovers Gottagrin is really Camp Wannaweep, the nightmarish camp he was forced to go to years before, and also the site of where one of his fellow campers had mutated and trapped him and the cheer squad the year before. That camper, Gil Moss, was taken away to be cured of his mutation and re-integrated with society. He's been cured, going to public high school, and is the mascot for his high school, whose cheer squad is also at Gottagrin. Gil befriends Ron, but Ron is dubious of Gil's good intentions. He follows Gil one night, thinking to catch him in something sinister, but instead spoils Gil's surprise of his new horned-toad mascot costume. The cheer campers turn against Ron, throwing rotten veggies at him at every opportunity. But then, Ron's paranoia ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Go Team Go

Go Team Go


Go Team Go - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Kim and Ron go to Go City to visit the newest and largest Bueno Nacho. While there, a mysterious villain - Aviarius - seemingly attacks Kim, but is really after the Bueno Nacho manager, who is secretly the super-strong hero Hego. Aviarius's weapon was stealing Hego's super-strength, but it bestowed them upon Kim. Getting home, Kim relishes her new powers until Hego finds her and tells her what happened. They return to his HQ - Go Tower - which only Kim can open with her powers. There they find out that Hego and his four siblings all received powers from a mysterious meteorite (forming the Go Team), and that his sister is Shego! Hego's brother Mego arrives, powerless, to report that their twin brothers are missing. Kim decides to enlist Shego in helping find her lost little brothers. When they storm Aviarius's lair, he gets the drop on them and steals all the Go Team powers. But in the ensuing fight, Shego gets his weapon and begins using all the powers at the same time to fight ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD The Full Monkey

The Full Monkey


The Full Monkey - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.0
21 min

Kim's bad luck streak with class photos is heading for a new record when she starts turning into a monkey!

Country: USA
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HD Blush



Blush - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.5

In trying to defeat Kim Possible (who has thwarted him several times in a row), Dr. Drakken tries reading teen magazines for a clue. He gets the idea that embarrassment is the key. So he mixes a compound from a rare orchid and sprays her with it. Now, whenever she becomes embarrassed, a small vortex forms in her abdomen and starts to make her fade from existence. Ron and Wade (the latter via robot) go to South America to find an antidote, leaving Kim at her house. But Josh Mankie calls and asks her out on a date. She goes, but keeps getting embarrassed, no thanks to two Embarassment Ninjas that Drakken hired to speed along Kim's demise, as well as her twin brothers. Just as the last of him is about to disappear, Ron arrives with the antidote, and brings Kim back to full existence. Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Partners



Partners - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.2

Dr. Drakken needs help in using a stolen DNA genome sequencer to create ferocious beasts, so he romances DNAmy (or at least pretends to) in order to secure her assistance. At first DNAmy only wants to use the sequencer to create cute and cuddly creatures, but eventually Drakken persuades her to create something more intimidating. Meanwhile, Kim doesn't want to work with Ron on a science project because she always winds up doing all the work. Instead, she winds up partnered with Justine, a science genius who considers herself so superior to Kim that she wants to do all the work and have Kim stay away. Ron, in turn, is assigned to work with Monique. Monique doesn't want to be stuck doing all the work, but she finds it hard to get Ron to do anything since, unlike Monique, Ron doesn't care about grades. Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Oh Boyz

Oh Boyz


Oh Boyz - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Kim and her female friends are very into a boy band - The Oh Boyz, so the next week her mother buys her tickets for their upcoming concert. But to Mrs. Dr. Possible's disappointment, the Oh Boyz are not in anymore. Ron, however, is into them, and excitedly escorts Kim to the event. When they get there, they're the only members of the audience. Ron take the initiative and goes backstage to meet the group. Meanwhile, the Oh Boyz agent is cringing because the tour is losing money quickly; the Oh Boyz have a iron-clad contract that he can't break. Then out of the blue - and to the agents delight - Senor Senior, Sr. and Jr. come in a helicopter and kidnap the Oh Boyz and Ron. (The Seniors kidnap the Oh Boyz to ransom for connections to make Junior a teen singing sensation.) Senor Senior, Sr. calls the Oh Boyz agent to make his demands, but keeps getting dismissed, since now the tour isn't losing money. But Kim hears the Seniors over the phone, and goes to rescue Ron and The Boyz. While ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Sick Day

Sick Day


Sick Day - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.8

Kim and Ron are asked to guard Ray-X, a top-secret ray device. But just before going to the lab, Kim catches a cold from her two little brothers. While Kim is guarding Ray-X, Drakken and Shego attempt - and succeed - to steal Ray-X, but not before Shego catches the cold from Kim. Drakken needs help with Shego sick, so he contracts with Duff Killigan to help him exploit Ray-X. Meanwhile, Ron heads to Drakken's lair and retrieves Ray-X, but catches Shego's cold. Drakken comes down with the cold, and Killigan then hires a temp to take his place. They then re-steal Ray-X back from Ron. Back at the lair, Killigan is now sick, just leaving the temp, who is relishing his new career. With everyone else sick, Jim and Tim, now well, go back to get the Ray-X. The temp catches the tweebs, but Kim and Ron free them. They all catch the temp as he tries to quit, but the Ray-X machine is damaged. Kim and Ron return the Ray-X to the scientists, apologizing for letting it get damages. Out of ... Written by Tony B-4

Country: USA
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HD The Truth Hurts

The Truth Hurts


The Truth Hurts - EPS 25

IMDb: 6.6

Kim's dad is anxious because the directors of his lab are coming to dinner to consider him for a promotion. On the way to school, Kim and Ron are contacted by Wade to rescue Dr. Wong, a scientist being held in an ice fortress by Drakken and Shego. They succeed in rescuing her, but not before both Kim and Ron get hit by a ray shot by Drakken. Kim doesn't realize the problem until she is being interviewed for a cheerleading magazine and starts blurting out embarrassing secrets about her life. Wade discovers that Kim was hit by a truth ray that prevents her from censoring herself until its effects wear off in about a day. The ray has the same disinhibiting effect on Ron, but saying what is on his mind turns out to benefit him. In English class with Mr. Barkin, Ron declares that he found the assigned novel unreadable; the other students agree with him, and Mr. Barkin admits that he hates the novel too. Kim tries to tell her parents that she's been hit with a truth ray before the directors... Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Mother's Day

Mother's Day


Mother's Day - EPS 26

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

It's Mother's Day in Middleton and Kim's promise that she'd spend the day with her mom no matter what leads to Mrs. Possible coming along on a mission! But Dr. Drakken also has Mother's Day issues. Can he pull off his latest caper while keeping his mother convinced he's just a call-in radio host? Written by Taigan

Country: USA
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HD Motor Ed

Motor Ed


Motor Ed - EPS 27

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

1980's-style, glam-rocking Motor Ed and his gang of mechanics are on a global spree of hijacking sophisticated automotive parts. Meanwhile, Kim, Ron, and Rufus meet Felix Renton, a paraplegic boy whose mother is a robotics expert and a new co-worker of Kim's dad. With his tricked-out wheelchair, Felix can do everything but walk, yet Kim can't seem to help feeling self-conscious about saying the wrong things in front of him. Nevertheless when all four try to trap Motor Ed with rumors of a fake auto part, his gang kidnaps Ron, and Felix joins Kim en route to the junkyards of New Jersey to get him back. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Ron Millionaire

Ron Millionaire


Ron Millionaire - EPS 28

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Ron's rollin' in the bling-bling when his invention of the Naco gets him $99 million!

Country: USA
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HD Triple S

Triple S


Triple S - EPS 29

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Senor Senior, Sr. finds being a villain is very time-consuming, so he hires a financial consultant to run his business affairs. While working with Senor Senior, Jr., the consultant cons Junior into signing over all powers of attorney to him. He then robs the Seniors blind. Later, Kim is called upon to investigate a series of thefts that seem to follow a traveling X-Games competition. (From some video, she and Wade discover that the thief has a 555 tattooed on his neck.) At the X-Games competition in Middleton, she finds the Seniors living a humble existence in a camp trailer making and selling T-shirts, and churning their own butter. Convinced they've turned a new leaf, Kim investigates some more and finds the thief. He escapes, but not before she's convinced that the thief is Junior. Confronting him, she checks his neck, but finds no 555 tattoo. Junior lets it slip that the only tattoo he's seen like that is his father's SSS tattoo. So Kim chases Senor Senior, Sr., who is the ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Rewriting History

Rewriting History


Rewriting History - EPS 30

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Kim finds out she had a great aunt Miriam - aka Mim - who was shamed out of town because she was implicated in a theft at the Middleton Exposition 100 years before. Mr. Barkin related the story of how his ancestor - Constable Barkin - pinned the crime of a stolen energy device from a Prof. Demenz on Mim. The reality was that Bartholomew Lipsky (Dr. Drakken's ancestor) and his assistant Ms. Go stole the device, but it was lost as Mim Possible was chasing them. Mim was unfortunately caught in a photo taken by a young cub reporter - Wade's great-grandfather - who is still alive. Kim and Ron visit him, and get his original photo plates. Wade enhances them and discovers the truth of who was the real thief, but also determines that the stolen device was activated during the chase, and will discharge a huge amount of energy within the day if not found. Kim and Ron go back to the exposition museum and find the device has been lost on top of an old taco stand all this time. Just as they find ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible - EPS 31

IMDb: 6.6
30 min

Kim possible-not just an ordinary girl. She is a cheerleader and she saves the the world, even on school nights. With her sidekick, best friend and now new boyfriend and his naked mole rat (Rufus) go through normal teenage life while saving the world. what else can she do. Written by Amy.S

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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible - EPS 32

IMDb: 6.6
30 min

Kim possible-not just an ordinary girl. She is a cheerleader and she saves the the world, even on school nights. With her sidekick, best friend and now new boyfriend and his naked mole rat (Rufus) go through normal teenage life while saving the world. what else can she do. Written by Amy.S

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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible - EPS 33

IMDb: 6.6
30 min

Kim possible-not just an ordinary girl. She is a cheerleader and she saves the the world, even on school nights. With her sidekick, best friend and now new boyfriend and his naked mole rat (Rufus) go through normal teenage life while saving the world. what else can she do. Written by Amy.S

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